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Are there any games like Valiant Force 2? That was the only gacha game to scratch a certain itch but they somehow completely botched it and shut down in like a year


Upcoming Sword of Convallaria on 31st of July


Yea that looks somewhat similar, i'll check that out when its available. Ty


Which game are most people playing? Is it still genshin or did some other games get really pupular in the community over the past year?


Star rail


*Game Rec: Side scroller action game* I'm looking for a side scroller action game. I found these three: -[Project: Hitomi](https://youtu.be/jIqtJGHcNow?si=YsaZVcex7VT096nR) -[Asterism ](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/sr57VLsdCM) -[Blackmoon](https://youtu.be/qOnh_IE-vRc?si=VWLanplzP-SHYKJ2) But they are not available in my region, and I think Asterism is canceled. Does anyone know of any others?


Astra Veda, PhantomBlade Executioner


Perfect thanks!


Any games where dupes are not needed? Smth like HSR, genshin or wuwa? Currently playing HSR, wuwa and snowbreak. If it's an action game, would prefer if it has a PC client. If it isn't, then it's fine being mobile-only. Thanks.


While it is true that dupes are not needed in the first 3 you mentioned, the dupes there have "big" upgrades lol.        If you meant something like "dupes don't significantly upgrade someone" then older games are the ones you're looking for.


> while it is true that dupes are not needed and that is all that matters. i know how big of a powerspike dupes give in those games, i play them after all. and to be frank, i do not care. i'm looking for games where u can play them without being forced to pull for dupes in order to clear everything the game has to offer. not games where dupes give minimal impact. cos thats a fucking unicorn.


Limbus Company




is the new player experience good? is the base building still there? i recall quitting because of how frustrating the base building was.


If you quit because of the base, then nevermind Its still in "beta" Lol. Theres sweeps for annihilation and stack autoes for stages but base still hasnt changed Theres a planned update for it, i think this year? forgot when exactly Edit: No date yet https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/LIQM60yT83


Azur lane, Neural cloud, Blue Archive.


tried neural cloud twice, gameplay is just boring for me the grind to get the ssr ship to drop in that one specific stage killed my interest in azur lane, but i think i'll try it again really want to play blue archive, but minors


Hi I'm currently playing HSR has main title but it's really very huge size on phone so I'm playing mainly on pc. Do you know some good action gatcha that worth playing? Or something lewd? No Nikke pls. Thanks


Snowbreak. Has action. Is lewd. Has a PC client. Is lewd.


I didn't understand the undervote but anyway. Thanks for the advice I'm going to try it now.


Maybe because you said no NIKKE lol. ~~and that you play HSR.~~ You won't believe it but by simply playing something, you can unknowingly annoy someone or two lol.


I played Nikke and I didn't like the censorship and that in the end it was an idle game. I play hsr because I love turn based and I like it for now. I don't feel where's the catch. And if I told them that I played f2p exos heroes?!


Hey there, wanting to deep dive into a new gacha. I’ve played Arknights, Terra battle, reverse 1999, Nikke. Tend to like turn based or srpgs. Have considered neural cloud but didn’t seem my cup of tea. Any recommendations?


Honkai star rail?


Sword of Convallaria releases on July 31st, it is a SRPG. You might also like Brown Dust 2.


Limbus Company sounds like it'd match that, especially if you're into dark complex stories.


Oh interesting I haven’t heard of it. Checking it out! Thank you


What is the current storage size of Honkai Star Rail for Android ?


Did Honkai went up to 40,5 GB? Is there a way to ‘clean past events’ like in Genshin? Is this Hoyo asking me to delete other games?


any game recommendation for Path to Nowhere and Reverse 1999 enjoyer? I love both of them where the gameplay sticks to strategy rather than action. They have beautiful art and the storyline is just so intriguing. I also wants to try and collect them all if possible but thats another time. I used to enjoy Nikke but that game is so heavy right now im sad ☹️ my phone cant handle it. the loading is too slow compare the two. ps. im downloading limbus company but i have to wait for now. Looking for more based of the storyline and the voice overs and beautiful art. no waifu no prob!


Octopath cotc, another eden, browndust 2


I just saw WW about to release 1.1 with the first area expansion. Mt. Firmament… a snowy mountain… as a first world expansion. Can someone explain the chances of them not copying GI (Dragonspine) and moving on as a bootleg version of it? To me that’s all the confirmation I need that WW will never have an identity.


