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I made a new account because even though my other one had good champs, it was all wack because I had no idea what I was doing. I’m at 5,500 crystals, saving for magneto, or should I just drop all the crystals on the next uni sale? I’m not sure which is more worth it. Note: I will be F2P, I know it’ll be a slow grind but that’s fine.


Right now I've completed 3 weeks of the White Fox Heroic Quest. If I stop it right now and started the Wave Heroic Quest, would I get crystal refunds for both after the June Update or would I only get a refund for the one I have active?


There's really no way of knowing based on how the announcement was worded. I'd assume you would get both refunds but can't be sure


Hi Guys, Did the devs make some changes to the dimensions rifts difficulty? It's the second day in a row my automatic run-through failed.


What team did you run it with? 


Doctor ock, he is at lvl 80.


Did autoplay get unchecked accidentally? Hard to give you an answer without more details about what you're seeing. Rifts have been fine for me.


Nothing I just left the Rifts on auto play like I usually do with the same roster, this is the first time I ran out of time (in terms of how many rift runs I should be doing).


You're saying you failed in that you didn't complete as many runs as you normally do on this particular day of the week? Or you failed a different way?


Not as many runs as I usually do, I also ran out of time (3 min timer) once on auto play


Did you change cards, swords, switch alliances, or anything else that would've altered your stats?




hi! i just got back from four-year hiatus from the game. convinced myself to play again after seeing the recent scarlet witch uni. i have a tons of bios and adv tix etc and i like playing PVE or PVP. any hero recos? who’s meta now?


Just check the thanosvibs tierlist and their guides. Also the uni came out but the sale for it is over.


yes i saw that but im not sure who’s for PVE over PVP


Jean, Thanos are pretty much for both, pvp or pve. (You've to choose one way for build, not hibrids). Magneto, Rogue, Luna (with there seasonal uní) AB Meta. Cable, Scarlett Witch, Hulk or Doc Occ, Gladiator. All Meta pve AB. Sentry, Silver Surfer and after the Movie, Logan for Pvp.


hmm i might go with jean but might get her unif as well. im enjoying world boss recently. any main five to clear stages? i have wanda and thor reliably clearing everything. i run strange and jean but really needed supp and combos etc. i was amazed as well by deadpool and logan's damage wdyt?


this is what i’m trying to figure out


guess ill go for sharog and jean. tho i have both on T2, i just got sharog artifacts earlier haha


I just returned too. I decided to T3 Sharon so that I can clear Mephisto easily and it was a great decision especially for the T4 materials


Anybody has datamined info over which artifacts are in this Collectors Vault coming in two days?




Hey guys! I need some help, Which one is better for wbl cable or doctor strange at lvl 80, and at T4?


Cable is a little better if both have latest unis. I personally like dr strange better though because his 4th skill can be used to escape pierce attacks and the difference between the two isn’t huge.


Thanks, I do have Doctor Strange already at T3 so upgrading him will be easier and faster.


What character do I set for Striker Skill for Spider Gwen so that she has her own Snare skill to cancel Surtur? As of now, I'm having to use and switch to some non-support toon in order to use the snare.


You can see cancels on thanosvibs by going to the character popup -> abx/abl tab -> click on the magnifying glass under the respective cancel


Ancient One with the newest uni has snare


https://preview.redd.it/eh4q5rhifm4d1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4092938f33891315d2ed94dc73d7c8f9f985cb9c Not sure if I am lucky or not 🚫


fairly lucky but it only really matters if you use kitty pride


Well I don't have her character unlocked


Oh shit i just now saw that Kamala. Hell yeah, you've got a pretty solid artifact right there. She's not meta or anything but she's really solid if you don't have the other combat characters


Oh okay then I am lucky to have her artifact 🫡


Can someone explain to me how Cosmic core works and how to get CTPs from it. Do I just wait until a respin the rewards and a CTP ends up there? Does it matter if I spent on the rewards now or should I wait until I respin the rewards and get a CTP? What's the best way to take advantage of the event


You get 1 free "spin" per day during the 7 day event. You can spend 75 crystals to spin again and try for a CTP, but know that your chances are pretty low and you can easily spend 2-3K crystals before you land one, and it might not even be a good one. My recommendation is, go for half decent rewards (BAM, T3 mats, gold), respin trash (obelisk for example), and go for CTPs during black friday sale.


Thanks. Does it matter whether I just spend my Cosmic energy now or should I save it until I spin stuff I want?


Whenever you change the reward (whether free or paid), the cosmic energy counter goes back to 0. So you could grab a few of the really early rewards without using too much cosmic energy but I wouldn't go too deep if you're not going for the final reward. My best rolls for final reward had me use like 1000 CE, my worst used 3600. Average seems to be around 2000-2200. Someone who plays every game mode, goes super high in Shadowland, etc, can probably earn 2000 CE per day but I'd say most people can't, so it's very hard to claim 7 final rewards.


I just got Thor to t3, I have his 4*artifact lvl 2 with matching instinct equipped, should I use him as a self-leadership or should I use a leadership like Nick Fury? as of right now when I use thor as a leader, his lightning damage increases by 12% (68% -> 80%) so I don't think it's too worth it


Fury’s leadership is better. The main reason why you’d want to use Thor as a leader is that it frees up a slot to have 2 supports but since Fury is also a support it doesn’t matter. Use Fury as lead and an additional support


Is it worth to pay for the groot premium event? I'm not a buyer, I only buy the Tony stash, so no idea if it's worth, but definetely seems so


It's the best value after stark stash, apart from some deals during BF/anniversary.


Does Event World Boss affect your Normal World Boss clears? I don’t want to use certain characters if they can’t be used again in my Daily clear


No it’s completely separate, although your teams from Normal World Boss are preset into Event World Boss


Thanks for the quick reply! Very helpful


While the reply is absolutely correct, it’s also worth noting that there was once a bug where the event world boss are up the standard world boss runs.


I just returned to the game after a year or two hiatus and when I left that’s what I remember happening. Glad that’s not the case anymore


I am getting repeated freezing of the game today, first time this has happened to me. Has anyone got a fix for this?


Maybe try clearing the cache in your app details, too.


I've tried force closing the app through settings and then opening it through the app store. works almost always