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Can anyone check CN forums to see if this is a big community sentiment or not? u/Rinzel-, if you don't mind, drop some links or something.


It's rating 8.5 on bilibili, most comments are five star, classic cherry picking comments by someone like OP.


You can see for yourself, [this](https://t.bilibili.com/928393280253591571?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0) is just a random dev post on bilibili and you can see many people complaining about the direction of the game in terms of catering to male playerbase.


What's the target audience of this game?


Genshin refugees (of non-casual kind).


This doesn't seem to be inaccurate at all. I'd refer to it more like dejected former Genshin players picking up the game to play it out of spite similar to how a lot of what pushed people toward PalWorld when it had that huge blow up a few months ago was just pure spite towards Gamefreak and not actually thinking the game was some sort of revolution. I'm generally avoiding Wuthering Waves at launch like I did Genshin Impact for like the first 8 months or so of it's existence, because I figure the community for it is just gonna be absolutely terrible, toxic and miserable, and it looks similar enough to Genshin Impact, which I'm not dejected by and spiteful toward at all really. I just feel like sticking with that as my open world gacha game of choice despite the internet persistently telling me there's nothing to do in the game now, that it's "dead" and that its developers treat me like shit. Like thanks for telling me how I apparently feel internet, but I just play that game for like an hour or so tops a day instead of trying to approach it like an infinite content farm and source of drama to use to impress people on the internet lol.


the worst kind of people. enjoy them!


Their problem was the idea that Genshin is a casual-targeted game never seems to enter their head. If WW can help them realise that there are two different markets, they’ll get better as people. Or it will get worse… Following the meta will go into overdrive and the game will have gatekeeping and gear checking worse than what MMO’s experience.


Its optional coop, it's not an mmo style dungeon raider. Gear checking for what? Unless I missed something


It is optional, but if the players are hardcore enough, they’ll make it hardcore. Kinda like how Smash Bros. is intended to be a party game. And the “gear” I’m talking about will be the characters, I doubt hardcore players will tolerate low rarity units if the content is hard enough.


Genshin slaves should stay away from WW. Yesterday I got banned from WW group because i said why WW is better than Genshin and said negative opinion about Genshin and Genshin players reported my post.


Damn, I glad you left the community


You are the one who should stay away from genshin lmao.


Ww community can have this guy. Im glad that these crybabies are moving to ww


Just a personal preference, Genshin Characters and Story are more for kids Fantasy while WW world is dark , with more serious looking characters. Deleted Genshin after a few days, especially since the MC was so boring. As HI3 and PGR and Nikke player ( Dark sad stories), i wasn't able to enjoy Genshin "Vanilla" world.


Go watch Arlecchino's short film, lol.


genshin child game.... look to cartoon grapfix to make kid player happy like children show.. genshin cartoon world with rainbow unlike wuwa chad with dark corridorr and raelistic gun.. genshin like playhouse. genshin playor run from wuwa fear of dark world and realism




Most gacha games with a PC client have a way to texture swap. So yes you can bring over your Acheron or Clara/Klee if you prefer to WuWa.




Dont worry, the divine knowledge of modding transcends Hoyo games. If a tiny littl game like PGR also has asset and texture swapping then you can make sure to bring your wildest dreams into the realm of wuthering too.


dark my ass from CBT1 where everybody distrust MC and point gun at you CBT2 wuthering wave look like copy of genshin where everybody fell in love at first sight no question


Thats on u dude honestly.




So like, every gacha?


Husbando fans apparently.




The dudes in Wuthering Waves have a bit of a badass comic book quality to me. Jiyan is the first character on the banner, he'll probably give you a sense of the aesthetic.


Classic r/gachagaming, cherry picking comments to paint a narrative. No need to rally the global players against the "CN community" or whatever. The game is gonna do fine.