Any good TD gacha games?


There is code geass lost memories


Tower defense? Arknights and path to nowhere, i guess


thank you for the response.


What's a good gacha to start? I played a lot of them but I'm open to play the from scratch again, so just drop titles. No open world, no manual battle, pref with no stamina or very generous. Turn based is a plus but not mandatory.


GBF is pretty old game which i believe counted as turn based as well. for me it has very generous stamina since its known to be very grindy (i believe someone can grind straight for weeks and still have stamina leftover), idk if it got auto repeat for stages but for sure auto battle works edit : GBF is gran blue fantasy and you can play it on browser like google chrome instead of app


nikke basically. can be played on auto and has no stamina. pretty generous too but. or hsr but it has stamina


Do all gachas eventually go offline? So what's the point of even starting if you know in 1-3 years, all your progression/spending will get deleted? :( This is the dilemma stopping me from starting gacha


Because we don't know when they will get shut down. Could be 6 months or even 10 years after release. It's so far away you kinda not think about the end of the game and just celebrate each new update. Think of it like long running shows. They all end after some time but it's months or even years until the end. For example: The walking dead, the MCU, Spongebob, The Simpsons, South Park and many others have one thing in common. You can wach them every day and still not get close to the end. You know they are going to end some day. But it's nowhere near. So just watch one more day. Same with gacha games. Log on, play some story, clear some event, read event story, discuss the game online, meme and look at fanart. If you ever drop a game you can always pick some newer one. Just like shows or movies. Hope this answers your question.


why play any game if it have an ending?


why play any game when it ends eventually


How is Browndust 2 structured? Are skins free, paid, or achievable in some way? I play Azur Lane and Blue Archive and they couldn't be more different than they already are.


skins are the gacha, they give the skills for the characters and you need like 5 dupes to max them.


Can F2Ps realistically max them out?


depends on your luck and willpower like any game. def want to join their sub reddit and get advice if it's a 1 that you just want to +1 for the cost reduction or worth trying your luck on the +5 as a f2p.


Is seven knights 2 worth in 2024 ? theres not many content covering it in youtube. Ive played it before since launch then quit 2 years ago. Im playing SLA and it reminds me of 7K2. Trying to go back NiNoKuni but i remember the whole nft bs.


Help me remember the name of a gacha(likely) which only dropped a trailer a few years back and no news since: 1) Trailer came out earlier than elden ring, game is unreleased or possibly canceled. 2) Trailer features one of the female protagonists wielding a lance, it switches among a few characters but the lance girl is all I can recall. 3) Slow and methodical combat similar to souls game 4) Not Unending Dawn as the game in my memory seems higher in quality 5) Not AI LIMIT same reason as above and no lance girl 6) Game could possibly be a single-dev showcase not intended as full release in the future.


When is firefly banner dropping


Wrong sub But to answer your question, in around 14 hours. Theres a link to a timer on megathread at r/fireflymains Edit: Here https://firefly.party/


Damn, my bad, thought I could ask anything related to gachas in this thread. Was thinking on giving HSR a try just for that character so didnt know how much time was left for her banner.


what's the best pc android emulator?


To add to the other's answers, there's also an official google emulator (still in beta I think). I use it to play Epic 7 without issues. It's called Google play games. Not all games may be available though.


the top ones are honestly pretty much the same at this point. LDplayer, bluestacks, nox, memu etc just depends on the compatibility of the games. memu is usually the one where controller works the best for me and LD player has no native controller support and only onscreen buttons that emulate thouchscreen controlls so it controlls super weird in some games


LDplayer but it really depends who ur asking to, since some games run better on it, other only work on bluestack etc.


Hello, those anyone know what happened to Project Mugen and Tianzi 76, project mugen has been painfully quiet for months know, almost a year at this point and Tianzi 76 popped up in a youtube recommendations with its one trailer it has and there seems to be nothing else about it, so i was hoping that anyone knows where the games are or if they are still being worked on


nobody knows...they're not even going to show up in the bilibili event in shanghai. so probably best to forget about these two for now and remember it sometime later this year (or next year lol)


ak endfield had 1.5 years of silence. so anything below that, is imo still okay


I'm looking for a new one to play. I play AFKJourney, but it's not afk enough for me. I want something that I can truly play afk and keep idle while doing work or something. I played XCOM Legends before they stopped service early this year and played Destiny Child years ago before they also stopped service. I'd prefer a vertical game with idle/auto mechanics.


