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How much of it do you think is just cloud garden


Do people like that feature? I stop playing BECAUSE of that feature, it's so far away from the core gameplay mechanics imo.


I hate that shit, it lagged like hell on my old phone, run smoothly on current on but I still hate it


Same bro same cuz what even is the point of that stupid ass garden


I completely ignored it, peeked in once out of curiosity, never came back


Pretty sure majority hates it. Not only because it's very out of context from its gameplay, but also very unoptimized Like people who play Alchemy Stars mostly started because they wanted more puzzle rpg, not a goddam laggy and lackluster Animal Crossing


Last Cloudia gang


I enjoyed it for what it was. I felt like it was kinda comfy. The biggest problem was that it's not something I should be forced to come back to every single day. Once a week as a nice little bonus might be nice. There's no real point in making it look good cuz there's very little incentive to visit others without a serious reward. Which mystifies me in terms of why gachas are so intent on spending so much money and time developing these types of "my room" type features. However, you can see from other ppl's stuff that there is a very small % of people who are really dedicated to making the garden look sick as fuck. Their art direction has always been their strong suit, and imo their visuals didn't disappoint here either because there are some really wild looking trees and furnitures. At the end of the day, satisfying a confused small % of ppl who don't know why they're attracted to this is literally how AS is still running today. They earn a fucking pittance considering most of their fund probably goes to the artist, and their director probably writes most of the story pro-bono.


Same - they came out, I went in there and they had a ton of tasks and it was nothing like the game at all. It just felt so weird


I remember on release nobody liked it. Laggy, poor performance, not very fun and completely detached from the rest of the game. Seemed like desperate attempt at copying Genshin's "housing" mechanic.


Idk man but not THAT much lol


Actually the game size blew up massively when they implemented Cloud Garden lul


as well as the graphic requirement


A lot


Microsoft Outlook best gacha


RNG mail from the boss, fired or stay on your job position


or just daily gacha, heavy task or not


This is so goddamn relatable except my outlook size is 15gb++ unlike OP


That may be concerning lol


Just clear data and login again


most likely it saves the attachments.


Dailies take too long


I get microtransaction ads via our company bank authorized email blasts 😅 Stop tempting me to file for a loan, damnit!


The OG turn-based RPG


Their dailies suck. Too much work IMO.


Only reason i haven’t redownloaded


Same here,i was kinda sad to let it go, it's too heavy,i can tank 1 15gb but then there's aether gazer installed,so no


Have you see the size of Azur Lane if you download all assets? On my iPhone it’s 22 to 23 GB, and that game it’s just pngs and gifs (I fucking love Azur Lane)


Azur Lane is so bad with storage optimization :(


I mean no offense, but there is no way any optimization can be made to contain those massive assets of the girls. /s


Heavy armor assets 😭


Fr. They exist for torpedo protection i guess


Its really bad at storage optimization and 7 years old. Which is the perfect recipe for hoarding lots of space.


Wait till upcoming own AL Cloud Garden, my bet it will be 40GB


Out of curiosity, I checked on my phone and it's using ~17.9GB with all assets. In fairness, Azur Lane has a LOT of characters (how many gachas have >700 characters?), not to mention alternate forms like retrofits, skins, etc, and that's not including items, backgrounds, and everything else. I think the game's bigger than people realise, so it's not too unreasonable, but I also wouldn't complain if they could trim it down a little :P


Voice lines also. Sound takes up a lot of space, it is difficult to compress.


Mine is only 19GB, and that is with all the assets downloaded, including the voices and secrets


Even if you manage to install Azur Lane there is still more stuff to install to even access events, PR ship building and etc Edit: I installed the basic resource only and that is without downloading voices, comics, live 2d and something I probably forgot and it still hogs up a ton of space


Mine is also 23gb with all files. including sounds, even tho i play silent 😬


I *really* wish more games would allow us to not download the sound files, especially voice acting. If I'm playing on mobile I literally never have the sound on, it's a complete waste of space for me.


