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Where to obtain dr strange 2023 #5 card?


https://preview.redd.it/rtiuh9440q7d1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d112b3e3d5c18e0958809685648845f0b028152 Everytime i try to log in when im on 5G it says this, its the only game that does this and im on a good phone (idk if that matters) so please could u tell me if its normal or nah and how to fix it, I will go on holiday for a month so I dont want to loose 1 month of login


only 5G, or do you mean mobile data in general? in any case it could be your provider being blocked/blocking it for some reason.


Mobile data in general, so u dont have this problem?




returning player here and not much on ctp’s. is a ctp of authority good on spidey’s b2b over a mini proc obelisk? thanks!


A reforged Authority would be good on Spidey for PVP, although you should know he's not in the top meta anymore. For PVE, Spidey is not very good anyway, but a proc is probably better.


im focused on WBL/U and i build spidey over gwen into T3, that a good decision? can spidey clear stages?


Ign- Appliy What are some tips/ characters to focus on to clear dispatch sector 13?


To get uniform exp from instant clear, is it based on the same VIP bonus that says "Acquire Character XP for xx times when using instant clear"? In other words, starting at VIP 6, do I get unlimited uniform XP gain with instant clear? Thanks.


Is there a best support character for a mighty insight?


a character that can be used with everyone. Valkyrie and Ghost Panther would apply.


I know that I have seen it a few times, but when is the big reset of shadowlands? The point when you have to do each battle fresh and it doesn't show who you beat it with the previous season?


Shadowland resets every week. A little over 15 hours from now. It always shows who you used the previous week. Unless you didn't play.


It does show who you beat stages with (up to 35) after a regular weekly reset so I don't think he means that by the "big reset" .   The only thing I can think of is when the devs update the game mode and add new fixed(ish) stages.  That tends to reset it completely, including first clear rewards iirc, but it doesn't happen often and isn't on a schedule.


When do they usually release the summer seasonal unis? Is mysterio’s paywalled like the others?


Mid- to late-July/early August. Male uniforms are full cost for crystals. Female uniforms cost tokens that are acquired via purchases with real money.




IGN: Scient7 Feels like I've spent a lot of time and effort in the past, returning after a couple of years - where should I go next with my roster? And what bios or what items should I be using when taking characters to 80?


What stats should I focus on for my comic cards ?


20-30% Cooldown, Ignore Defense and All Attack as high as you can go.


Are all resistance increase or dodge rate increase useful in timeline battle?


Resistance will only help against elemental characters if I'm not mistaken but dodge is 100% useful


What's the best custom gear to put on someone like spidergwen who's a damage dealer. Currently the only CTPs I have(and have ever gotten) is a CTP of Greed but I'll probably get another from the F4 event quest


A note about the mini-rage: if the character is proc friendly at all, a single damage proc will work better than the mini-rage. For Gwen, she's definitely prox friendly.


For now use either a mini rage or a proc obelisk, Proc obelisk - will say “increase basic damage by x amount for 1 attack” (ideally looking for either 180% or 200%) the other options on the obelisk aren’t as important as the actual proc, but I’m sure you can figure out what your gwen needs, mine has a fire resist ignore dodge 180 proc. Mini rage - will say “increase basic damage by x amount per 1% of crit rate/dodge” (will be one or the other)


I don't have any CTPs of Conquest, so I've been contemplating gambling crystals for the chest. Is the 0.3% chance of pulling any CTP with or without the increased chance? And how does the so-called "Pity Counter" guarantee that I'll get a CTP if I fail enough times?


Chests arent worth it btw dont do it you will only feel sad


Pity timer works the same as usual only difference is it will reset no matter what CTP you get as opposed to when you gamble on specific Ctp chance up.... My advice only gamble when the CTP you want is on chance up


This is wrong. There's no pity timer during all chance up. I also would recommend only gambling during chance up, particularly during BF or anniversary unless there's literally only one ctp you want. Say for example, you'd be happy getting a rage, conquest, insight, and judgement. The cumulative odds of those are higher during chance up than the odds of one during that ctp's chance up.


Thanks for correcting!


Stuck at 2-5 Mad Monarch multiverse saga. What do do? I can't turn off the laser


Basic attack with Mr Fantastic


Any reason to do higher than lvl 1 f4 boss?


First clear rewards, but doesn't seem like it's worth the effort to me anyway. Maybe they get better as you go along? Either way, I plan on sticking with level 1 because that whole mess is exhausting enough.