I enjoyed mechanics/gacha/soundtrack of Monster Monpiece a while back on PS Vita. Are there any modern games which have a similar gameplay? Maybe someone knows what the creators have been doing since then?


Hello! Haven't played a gacha in years (Counterside) but I'm feeling the itch again. Looking for a game with: * Good f2p accessibility * Not too intense time commitment for both dailies and active gameplay. Idle/auto type gameplay is fine. * No sexualized loli characters (daughter type is cool!) * Would prefer badass/cool waifus than pure horny bait


Limbus: - F2P viable, check. - Dailies are about 5 minutes if you use skips, weeklies are 1-5 hours - Barely any sexualized anything - Ryoshu


Some that I could recommend, Limbus Company, Reverse 1999 both has no sexualized loli (Reverse 1999 has loli but not sexualized imo) waifu characters are badass. Path to nowhere, has fanservice but I think the artwork is very cool Honkai Star Rail, your typical hoyoverse turn based gacha game.


Looking for lighter gacha on mobile, something under 5GB range. Everything's going over 10GB these days and my old ass phone can't handle them. Guardian Tales is one of the best fits, but I want some more options.


octopath cotc? and browndust 2 is like 5.9gb rn. there is also memento mori,


F2P looking for gacha with good pvp. E7 is what i’m looking at rn, but it seems it’s going to be a long time till i can compete at high levels?


I started last year after Priconne sudden EoS. I'm now comfortability staying in Champion tier rank V (the tier before the current highest, Legend). I hit Challenger (tier before Champion) V when I got Abyssal Yufine and due to my gear quality and lack of heroes, I had a hard time climbing higher until I got Elvira and Laia early this year.        In normal arena you have the advantage of manual control and since the enemy is controlled by AI, it's not as hard as I first thought. I'm still f2p, beating whales by being luckier is more fun.      


5 years e7 player here. If you are a light to medium spender you can be at a competitive state and have fun within 9 months to a year. If you're f2p I'd expect a 1.5-2 year grind. Game is very f2p friendly but as with any gacha, especially older ones, it will take time for you to get there. I started a brand new account a few months back to get an idea of the new player experience and its actually outrageously good. Would recommend, just have patience if you do.


If the game is not new then it always gonna took you a few months to catch up in competitive mode (except the game is dead or has bad balancing).


Reverse 1999, AFK Journey or Nikke?


nikke cus I think the two on the left might be on the decline


Tower of God New World Questions hello new player here, I got some questions 1 - I was told I should save gems for collab and just use tickets on the banner, is this true? 2 - should I be summoning on the summon banner or just in the black market, the black market seem to have better rate? 3 - is there actually a pity system in the banner and the black market? also does pity carry over once the new featured character arrives?regarding the pity system, all I know is that it gives SR on 100 wish and SSR on 200 wish 4 - I got dupes but I cannot seem to activate it, where can I get the ore/gem beside it? I have 2 dupes of Vivi but I cant seem to find the way to activate it because my ore/gem is 0. 5 - should I be aiming for dupes on character or should I be saving for more characters? 6 - should I buy Yihwa Yeon that is priced as 1500 gems? she comes with 5 tickets as well 7 - should I buy a copy of Vivi priced 3000 gems in the market? is that worth it? 8 - is there a way to guarantee getting Data Zahard and Ha Jinsung?