>On my iPhone it’s 22 to 23 GB I downloaded everything and it only takes up 13.77 GB on my phone https://preview.redd.it/8dwykge78o7d1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d476e04435f2f1799704c67987c4a1a6e527e655




It doesn’t matter, it’s just funny. Have you seen Azur Lane? It’s just a bunch of PNGs and GIFs, and yet has almost the same size than Genshin on mobile. Some people here are saying that their AL have less Gb, but those people probably have yet to unlock all the events, live2d, comics, voices, quests, minigames, songs, PR ships and juustagram. The game can be abnormally large for such a graphically simple game, just compare with any other 3D gacha game. Not complaining tho, I love Azur Lane and the size is probably due to they having all the assets, even unused ones for limited events throughout the years, already downloaded on your phone.


They probably expect you to own a 1TB phone


You'll be surprised how many budget "gaming" fandom phones have a 1TB option in CN


Poco X6 Pro 512gb storage. $400. CN phones are amazing


the CN version of Poco X6 Pro (Redmi K70e) has a [1TB option ](https://www.gizmochina.com/2023/11/29/xiaomi-redmi-k70e-launched-china/)


How'd one go about buying one of those in the states? Could ya just smack your tmobile onto it like normal?


Generally speaking it should be that easy if you’re using T-Mobile (or a company using their network, like Mint Mobile.) It’s only a problem when you’re using ATT or Verizon because they specifically have to whitelist a phone or they’ll block it from their network.


I have 63 GB of games on a 256 GB phone which I thought is quite a lot. 1 TB is more than my ssd of 512 at home.


Yeah it's quite insane, I have 256 GB phone too, and I can hardly imagine how to fill that already, 512 would be even more and 1TB... jesus christ why


[bc CN phone apps on average eat up way more RAM and storage](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1112827039590920213/1253340203423240295/the_state_of_CN_memory_consumption.png?ex=66757f86&is=66742e06&hm=5845237739fdbd0ad4b22caff44a2556c4ad5412a4db54a6cd72822c422d72c2&)


Sigh if only SD card slots didn't disappear from flagship phones... doesn't matter if your phone only has 128gb just insert a 1tb SD card and you're good to go.


Even with SD cards it's a PITA to be honest. My tablet has a 1.5 TB SD Card and barely any space is used (yet).


Do you realize how horrifically bad the performance would be if the game would have to load from an microsd? 


Have you been playing since forever? Because it will keep old assets, reinstalling might free up space.


The thing is I haven't played since early last year. I just reinstalled it today. Took forever


I'm reinstalling, recently same size as that


Holy hell!!! The Game is not even open world! 🤣🤣


Reinstalling actually brought up the size, It’s like 30gb


No way, it's like 200GB for me.


I sincerey hope you mean MB


yep. same gimmick is with Eversoul as it kept accumulating for me its size to 20gb+ at one point


Lots of cutscenes and/or audio?


The gameplay is in 3D with chibi models that vary. Sometimes they reuse the same model while others will have a slightly different model when ascended. Every single unit has two skins for base and ascended, both Live2D/animated plus the ability to keep them static. Additional skins are the same except only one skin each. There are special skins that have animations when set on the home screen and also update the attack animations of their 3D models. In addition to that are their story portraits which are also animated.


Lots of L2D. Every character has two L2D skins (base and ascension), all sprites during cutscenes are also L2D, most skins have a separate chibi as well (including the ascension skins), music from events gets saved in a jukebox... yeah, there's a lot of assets.


Yeah, also a lot of 3D assets for their two "base" systems.


Huge games are the reason why I bought an S24 with 256gb. Used-condition Snapdragon 888 and 8 Gen 1 with 256gb are cheap enough nowadays, 512gb-1tb models will always be expensive with a powerful processor.


