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in my head my s2 mc is happily married in a cute cosy kitchen watching bobby bake her his latest pastry obsession with kids and a dog running around - but those dreams were crushed the second they brought him in to host the finale and hit on s5 mc😔😔😔😔😔😔


as someone who hasn’t played s5… they had bobby do WHAT?????


Don’t play it. I needed therapy afterwards


the perfect way to absolutely crush us after an already horrid season


FRRRR DON’T LMAO maybe just find like a play through on YT and go to the end 😂😂


He didn't say anything about mc then, right? Or did I miss something..


S1 MC and Jake have parted ways amicably, she’s since finished med school and is living her best heart surgeon life, rich and happily single. She does not speak to anyone from LI besides Tim nowadays S2 MC and Bobby are still married and have about three kids by now. He owns a very successful catering business and bakery and she is a peds nurse at the hospital Bobby used to cater for. S2 cast is still very close S3 MC had a very peaceful break up with Harry and lives in a very nice beach house somewhere as a single mother with twins. She’s an environmental specialist and rumor has it Nicky is her baby daddy S5 MC is doing 70 to life in prison for committing mass murder against her cast mates with Lulu being the sole survivor


Omg that’s my season 5 mc too


My s5 MC took the money & still rubs it in Suresh’s face. She blocked everyone but Lulu.


My S5 MC did the same 😭But I’m one of the few that likes Kat so she and MC became really good friends after leaving their toxic exes 🙂‍↕️


heck yes, Kat deserved much better than Finn, I wish girlypop wouldn't humiliate herself for that clown on the regular


Girl def has a radar for faq bois


baby daddy nicky😂😂my dream💔💔


> S5 MC is doing 70 to life in prison for committing mass murder against her cast mates with Lulu being the sole survivor Lmao


Baby daddy Nicky needs to be a fanfic 😂


my season 4 mc is engaged to bruno! they’re not in any rush to get married but enjoy being engaged and planning the rest of their life together :) they live in a flat with two cats and she travels around with him when he performs stand-up!


I love this for them! ♥️




Right now my season 1 MC is happily married to Talia with a cat and a dog. They are living in a house over looking the ocean:)


SEASON 1: My s1 MC is happily engaged to Talia. She left the show dating Levi and went on to date for two years. They broke up after he cheated on her with Erica. There was another reunion three years after the show. Erica didn’t appear but everyone else was there. Talia and my MC were always good friends with each other but something special blossomed on the trip, and they’ve been together ever since. SEASON 2: My MC and Bobby are happily married with 3 children (two twins girls and a newborn baby boy). They left the show together and been together ever since. Bobby now has a very successful bakery. He also has a YouTube channel with 600k subscribers where he posts all types of cooking content and funny skits. My MC went back to school and became a fashion designer. SEASON 3: My Mc and Tai left together and went strong for 8 months before breaking up. The cast went on the cruise reunion and My Mc found herself in a love triangle between Camillo and Tai who wanted her back. She weighed her options and eventually realized that her heart was still with Tai. They got back together and are now happily married. She’s also pregnant with their first child. SEASON 4: My MC and Bruno have been happily dating since leaving the villa together. They’ve been traveling the world together and eventually settle down with each other. Unbeknownst to my MC, Bruno plans to propose to my MC on their current trip. SEASON 6: My MC and Roberto are still happily dating after leaving the villa together. They are currently living together in Morocco. My MC completely cut contact with Amelia after overhearing her on the phone with Ivy about her plan to steal Roberto from my MC. Amelia is also dating Marshall after dumping Toby 2 days after the finale. Marshall is also currently cheating on her with Ivy and countless other girls. SEASON 7: My Mc and Alex left the show together and dated for 5 months then broke up. Their relationship ultimately couldn’t survive Alex’s cowardice in rejecting/ defending the MC against Estelle’s constant attacks in the villa. My MC is currently single and focusing on herself. SEASON 8: My Mc and Theo left together. My MC decided to move to Greece to be with him. She quickly realized that she was in over her head, and that she still has feelings for one of her exes from the villa… Max. She broke things off with Theo and plans on reconnecting with Max at the reunion.


