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It’s either this or the corner kick spam, either way undefendable


Corners are unreal. No way to defend it. I have bisseck and VVD still doesn’t work


that’s so real lmao i used bisseck and vidic + toty essien and i still conceded regularly. I gave up on it and play silva instead of vidic now and accept that ill concede on a corner


Block the runner always, select your player with arial+ and block the player movement, just stand in front of the player they select and keep pushing them, this causes a disturbance in their positioning (even if they run or move, the aim is to startle them when the ball is launched) and they miss the header most of the times, works like 70% of time.


Thats simply not true. I dont have a problem defending corners. And VVD and Bisseck are only two players. Your box is a big area. Two men cant defend alone.


Bro that’s dumb. Almost everybody else is in that box is useless unless they have aerial+


Yeah,so what are we deducting from what you just said?


How do you not concede?


Tall players in general and four of them with aerial + will do the job.


4 tall players with aerial+ 😂😂😂


Whats so funny? Gabriel, Sorloth,Lewa and Drogba


So your argument is that you have no problems defending corners, and it's because 2 cb's can't defend alone, therefore you start 3 skyscrapers in your attack in Sorloth, Lewy and Drogba to do it 😂 not everyone wants an attack built just to defend man


No. Thats a bonus and its normal as well. Tall teams are superior in set pieces. Those that don't have tall players,arent good at them. If you have players like Sawa,Rolfo,Eusebio,Cruyff etc,you cant moan that you are ineffective at set pieces. Makes sense. You gain dribbling ability etc but you lose physicality. Its your choice how you build your team.


Ineffective at defending set pieces with smaller players is way different than being completely unable to defend a corner, resulting in a certain goal


In over 800 h2h games this season I didn’t concede corner a single time. Just hold pass on max power and my grimaldo jumps higher than son


Those FUT Drogba headers can be infuriating.


How about a cross from the wing to another side where your opponents player suddenly perfectly arrives and scores a bicycle goal. That is the only shit that can make me go mad .


I rarely concede direct corners these days. I pull my TOTY Cech to the 6 or farther and manually control my Vidic or Bisseck and mark their target in the box. Make sure your switching is on manual so it doesn’t change in the air if you don’t want it to. Unless they have a Dead Ball+ player taking the corner I almost dare them to score an olympico too. Most can’t.


F****** sorloth beasting koulibaly TOTS on the corners


this isn’t every goal for me, but holy fuck I hate when I come up against those who only score this way.


And they have a stacked ass team which goes to waste when the little fucker is just running down the fucking wing


No dude, the stacked ass team is there to prevent you from scoring back against them


lol you forgot to draw 11 defenders in the box with Mbappe playing lb.


frustrates me so much to see someone with the best cards that can score from anywhere on a whim at times doing this for tap ins.


It's the most effective way


You’re right, and sure it’s even used in real life, but playing like this is unrewarding and doesn’t showcase any skill, specially since it is broken in game. It’s the equivalent of camping in CoD, or using the Scar-20 in CS.


I agree it doesn't show any skill, absolutely. I understand peoples arguments that it's not fun. I just wanna be honest and say I dont play this game for fun. For me, winning is the most important thing, and when 99% of my opponents exploit all kinds of things in the game, I have no choice but to be just as ruthless.


But it isn’t unrewarding. You are rewarded for results. It infuriates me too. But if it works it works. I prefer to try and play nice football. And am probably being regularly beaten by 9 year olds doing this. But I would argue I am a better footballer than the 9 year old. But they are better than me at fifa.




Can’t stop them all but I’ve gotten better at this one. Now it’s the pass along the top of the box and then again to a player coming into the box. You just end up with a gaping hole where a CB should be or a midfielder failing to track the runner.


Imo that's the one thats really annoying and is not defendable most times also some corners are just down to luck.


Yep, this is my least favorite by far. I can adjust to the sideline cutbacks, but with the scenario you described you're at the mercy of the AI for the players you aren't controlling. Worst part if you do switch to the defender nearest the player making a run the slight delay in inputs won't let you react on time.


I raise you this https://preview.redd.it/7wuwoxqbac5d1.jpeg?width=1810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67909db28dc93c51f35d5c98ffd110fbfddf16e0


Lol that’s how I play


Most annoying is when their player runs off the pitch but they maintain the ball inside of it.


