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I have refrained from doing this until now, can't keep it bundled inside anymore...I'm morphing into an ICBM. Timeline Survival is a gigantic waste of time. The game mode itself is perfectly fine. I think they could add a higher difficulty, but I'm not going to complain about that. The final reward needs to be a 3 star SELECTOR, or a random 4 star. That's it. It's not difficult, and saints ask for more than this. Spending anywhere between 30 mins to an hour and a half for 75 essence is, I'm sorry, FUCKING LUDICROUS! I'm not even going to mention the other random rewards you acquire being completely useless to veterans like myself. That is expected. I for one am hanging up my jersey, and washing my hands when it comes to Timeline Survival. Sorry for the rant.


Happy Cake Day, Sir Pipes!


Thanks bud....how about that GBR run with Simak the other day?🤣🤣🤣🤣


Your boy Simak obliterated that fool! LMAO! Fastest GBR clear I've ever been a part of: 23 sec if I remember correctly! Insane!


Fastest legit clear for sure.....Mak eats whales for afternoon tea sustenance. 😂 Dude drops more money on MFF than 20 year old me did on weed😆


I stopped playing for a chance at a 3 star. Should be a 4 star selector.


That's fair. I think a 3 star SELECTOR and random 4 star is good enough though, because at least there is a point. Maybe that could be the deal. Add another level of difficulty, we can call it Veteran. Finishing that gets u a 4 star SELECTOR. T4 toons only, I don't care


Then you need to be able to reroll 3 stars.


Or combine them to 4 stars like EVERYTHING else in the freaking game 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Gorr dropped a CTP chest and I got an Authority! Finally Madelyne can join the OWB ranks! https://preview.redd.it/uj3vp6348y6d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=440efe1db45347e29a54ecb384a5ed3248c727ab


Nice, grats!....But I hope you have another one.....


I don't 👊😔 I really need more Auths, Surfer, Kang, and Maddy need their reforges.


Just so u are aware in the future. Surfer obv is best with Conquest, but reforged egg is next best for him. I also wouldn't give Kang reforged CTPs if you don't have a lot. Save them for T4 toons until you stock up.


I wish I could get an egg. I'm a minimal spender tho, so I never got to have even one, let alone two to reforge.


I get it bro. Try and be patient. Use a GBI invisibility obelisk as a place holder. In all honesty, regular authorities aren't much more useful now a days.




hugs bro


HOLY COW THEY NEUTERED ADAM. I haven't been using him in timeline since they did the pierce nerf and my goodness he hits like a wet noodle now. I thought people were switching up his build simply because conquest was op but it seems like a offensive build isn't the the best way anymore.