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That’s a great attitude to have. Play to improve not to win


I noticed I’ve been improving even after conceding heavily and I still finish the match


Most opponents hate that attitude. As if you have to quit after you are 2:0 behind. Hate that condition


I deliberately avoid rivals/champs because I’m so shit at this game but this is literally the reason why I play a small handful of games - there’s always room for improvement.


I have a rule of thumb: if the opponent is a kick-off merchant, does the Griddy or uses the stadium with impossible to play lights I either play all the way and pause to fiddle with my formation a lot or I quit at draw wich I never ever ever do otherwise. I always gift if I decide to leave for some reason. But if people behave like jerks, it will come right back to them.


what do you mean, 'impossible to play stadium lights'? wont they be affected by it too?


No they adjust brightness/contrast on their screens that it doesn’t affect them. With normal settings that will mess you up.


I thought it only happened to me. You're totally right!


And I got taken the piss out of for being salty at the absolute desperation of these gimps




Removed for - Rule 1 (Lack of respect)


Quit at a draw?! You both agree to the full game at the start! If my opponent ever tried to make me leave and be toxic, I’d wait their pauses it as time is so valuable to them and mine isn’t respected (obviously skip first as it could be an accident or genuine reason), drag the half way break out, if they pass around then I’ll wiggle my analog sticks to waste time, late on in the game I’d try for the ball, if I can win and score then another delay happens because celebrations take time, get the ball back if possible and utilise all my pauses waiting them out late on 80-90 mins as they’ve already won so would be a fool to quit. Morale of the story, treat others how you want to be treated, I will happily be called toxic for this but don’t give if you can’t take :)


This sounds made up, but I've come back from down 0-5 and won 6-5. If I recall, basically the guy scored 5 miracle goals in a row. I had this weird feeling that he wasn't even that good, he just had 5 crazy ass goals and everything was going his way. Came back and beat him, shit was crazy. To be fair I've played thousands of games (been playing since 2001) so there's bound to be a game like this in there somewhere haha.


I had a game that i was losing 4-0 at half time. Manage to get 4-5 around the 80th minute but my dumbass didnt want to waste time and kill the game. Just want to attack more. Lost 6-5.


Same thing happened to me bro - down 5-0 at halftime and i scored 3 corners, a pen, a rebound and a stupid dribble through the entire team in the 90th minute lmaoooo It was one of those wins where I was fkn mad at the bullshit even if it favoured me




🤣🤣🤣🤣 EA sports its in the DDA and scripts


Did you have the goals all scored against you like hella quick. Cos maybe not 5-0 so respect but I constantly have absolutely shit players who just randomly score like 3 crazy goals and my team goes retard for like 10 min, but then always come back cos they’re shit. Like the game lets you score at times. And tbf had same happen where my opponents team just goes retard and I score goal after goal that just don’t make sense.


Yeah all 5 goals happened fast, it was like I had no control of what was going on. Btw I'm an Elite / Rank 1/2 player so I know what I'm doing. It was bizarre. But I can always tell a fluke when I see one. I always base my opponent's skill on the positioning and effectiveness of their defense/tackles. And if they suck at that but somehow score a couple early lucky goals, I know by the 90th minute I'll be ahead


That’s literally like with me like I’m not the best player but I’ve played enough where I’m good and still have that happen, and straight after it’s like they’re back to playing shit. Pretty much every time I play it baffles me cos you can properly tell they’re bad players with no skill but somehow the game gives it them. Just glad I ain’t the only one this is happening to but respect for the comeback g.


I rarely see 5 goal comebacks but 3-4 happen weekly for me with all the scripting


I been leading 6-1 in 25th and the opp equalised at Half time...i was in disbilief what I am seeing. First part of the half he was like a noob who never played the game before but then he turned into a pro.


I always do that. These guys doing speed run do everything in their power like griddy celeb, skill showcase. Nur, nah. I'm not quitting.


Lol I don’t understand it because if they do toxic shit it just makes me want to not quit even more. Why save them time?


If I go up by 3 or 4 I just start practicing my dribble mechanics. I don't score unless I can dribble it directly in


If I know you're playing with constant pressure set on, I'm definitely not going anywhere. We'll meet second half 🤭


I was 5-0 down and dude also was doing stuff for me to quit. Had the game 5-3 at the end lol


Good on ya. Winning mindset you've got. Tye point of the game is to have fun, do your best, and learn along the way. It's culturally a sign of respect as a German to always your best play against an opponent, so I do keep scoring if I'm up. That said if it's friendlies and there's a goal obj, I usually score on myself if someone's toughed it out. I may mistime a sliding tackle here or there, though, and leave a path on through goal if I'm up 4 or more, though. I'm not here to crush anyone's spirits, and few people actually want to do the work to improve.


That German mindset of always giving it your all despite the circumstances peaked in their THRILLING underdog game against Brazil in 2014 of course.


I agree, but I considered Germany favorites going into that match. Brazil was propped up by silva and Neymar that wc and were lost when one of them went down. Germany was absolutely STACKED. If you look at Spain in 2010 and Germany in 2014, both teams had multiple players who were deservedly rated 82+ in fifa that didn't make their wc team. That said, if you look at this past champions league final Dortmund played all out, were gassed at half time, and then Real Madrid took advantage and beat a fatigued German side the 2nd half. Going all out can be different from giving your best ie real did their best by staying disciplined, keeping shape, and conserving their energy in that first half. There's something to be said about knowing how much and when to run in football as that's a big thing with messi ans unfortunately I'm just learning now at 36 when I can't run all game like I used to at 20😂


It’s so funny when these players continue to griddy and pause to no avail. I’m always thinking “bro when are you going to realize I’m not leaving” I’ve gotta hit my daily play objective after all 😭😅


Way too many people play with their ego at the forefront of their game. They're typically the ones to pause after going a goal up, or griddy when scoring a goal to take the lead, and more often than not have very little going on in their lives outside FIFA. Winning games of FIFA is their only "accomplishment", and it shows.


