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IGN: RivusXeoz Should I go for White Fox on that crystal price? Is she worth it? I do have the biometrics to get her, but don't have how to get her to tier 2 after that (60 biometrics). Should I give a trascendence CTP to someone?


Are all resistance increase or dodge rate increase useful in timeline battle?


IGN: forerunnerr Just looking for opinions. I just about have enough mats to get a Nat T2 to T4. I have Wolverine, Silver Surfer, Odin, and Cable on deck at level 80 that I'm considering. I could use some PVP options, but pretty much only do OWB (and both of those PVP options are frequently debuffed), and auto TLB. Currently use T4 Sentry, T4 Thanos, and lvl 80 SS or T4 Spider-Man when I'm feeling frisky (or someone else is banned). On the other end, I often skip the ABL blast mutant hero day and the hero alien male day because I do not score high enough with just my level 80's to get the collection token chest. For what it's worth, I also have Starlord on deck for hero-alien-male, but I don't have his uni and am not highly interested in T4'ing him unless he's really so easily optimal for that ABL day, and even then... buying his uni and advancing him to T4 just for that feels meh.


Cable is meta for that ABL if you don’t have magneto. He’s a pretty good wbl clearer too. I haven’t T4 Odin because he’s killing it at lvl 80 but alien is also required for Kang wbl 15-20 so that’s a consideration too. I guess it just depends on which is more important to you.


I have Magneto, but as far as I remember, Magz doesn't qualify for that ABL day because of the hero tag. But yeah, I'm not 100% sure whether I want to put into the PVE side or PVP side. I also realize, I'm gold starved right now, so it would still take a few days before I could successfully T4 anyone right now. Getting Adam Warlock to level 60 took a lot of gold converting the BAM for rank ups. @\_@ Thanks for your input! Appreciate your perspective!


What are best obelisk stats for pvp for Sentry, Wolverine and Silver Surfer? I don’t have any Ctp to put on them


Max HP + invincibility I guess


Is it worth it to get hope summers deluxe package?


She's good for Combat female in ABX until they finally T4 someone... Other than that she's required for Maddie if you plan on getting her but IMO neither are really worth the cost anymore that's just my personal opinion though


Anyone know whens the next all uni sale is?


Should start in the next week or two.


I bought Chasm uniform as support for Miles, is that wise? IGN Vino182


The uniform is not necessary but it's a slight upgrade to Scarlet Spider's support ability.


Who is the best Super Villain, Male for stages 35-39 of Kang? I currently have Magneto, Black Bolt, Dr. Octopus, Carnage, and Hulk at T4.


Probably magneto because of his 80% increased damage to humans


Which character is the best to use a brilliant egg on? Ive heard silver Surfer is good, but i would Need a bit more materials to Tier 4 him. ( i have 5000 carbo and 4000 sof)


IGN: Taurus518 Looking for ctp advice. I have a mighty conquest. Should i swap silver surfer’s mighty authority for the mighty conquest? Then for thanos, swap the mighty refinement for the mighty authority? Or just give thanos the mighty conquest and eventually t4 him? Thanks.


Are you going to build sentry anytime soon?


Anyone body know roughly how many T4 mats I’ll need for gladiator?


https://thanosvibs.money/tier4 - you can choose from normal T4, native T2, or native T3 costs here. It'll give you a rough guess / estimate on it based on averages.


Thank you


The website pinned in the post above has T4 costs.


Any way to deal with super guard break?


I could be wrong but I think reforged Greeds have Super GBI....I could be way wrong. If I am, this will at least help you get an answer quicker. Some people wait here all day to do it. 🤣


You're right! Reforged greed get sgbi when the Ambush procs. OP same with ctpas, conquests, and an egg all reforged. Sgbi triggers with the top reforged proc of those ctps.






There’s no uni sale right now.


I’m getting close on enough materials for another T4 (with the 25% discount) but I’m curious if I should T4 someone as soon as possible to help with ABL or if it’s better to wait in case someone really OP comes along. Currently I have Jean, Ock and Gwen at T4. If I was to T4 someone now any suggestions who would be a good option? Thinking blast but I don’t have Magnetos seasonal uni so no idea who would be good for ABL.


Just always wait until you can T4 someone right away, and then just go for your best one imo; definitely don't do magneto if you don't have his seasonal though.


Yeah I’m going to wait another week just to be sure. I could potentially do Sharon as a blast option or I could just go for another class altogether


I have one T4, which is Thor, and Several T3 lvl 80. Should I accumulate more T4s or save my materials until I’m eventually able to T4 my lvl 66 Jean? She’s on my bucket list but I don’t know if I’m slowing the process by not having more T4s to do WBL for materials


Well you should definitely be able to do WBL 5 times without any T4s, so it sounds like you need to improve your account overall, getting jean to T4 probably won't have the big impact you're expecting otherwise.


Jean is far better than Thor and top tier PVE character in the game. Id save up for her. She'll do more for you overall


Thank you, I’ll continue saving


i cant seem to find a discussion regarding legendary battles? whats the best (worth it) legendary battle? the ones where the unifs are also worth getting to also get their equivalent rewards. im talking about thor cause obviously, he’s way more powerful with his latest unif over me buying love and thunder just for completing the legendary battle


I think the spider-man and giant man one are the most valued because they give relatively easy access to a CTP selector, any other that gives easy access to a good ctp like rage should be next, and then finally whatever requirements you can personally get or already have.


The "Giant-man one" being *Ant-man and the Wasp*. This requires Giant-man's *Ultron Pym* uniform to be ranked to Heroic. The two that give CTPs of Rage are *The Marvels* (T3 Captain Marvel requirement) and *Endgame* (requires Type Enhancement Stage 3 Thanos).


thanks I blanked on which one it was exactly


oh ok ill look into that. im checking the love and thunder as well because of shuri but idk if it’s still worth it now that there’s a better unif of hers released


What are the lvl 1 support slot items I get for having 12 stars of wmblems?


its a daily reward that you collect for free, at lvl 1 it gives t2 materials like bam and cns


OH! It makes me wonder now why they have it as a reward on the star collections. Thank you for the answer.