Curious how the reunion is gonna be tomorrow for your mc


I plan on dragging everyone with the exception of Claudia, Bea, Jin, Max, and Theo. I’m also just going to be laying it on thick crossing my fingers and hoping that Max takes my mc back. If not, imma just date Jin tbh🤷🏿‍♀️


Loved this!!


Oooh! I’m a bored creative, let’s do this! S1 MC is married to Levi, no kids. They are currently preparing to travel to the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, as Levi is now one of the coaches for the water polo team and MC is the team doctor. S2 MC is married to Gary, 3 kids, 2 dogs. They live close to Nan (never missing a Sunday roast) on a large plot of land that Gary enjoys managing. He has built every structure on their property, including their home, and in the process started his own construction company. MC and Chelsea are now business partners, and their interior design duo is largely in demand…they are currently working on the new Love Island villa for S9. S3 MC and Seb have finally confessed their mutual feelings. They see no point in marriage and have no kids. They’re happily living a very private life filled with love and laughter where they split their time between the music shop and their new medical marijuana dispensary called “Doom’s Blooms”. S4 MC is married to Bruno, and they have twins. After winning Love Island they invested their money in a local comedy club. With their mutual celebrity, and MC’s marketing and PR experience, it has become a hugely sought after location for other comics. Bruno has a regular Friday night time slot, and it’s always a packed house. S5 MC won with Finn, quickly dumped him, and proceeded to write a scandalous tell all book about her time on the show titled “How To Dispose of YOUR Toxic Trash”. She did the talk show circuit, was a frequent and popular podcast guest, cashed in royally, and has been spotted in the years following traveling around the world with numerous beautiful men, sometimes with Lulu at her side…the only other islander ever seen near MC. I’m not attached enough to anyone post S5 to even try those 😂


my s2 dream right there 😫 i miss my bra


Doom's Blooms!! I love this


my s1 MC is happily married to jake and has also patched things up with levi and cherry after picking jake my s2 is suuuuuper happily married to Bobby with a daughter and 2 dogs, she enjoys all the lovely treats Bobby and daughter bake, she keeps in close contact with her besties, Chelsea, Hope, and Priya. She also helped Hope thru her breakup with Noah. honestly don’t remember much from s3 except that my MC was with Camilo, so she’s still with him i suppose my s4 MC is still with Youcef and is besties with Angie ofc my s5 MC, according to the s8 bs, is no longer with Finn cuz he’s stupid and went back to Kat. soooo, she’s now dealing with him as a super annoying and clingy ex after finally getting a restraining order against Suresh. but despite the stupid and annoying exes, she’s found a connection with Noah. nothing too serious yet, but they enjoy each others company and she LOVES getting reading recommendations from Noah. my s6 MC came to her senses and dumped Marshall and reconnected with Andy. She’s also done her best to distance herself from Amelia after realizing just how toxic she is. my s7 MC is still with Rafael, not really a ton to report from them. aaaand my s8 MC is raving it up with Max!


My s1 was long term dating Jake until she realized he’s sooo boring and not aa passionate as Levi so she she got back together with Levi and they’ve been happily ever after My S2 is married to Gary, they worked through his body issues, he’s gained a little pudge, and Nan taught her the roast recipe. Says she cooks it perfect. Lotties still my best friend. And Chelsea is my second ❤️ My S3 MC was secretly crushing on Seb the entire time on LI and left Bill in the middle of the night to confess her feelings. Seb and MC are dating and foster kittens together My season 4 MC confessed her love for Angie and theyre married living life as proud lesbians. My S5 MC has sadly committed murder suicide with Suresh My S6 MC is traveling the world w Ryan making music and living in the country side My S7 MC is currently still in the villa cause I never finished 😭😭 S8 MC Theo and MC are traveling the world. He’s a big shot National Geographic photographer and MC travels w him while writing music 😝




I’m sorry😭😭 she murdered him and killed herself on live tv during the final


Best. Ending. Ever.