**1 and 2:** I don't think there are any upcoming collabs. I'm pretty sure the producer has said they won't do any more collabs ever. At most you could save for anniversary, but this game is *super* reliant on dupes so you'll fall significantly behind people who summon using both tickets and diamonds. If you want to bet it all on an upcoming character that may or may not be broken, it is a possible strategy. Personally, I always pulled on the banner until I had a fully built first team (max dupes) and pulled on the black market to finish up an SSR+. As for the right balance between Standard and Black market, it's up to you. Black Market has better rates for SSR+ for the specific character you choose, but you don't get any other characters from it so you won't progress any of your SSR's. **3.** In the black market, when you hit 200 pulls you get a copy of the SSR+ you've been pulling for. The black market banner is permanent, so if you have 50 out of 200 pity built up and you swap the selected SSR+ it won't reset pity and you'll stay at 50/200. But there are special banners here and there for new SSR+ characters and pity on those time-limited banners (the characters are not limited) does not carry over. **4.** I didn't fully understand your question. When you get a dupe you go to the character menu, select a character, and use the limit break tab to activate the dupes. They'll light up one orb at a time until they change colors, until you hit max dupes. **5**. Low-dupe characters become worthless as you climb up the tower floors. Check prydwen's tier list to know which characters to prioritize, and aim to create mono-teams (single color teams) as you get the faction buff. Always prioritize mega buffing your DPS above any other character. **6** Yihwa will carry you through most of the game as main DPS if you invest fully in her. So yes. **7** Not sure. I dropped the game a month ago (I was growing bored of it) so I'm not sure how strong Vivi is. **8** Pull for them on the Black Market (pity at 200) or add them to the roullete of SSR+ characters you can choose from on your 200th pick on the standard banner.


I get that these are lame questions but anyone recommend any recent waifu gacha games? Tried Reverse 1999 but that game has literally 0 hot characters so I think I'm leaning towards dropping it


Snowbreak, definitely.


Try Brown Dust 2 (TBS), Snowbreak (Shooter), or Action Taimanin (Action) if you're looking for hot waifus


I’m looking for a gacha with multiplayer implemented some way and a good auto system, I don’t like actively playing the game much.




Hello! I got recommended/redirected to ask here. I have been playing gachas since about 2018. I have played raid shadow legends for two years, tried Awaken chaos era for a while, then dislyte for two years. I quit all of em because of either lack of content, terrible development and or overall displeasure. (Dev abandonment, greed and horrible power creep) I also played path to nowhere, but it didn't scratch the itch from turn based combat (might check it out again tho as someone recommended ) Now I am playing afk journey, but I quickly realized after a month it's pretty empty and lackluster. I tried Nikke but the gameplay and over sexualized characters isn't for me. Any gacha games that have gameplay like raid or dislyte where you select abilities that are turn based, aren't insanely sexualized anime girls like Nikke and don't look like a child's cartoon? Personally low spender, if that matters. Max like 10$ a month on packs or passes. I like to be competitive if possible. Appreciate your suggestions!


Limbus Company, Reverse 1999, Another Eden, OctopathCotC, BrownDust 2, Upcoming Convallaria 31st July


Let me know if you ever find one that quite scratches that itch. I am frustrated with the more recent tuning of events/energy manipulation with Raid and increasing pressure to spend to participate. As someone that is a high spender, I also want to be respected. I have a very end-game account, 2x Trunda, Krixia, Wixwell, Gnut, great roster, plat pvp, etc.. It's disgusting that you are expected to pay so much for energy refills and other materials and pulls and stuff if you actually want to get points to complete the events/fusions. I am looking to find something new to dump money and time into but just can't get anything to click for me. Once I find something, going to get rid of the account and any temptation to run back :)


Limbus company. 10$ a month with a Battle Pass already make you a whale level. It enable you to select abilities and turn based. Has 0 sexualized character but only has 12 character in total.


Checkout Reverse 1999


Any gacha that doesn't require more than 10 GB on phone and doesn't feels like a job to gear my team that can be recommended would be appreciated


Is there MC gacha games have full voice like Vertin in Reverse 1999?


Other than r1999 I only know 18TRIP. MC can be male/female and both genders are fully voiced in the main story.


BrownDust 2, Astra Veda, Solo Arise? Black Clover Mobile? Last Cloudia? I guess where the mc is entirely its own character


What's the longest you've played a gacha game before quitting?


2 years (genshin) lol. I played HI3 and PGR for a year then quit


A year or so. Arknights




Princess Connect Global. But it's more of getting kicked out.


7 years. Love Live School Idol Festival.


I think the most consistent I've logged into is Brave Frontier. Started at around 2015 until a couple months or weeks before it shut down


Are there any gachas with good pvp modes ?


If you look at it. Only korean gachas have it, most of the time.


