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Fair game Hoyo will buy japan to advertise zzz


\*buys a whole country\*


[Hey I recognize this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1ce4g3h/comment/l1gi7v8/), back to your usual antics I see


You know that they don't own that advertisement right? It just goes to whoever pays more.


Ok cool. Am I supposed to feel something


Yes. ~~pity for OP being obsessed~~


I feel OP is simping too much Wuwa.


Just looks like some average troll baiting for drama. https://imgur.com/a/XNRDzII ( https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/1QdicTltrh ) Edit: seems I forgot that's what people are here for.


Lmao This is the dude that had the same post on the WW reddit deleted because it taunted genshin for no reason and then argued about it with a mod when he was told the reason his post was deleted Genshin literally living rent free Edit: his second post got deleted too


Huh. His profile name makes me think op is certain tof shill’s alt account


Yeah I saw his posts in the Wuwa sub, this dude just want to scrap with Genshin players. u/Leading-Landscape677 let's fight in the octagon, I train jiu jitsu and kick boxing.






u/Mayor_P is on kuro payroll, what do you expect


I suggest you find a healthier hobby, or better yet a job.


Healthier hobby lmao you're a gacha gamer bro


Better than creating chaos cuz youre a d\*ck towards others


I thought my comment was obviously suggesting the OP's hobby was instigating tribalism.


What a pathetic post this is


So mod why is this post still up?


Because mods decided not to remove despite reciving 9+ report notices. I start to think mods really have biases toward the games here.


Always have been.


They definitely are lol, I don't even like Hoyo that much but it's kinda annoying how blatant they are with their dislike to it. Openly admitting you don't care and like the drama also doesn't help either. This place is fucked


Which is bullcrap jeez. They don't even follow their own rules. "Keep it friendly, be respectful, and follow Reddiquette" MY ASS.


Why would you think that? It's not like they've [done collaborations with Wuthering Waves before.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/19fnt3f/giveaway_rgachagaming_x_wuthering_waves_enter_to/) As a side note, I don't really see why this post in particular should be removed. I don't think including Wuthering Waves and Genshin in the same sentence is some forbidden taboo.


And mods refuse to delete this post yet they without problem delete HSR anniv rewarded but no way they wont touch Nikkes half anniv rewards. Thats just biases


Nikke, tower of fantasy, and wuthering wave all have tencent backing. This subreddit currently happen to delete positive post about hoyo and negative post about tencent. I wonder.


so tencent bought r/gachagaming ? we're screwed up


Some times you only need to buy the mods 😁


mods always work for free so it shouldn't be that expensive they probably paid in wuthering wave currency instead real money


While the hell do you need to mention Gneshin for fuck sake everywhere!? LIke its not obvious to act like WW is savior to banish Genshin from its throne. Also, OP literally admited in pushing hate agenda. Your move?


It shouldn't be taboo, but with the way the sub is, they would start comparing and mudslinging over the two game. There's already a post about an ads being put up WITHOUT mentioning what game they replaced before, and for some reason there's need to mention it here specifically. Oh and the OP admit they have their own agenda themselves so maybe that too?


put the tinfoil hat aside - not mentioning the game would last exactly 0.0000001 femtoseconds until someone says that its genshin, because everyone and their mum knows. You cant escape "the big games" by not naming them.


That's fair, but mentioned it in the title would only just bring even more people towards it. And I already mentioned before, but I have seen several post like this before, a company putting up ads for thier game, and never before I see the OP specifically mentioned which game before that puts up the ads in the same place. It's just straight up a bait to make people argue


I would have to agree. While the OP himself is a crap-stirrer, it's not good precedent to delete any post that mentions Genshin in a negative light, however unnecessary such a mention may be. Deleting the HSR Anniversary awards, while also terrible, is a different and separate issue that needs to be addressed in its own right.


Cry, not everyone should like Mihoyo games. They’re not showing any bias just because you think post like these are hurting the game. You see WuW in the same sentence as any mihoyo title because it is a competitor and immediately think mods are being bias of not taking down posts that hurts mihoyo games reputation is sad. 💀


Mod refues to delete a bait post fully aware that OP admitted that its a bait post which is breaking the #1 rule of this sub. Plus he ignored report of low quality post. WW subreddit deleted same post within an hour.


Where did he admit it was bait and that WuW is actually buying out all of advertising space? At the point it would just be misinformation instead of actually bait.