Let's see if the mods actually do something with the most obvious, neon painted light bait post you could do today


You got your answer :)


It's back up again of course lmao. There's no hope to this subreddit if they just approved this kind of post that cherrypicked and exist only to pit people with eachother and make them bicker


Mods proving once again they have a preference. Honestly, r/gachagaming was a good community before. Now it's utterly shit and garbage. I think the whole rule of this sub only rely on 3 categories: • Is it a drama bait? Definitely allowed on the sub, it lives off drama. • Remove post that clearly isn't breaking any rules like anniversary posts/reminder of rewards. • Is the gacha game too popular? Allow all low effort post.


the mods probably posted this themselves


How many randoms are needed before it's labeled as 'cn community'? Like are majority purely hate comments like in the ss or are we magnifying the few that aren't bending over backwards to praise to game :/


When it comes to this sub, the latter is a safe assumption. God forbid someone decides to take a screenshot of 4chan and label it as the « western community »


While OP may be cherry picking this kind of sentiment is definitely common in CN. For example the recent Snowbreak changes


The recent Snowbreak changes came out fully from the developer's own volition with no input from the playerbase beforehand. *No one* asked for it or had been complaining about it but the devs still came up with it. Certainly, no one complained, but a part of the western playerbase, either about it once it was announced.


Do you really think they would do something so drastic like removing male chars if no one asked for it? And since the changes Snowbreak playercount and income has doubled or even tripled. If no one cares about it then how do you explain the massive growth for Snowbreak in the last month? The latest 5 star character (which was given for free btw) is pulling in bigger numbers than were seen on the game's *launch*.


> Do you really think they would do something so drastic like removing male chars if no one asked for it? Yes because it's not about thinking whatever you wish to, it's about *facts*. > If no one cares about it Did I say no one cared about it? I said the following: - There were no sentiment of requesting or demanding for the Snowbreak devs to change the male logistic arts in CN before the devs's announcement. There were demands in the Western community to revert the changes however. - There was no sentiment in CN to complain when the devs announced the changes, they've welcomed it. Both of those are what happened. There's a difference with *implying* that there were "this kind of sentiment" that bullied the Snowbreak devs into anything. The Snowbreak devs simply went beyond the expectations.


https://snowbreak.gg/news-wire-cn-snowbreak-ditching-male-logistics-officers-global-maybe-to-follow/ Devs literally say that these changes were made based on community feedback. You can say it's a vocal minority or whatever but saying that literally not a single player asked for it is a bit ridiculous.


> but if I were to hazard a guess as to why these changes are being implemented, it would be because of the CN gacha playerbase as whole. This is literally the *guess* of a western player, not even snowbreak.gg knows because it came out of the blue. Go read the top comments on the Weibo posts too specifically: 我出来解释一下吧[允悲]改后勤不是玩家要求的,也不是你们口中《麻辣仙人》冲得,这是官方自己直播画的饼啊…… 而且男后勤当初的文案你们又不是不知道,在主角待遇不是很好的时候有搁那开后宫的…… 再说一遍这是官方自己的决定,从来没人绑着他们改,小事一桩


Go back and read the image of the patch note the devs literally say it. And I trust their statement more than random comment on weibo.


If you trust their statement more than snowbreak.gg and all CN players who commented despite never seeing any actual pressure to the devs of it, despite never seeing this « vocal minority » which by definition would be a minimum visible, despite the chinese speaking players themselves saying they have no idea either about what the devs are talking about, there’s not much more we can argue about beyond your prejudice.


I guess the former?


Bilibili review looks fine where do you get this ?


He selected a few rando then say it is representation of an entire community, no need to pay him any mind, just enjoy our waifu and husbando when Wuwa comes out


the usual bait then




Ah, it's the classic r/gachagaming post again. "The CN community" > cherry picking some random hate comments to prove the "hate"


Trying to create drama again, huh? Here is WuWa page on bilibili, rating 8.5, most of them are five-star. [WuWa](https://www.biligame.com/detail/?id=108820&sourceFrom=2000040011&spm_id_from=333.337.0.0) Check it yourself instead of trusting the drama makers in this sub.


I'm as much of a degenerate as the next guy but... Even I feel like these CN bros need to touch grass.


What 2 generations of one child policy and a pressure pot society does to a MF




So a gacha game can't be for women players too? These guys are pathetic. First they killed GFL 2 now they are doing this with WW.