My s2 MC is currently on a motorcycle holiday with Lucas in Australia celebrating their anniversary.


Me sitting here crying cause ill never experience the bliss y'all talking about from season 1 and 2 😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔


My s2 mc and Gary had two children. MC is a SAHM and Gary owns a construction company. They never miss a Sunday with his Nan!❤️


My s4 MC and Will moved to Japan permanently, Will is painting and she is the art curator and manager of their private gallery. They travel a lot through Japan to seek inspiration and just enjoying each other without the pressure of being recognized as the winners of love island. My s5 MC is married to Bobby and has his child and is very close with Dana and Lulu who are married too. Johnny is her best friend and a famous actor now. My s6 MC is living on a farm with Andy where they have a lot of space for all of their numerous furry babies (alpacas too!) My s7 MC moved to Madrid cause Rafael missed his parents too much and they live now in that house Rafael has always dreamed to live in. My s8 MC has been dating Jin for three months and is getting ready to face Sienna at the reunion tomorrow


S1 MC and Jake are engaged and have the most healthy relationship ever in the world. Not I. A rush to get married though! S2 MC and Gary are happily married ofc and she has an amazing relationship with Gary’s nan of course, and is like a mother to her (headcanon s2 my isn’t close with her parents) and I’ve become one with his family! They are also talking about adding Lucas to the relationship. S3 MC and Harry sadly broke up :( after S3 MC cheated on him due to a major misunderstanding. Werk! S4 MC and Bruno are married and s4 my laughs everyday at Bruno’s amazing jokes they’re literally the cutest ever omg 😭😭😭 S5 MC WENT TO THERAPY AFTER THE SHOW. She did end up with gabi at the end due to her not being a bitch, and s5 mc wanted to try out a relationship with her. They decided that they were just friends. S6 MC and Andy are now social medias favorite couple. They have 6 cats. She has also cut off all contact with Amelia forever. I’m not playing anymore.we’re just assuming from here on out MC took the money


My MC is currently packing up to move to Atlanta with Shawn 🥰 he helped put in a good word for her and is now a Fashion Designer to the stars. She also may or may not be a few weeks pregnant. The money from the show will be used to prepare for the baby.


S1- MC won with Talia. They adopted a dog and live together by the coast. Marriage and kids are completely off the cards for now as they're just taking it slow together. S2- MC and Bobby get married very soon after the end of the season and quickly have two kids who they bake and play music with on the regular. Bobby opens a bakery which MC helps out with. S3- MC and AJ get engaged on my entirely different version of the boat party and buy a flat a little while after, though are living with Nicky, Elladine, Seb, and Genevieve for a bit. MC shows up to AJ's matches whenever she can, and is in the process of writing her third book. S4- MC won with Oliver but realised although he ticked every box, they just didn't align. She randomly encountered Bruno on a night out and they're now dating. The press have an absolute field day every time they're seen together. S5- MC won with Lulu. They call off the engagement, saying it was a decision they were forced into by producers, but remain good friends. They make a documentary about the absolute carnage that is S5 and become really successful off it. S6- MC moves to Australia with Flo and cuts off all contact with Amelia for mental preservation. They've just got engaged and are planning on adopting a baby in the near future. S7- MC and Rafael won and have just bought their dream house. Nothing much else to say. S8- MC and Max win Season 8 and return to normal life very quickly. Max produces MC's next metal album and comes along on tour with her. He's planning on proposing before her hometown show.