Yep 256gb is becoming a minimum if you are into mobile gaming. Have a 1tb phone myself and just with a handfull of games and basic utility apps you will easily cross into the 100+gb quickly


Don't actually get a Snapdragon 888 or **non-Plus** 8 Gen 1 they're notorious for overheating when playing basically most games


I mentioned used because flagship phones with good processors for 3D games always tend to be expensive. New phones will obviously cost more. The 888 doesnt overheat that much and neither does the S8G1, but the latter tends to be battery inefficient.


But btw, there's also the Mediatek Dimensity 8200, which has equivalent performance to the 8G1 but more efficient, and is used by a bunch of new phones: * Infinix GT 20 Pro * Tecno Camon 30 Pro & Premier  * Xiaomi 13T >!2023 Phone of the Year!< * Vivo V30 Pro


It's insane to me that so many mobile games these days are several times larger than the largest X360 or PS3 games and they look like shit and many are 2D. WHY THE FUCK IS BRAVE EXVIUS 12-18GB while having sprites like FFTactics or Vandal Hearts and combat like FF6? It's not like PS1 and PS2 games didnt have FMV in-battle cutscenes.


Love alchemy stars and still playing it to this day,but the gb optimization of the game is insanely big which is bonkers 😅😅


I was looking to get into to it. Any tips?


1. This game is f2p friendly and i only recommend if you like a unit or anesthetics to put money. 2. The game revolves around 4 elements fire, grass,water and thunder. 3. CONVERTERS in this game are vital being the bloodline of the style of gameplay which is using tiles of the 4 colors. 4. Build your Colossus or ship as soon as possible for getting resources. 5. The daily are pretty fast and now their auto and sweep for grinding. 6. THIS GAME IS VERY LOW RISK FOR YOU in your daily life you will not consume your day in it. 7. STORY AND ART STYLE are great. 8. Their a guide made by Team BethelFrankel which is great.


Thanks for they advice


Even Genshin impact on my phone is 18.49GB 😅😅


How did you do it ? https://preview.redd.it/qkvbfm2mhs7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06bfbca3c4580b4dbcbb70fad03d6aab761d330c


You have to re-download the game so that past events and patches get removed and deleting all completed quests ingame


This is the game that got me back into gacha games after a couple of years, really loved the grind and building a solid team etc. But I just deleted it yesterday. Only because it takes so much space and I wanted to try other stuff like HSR on my phone. Maybe Ill be back one day but pls make a PC version or shave off like 10gb


There is a DMM version iirc if want to play in PC


does that mean the bluestacks version? I tried that but I really hated how bkuestacks operates on PC


No, DMM media player is kinda Japanese store combined with built-in launcher for games released in there. It's not emulator at all, but bcs japanese, require VPN to log in that launcher. In-game Alchemy Stars itself doesn't need VPN to log in & still allow to choose server outside JP(idk if it's allow to choose CN, probably not), so it's fine to turn off VPN after the game load into desktop




Tell that to goddamn HSR, close to 30GB!? It’s so big I delete it.


Lmao Genshin is smaller than HSR rn


HSR is at least justifable graphic wise, alchemy stars tho?


Not when genshin with 4 years of content is smaller in storage


Most hsr flagship events are permanent, that's probably why


It is more that past quest data, mainly prerendered cutscenes and audio, can't be deleted. Genshin added the option a while ago but HSR hasn't.


Not entirely. Genshin had a huge update recently that optimized assets, which reduced the size by around 7 GB on mobile and around 15 GB on PC. The pre-download for that patch.was huge, probably because it contained a lot of replacement assets.


I'm really hoping they bake that into the game soon. I feel like getting rid of old quest cutscenes/audio would be able to cut the filesize down quite a lot, especially since once you do most of the story you can't exactly re-do it so keeping stuff like audio isn't very helpful.


Flagship events may be permanent, but not up to 10GB+ levels compared to Genshin's permanent overworld assets.