Nothing is more satisfying than coming back to win a match where they pause to get you quit.




Honestly, I’ll be there no matter how many corner exploits you do. Hope you’re having fun.


Agreed I’ll stay the whole game out of spite if you pause for me.


Pause for me to quit? Nah ion wanna play with people like that I'll backpass the whole game and triple pause during 90th min injury time


Guy did it to me last time, started to play more calmly and came back from 1-6 to win 8-6 🫡 biggest comeback for me yet :P


Never quit. It is a game to play, nothing more


I always play on. It’s a game and, despite its flaws, I still enjoy it and if it’s a time I’m not enjoying it, I don’t play. To expect someone to not play a game because you want things done quickly is a shitty attitude and testament to everything wrong about the game…that it is that rewards and opening packs is more important than playing.


Love it! You def gotta play botter opps to get better ngl i try to do this but sometimes at half I'm just like fuck it lol


I like playing full games against people I’m scoring a lot of goals against lol. Why would I want you to quit when the next person I play is going to end up scoring 4 bullshit goals instantly.


bro i got spanked 12-1 the other week. no shit it wasnt funny


Respect 🫡 I do the exact same. My friends think im crazy but it’s legit just a good time to learn.


Haha i laugh at people that do this in friendlies, score a goal then pause... You think I'm not doing the "play matches" objective? you're wrong!


https://preview.redd.it/dilmi0gmw75d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdff6a56bcac052e39cdca53f05ae1e0b33ca26f THIS IS IT!!!! Never quit a game! Never!! This attitude earned me this.


Earned you what??


20k coins maybe??


I particularly love when my opponent starts to just d*ck around and try to taunt me, but I manage to sneak a couple past and make them sweat it a bit.


This is a very very good mindset. A true winner mindset. Unfortunately, it's on the wrong game. You won't learn anything here.


Correct this guy did same to me


This is the way




Yeah the majority of the time if I’m getting beat badly I just suck it up and try harder. The odd occasion I’ll leave early doors to beat the crowds on the way home


If im getting battered fair and square im happy to give in a save us both time, its been earned. If my opponent pauses for me to quit u best believe im dragging that game out myself, no need to be disrespectful and toxic


You have my respect! 👏🏻




Good one lol, plus you still get Champs finals qualification points even if you lose if playing in Champs


If people do this I just try and score with my keeper and usually they score an open goal and griddy acting like I’m trying


Fair play to you at least someone has that attitude I hate that rubbish of pausing after each goal and then to make it worse there the ones will say your wasting time Good on you I hope I get a game against you at least I’ll get 90 mins


I love the guys who want you to quit by doing keepy uppys and step overs.. mate your player is getting slide tackled.. had someone do it to me and 2 of his players went off injured and I only got a yellow .. mate I am making you play every second of this match how else can I improve lol.. petty but hey I paid for the game too


have only left a single game this season to gift my last weekend champs finals game, even tho its only like 20 coins I aint going to damage my dnf modifier, i have a theory the more you disconnect the more ragequiters you play and those are the sweatiest


I also think there definitely some winnable games that don't start out that way. One game I scored early and the guy quit, and I'm like it's one goal and like 10 min in? Different game (all the way down in division 6) but I was down 4-1 at half. Figured the game was a loss but kept playing because it's been the first competitive game I've had for a few days. Scored on my first possession, and then he committed a penalty in the box to make it only a one goal deficit before the 60th minute. Seems like he's panicking and I draw level, and score two more before the 75th. Ended up winning it, so there's always a chance I guess.


When you're playing for fun, ignoring the toxicity, you can enjoy those kinds of games. I'm terrible at defending but can adapt my play quite well, I score most of my goals in the second half. A 3-goal deficit can be turned around, especially as player fatigue kicks in, and the game becomes more tactical.


2 wrongs don't make a right


Good job on wasting both your time. Just quit bro you are learning nothing from getting smashed


Sounds like you’re the one usually leaving the matches


It's a game, already wasting time playing it in the first place.


then find something better to do than getting slammed if your ego is too big to leave? again, waste of both parties’ time




Abusing meta rather than having fun isn't wasting time uh?


you just stop at the beginning and quit the game session, this is absurd, we shouldnt be playing against these players


They show their original face just after scoring the first goal. So if we quit that's happy for them.


I also do that! One step closer to completing objectives even if I lose


Man just leave, why’s wrong with ya’ll you not gonna get better getting smacked 20-0 , your little ego is shameless


Funny that I'm just coming back to "FIFA" after years and years of not playing and finding a whole universe in terms of (dis)respect, people actually quitting on games, celebrating for you to get pissed off, even the pitch lights for an edge over the opponent... What the hell. This used to be fun. Still is, but damn, people are really getting pissed off and quitting matches. Wise decision to not enable mics in the game, would be terrible to watch/hear. Well done on not quitting. Learning a lot and improving after getting some ugly beatings quite a few times as I come back to the game.