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Do not move your CB unless it’s your last line of defense


On a counter would should I do lol? i take my CBs and running straight back. I know I need higher PAC but it shouldnt be this bad …


Well that's what happen in real football, you follow the attacker trying to corner him or for taking time, allowing your players to come back


Maybe it’s your custom tactic, do you have cdm to “stay back while attacking”? I used 4321 too and I have my cdm and one cm stay back while attacking. Or you may had the same problem as me when I first started the game, overcommit my defenders leaving space for the opponent AI to run into. Try to keep the defensive line and don’t over commit when you are getting counter attack


yes i have my cdm on stay back. I do use my cms a lot to set up plays.


Then I’ll say try not to overcommit it and try to maintain the 4 defenders defensive line. It was my problem too and it takes time to learn but I did go to div 1 after it because the AI this year is insane so as long as you maintain the line and your opponent isn’t a demon you’ll be fine. Hardest thing to me was when to know to commit and when to maintain the line but with enough time you’ll feel it


Shots isn’t a great metric if they’ve all straight at the keeper or low xG. Try keeping possession instead of giving the ball away with a low chance shot.


I feel sometime I see master class games. Sometimes I am like a god then I cant hit a free kick😒


Reduce depth if you're getting beat on counters. Learn how to use goal keeper movement/maintain structure to prevent goals in general. Use precision shooting and/or timed shooting to finish more shots.


Change the gk first, toty cech is good, vds or casillas use any of these 3, stop sprinting in midfield if its crowded, this causes you to loose ball and get countered fast, rather play slow and look for open passes, in short don’t rush your buildup, do one touch passes and also go through the formation 4321 where you defend as 442, check youtube for that.


i dont have enough coins for czech or the others. I guess lower ovr vds. I dont lose a lot from sprinting. What does go through 4321 where I defend as 442 mean? Do I youtube just that?


Cech sbc was good idk if its still available, if you rush and sprint with only 1-2 players and loose the ball in midfield you get countered easily, if you buildup slowly then if you loose the ball you still have cdm and back line for defence, and yes just search on youtube 4321 meta formation


If you're getting countered, look into your depth. Don't control the cbs unless you are tracking a run in behind and take better shot chances, so many people spam shots to boost stat numbers when they turn out to be horrible percentage ones.


I'm in Div1 and sometime that happened too, what i notice is during that kind of game my player run much slower than their despite mine is 99 pace with PS+, 100% shot on target is a goal and goal keeper never able to make any save, all my player feel like bronze. My conclusion is they are 100% hacker and somehow changed your team stats to much much lower. I have Dona TOTS, Cech TOTY, Alisson TOTS and Dona is best of them for me, save rate is about 30%,against hacker its always 0%.


TOTS Donarumma is a sieve, try a different goalie, maybe that's the issue?