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1cizotp/comment/l2dy8fy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) . Also check OP's history. https://preview.redd.it/3mwf3e8321zc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c18ede12c62702279a1896c693cb3840ec545e6b


Alright that’s the op, but does this still make this information as being “misinformation”? Even if op never actually intentionally sent hate towards Genshin mihoyo fans still would have seen this as hate because of WuW success. This issue here is that if WuW is remotely in the same sentence as genshin it would regardless be rage baited which is probably the reason why the mods are tired of it.


The way information or news are presented can VERY contrudute on peoples mind. OP could've easily not mention Genshin and present it as news that WW gets more advertisement, but no OP presented it as if WW take over places where Hoyo games ads were like its somejind of a moment of century move against Hoyo games. Its about being hurt over game, its just response of annyoence just like 80% of the comments here.


Removing this is unnecessary, I mean why tf do you want this post taken down? News is news and just accept it for what it is. People r such a snowflake these days .


The way information or news are presented can VERY contrudute on peoples mind. OP could've easily not mention Genshin and present it as news that WW gets more advertisement, but no OP presented it as if WW take over places where Hoyo games ads were like its somejind of a moment of century move against Hoyo games. OP admitted he spreads hate agendas [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1cizotp/comment/l2dy8fy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) https://preview.redd.it/hc070ke2xdyc1.png?width=944&format=png&auto=webp&s=c653b4994dd17b2b06c961c69f023ed895b6a2a1


This sub doesn't really have active mods, they only react when you report a post and only hours later... Your best bet is to report the post, downvote and move on and hope that the mods are doing their job lol


Just above you mod already say they are going to approve it lol, they don't fucking care even when people make it as blatant as they can get they want to bait for drama. This post would be perfectly fine if they just don't mention that it's taking over the Genshin ad space. Why the need to mention it other than to bait people to get mad at it?


I guarantee you mihoyo fans would still be angry and call it bait if he would’ve reworded it or not even mention that part because you guys are possessive over the game’s image and opinion.


I expect there would be snide remarks or some joke made about it, but it's still way better then seeing half of the comment shitting on WuWa over this bad faith post and the other half just cringing about how shitty this bait post is. In the end this post does nothing but makes people argue, and I guess atleast it lets people know how bias and selective the mod is with their rule appliances


sorry here is not genshin sub. you can go to your own trench and defend your thing over there.


Nothing wrong with that tho. I admit it’s kinda funny to watch but it’s fair game ig


Of course  Whoever pay more get the space, it's only logical  Blue archive pay more, they get the space, HSR pay more they get the space, WW pay more they get the space


op literally have genshin in his head rent free why cant you play one game without mentioning other one


Literally rent free. Who needs advertisement when people still mention genshin whenever wuthering wave show up.


TBF at this point the only thing Genshin should advertise is when they put a new archon on banner or a new story arc. Literally no point otherwise


Thats what happens when you are the market leader. New Battle Royale? Fortnite gets mentioned. New MOBA? League gets mentioned.


> New MOBA? League gets mentioned. I think because new moba basically usually copy pasta LOL UI and somehow basic mechanics and its monetization


people act like it only happens now when it's happening for years long before


It was cringe when every new MMO was a WoW killer, it was cringe when every new FPS was a CoD killer and it is just as cringe now


it was cringe when every looter shooter was a destiny killer too ?


Yes. Because in the end, the best destiny killer was destiny 2. And the best destiny 2 killer is also destiny 2


TOF part 2 is rent free :))


Genshin 2 rent free


Wow Rent free.... Genshin don't own that space little brother




Seeing the comment section call out OP give me hope


No excuses about "muh marketing" if the game isn't a hit then, right?


Seems like this specific game will never have positive response in this sub lol


They literally didn't need to mention Genshin at all but op is an idiot. Maybe if a post didn't invite such commentary there wouldn't be any. Real easy to just write, 'WuWa marketing has started' Instead Kurostans flaunt their eternal and unending Hoyo inferiority complex by having to bring up a Hoyo game no matter what.


It's not r/gachagaming without some drama between gacha games.


It's the best part, it's why I'm here 😁


To be fair as someone who's been to Japan twice since Genshin launched, those spaces genuinely \*always\* had Genshin ads on them. It is kind of funny to see them finally replaced.