No no. It’s that, if a game has more than 1 dude character per 20 female characters and if that dude has some kind of meta niche that can’t equally be filled by a female then it’s a game targeted towards women and needs to stay in its lane. /S


There's a growing corner of players who are convinced women are ruining gacha gaming in general. Ie: Games now have too many male characters or are not lewd enough because of them, they are toxic, or they are reporting games to the CCP because of anti-male sentiments, etc. So yeah, I imagine these people would probably rather it not have a female demographic at all. Instead of trying to coexist and acknowledging women play these games too or (shocking) that some people actually *like* mixed cast games, they'd rather segregate and gatekeep to make every game a "wholesome waifu-only community". Ironic.


sigh... why am i not surprised... Of course the CN community is throwing a fit again .


It keeps happening to the point it's tiring. I've been leaning more toward games that have both male and female casts. I can't seem to get interested in games that have an all female cast, I want some variety at least.


yeah... i love my gacha waifu games. But man... them throwing a fit whenever a gacha (thats not even out yet ) does not cater to your taste is honestly a different level of weird. Just find and play another freakin game then .


Guess Genshin vs Wuwa in CN concluded before Wuwa even launch. Edit: now that I think about it, this seems like a cherry picked comments. Another drama bait I guess.


Sumeru had 1 5* limited waifu character and 4 limited 5* male characters. It survived. So let's see how exactly WuWa fares. Online comments aren't necessarily the real picture.


I'll keep saying it: devs should ignore these comments. No matter if a company is huge or small, these comments go away with time and normal people will play the game if it's great anyway. But if companies keep on answering these idiots, they'll only attract their echochamber (which is just a vocal minority), while casual players that aren't bothered by male characters and husbando enjoyers will be negatively affected and will just see the company as unreliable.


Agreed. Stay true to your vision of the game and accept the consequences.


I completely agree. People often say male characters aren't profitable. Which is kind of muddy. While true that they often make less. It's not true to say that they flop. Genshin, HSR, Fgo, AK are some good examples. You just don't have to alienate your fanbase by listening to these kinds of comments. It's like a self fulfilling prophecy. Take Path to Nowhere. I love that game. Initially it has both male and female characters. Then at some point they didn't release any male characters. Then finally when a S rank male character did release, the fanbase was alienated to the point his sales were crap. Now PTN would release even fewer male characters.


Even more telling than Sumeru, it took around 4 months before Genshin released its first limited waifu character with Ganyu. Before her was Venti then Kkee, Childe, Zhongli and Albedo.


dont you dare compare a game that have a stable fanbase and a game that not even lauch yet


Fine. Genshin launched with Venti (a femboy) followed by Klee ( a loli) and then Zhong Li and Childe (two male 5*). It did fine.


, people in that time dont care male or female, they just need a game to play


so what?? people look at Ww beta and it have too many dude lol . you cant compare Ww with Genshin in 2020.


Dafuq you on about lmfao. WW has 6 playable guys and 10 playable female characters. Genshin at launch had 7 playable male characters and 14 playable female characters. Which quickly became 9 male characters in 1.1. Hardly a big difference.


so? why you compare a game that lauch in covid time and a game that launch in 2024 lol,just think that funny


It literally has more girls than dudes. 4/5 f2p characters you get are female. The two limiteds after Yinlin were leaked to be females as well.


Dude, no need to worry about the random vocal minority, Wuwa will be fine just as Genshin is , both game I love and will continue to play until I die




i dont like Ww but you all fr compare a game that dont even launch and a game that launched for 3 years


so what?


Raymond incident and his consequences have been a disaster for the gacha comunity


I'm real exhausted hearing of CN dudes wanting every game to have only women. Stay in your lane, not everything semi-popular is made for your weird ass. Waifus are cool, but not every game needs to be that exclusively. There's plenty and there'll be more smh.




And here we go again


Is there anything that won't piss off Chinese players?