I love that she plays metal in s8! I also chose musician but mine plays in an orchestra.


s1 MC and Talia broke up cause Talia cheated and Allegra had charachter development and comforted them after being cheated on and they ended up getting together and having the healthiest and happiest love either have ever had. traveling the world together S2 MC and bobby opened a big bakery near their home they mostly stock together, a big home with multiple pets and are expecting a baby next year:) s3 MC and AJ are now on the same hockey team, made it pro and happy as ever. Just got engaged on a team trip to Italy during their off season I habe no headcannons for S4 and Angie lol s5 MC and lulu are happy and never made contact with anyone else that showed up that season. went to therapy and billed the love island producers for the trauma they caused :) s6 MC and Bella are living it up and partying together constantly and going home together and having romantic nights in together with their cats when they aren't partying. they travel all over together and do gigs all over the world


my s2 mc had a MESSY divorce with marisol, got some therapy and ended up happily with priya


S2 MC is married to Bobby, touring Europe with her band who she’s the lead singer of. He runs a successful bakery and misses her dearly, but he knows she’ll always come home.


My S1 MC is travelling the world with Levi. My S2 MC is in a happy marriage with Priya doing classy things every day. I just know that neither of them had children.


S2; Henrik and MC are homesteading in Scandinavia with a gaggle of kids and animals. Occasionally MC still does music tours. S3; Harry and MC worked things out and now own a little game store with a shop cat and two kids. They also have a Twitch channel and play in card tournaments. Rumor has it they have a tabletop game in the works.


My s2 MC and her handsome doctor Lukas set up a charity for low income folks to help them get education, college, and medical care the existing systems fail so say they need a place to stay there is a grant for that and also makes movies


S1: Even though her heart breaks for what could've been with Levi, MC and Jake are living the best life with his restaurants. Yes, he owns multiple. MC social media career took off and she is the social media manager for her husband's career. They all hang out with the rap crew still. Hr and Tim are locked in as besties and he comes to the main restaurant as entertainment when free. S2: MC and Bobby had their ups and downs ever since that Operation Nope stint. But they worked through it and became the winners. Afterwards, she branched out to acting in television productions and Bobby owns a couple of bakeries in Scotland. Bobby gets to meet some famous bakers when he joins MC in her international travels for work, earning himself a name in the bakery scene. Him, Chelsea, Priya, Gary, and MC are thick as thieves and always find ways to stick together. Hannah, Lottie, and MC have become close after the show and Lottie takes care of MC's home in America when she's gone. I like to think Lottie and Hannah actually got together too.


I love how I forgot about putting the other seasons, but oh well. 🤭


My MC is the lead singer in a band and, during the show, Bobby said he knew how to play the guitar. After the show ended, my MC let Bobby keep all the money so he could open up his own bakery. When my MC’s guitar player left the band, Bobby stepped in and their band blew up! 🤭 They’re now touring and performing at festivals and Bobby’s Bakery still remains super popular. I literally act out these scenes in my head and the shower lmfaodnejcudk


S2 MC was married to Bobby but they got separated. Then when they met at her bra’s murder mystery party. They hooked up and sparked that fire they had for each other. They are now back together expecting Bobby junior.


Living happily ever after with clouds in their adorable apartment 🥰


S1 MC and Talia didn’t make the cut but were both better for the relationship. Word out is she is now with another islander of another season but no one can quite figure out who. S2 Mc married Noah and have 2 kids they also own a little bookstore together and spend the weekends going to museums and libraries. Also they see Chelsea every Sunday for dinner and drinks. S3 Mc is living their best life single, but may have a connection with Harry after the villa. She and Camilo don’t talk anymore after the final but word has it Mc, Seb and Nicky are writing music together for her next album. S4 Mc is with Oliver and loving the low key life. S5 Mc left the villa early because she just couldn’t handle the bs. But she was seen having what looked like a dinner date with Bobby from season two. Maybe we will have new information later on. 😉 S6 Roberto and Mc were winners and were together for about a year before breaking up they have one kid together and are co-parenting amicably. Mc ended up reconnecting with Andy later on and couldn’t be happier, they are married and expecting their first kid. Mc and Amelia are no longer on speaking terms because she tried to hook up with Roberto ( her ex) and couldn’t talk her way out of it so Mc dropped her. S7 Mc and Alex are no longer together after the finale when she took the money. She actually is with Rafael now and doing well. S8 Mc and Jin are building their new life together after winning and looking forward to future endeavors together