A while back I was 1-1 against a team with a decent team.mine was also pretty mid tbh but in the second half he scored SEVEN GOALS IN A ROW BY RUNNING ON THE WING WITH HIS GOLD MEAD CARD. Might've been a skill issue but damn


Also the trickster acrobat


This is why I play a 4-2-3-1, user my DM and teammate contain my LB/RB


This is the way no more cutbacks.


The worst is when you absolutely work your ass off defending a 2-1 lead until the 93rd min and they score one of these, not like it’s happened to me or anything


It’s the only way to score with opponents using constant press 71 depth. Every team I’ve faced uses that, with no exception


Yeah,that is simply not true. You can score all types of goals. The game has a good variety of scoring goals.


And yet here we are in a post with a drawing of 90% of the goals scored


Thats the players fault. Not the games. Doesnt mean that the game is flawless. The player chooses to play like that. I have been scoring goals through the middle all freaking year. You can also score crosses,corners,long throw ins,powershots,finesses etc


I think the problem here is not that you cant use other tactics, is just how retarded and overpowered something so simple is. Why bother with complicated build ups when you can do this? I dont rely on this (because good players will stop it everytime), but its so annoying when someone just runs down the line and scores an easy goal when you are here Guardioling your way in, doing complicated runs, skill moves and whatnot. Edit: well, this is annoying and also when the ST just turns around even though your CB is right on top of him and just runs from the middle and scores. That one really pisses me off for how braindead it is.


Yeah, u can play football. Its a footbal game, not a cut back fest...


The subject of the post suggests otherwise


Change your defensive width out of your current sub 40 and the problem goes away. Cutbacks aren’t as hard to defend anymore


I could deal with those I can’t stand the fuckin crossing back and forth fuck I hate that !!!


I barely concede goals like that, most of them are crosses into a tall striker with aerial+ or corners. Also why is that kind of goal annoying, it's defendable and usually my own mistake if I concede.


i would stop it, if it wasnt for the delay and my defenders getting bounced by every attacker.


This game hasn’t changed at all since its release lmao


And people still play. Crazy.


fut champs is cancer right now. like its been said a million times before. people are playing like their life is on the line, its fucking sad...


People are trying to win in a competitive mode? The horror!




Removed for - Rule 1 (Lack of respect)


I almost lost a game because the guy had a tots sterling that zanetti just couldnt catch and he ran twice down the line with no further build up and just went to my keeper and scored. I started to pull the line further back and the runs stopped and I managed to get the win… but man was I mad




This game is skilless


Most of the gols i concede.


even straight after kick off🙏🏻




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It's crazy because i've seen players with dihno, r9, vini, top strikers/wingers constantly spam this bs. i usually activate the "hug the sideline" command in game and jockey infront of the player trying to cutback pass while also having two of my players cover two of the closest opposition players to the ball in the box (i think its double tap r1 or l1, barely concede from those cutback passing rats


Thanks to cutback rats I have gotten pretty good at defending them, but despite it I still concede quite a bit of them but not as much as before.


Yea, i rarely concede them but i still hate rats for trying to cutback everytime. They literally dont try anything at all. Give the ball to winger run down the line pass it and try to get lucky and score. How can someone have fun from this 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Usually I will BM them whenever I score a goal if I find they are one of those rats, that’s their only tactic to score goals and it’s pathetic


Boils my blood


Double tap r1 helps stops cut ins


I actually defend these the best. I hardly concede this type of goal




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My worst is the trickster flick + L2 shot and it dips my keeper every time. It’s so broken and I don’t even know how to do that trickster flick so can’t do it back to them


Yeah absolutely the same. Hard to defend as you read the turn ok and come across but it’s already left the boot by the time your player reacts, then of course your gk is miles away. I just laugh to myself now when opponents do this and take it as a compliment that they can’t score a goal without exploiting a broken mechanic. Bit like the long range trivellas or bicycle kicks from corner a while back. If that’s all you’ve got that’s fine.


Counter counter counter counter goal or counter corner counter corner counter corner goal


U are forgeting the flick goals, every other game theres is a fckin rat that just scores with flicks, and its allways goal xD RIP EA..


I think this game should be called EXPLOIT FC


And it's hamm, rolfo or any other dribble queen


Elite division gaming in a nutshell lmao


Does no one know you just double tap r1 when they get to the byline to defend these?


I griddy on people that play like this everytime I score most boring possible games to play it’s honestly to the point I’ll always send a message to the ppl that don’t showing respect even if I lose by 5 plus


It properly frustrates me coming up against 96 rated teams and all they try to do is cut back, I try and utilise partial team press as much as possible and they still almost always manage to find a pass and score the sweatiest cutback.