According to the sub's unspoken rule number 1, any gacha with pvp is bad but competition in any form in gacha that don't have actual pvp is fine.        Real answer though, Summoners War and Epic Seven are the only ones I know that have pvp, real time pvp exists too. If score ranking is considered pvp, Blue Archive has this mode called Total Assault. There are 4 tiers of rank based on score.


Any good new-ish games?


Any good gacha games i can play besides Guardian Tales? No preference, just give me one.


Nikke, it's fun


I agree, but i tried it before and I'm so unlucky that it sucks the fun out of me


pgr or epic seven? which one should I download since i only have enough storage space for one


Hey guys! I have never played a Gacha game but would love to get into one while chilling on the couch watching the Euro's this month. I've always been into strategy/castle building type games but I'm more than willing to try others. What is a great game to start with?


You would probably love Arknights then, it doesn't have a castle building but it's probably one of the few gacha games that requires strategy over combat power. The game is a tower defense type of game. It's also very f2p and lower rarity characters can be useful so you don't have to worry about getting those higher rarity characters at the start.


Anything new or anniversary I can just delve into and chill? The type of game can be whatever I’ve had fun with ak, as, gbf as references.


Guardian Tales with Season 3 Update and BrownDust 2 Collab and upcoming Anniversary


Thanks ill take a look at em during their anniversaries 


As a casual gamer to play on my couch and in short burst: Arknights or Pokemon Masters Ex?




Guardian Tales


Seems like Limbus Company would fit the bill


That game is confusing


yeah the tutorial are... absolutely garbage to say the least but there's a [guide](https://youtu.be/viNXYLcc3Fo) that can explain the basics in a way a toddler would understand in about 20 minutes


Guess I'll give it a try too




Can you post a screenshot for reference?


Any gacha games with heavy dating sim elements?


Does ZZZ have elemental combat? Honestly this system in Genshin can get tiring sometimes, because you pull for character that you wanted only to realize you will not use it any time soon since you don't have compatible party.


Yes. But not like genshin, it’s like wuwa/hsr break bar. It’s flexible tho. You can choose to build a break team (tank/attack/support), or build a element team (stacks a different gauge which triggers debuffs).


Looking to find a gacha game I can play with my Aunt. She isn’t very familiar with video games, so I’m not convinced something like genshin impact would be good for her.


why gacha specifically tho?


We have Honkai Impact but when do we get Genshin Star Rail?


That's gonna be the rumored Animal Crossing-like, you get to invite the Zhongli expy over but only if you have a hay bale and a floral rug in your house


Which game do you think has the best PvP System? I think games with real time pvp are the best like Dragonball Legends or Epic Seven .


I really enjoyed Counterside's PvP though I've since dropped it. Usually dont care for PvP at all. It is real time.




Any games similar to One Piece Treasure Cruise? * RPG/Puzzle elements * Free to Play friendly, decent amount free currency/rates * dailies dont take forever


Last Cloudia, Grand Summoners, Romancing Saga Reuniverse, Octopath Cotc/Another Eden, Star Rail, Limbus Company, BrownDust 2


Reccomend me a game like blue archive or nikke, characters with nice and beautiful art, a polished gameplay and a nice UI


Reverse 1999! The aesthetics and vibe is phenomenal with R1999, Ui looks fine, the gameplay might be a hit or miss since its based around picking/swapping cards, give it a look!


Do u run Genshin, HSR, Wuthering Waves on your mobile phone? How do u manage it?


Have a better phone, you can't really do anything about it if your phone can't handle it. You can't change its parts like a computer and those Performance Enhancing Apps literally just give you a placebo effect, you think it works but it's not even doing anything.


the experience with Wuwa is so terrible on mobile phone, might as well delete it


I'm looking for a game witch is nice for free players and don't force me to buy all the time. I would prefer some kind of 2d RPG, but it is ok for a game to be autobattler. I need a game where progress can be achieved in 20-60 min per day not 8 hours of grinding. I checked Magic the Gathering Arena, and it is great, but I would prefer a game where you could feel some progress against computer enemies, not only PvP. I've played Fantasica a lot - until they got out with 7*, and when my beautiful stable of 5*s become just a feed for others. After this I was never able to get back to gacha games. Just tell me if a game I would like exists. Thank you for reading.


but isnt MTGA is TCG/CCG, Master Duel, Shadowverse type, Limbus Company, Octopath CotC/Another Eden, BrownDust 2, Romancing Saga Reuniverse, Reverse 1999,


Thank you


Is CN just China? Or am I missing something?