Isnt this just a high traffic area tho? Like its not that they are trying to replace Genshin marketing, its that they paid for advertisement in high traffic area and this just happens to be one of those areas.


Genshin definitely the usual thing in there because they pay more for it The place OP mentioned is already has blue archive, HSR in it So it's definitely not genshin space or whatsoever 


No one had reasons to pay higher than Hoyo so they just held them. And it's not like it's some major hype patch in Genshin for Hoyo to match Kuro's offer. I would be rather surprised if Hoyo doesnt secure the ads for the Natlan Reveal patch.


And ZZZ release and Firefly.


it is also incorrect to say "always", because it has been replaced several times by HSR and Blue Archive. But you are correct in saying that there's Genshin ads in these locations most of the time. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/UHkQDClnKr (HSR when it first launched)


If only op write like you did and provide context on this accomplishment instead of "ww buy genshin space huh huh".


Dying game I tell you.




Is this op a kurostan? His history isn't showing that. Also the buying out of specific ad space probably is a context they want to add though I agree is unnecessary.


quick look, OP is a ToF stan. which makes even more sense that they brought up Genshin when talking about WW.


Ahh so Tof fan that flock or glazing WW so hard and hoping it will "killed" genshin because their game cannot do that


They're using the power of friendship


Rent free is rent free.


Yes OP actually post some in WW subreddit but get deleted by mod since it just taunting GI players for no reason  And OP complain about it, even though mods already give the reason 




Because a lot of the vocal community from that game likes talking smack about other games but when confronted about potential issues with the game itself love to deflect instead. It's always something else, never the fault of the game or the game devs being incompetent. And I say this as someone who is still going to try WW at launch.


No, we will blame Tencent if anything goes wrong. We have complete faith in Kuro.


"All" is incorrect, because as far as I saw on Twitter, Location 2 (i.e. the pillars) is still occupied by Genshin ads.


You need to trigger a wasps nest to then act like a victim. Then as a victim everybody will listen to you and it will be easiert way to start push your agenda. In this case, trigger a community to then be able call them toxic in your defense and act like you did nothing.




Yes, and?


Those advertising spaces are belongs to the marketer. Who gets to be shown depends on how much you bid.


kuro shill out in full forces, including the  pathetic mods of this sub


That's normal. It's Akihabara. Every frigging game advertises there.


Even Among Us?


[Maybe](https://www.reddit.com/r/okbuddyhololive/comments/12o5cxa/comment/jgh486j/), sussy tho.


I was joking, bruh.


Can like you fuck not set up this game for failure by constantly comparing it to Genshin? It's already massive problem in the WuWa subreddit where I see daily dick measuring contest being made up there, I don't need to see it here too where there's even more vulture waiting to pick this game apart.


Its fine because people like you do plenty of free advertising for genshin. Wuwa fans are probably going to shut up about genshin and stay in their lane after that game comes out and genshin still earns 5x more.


Only the mentally ill actually care which earns more. The money isn't going into your pocket. Anyone shilling either company is an idiot lmao. As a consumer you realistically only need to care about which game is more fun to you. This tribalism shit is so cringe. OP is clearly baiting and it's sad to see people fall for it.


Its normal to care what a game youre interested in earns, thats what determines if it has a future or not, or the quality and amount of content updates it will get. Its also what sets the future trends in the industry. If you dont understand that its a you problem.


Sure it's normal to care, what you don't need to care about is X game earning more than X game. You're delusional if you think Wuwa needs to earn as much as Genshin to stay afloat, it just needs to make enough to give its consumers what they want. A game earning less doesn't necessarily make it an inferior game either, unless you think a bug filled mess like scarlet/violet was a better game than Elden Ring.


You have a point there. How much Wuthering Waves earns will not likely affect the quality of its future content since they are beholden to investors like Tencent. For Mihoyo that's not the case since their ownership structure isnt like that; they can re-invest much more of their earnings in their games.


I don't think anyone is realistically expecting WuWa to overthrow Genshin. I only really want the game to do well enough to continue quality updates and what not. If 1.0 is great I don't doubt the game will make good money. The only way WuWa will ever make more than Genshin is if hyv randomly decides to piss off its playerbase for months on end.