Maybe because every team has like 11 players in the box, and whenever VVD comes close with his 5m wide aura, if you try to go thru the middle your 97 winger forgot how to dribble the ball.


I just get beat everytime on a thru pass up the middle


Best way to counter is not to try to tackle and once on the by line 2 man press them and then quickly double tap r1/rb to use your players to mark up to closest attackers then it's up to the keeper to intercept a pass if it still gets through


There are people that literally do exactly what’s on this picture THE-ENTIRE-GAME. It’s mind boggling how that’s fun. I refuse to play like this man. Even in champs finals I try to play in a respectable way as much as possible.


Somebody leaked my gameplan


Shame on you 😠


Pro clubs drop ins have made me enjoy playing again I’d definitely recommend


Seems like you should do a better job defending it? I mean it's already June, you've had like 6 months to practice how to defend it  1. Select your LB and run back towards your goal line. Your objective is to prevent the opponent from getting past you (the down arrow in your diagram).   2. If the opponent fakes running back up, let him. Don't follow. Maintain your defensive position   3. Simultaneously double tap and hold r1 to activate partial team press. It will cause your 2 closest defenders to tightly mark inside the box


Chill dude its a meme, im not conceding cutbacks, its a funny post 😂. Thanks for the advice tho.


>Select your LB and run back towards your goal line. Your objective is to prevent the opponent from getting past you (the down arrow in your diagram). They're always faster, so I can't stop them with my LB


In that case quickly switch to your cb and cover the space. But if you're getting beat regularly like that then your defensive line may be too high in custom tactics 


I think it's on 55 depth for defense and 50 for offense. I just started playing 2 weeks ago, I think the main issue is that I am slow in anticipating the opponent's move, so by the time I switch to my LB or my CB they're already passing to someone else and they're gone down the middle. I'll need to work on that partial team press


Just One Side of the Pitch?? Maybe you should start using 5 LBs 🤣🤣


Idk if I’m just bad, but I cannot for the life of me score that way. Either I pass too early or wait too long to pass every time. I score like 95% on counter attack 1 on 1’s


You are too lazy to defend corner kicks huh?


Try UFL. A lot to work on still but in the right direction


I abuse this a lot, sorry


How are you having fun doing the same boring thing all game just to fill the skill gap between your opponent. 🐀🐀


Having fun by winning


I dont concede cutbacks, this post is a meme but its damn pathetic to see people try cutbacks over and over every game. Pathetic losers that dont touch to grass or see the sun. If your having fun with this repetitiveness you should see a doctor to fix your insecurity problems.


You make a lot of assumptions about people my dude. The world works best when people are left to their own devices, and less so when forced into attempting to defend themselves against something that should need no defence. The guy does things differently. So what? If you do you… why are you expelling such dissatisfaction with the way they do them?


betamale3 😂😂


You know what? This account is 8 years old. And you are apparently the first person ever to notice. I guess the username checks out. 😂


It's more pathetic that you are upset over a simple move. If my opponent is struggling to defend it, I will exploit cutbacks and corners to the fullest.


How about when your opponent can defend it? Do you find some other way to score. The amount of players who just bang. Their head against the wall constantly trying to score cutbacks is painful. Makes defending so boring


Yes, a lot of players in div 1 and higher are very good at defending this and almost never concede these types of goals because you can simply anticipate the pass by controlling the closest off ball defender.


Im not upset, its a meme. You do you mate you can abuse every mechanic you want and you still would be a fat nolifer in real life. No one cares how many wins you get in FIFA. I would tell you to have fun normal ways, not with exploits, but since you are so insecure and have nothing to do keep on mate


Of course, now you've gone to personal attacks because you have no real substance in your pathetic argument. Thanks for admitting defeat. Nicely done.


Yeah mate it would be expected some nolifer like you to care much about winning/losing arguments in reddit 😂. Keep filling them insecurities with exploits hope you wont explode soon. Stay hydrated


Says the guy who keeps replying and is adamant on personal insults. Keep going.


Go play borderlands and leave Fifa for the pros


can you teach me the best way?


Make sure your players on the wings have high dribbling. Keep the ball on that side, be patient, and pass when there is an opening. It also helps a lot to keep possible in the middle of the pitch suck in the opponent and then quickly release an over the top pass to the wing, then cut in, very difficult to defend.