My HSR was 35GBs before Firefly patch - I couldnt even patch it. I deleted all data and went down to 21GBs after redownload


22gb is no joke for 128gb phones. I fear it will just get bigger next year with a new planet. Thank goodness we are stuck at Xiangzhou Loufu for the rest of the year (I guess). Ample time for me to actually buy a 256gb phone 😅


> Thank goodness we are stuck at Xiangzhou Loufu Not a sentence I thought I would read in a long while tbh.


Same man. I can’t wait to get a new phone. One of those 256 gb ones. Going to take forever since I’m a college student


https://preview.redd.it/56f986d3un7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab68d0fe806fb78c93011012dc8d51841c0efbf5 I'm so happy ever since I upgraded my phone, 189/256GB being used, I remember when I used to struggle with having even one gacha game


Oh hey Last Cloudia


Hi friend! Sonic event is out I think


Wait there's a Sonic event? I take breaks do I'm re-downloading then


Yeup! Came out today I think. There is sonic, tails, ans knuckles!


It's funny cause honkai impact 3 is like 30gbs lol


https://preview.redd.it/x83wnx8j8t7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=419adb8a4c07b5b1ea9c1bff0b3f1200b2b28d34 Lol..


Dev doesn’t listen game. Too many waste file of some past events and the garden. I hope there is delete file option like Genshin but dev didn’t concern this. 🫤


Can you play in pc ? Tried to get it on my phone but it’s too big


Yea thats what I eneded up doing. However, having that big of a game sucks when wanting to play others


Last cloudia king! Respect




Cloud Garden really made this game double in size.


Im too dumb to.play this.


Makes me glad some games allow deleting of files of content you won't use


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Fishman465: *Makes me glad some games* *Allow deleting of files* *Of content you won't use* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


At this point we can all agree with that size, their no longer mobile games but pc or console games except it’s shoved into a small device just barely fitting in. Some games give you the option of not installing any voice files which is great since they do take up a lot of space while others just download the voice files you wouldn’t bother using at all. I’ve been wanting to get into Snowbreak Containment zone, Punishing Gray Raven or Honkai 3rd Impact but either my phone doesn’t have enough space, can’t run without overheating or just don’t have enough time for them. I just wish I can play them normally without having these issues since I don’t have a pc to install them and some of them aren’t on PS4 except Genshin Impact which I’m finally getting all the patches installed and resource package thanks to Wi-Fi. In short, I like playing these games but sometimes the space required gets horrifying at times looking at you Eversoul https://preview.redd.it/ufcz6omy8n7d1.png?width=2001&format=png&auto=webp&s=87b9a158b23b928d3636d0c33a36076eb74a4e53


Save yourself pain with snowbreak, and play it on Steam. The game is just so much more enjoyable with KBM (being a movement/skill based TPS) it's not even funny.


Thanks for the advice comrade maybe one day when I get a PC anyways have this https://preview.redd.it/po19h2h1mo7d1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a26319fc5ca65b69f656029aa0d85de5f2d88b44


that aurora blast version doesn't even have pc client if i remember correctly


umamusume is bigger


I think it's from the HD animated pngs of every single character and npcs (please ignore Schwarz' "HD" pic)


im pretty sure e7 is 6.3gb try reinstalling


I donno why E7 doesnt provide the option to choose which language voice pack when first installing or whether you want the HD texture pack. Instead it auto downloads english + hd pack making me have to redownload the SD texture pack + JP voices when its done. Laziness of the devs imo. This should be simple for them to fix.


I hate when there are multiple download options and the game only lets you choose after you waste time, data bandwidth and storage (maybe even read/write cycles for older drives) downloading the default options that you probably want to delete. Genshin and Nikke are guilty of this for example, the former for the voice languages and the latter for HD/SD textures.


Nikke let you choose which language pack you want at first installation, but Genshin doesn't...


Holy Shit!! 19 gb from gacha game mobile phone,the question its why so big data for a simple tactic fft game? 