>You're delusional if you think Wuwa needs to earn as much as Genshin to stay afloat Yeah and look how TOF not earning what genshin does : half baked animation and not even good jump upgrades LOL. At least with genshin earning estimated you can see the dev can cook more and you can push them to not being lazy as before Also with low revenue tencent ownership just counting a day LOL


Exactly, thriwing and staying afloat are two different things.


ToF is an MMO. That game shouldn't even be talked about on this subreddit to begin with, but because trolls tricked you guys into thinking that game is a Genshin killer, you guys still bash it till this day. You know as much as Genshin lives rent free in people's heads, ToF sure as hell loves to live on this subreddit's head. Keep obsessing over the revenue these companies make. One day you may wake up and see a billion dollars in your bank account too! I s2g some of you mfers act like you're employees of these companies, lmao.


>Keep obsessing over the revenue these companies make. One day you may wake up and see a billion dollars in your bank account. I s2g some of you mfers act like you're employees of these companies, lmao. Obsessed with gacha revenue is not allowed but bashing AAA game which are not meet the target profit and sales as their success standard are allowed. Lol Truly duality of how we measured the successful of the game.


Dude are you even listening to yourself right now? Literally no one, no one mentioned tof and you bring up how it barely makes any money in comparison to your beloved Genshin. You're literally no better than the very op of this thread, you're just like him. It's why certain people like you on this subreddit are cringe as hell. >but bashing AAA game which are not meet the target profit and sales as their success standard are allowed. Lol If Wuwa hypothetically makes more than enough to stay alive and provides quality updates, that means the game succeeded. As I stated earlier games don't need to make the money Genshin does to be successful. Like yeah no shit WuWa can't generate pennies and survive, but it sure as fuck doesn't need to be the top earning gacha to be considered a great game.


>but it sure as fuck doesn't need to be the top earning gacha to be considered a great game. Yeah sure imagine saying the game who keep 100 concurent player is the best than million and saying the game who can keep big number player is not great LOL its just recently biased dude. >If Wuwa hypothetically makes more than enough to stay alive and provides quality updates, that means the game succeeded. Yeah and what if wuwa pulled TOF revenue you guys will defend it as "but people mainly play on PC muh uh" and because of that either their quality stagnant or tencent ownership coming close each month. And their fans not allowed to worry because its cringe? And how we know they're healthy at the same of time you guys said "genshin cost is big so their big revenue meaningless than nikke, ak, fgo because the maintain more cheap, and its not fully move 3d?"


oh noo


These kinds of posts give me brain rot and seeing people fall for it gives me even more brain rot. OP is just an instigator.


In the end all this does is galvanize WuWa's largest source of potential players to hate the game regardless of its merits. Self defeating if you ask me


I mean it's kind of obvious this post was made to cause that, the people that fall for it need to chill.


So you're saying he is a Hoyo stan in disguise trying to discredit its community to make the game less successful? Am I too cynical that I doubt the average redditor to be able to concieve that kind of three cushion billard move?


Literally a tof fan he posted this saying he wanted people to hate on ww. Just look at his post history and you can already see it.


Wait TOF players hate wuwa too? Actually, scratch that, TOF stans do still exist? X)


They hate genshin so they jump on any type of genshin competition and spark drama there. Which has clearly happened.


That guy seems to be pretty lost about what he wants to accomplish tbh X).


People like that'll always be beyond comprehension, it is what it is.


Posts are great when they offer insightful commentary or are a genuine reflection of someone's opinion. This is ... not that I think it's safe to say.


You’re exaggerating lol. Those ads spots were never reserved for genshin anyone can buy them. They were never permanently occupied by genshin


And judging by the comments, people really believe an ad spot is held only by money. Like, do people actually understand advertising?? You just schedule a time when your ad will run and then another person/company can schedule right after your ad's run is over, Kuro isn't trillionaire nor they have outbid Hoyo, it's just that they probably reserved these ads months in advance.


Every day, WW players discourage me from playing more and more


I know that feeling, I'll still try it but even if I stick with it, I won't get anywhere near that community. Especially since all this is reminding me of ToF before it launched.


ngl, if I play it I'll probably do so on my own, and avoid the community. Leaving shitty subs can do wonders for your game enjoyment. *note, that is different from being here, because I am here FOR the drama.


That's me as well. When the second beta test dropped, I wanted to discuss the fun I had alongside the issues so I checked out the sub. 1/3 of the posts were related to Genshin in some negative way and a similar amount in the comments. It made the environment super unwelcoming as someone who enjoyed both. Obviously the mods of the sub have done some work to mitigate the issue. But it's really concerning that the game hasn't even been fully released and the community is already toxic as hell.


