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That’s when my 99 speed Bisseck turns into Maguire and let my opponent’s Kane/Lewandowski outrun him, while my 99speed Diaz decided he can’t outrun freaking anyone


I feel you, this game has a lot of momentum behind it, so it's small things like these than can tip the scales to one side or the other... something very important is to remain calm. I know it sounds absurd, but if you notice, it's very easy to see when you or your opponent are "panicking". You'll try to get the ball out of wherever it is quickly, which will lead to less consistent passing and dribbling. If you notice yourself "panicking", try to not sprint unless you are 100% certain you've got the space, rely con left stick dribbling and use L2 to shield the ball while almost spamming L1 to send other players forward. This will allow you to be a little more in control until you can a see clear opening to play the ball into. If your opponent has the ball, make sure to not commit into a tackle unless you're pretty much on top of the player with the ball, that way you won't get caught out, and try to avoid manually using your defenders, always try to track back with your DMs or even wingers in some cases. The main thing is to try to remain calm and not rush, whether in attack or defense. Whoever rushes the most will most likely be the one to lose in the end... good luck buddy!


Nice tips


Found Mourinho's reddit




Tracking back with midfielders and wingers is an absolute gamechanger. If only player switching wasn't so janky.


Sometimes it's a tactical change by the opponent and sometimes it's mental as you the player..... the game play is super inconsistent, too. I can't tell you what it is, but I suggest conditioning it in yourself that the game isn't over at 3 nil and that you have to keep scoring instead of playing defensively or whatever you're doing.


in this case you have to rat it up and start keeping the ball without attacking, as you will lose the ball in attack, whilst if you hold the ball they wont able to score.


Honestly I will try but I feel like I cant complete a couple passes in a row at that point. I understand this how the game is but damn its a total 180 of how it was when I was scoring


Same 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ I can’t bear passing the ball at the back for more than 5 mins, but whenever I try to play some passes forward, then I fucked up and let the opponent score on a counter


Swear bro feels like Im getting attacked lmaoo


Try practicing to use R1/RB to get your mates closer. Helped me a lot in passing game, especially under pressure. That and ratting in the back seems the way to go, sadly. Tried it the nice way for way too long but after 2 weeks of being stuck at the Div 1 checkpoint and not even getting the 7 win bonus (due to conceding draws in the final minutes in borderline must-win games) I‘ve had enough and finally won some games again.


Gameplay today is terrible to be honest, friendly série A is worst i ever experienced. Maybe i would not judge the game based on today if you had bad matchd To me it's not 3-0, it is usually when i'm winning(or losing) 2-0 at the end of first half. Cannot count the amount of times the game ended 2-3 with an unplayable second half for one player.  I feel like the way is to play less agressive, pass the ball until there is a hole. Opponent has to attack anyway so just let him come for you


Honestly the fact you are terrified is the part thats letting you down.. you are letting your emotions get the better of you, instead of just playing your normal game. You’re reacting to deflections or passes going wrong when in a normal 0-0 game you’d quickly forget it and carry on.. yes the game has times where it feels like its against you but keeping your head and playing the way you normally would is gonna help you alot


Agree 🤝


Better to score a few own goals and play from behind than having a lead in this game


Think I have more wins this way😂


Same shit always happens when I'm 2 up. Idk if it's a psychological thing or a game thing 💀


100% game bro😂 maybe both hahaha


That’s why you need to switch to 5 atb when dda kicks in


honestly a good idea


Try putting on some subs around the 70th minute.


Maybe, just maybe, you being terrified has something to do with your inability to hold a lead.




lol what? you might need to get out if you take that literally. you’re on a video game sub lol…


nah I know you dont actually mean terrified literally but I see way too many people coming to this sub and elsewhere saying this kind of stuff, everyone plays the game like they have a pistol pointed to their head, you guys need to chill out, you lose a couple of games fuck it who cares, turn it off and get out if it makes you mad, it's a game, if you dont enjoy it just leave it, that's my opinion anyway


Gaming not for you