Looks like the game has very heavy assets)


why collect pngs when you can collect bmps


Lol you would be suprised how much storage a game containing mostly JPGs takes https://preview.redd.it/kxh0epwk1q7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09e460f09f29a8aa404b199824bbfbc03910e2bc


*cries in CoD mobile*


How is last cloudia so small. I'm surprised because the last time I played that it was over 10gb


Last cloudia you live for see it


More than open world games my gawd


U should see genshin, hsr, wuwa file size


And i thought azur lane was big (well except genshin & other open world gacha game) holly (NVM, its 20 GB now. I'm glad im moving it to emulator on PC)


I wanted to try it, deleted Fortnite off of my phone for it AND THEN IT WAS LARGER THAN FORTNITE?! Insanity.


Get more space


Only 19 gigs? That's pretty small compared to HSR or Azure Lane.


I enjoy the latest Gacha title Microsoft Outlook


Yeah their optimization in general is barely existent. Not just the file size but also the processing too, with lowest setting I'm getting fps drops to almost every part of the game. I think at least 8 GB of that is because of cloud gardens. When I also played with files, their 3d models was quite of high poly. I no longer have copy of files but it's almost equivalent to genshin impact, not even other 3d chibi game, like neural cloud or blue archive, use that much. I guess it's to try to preserve those small details of character clothings, and they're quiet alot. Also I think the other thing I noticed in comparison to other 3d chibi games is they have some shaders, and not just shader but those with high fidelity and it's honestly currently broken, causing characters/character clothings to have weird colors I'm not sure when they'll fix that. And IIRC there's no option to turn off shadows. From what I see it's their attempt to make their chibis look good, but with how you see them to battlefield/during gameplay I don't think it's noticeable. If they could at least add option for low poly models and delete the high poly it would free alot of space.


Why do you still have Outlook


Company email. I work in a clinic, and they use it.


That bitcoin miner aint gonna mine itself


It's an amazing game that's why with tons of stuff


AS is a beautiful game but needs a bit of space. I love it and will still keep it.


Off-topic, but I imagine this is how large Arknights would be if they voiceacted their story.


Number one reason I haven’t return to that game. I like how the characters look but that’s too much space for what it is. Heck, even Azur lane doesn’t take that much space on my phone, pretty sure Honkai impact and dokkan didn’t take up that much space either for me


People still struggle with space ? Most phones have 256gb and i also have a large sd aswell


In what world is 19 gb a lot, especially on pc?


This is mobile device. Yes it's alot. Noone said anything about pc lol


So what did you take the photo with if that's a phone




So why don't you just play one of the games on the tablet 🫥


That's ....not the point smh lol


But it's a solution to your problem no?


Genuine question: what the heck are your phones storage sizes?  Are people still rocking 128GB phones? I would at least think people moved on to buying better phones with 256 or even springing for 512a I'd they're gonna invest in playing gacha on the phone ... ::Edit:: Nah, y'all ain't getting out of this with the huffy downvotes, post here and tell me why y'all can drop hundreds on waifus but can't spring for a cheap 200 dollar phone...


256GB as base model only really started to be a common phone trend in around 2022-2023, but a lot of people still got phones from back when 128GB (or even 64GB🤣) was the base model


I have a 2018 iPhone XR, and I could only afford 64gb which was ENOUGH for lots of years. Now I install one of these games and I cannot install anything else. Specially that ifuckingOS steals me around 20gb alone I deleted HSR and I can only play once in a while on ps5 since I don’t play on it everyday like I would with phone during work. A lot of other games I liked went past 10gb and limits me a lot. WOTV, Saint Seiya Awakening, EpicSeven is almost there.


My phone only has 64 gigs of storage so it’s a good thing I only play games on PC


well it's fairly small compared to your mail client


Most literate gacha player


Lol, no. Outlook is in MB (in other words, less that 1GB). Alchemy here is literally 20x the size.


Bro that's MB not GB 💀