Well,look at his post history.He is just TOF stans that spread hate against two fandom.


OP made the same post on the WW subreddit and nobody there liked it because it taunted genshin for no reason. Also just saw, OP admitted he just wants to create hate against WW https://imgur.com/a/XNRDzII ( https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/1QdicTltrh )


and? what is this post supposed to tell us? Are you mentally deranged maybe?


Cool, I'll be playing neither.


Does Genshin own these places? Or are you just trying to instigate?


These places are there for companies to bid on. If you bid higher your products get plaster. The same place also had Blue Archive and HSR


So genshin doesn't own them. I should report OP for misleading title and bait.


Listen man.. WW and Genshin have different target audience. While Genshin focused on Casual players, WW focused more towards those who want some challenges. The only same aspect they shared is "Le anime open world from China" So NO! WW is not gonna kill Genshin. Shut your goofy ass up




https://preview.redd.it/t5ll5pw5h7zc1.jpeg?width=961&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b20c9e71441017681c0ee3ba673d647aea5cf634 Ain't no way you made a new account to reply people in this post


Cool. Genshin doesn't even need it anyway since they're already rent free from what I see


Apart from attention thing that is super important is localization. Even with the highly promoted one aka. HSR. also had a bad feedback in 1.0 because Japanese can't read the f. lore because it's so bad even now some Japanese still can't read the ending dialog from Silver Wolf quest because it has a weird Kanji there. Compared to Nikke or BA which was tailored for Japanese has really good localization there. The point is, Kuro Game always has a f. disaster in Japanese translation and localization like how tf they use "禽" this f. Kanji for birb meat instead of "鳥" like a sane Japanese.  So they should really put their money this time for translators and localizers if they want to sell their products in this Xenophobic land.


Bro must have forgotten about the monthly Gacha Revenue charts. As if any of it matters currently.


Lmao The rent is due, OP.


Hoyo can afford that, but can Kuro?


Well looking at the poster, I believe they can, but how long it will last until some game buy that space again, who knows But yeah this post just kinda braindead post with braindead tittle


Kuro can't, but tencent can.


Nah kuro can't do that, hoyo know how love they're gamble with a big chance kuro just find the safest way. For example look the track record of their another game PGR: Look how aggressive they're with bianca alter in global to the point rent time square for ads but not repeating the same effort for new lucia crimson weave construct which is had the same hype as her. Probably they'll pull reverse 1999 ads effort in global going all out just for started. Heck their only chance js about 1 month effectively before another hoyo games drop and steal the ads place like what op freaking about LOL


When you actually trust people on the internet and thought the only reason your game is not as popular is due to "Advertisement" Just end up wasting tons of money with no result 😁


Did we really exceed a hundred comments on " shocking : a game about to release did advertising"?


well, 90% of them are rightfully flaming OP (and the mods for lack of removal)


We have an idiot who want to instigate a fight, and another idiot who is more then happy to keep it up. Both of them is equally pathetic


Those advertising space change all the time lol, Takt op was advertising in some of them before, and other gacha games advertise in those billboards as well. Yes, Genshin is plastered all over the place the majority of the time, but let me tell you a secret: once WuWa is released, those billboards will be replaced by Genshin soon.


Good old kuro games, just copy the mihoyo formula, down to the last piece of dirt, but make the boobs bigger.


I heard that they might be ex hi3 developers, so maybe that's why


They might be on to something. More fanservice saved Snowbreak, but can it save WuWa?


I do think Wuwa enjoyer really love to lynching with hoyo things. They plead for attention. thanks mod for letting this up so ppl can continue to downvote this thing.


"Don't show me random shit to start random beef" - DMX, probably would have said this


See the OP most recent comment, they want to start something here




How is this dumbshit even worth making a thread? An advertising space is being used.... to advertise stuff? OOH WOW WOWIE WHAT A GROUNDBREAKING REVELATION.