It wasnt really advertised as a waifu game nor was their other game, pgr 😮‍💨 Im getting annoyed by this now, it was funny at first but now its just tiring


cherry picked comments = cn community


gotta be the most stupid shit i’ve seen all day


> Open Google Play Store > Look up Genshin Impact > Scroll to reviews & sort by '1 star' & 'most recent' > Take screenshots & upload to r/gachagaming > Title 'Genshin Impact is being reviewed bombed by western players on Google Play because [insert made-up reason] > Profit


I gotta do that and see what will happen lol


I'll be looking forward to your post. https://preview.redd.it/n6n3dcyl5tyc1.png?width=501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26afc395506c61b8e299ff3623055490a4c1408a


The gacha cycle really has come full circle because it was pretty much the norm for gachas several years ago to have waifu-only casts. At some point, having both male and female characters became more popular. Now people are saying it's too much XD


Idk how having dudes ingame even matters, they are not even directly cucking your waifus in lore nor they are real, if anything they give more time for people to save pulls for waifus while husbandos lovers get to enjoy chars as well. Theres reason why genshin and hsr have dudes and they are doing great.


I am genuinely convinced that CN and KR nerds are in a war to determine the cringiest fan base, and their lives literally depend on winning


What's new pussy cat? But no really just ignore these mfs


There's a lot of people in CN. I'm sure you can find unhinged people very easily, just like how you can go on Twitter and find some weirdos there too.


These cn cooomers bruhhh ... Let me play with both gender characters .. pls talk to a real woman rather than salivating over pixels


Game didn't even launch, and we already have some drama going on. 🍿🍿🍿


The drama is nonexistent. OP is cherrypicking.


I'm taking the 'trust but verify' route and asking if anyone else can confirm if most of the comments are indeed hateposting or just a small fraction of the overall posts.


I hate it when my pixels are male >:(


Really? From what i’ve seen most CN ppl are just not interested in the game in general, sure those ppl are not just trollers?


Pretty sure it wouldn't be ranked as the most anticipated game on bilibili rn if cn people aren't interested in the game. Surely most of the millions of pre-registrations aren't from CN as well. Surely.


Finally, boys impact, no more kiana yuri




Ah, of course. The classical male character hate.


Its probably paid bots to bring more attention to the game 😂


It’s working, they’re cute 😳


I would be interested seeing a study on the psychology of gacha gamers, since being this invested into pixels and PNGs isn't healthy. It was already known they have male characters, like their other game, and it's an easy decision to not play the game, yet some people still find issue. What has led up to these people's lives to get soo offended seeing a design of a male character, and why does it always need to be an outrage. Anyways, I'll just sit back and enjoy this. EDIT: Seems pretty obvious this is a small minority, but this happens on this sub a lot anyways.


What is the problem with having a blanced Male and Female character ratio, like 1:1 or at least 1:2


The "problem" is that the company will almost always lean towards what gets them money, there ARE otome games out there with all or nearly all male chara, just as there are games like Nikke where its all female chara. Its the audience they think they can draw and are going to get them money, its that simple.


They truly have too many dudes


There are more female characters than male atm wdym.


I mean there are not enough females pretty direct and straightforward


Its pretty obvious the game will release a lot more female characters than male in thw future. Its already showing with the leaks. I personally dont see the problem with it tho.


these mfs when they find out that 50% of the earth’s population is male


Chinese kids hating on male characters? It's Monday, the regular. People who don't play games because there's too many men in them are bums. Why do people even care about this anyway?


I’m fine with males in my gacha games as long as their twinks


Dear Gacha Devs, here some hint for you:  Big part of China community is maidenless.


Ah CN is truly a different breed, anyways.


Mods still let this live because drama and revenue posts are the only ones that make this sub look active lol


Delete this


Downvoting and moving on, no problem with game, yes problem with bait post.


From "CN community". Sigh...


who gives a shit about some dumb chinese kids


I wonder if Genshin 1.0 received the same amount of backlash from CN back then, because it had basically the same Male/Female character ratio, and their first limited 5\* was also a dude. Edit: Yep, r/gachagaming and cherry-picked reviews to stir up drama, name a better duo.


