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Needs more cr and a LOT more er


You need a lot more crit rate and a lot more er


Er sands. Right now.


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For having an hp circlet your crit ratio is impressive! However id definitely recommend farming more artifacts with crit rate, If you currently have any other hydro dmg goblets with a focus on crit rate that would be a good place to start since its ur off piece. An ideal ratio would be around 70-80 but realistically if you can get 65 or more that would work just fine (artifacts are annoying, don’t stress too hard over it) ER is definitely low however I’m C0 with 105% ER so I’m not really one to talk. Personally from experience low er with her is completely manageable as long as you run her with some kind of battery (Nevillette, sigewinne, and really any other hydro on fav is a good option) however if you want a more comfortable and flexible furina is recommend you aim for at least 130-140 ER. Or if ur a whale u can just get her C4 lol With her signature weapon passive I’d say ur hp is fine, but it’s for sure nothing to worry over if u are regularly getting hydro resonance as well Great job with your build and I hope this is helpful ^^


I hate to break it to you, but your numbers are wrong. Your target of 130-140% is already the most optimistic range for her best teams. You need far more er than that at c0. - mono hydro, 130-140% (sometimes less, but rarely. Requires lots of favs) - with neuvi, she wants 140% - in double hydro, 160-180% - solo hydro, 200%+ Please, please, please switch to er sands. 105% at c0 is unplayable in *any* team. Even for c4 that’s only really functional with neuvi or mono hydro; it’s not even enough for double hydro. Stop building her like a dps and start building her like a support.


My numbers are speaking from personal experience, not everyone’s experience. If you need more er to 36 star abyss that’s fine, but I’m also here to tell you I have been 36 starring with Furina teams since her release with my own stats without issue. Calling my build unusable is horribly dramatic and obnoxious. I’d also like to point out Furina is not a bad sub dps and I don’t get why people undermine it so hard. My Furina very easily does 60k hits with her skills which is not small damage, she doesn’t have to just be a burst spam bot. There is absolutely value in her burst but considering I do have my burst up almost 100% of the time as is with 105 ER there’s not really a problem is there? People heavily overestimate ER needs in many communities I’ve noticed and it’s tiring.


R5 Xiphos 1300 EM furina time 👀


Broski if it’s fun I say do it