I’m looking for some recommendations. At the moment the only thing I’m looking for is a gacha game with at least one character that fits the “gyaru” archetype. That said, if anyone wants to recommend something else that they just think is really good I’m fine with that too.


A gyaru enjoyer i see.


Blue Archive currently having rerun of the Bunny Girl Gyaru https://preview.redd.it/xnf5yyet6u6d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=8aad8be38f0ba516859372468589a7e4f680b6f9


and BrownDust 2 releasing a new unit with gyaru archetype https://preview.redd.it/uktebx027u6d1.png?width=4733&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f3ddd9a387a17002bd89f422c8a75d9d75d7907


Thank you 👍


[Someone made a big list of gyarus in gacha a month ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1cj8sgj/gyaru_in_various_gacha_games/) NIKKE's are pretty fun if you can get them. If you want one ASAP play Action Taimanin and buy Maika (characters are brought with gems, no gacha needed.)


Thank you 👍


Any gacha worth starting right now? Looking for something new to get into. I currently play Nikke and Limbus Company. Azure lane whenever a friend reminds me that it exists lol. But I'm looking for another to add. I've played a bunch over the years that I've stopped playing for one reason or another. Fgo, blue archive, honkai impact 3rd, genshin (no plans in ever touching hoyoverse again), guardian tales, pgr, another Eden, Dokkan battle, arknights, afk journey,  I'm completely free to play and looking for a good story and good qol like sweeps and auto. 


BrownDust 2 having 1st anniversary in 4 days, and in 4 days Mushoku Tensei collab will Ends, Snowbreak will have their 1st Anniversary next month July


Any game that easy/quick to upgrade your characters(excluding gears)? Example : 1. Counter Side, leveling and upgrading their skill is pretty fast and easy. 2. Granblue Fantasy, leveling and uncaping(except evoker and eternal) are easy. Basically, when i got the unit, i want to try that unit as soon as i can to try team combination. And not waiting days/weeks just to upgrade one of them at a time.


Mostly some old gacha games or dying/near eos games


I'm currently Main playing Nikke and Project Sekai (Rythm Fix) Whats another game that I could possibly squeeze in. I have a Blue archive account but it's as old as the game so probably not worth using. I was Eyeing Brown dust 2 and Snowbreak but curious about their time commitments. I like if a game has a PC client that's easy to swap back and forth with so that would be a bonus. I tried 1999 but the gameplay didn't really click I don't think even though I loved the theme. Any other games I"m missing? Or any thoughts on these 2 for which would make more sense as a second game (project sekai is on farm mode so takes almost no time from my day)


Snowbreak is pretty low commitment due to the ability to sweep everything you need for dailies. You can farm dupes, event currency, and clear dailies in under 5min every day since all you do is click the sweep buttons for each task so it's easy to build up an account even if that's all you do for several months. Previous event weapons and gear can now be farmed from dedicated farm levels using just AP so there is very little fomo. So far the free SSR giveaway system is also pretty forgiving, you only need to log in to claim them when they are running, no need to play an event or complete min story levels or similar. The next one will be during anniversary next month so hopefully it stays this way.


That actually sounds pretty cool plus the PC client is a huge plus. Brown Dust seems a lot more of a commitment which most my time is Nikke atm


BrownDust daily commitment only requires as low as 5 min to 20 min per day. dunno where you get high commitment


Are there any games right now that have a big event or just a good celebration that showers new players with a bunch of free stuff?


Just saw the Brown Dust 2 should get the 1st anniv soon, just saying even tho i don't play it ><


Hmm... BD2 is a bit "too much" for me if you know what I mean. But thanks anyways\~\~


Snowbreak 1st anniv next month July, but prob "too much" for you too


I thought snowbreak was just about girls with guns lol




Wuthering Waves is probably going to be giving out lots of apologems for a while and there's also the apology 5* selector that will last for a year.