So much drama in the comments, about nothing and nothing -.- So, if WW thinks that "competing for ad-space" with the one game they actually will be compared with will help... let them do it. Its a waste of money, because: to compete with genshin, you have to be as good/bad - and we will see how this will go. Remember ToF? yeah, lol... Same goes for Azur Promilia - the game counts, not the ads. (I personally see Azur Promilia as a much more competent competitor than WW, but we will see.) Did RAID Garbage legends become a good game because of ads? No it didnt. =============== And: wtf is wrong with the people here... complaining about genshin being named? Really? its THE gacha game, and then comes Honkai Star Rail... so it cant be named because its big? Seriously: stop fighting, play the game when it comes out, judge for yourselves. None of this matters - if WW only gets 20% of what genshin gets, its probably enough to have it running for a long time.


Raid did, however, manage to earn considerable amount of money and their very agressive marketing did play a large part in this.


Cool, I mean we all joke about who is gonna be the "genshin killer", and spoiler alert >!no one is going to!<, but WuWa does have to put more effort to compete against popular games of similar genre.


Genshin will not die if people like OP keep mentioning it every fucking time they have arguments or some shit


WuWa is gonna fall into the abyss with ToF lol, the game does nothing new or unique, people who didn't like Genshin won't like this either.


Not true. I couldn't get into Genshin. Wuwa drew me in cuz the movement felt more fluid and the combat is much better to me. It depends what you value most in these games.


Thats wrong i did not like genshin because it was too slow for me so i decided to watch other people play it instead. WW is the opposite of genshin thats why i am excited for it and i am sure a lot of people that do not interact with game communities would agree with me.


WuWa doesn't really look faster to me, just about the same


It's just more flashy, and well, people like shiny things. Overall, neither Genshin nor WW are really that complex, or interesting.


You can run on walls making exploration faster and running outside of combat does not use stamina. Combat also feels significantly faster especially when you know what you are doing for an example see this [clip](https://youtu.be/ubILiqQbeRg?si=TbqEGOJv8SqxvBfd). That clip is in a private server using a test dummy [this](https://youtu.be/FYPfdB09PAc?si=Ab7TV-tPOEbkt9jf) is how it looks like in real combat.


Sorry but this clip just looks super slow, even slower than genshin. Might just be the choice of characters but those arent attacking or fighting "fast" at all. Also the wallrunning is whatever, ToF has that too. I feel like you never knew what u were doing in Genshin to say that WuWa has faster combat, it might just be more brainless since elements dont have big roles. You can juggle enemies in the air, probably not all anyways. To me it literally just looks like genshin but in a greyer world.




> mean, they *paid* for it? FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Dude do you have too much obsession of wuwa?


Are these common places for games to advertise or are they specifically targeting only places where Genshin has advertised? I dont understand


Whoever pays more get the space That it It never genshin space or something  It just genshin is often do their ads in there, that's all Those places have Blue archive and HSR ads as well back then, so not only genshin 


Duh. Whoever pays more gets the space, as easy as that. It was never "Genshin's" space, neither it is WuWa's now


Well, yes I understand that, but I meant more like if its targeted advertisement at specifically spots Genshin have carved it's way in. Like for example Omega and Rolex targeting each other in motorsports and certain movies, or even more famously Cola wars. So I was wondering if it was general billboards that have been used for all sorts of marketing or if they're specifically targeting Genshin's longterm space.


I don't think WuWa devs will try to pick such a fight with MiHoYo when everyone knows what happens if dev themselves start advertising their game as genshin killer. You think too much


Why are they doing that?


for ads


Wow, Kuro finally figured out that having promotion for their game is better then having no promotion at all, this changes everything.


The blue hair guy was right


I'm kind of lost. What's the point? I don't see it being relevant for either Hoyo or Kuro players. It's an advertisement space that can be rented. Kuro rented them in preparation for WuWa launch. Don't see the importance of this at all. Unless it's just about "look guys, cool ads". I'm just confused.


i mean, wuwa is to be released so arguably it needs more advertising than genshin right now to get more people interested so this post is kind of ???? anyway, also dont pretend that there won’t be overlap in hoyo players and wuwa players lmao. majority of ppl don’t waste their time being weird serving as shills for a company, they will just play both or whichever they like best.


I see this as advertisement company win!


Whenever a 3D game with dynamic battles or 3D exploration is announced, you always say "Iz DiZ dA nEw GeNsHiN KiLleR?" Why so much drama is some devs takes such statements one step ahead? ![gif](giphy|SuBYa2XO3aVH8Qt8IK|downsized)


Don’t be too logical guys, we need a proper fight here 🍿