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Corners are one of the worst things about this game, I have no answer for them


Aerial+ needs a nerf like theres no tomorrow. Corners are basically pens against certain players


Aerial+ is the biggest noob friendly mechanic added to the game ever. You can just run down the wing and spam crosses to Sorloth and just watch him dunk on every CB because the CB either refuses to jump and challenge for the ball or the CB auto switches to someone else


Yup that's exactly what it feels like and it's exhausting


1. Use auto-switch on air balls. 2. Place your taller CB a little bit outside the smaller area in line with the first post. 3. Set your GK to go out on corners to grab the ball. This should cover most situations, specially if you feel like moving around your CBs a lot trying to prevent the header. Having said that, corners are broken, so every so often you'll concede a goal against Drogba or Sorloth or any of those giant monsters. And as a general rule, I do as much as possible to not let their wings win the position and cross. If you put your LB/RB in the space they are trying to go (like all the way back to your corner), 95% of the time people will try to go into the center, which gives you an advantage because you have more people there and since you already know they are doing that, you'll be able to anticipate or intercept.


Corners with tall players are broken


Select the defenders with aerial plus and jockey the attacker with L2 as ball is coming in.


Yes, but sometimes the player you're moving, just auto switches. Feels like some players know how to forcefully auto switch a player.


Man I cant score a corner anymore


Bring your goalkeeper out so he can claim the cross.


you do that and alot of players with deadball+ corner takers are throwing that into your net directly




Click and hold the right analogue stick and bring them out slightly or in front of their target man. Learnt how to do it a few weeks ago and haven’t conceded since




Press the right stick and you can move your gk. Bring it out from the goal post (basically all ball went in the small box will be claimed by gk), and use your defender and place it in front of potential opponent player that will head the ball.


Thanks! Will try.


hold R3 and while holding it down move right stick where you want the keeper to go.


The TLDR is in the comments. Thanks!


there are only about 3 general area where corner go in, gk can cover one, your cb can cover one. You should have gk cover middle post, just move them out a tiny bit, and cb cover front post. If they cross far post, if they move their striker track with your cb, if they just cross in without selecting player your gk should made a save most of the time


Doesn’t matter what you learn some sweaty ah will call player and whipped past your whole defense to their tallest player


Select your tall defender to stand in front of their receiver to intercept the ball. Don’t stand right next to them and try to out muscle those power forwards. The game will always find a way to beat you.


I actually switch to Giroud or Joselu to defend them. The only issue is that it doesn't work automatically and you need to switch manually, which unfortunately doesn't work that good in this game.


Here’s the thing… you don’t


Move your gk a couple of ticks out of the goal and move your tallest defender in front of their target man


Getting a big defender with aerial+ is the best thing you can do to have a chance. But even the pros say there is no reliable way to defend against it, there was a reason why in the last EA tournament everyone bar one had Drogba in the team for his heading ability.


Aim your header out of play instead of up the field always helps, gives the defenders more priority in defensive headers


I find standing around the pen spot with your tallest player is your best bet


Select players and move them in front of their Aerial+ players. Also switch of auto switching for Lobbed balls. Alot of times even if you have a defender selected and in front of their Drogba it suddenly switches to another defender when the corner comes in


Aerial+ is now worse than Finesse+ and trivelas ever were. Needs nerfing quickly.


Do people not understand marking? Proper league 2 man to make marking. But your biggest defender on him


The problem is that you can’t reliably defend it. It’s broken. All you can hope for is that your opponent screws up. 


move keeper out


#1 You do your best to track the player they selected and get in front of him. #2 Learn some corner routines yourself. It wont annoy you as much.


Much less annoying when you scored corners occasionally




Don’t concede corners.


If only it wasn't as easy as shooting from outside the box