Hey there! I really miss Princess Connect Re:Dive and was wondering what other similar games exist? (I also really miss World Flipper!) Both of those series had art/character designs I liked. I also loved the character designs in Dislyte, but the grind in that game became too much, it felt more like a chore to keep up with. Right now, I play Project Sekai as my main gacha/rhythm game. So my requirements are basically: -Great character design -Well-written character motivations and stories -Rhythm, action, puzzle, and RPG are all good! Not the biggest fan of just idle gameplay. -Doesn't objectify young girls -15 GB and under -On app store


i think Priconne like games doesn't exist, this type of gameplay is old and most games that have the same gameplay are also closed.


You can still play both Priconne (JP server) and World Flipper (for a month)


Ensemble Stars? Other than the excellent artworks/graphic, its strongest point is how damn well they're at writing characters. A ton of lore for each of them despite the large cast. You won't get crumbs stanning anyone there. Whole bakery.  They're also currently celebrating 2nd Anniversary. Guaranteed 5*, diamonds, etc. And since old banners are having reruns, the story is available for free and will give you more diamonds. It's actually quite a good time to start.


Oh god it may finally be time for me to get into EnStars…


maybe disney twisted wonderland? it's an all-male character cast but really great character design, story and has turn-based RPG and rhythm game modes


I tried and I got bored of it so fast!! It’s a shame because I love the character designs. It was just the day-to-day stuff with the classes that bored me to tears, the story itself was fine.


honestly same lol. Sadly I don’t have any other recs but we sound like we like similar games so I’ll just mention I’ve been having a lot of fun playing Another Eden. Let me know if you end up finding something you like! 😊


I'm looking for a lightweight gacha that I can play on my cell phone or notebook. Both are old, with my phone being a Galaxy J7 Prime and my notebook having an Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4005U CPU. Any recommendations? (Preferably one that's F2P friendly and has a horny community)


Browndust 2 You just have to change the settings tho, cause it's default settings lags a lot on my mid range phone


Azur Lane sounds like a pretty good fit, I do wonder if the planned 3D dorm will bump up systen requirements though. You could also try GFL.


Okay, gonna try again, I want a gacha with no human character, and when i mean not human i mean I want a gacha with monster, or demons, or mechas anything that doesn't look like generic anime girls.


Puzzle games


Recommend me waifu (no playable males) gacha games on pc that arent: Honkai mpact 3 (to many self insert and moments that force you into being a male) Nikke (i dont like it. Snowbreak (already playing it. I heard so many times that gacha is filled with waifu games but i dont seem to find mnay.


Action Taimanin is all waifus and has HI3-style action gameplay. There's not really much else that fits exactly what you're looking for from what I know. If you're willing to use an emulator, Azur Lane and Blue Archive would also fit.


thanks no idea why im gettign disliked


Downvote spam happens all the time in this sub, you get used to it


How is Octopath COTC these days? I can't even remember why I quit, but I had just made it to the Arena fights that you can farm for 5* soulstones.


i find its in a perfect spot. lots of options for unit combinations, they released adversary log which is pretty much old bosses but with tougher difficulty which makes it quite fun challenge-wise (killing auguste in tougher version is great!)


Which is the most fanservice-y and, at the same time, the one with the easiest-to-understand gameplay? Browndust 2 or Snowbreak?


Snowbreak seems simpler gameplay wise since there's no real need to reroll artifacts + no crafting. You can offset lack of understanding the game mechanics with just playing well, people are starting to do level 1 unit runs on bosses. I think Browndust 2 has better fanservice. Snowbreak has pretty decent horny but it's got nothing on characters like Eclipse yet.


Well Snowbreak is just the traditional 3rd pov shooters, everyone should know how to shoot... right?


anyone know is pokemon master japanese version available at qoapp? searched "ポケモンマスター" and got nothing. i only found english version tho


Pretty sure Pokemon Masters Ex only has 1 global version. So that'd probably be why.


i find it funny, no guardian tales S3 post in this sub. Players really hated this new update.


I am loving it and was actually considering making a post (but why is this stopping you from making one?). New UI is growing on me and the changes to consolidate hero stones, awakening stones and gacha banners is a very welcome addition.


Some community just don't bother. Currently enstars global is having 2nd anniversary week with a special 5* on quest clear, guaranteed 5* gacha, daily free pull, and a lot of diamonds, yet nobody posted.


i mean... why dont you just post it?