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I believe you if you grind this while topping up Fifa Points or FC coins, but 4 days? Kounde, Ona Battle and Icon Picks SBC in 4 days pure grind? That would at least took more than 4 days to actually grind good fodders if you dont spend money on this game.


Yes this, it's possible to get good players but doing 4 or more sbcs in 4 days is impossible when you start with nothing. I mean I've even ran out of 84s and I have loads of players god knows how many 89+ players I've put in the exchange in the past week. And all the players go in picks or the tots crafting. Doing it by buying high rated packs for fodder would be easy enough. Even the start of season objectives was terrible for packs etc.


Exactly, because Kounde alone takes me 7 days to complete without spending coins.


0 fifa points used. I think I just got spooned on high rated players. 82+ and 81+ player pick gave me a lot of high rated fodder for dupe 89+ sbcs. Prob got lucky on my tots return. All together so far I probably packed over 25 tots players. Almost all low rated, but the outliers are the ones in the team. Maybe even 35+ I lost count.


Post a screenshot of your account creation date in the settings section of your companion app


That’s account creation and that’s showing 2021. I have played fifa before, just haven’t touched eafc24 since Sunday night. Here is a pic showing my quick sell recovery dating back to max 18th May. You can compare with your own. https://preview.redd.it/30g94f6w492d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccd0503e5ac5940864b3269d741f937a2281acea


Thats more than 4 days and my date range is exactly the same. So you played fifa since 2021 and did an impossible amount of sbcs and tots pulls after deciding to try fc 24 for the first time 4 days ago, or you are just lying about when you started. I guess its up to the person to decide which is most likely


I’ll show you a better way using the leaderboard system. Three pics, showing weekly match earnings, monthly match earnings and yearly match earnings. Also my settings tab on the companion app. Weekly match earnings: https://preview.redd.it/f5gstdfm692d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b401c993a4a30650257ec256a4259716511ac45 It says one image per comment, so I’ll add the images to this as replies to each other.


Monthly match earnings: https://preview.redd.it/v1x3a14t692d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=379d7fac52bcc70deacb96c4b2d500a2d616adf7


All time match earnings: https://preview.redd.it/ikemb97v692d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c8737741f99342cbc318aade4293e6c103b1c4f


Dupe 89+ goes brrr. It was super easy to get fodder. The tots crafting sbc is what allowed me to do the ona battle sbc, and a little of kounde. Then the objectives (the online friendlies mainly) gave me enough fodder for kounde. Then what was left was used in the two icon sbcs.




Yh I’m shocked at how good the team is after just 4 days.


How do you like Evo Militao? Stuck on him or Mendy


It’s up to you. Both are easily replaced cuz their playstyles with the evo are crap.


I plan on doing more of the icon sbcs as I feel like those are the only players who can improve the team, without packing one of the 500k+ players, which I don’t really have any hope of after opening the amount of packs I already have.


So unrelated but why tf does Militao have a moments card when he’s been injured all season lmao Great team. Much better than mine and I’ve been playing for like two weeks


It’s from the laliga evo lol. Free upgrade from his gold card.