Why do I feel like this is just the loud minority or nitpicked? Are there really way more than I thought?


nice bait


ToF 2


There's like 4 male characters and from the leak there isn't a lot of them playable in the future. They're probably/hope it's a minority just instigating some drama. But I am still taking this at face value tho the Chinese gender wars is unfortunately a thing right now. Also some of those people using the word "gay" as a insult is so childish lol took me back to 2010s internet for a split second.


I'm sure they'll balance it with new characters, PGR has lots of cool females and less males


Same, as a waifu collector, Wuwa has so many male chars, that's so bad. I have to main Danjin 4 star dps instead of Jiyan or Cal


There is literally more female dps characters than male and that's without counting Yinlin because she is the second banner and counting Jiyan because he is the first banner. You are getting mad because of a problem that doesn't exist.


Godd luck Kuro, lol


Ewwww not the coomers again!


Pathetic grown babies = CN players. Play something else if they want a softcore porn game and leave WuWa out of this. "A game aimed womans" WTF does that means? I want play male characters as a guy stfu. A finally a game that has equal amount of male characters compare to females and they trying to ruin it and even using gay as insult. Grow up.


Oof, first banner a dude and too many dudes? Don't have that problem with Azur Promilia. If by some chance anyone was interested, even a single dude is too many dudes for me. However, this depends on the acquisition of units. If they don't require me to waste rolls on dudes spooking my cute girl banner, then I don't care.


Well if the game is aimed toward Women than good then, I can easily skip this game and play the other hundreds of games for the saturated gacha game aimed toward Men


A single 5 star male at the start is signs that the game is too dude heavy and therefore geared towards women?


Thanks for staying out of the community.




If all you want to look at are unrealistic women with huge boobs and butts that have the weirdest jiggle physics then you have a lot of games for that that show half naked mommies, because apparently having males in the game is bad


I'm waiting for bus / truck protest news


for a game where its most loyal fan base is the alpha tropes of their game PGR, I'm not surprised that there is this controversy and even more so with the current CN gamer gate, so, wuwa is a game that wants to please everyone but it's not Genshin Impact, it's also curious, lolis are also quite hated and there are 2 in the standard banner and only one tall girl. my fear is that Wuwa is another "family atmosphere" game but that is already something that Genshin does, and it leaves many wondering because i would want to play this game if the only thing it has going for it is the combat that can end up being secondary in order to be a more familiar game. I honestly don't know what to think, I like wuwa but they doesn't make it clear to me what wants to sell.


God, what a bunch of losers. It's at least good to know these dudes will be eliminating themselves from the gene pool


censorship coming ?


Wuthering waves has been nothing but good to us CN can suck it up like the next 5 limiteds will probably be girls


Just wish they can be good to their employees and localization staff too


More drama 😋


lmao i love coomer outrage. i cant wait for the news of CN players feeling cucked yet again


The dudes will be my stepping stone for jinhsi


Wtf, i actually prefer male characters over female ones if im actually serious about putting my time into the game. If im not serious ill just pick the milf character and delete the game a week after


I mean... I'm a healthy honest and straight man. Of course i prefer to see a female unit on my screen rather than male. If this is the path that Kuro games choose for WW, well i guess i can save money and spend it on another game instead.


Cn comunity is the last one that doesnt take any shit


Doesnt matter, look at those juicy cheeks https://preview.redd.it/pz2riq1a8syc1.png?width=201&format=png&auto=webp&s=098d7d31d0349ecef5c298d19853f69ca6c20e16


Isn't WW their take on Genshin? If so such a thing isn't surprising as Genshin is mainly noted for guys and being baby's first gacha. Karma's a bitch


Free ad for WW, good lol


I dunno man this is the CN community we're talking about, have u not seen CN GF2 in the dumpster fire after the controversies they had?


Did the NTR drama really stop players from playing the game or were it the gameplay flaws? 'No man allowes in my gachas' people hate every male character in Gen and HSR, did it prevent Gen and HSR from being the top 1 and 2 earning gachas?


this is not an ads, you act like this will reach other people outside of gacha community


Thats how drama works, it ironically livens up their existence


Type-C Coomers are mad😡 they don't get 🦀🤓


Good for me, I care only about Waifus.