You can clear ticket it after initial completion, and it only goes to level 5, so it's definitely worth doing. u/sshu1224


I clearly missed the option to use clear tickets so that helps a bunch and changes my perspective on things. Appreciate you pointing that out!


There is a ctp selector reward for P2W players in multiverse saga content. I was just curious, what is the chance of actually getting one? And if they add crystals option to buy that pack, will they remove that reward?


the selector is a guaranteed first clear reward


Oh. But it does not say first time reward as it is labelled on other 1 time rewards. It just says plus.


For the CTP selector, you have to buy the $40 Franklin pack that lets you do the Boss Plus mission.


I heard that we often have a 40% discount on uniforms once per month. The uniform section has been flashing discount available for a couple days now, but I don't see the 40% discount on any of them. Will it only be available when the Human Torch and Thing's new uniform are released?


If you have the discount tag, you probably have one of the synergy uniforms but not its pair. GrimeyPipes27 is right. The all uniform sale is likely next week.


Ah, so that's what it is. Didn't know about that, thanks for the info!


Not ONLY but that most likely will be the next sale.


Alright, noted and thank you!


50% off unequipping CTP’s. Any suggestions on what I should move around? IGN- kinglouie23


The only thing that really jumped out to me was taking the insights off of cyclops and proxima and giving them to Nick Fury and White Fox. Wouldn't hurt to reroll for 20% damage to heroes AND villains if you have enough fodder obelisk or boost obelisks. One of them had 15% to both and the other had just 15% to villains. Rerolling the insights suck though so not much harm leaving them as is but could squeeze out a bit more damage if you reroll.


really dumb question but what day did this fantastic four event quest start? i just noticed today 😖 and i’m afraid i missed some quests.


You should have 100 tokens by the end of this day. But even if you don't, don't worry. The best rewards cost 650 tokens, so you're good.


thank you! it looks like i’ll have 80 which is why i was confused - i truly don’t know how i didn’t notice this happening yesterday or maybe i thought the tokens were for that trash multiverse saga or something.




Which of the characters at level 80 would be my best option for my next T4? I was thinking either Jean or Luna, leaning more towards Luna since it’d give me a T4 speed type, but Jean still does great dmg in the content I use her in and I like playing her more lol. https://preview.redd.it/e8womkcb2k7d1.jpeg?width=1797&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4648fe23bbf524715462a1e80850a7a5f54bc390


Without knowing nothing else about your roster, Id go with Luna. You paid real money for her....why'd you wait a whole year without T4ing her? Almost seems like a waste of money. You havent been getting the most value out of that purchase. She can be used in so many days of ABX/L that she's worth a T4.


At the beginning of the game, I got Luna for free when I got the 30 days biometrics for free.


I believe he means the uniform. That uniform requires having spent real money to get the tokens during last summer's event, and if you used those paid tokens on Luna, you may as well get to use her.


Jean gives you the best return between the two, pretty great in all PVE and solid in PVP (though she is kind of falling off as of late). Luna is the Alliance Battle goat so if you want to score high and have someone cover multiple ABX and ABL days, go for her (Jean covers No Res, Uni Villain, and Female Villain whereas Luna covers No Res, Human Female and all Speed days).


Why have I got 0 life seed from wb legendary for three days?


Got the same issue as you a two months ago and I fixed it by saving enough mats to t4 Scarlett witch. As it’s not a guarantee drop, in the short term it’s rare but in the long term it isn’t, sometimes you’ll make 500 in one day and then nothing for 2-3 days. Save up 7-8k carbs, 7-8k souls and it should fix the life seeds issue, just be patient, it suck i know but it’s the only way i found. U should have around 4-5k life seeds, enough to t4 an NT2 and still have 1k left of life seeds, by the time u have again enough mats for t4 you’ll have more than enough life seeds for your next, if not two, NT1 t4


It’s unfortunately not a guaranteed drop, I’m in the same boat :(


Oh, I thought it was at least a few guaranteed for wbl. Didn't know it was total rng whether you got any at all. I got about 150 today though.


if you are playing boss of the day, you should get some pretty much every day


I never understand how someone could possibly run out of seeds if they do wbl of the day every day. I have more seeds than carbo and souls combined and I’ve skipped wbl of the day several times for the sake of rushing unlocks.


Keyword: should 😂 I’ve had terrible luck with life seeds ever since they were introduced


ID: prakashuma Returning player here guys, Just got a T3 selector. Who would be the best option? And how to get pierce though? That mechanism is kinda confusing.


You get pierce by crafting blue stars on premium cards.