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There’s no reason we shouldn’t be able to plug our phones into a monitor and use it as a full fledged (lite) computer. Web browsing, text editing. Basic tasks.




Honestly, I think if they eliminated the macbook air and ipad pro from their product line and replaced them both with an iPad running Mac OS, it'd be one of their best selling products of all time. The amount of people I know who actively want a powerful ARM tablet running a real PC operating system is crazy high, and once the new snapdragon PC chips hit the market they're gonna eat Apple's lunch in the ARM PC space if they don't change something. Snapdragon elite has me unironically considering buying a surface tablet in 2024 lmao.


*looks at iPod, AirPods, iPhone. Touch screen Mac with no keyboard, best selling of all time? It’s a subsection of a subsection.


I meant with a keyboard included, basically I want them to make a Surface. Look at the amount of people out there trying to do real work (video editing, software development, music production, etc) on iPad pros for some reason, and Imagine how much more viable that would be if the iPad pro ran a real operating system instead of a glorified smartphone os.


The surface is exactly what I want Apple to release, but for Mac obviously. An M4 running iPadOS just seems bonkers to me, if it was sentient it would probably be bored.


I used a surface for work and loved the thing. Would kill for a Mac version to carry around


Never had a surface before but eagerly awaiting the reviews of the new surface with snap dragon. Can be the device I've been wanting. Willing to sell the M1 air and android tab for it.


You mean like Samsung Dex that's available on their flagship phones for many years?


I know a shit load of people who can barely use any sort of PC OS now, but can manage basic smartphone and tablet ones. I don't think you understand how massive the tablet market is for these types of people.


As a person that deals directly with consumers buying and using these products I can confirm: people are super bad at using *everything.* I thought when the kids that grew up with tech got to the work force it would be an explosion of productivity but they’re worse! Everything tech has been handed to them and if it didn’t work someone else fixed it. Everyone is terrible with computers.


My mom told me she wants a new MacBook and almost bought when at the Apple Store when she was getting tech help for her phone. I asked “why do need a new one, you already have one you don’t use”. And she said “I don’t use it because I don’t know what to do with it”. I asked “what do you want to do with it? Check email, upload photos, go to websites?”. She said “I don’t even know”. It’s crazy town. (Ps I have set it all set up her for used it with her many times with her, she just is clueless and thinks something newer will help. It won’t)


It's as bad as someone buying a AMD Radeon RX 6950 XT and only playing minecraft and solitaire on it


Minecraft eats GPUs for breakfast these days, especially if you enable raytracing.


Hi it's me, buy the most powerful gpu but end up running everything on low settings


It’s basically all the same OS right now anyway. Have an easy toggle between iPadOS mode and macOS mode. Heck, tie it to using a Magic Keyboard. This is absolutely an area we can have our cake and eat it too.


Having two operating systems in one device just shows a failure of both.


It wouldn’t be two operating systems, though, just two ways of presenting the same operating system. It ALREADY is this way, you just don’t have a choice how you use it. iOS, iPadOS, and macOS are all essentially the same core operating system. Obviously, there are plenty of functional differences, but the underlying architecture is the same. You can run iPad/iPhone apps on an Apple Silicon Mac, and it’s not using an emulator to do it.


Those people are problems.


I would like to see this. But it probably won't happen unless they're "forced" to do so by a competing product. And maybe not even then. Not only would they sell fewer hardware products - but they'd also "lose" on revenue from the App Store. Fewer devices = fewer app sales = that 30% doesn't go as far (for Apple).


Right? Like some kind of bluetooth keyboard that magnetically attaches to the screen or back, a case that lets you put a mouse/stylus/small dock... Apple does *user experience* very well. Most of the time I don't care enough for that so I use Windows and Android. But for a completely mobile PC-tablet? I'd definitely be a customer because a seamless integration of the two is something I think only Apple could pull off well right now.


Any artist using Apple pencils would increase their productivity 10x


Don’t they sell keyboards for the iPad?


Imagine Apple people asking for more products


Business wise though Apple wants to reinforce the idea of the Apple "ecosystem," and they can't do that with only one or two devices. While making a device like the one you suggest might sell well, making multiple devices that work together, and then regularly deprecating those devices so you have to keep buying upgrades makes them more money. It also keeps people locked into the ecosystem because if they leave, they lose compatibility with all the devices they already own.


I mean, the whole reason they haven't made that product yet is because they want people to buy both devices. But I agree, I think once Snapdragon Surfaces/Surface-like laplets start dominating the market, it might force Apple's hand.


Yes, but that only appeals to people so deep in the apple ecosystem that they'll buy what is essentially the same device in different form factors twice. If they want to expand their desktop market share they should cater to people who don't already own 37 apple devices. I would seriously consider buying an iPad pro that runs Mac OS, and I haven't bought an apple computer since my first laptop over a decade ago (ancient Intel macbook air)


>Snapdragon elite has me unironically considering buying a surface tablet in 2024 lmao. Exactly what I've just done. My iPad Pro 12.9 and magic kb would be perfect if it wasn't for the disaster that is ipadOS


Yeah but then if you have a device that can do it all, you can’t sell three devices anymore


> iPad running Mac OS, it'd be one of their best selling products of all time Ipad running MacOS is basically what I assumed was the intention when they started moving to the M1 chips. I would absolutely have bought one if the Ipad was literally a laptop in tablet form factor.


And they're even putting M2s and M4s in iPads now, yet still without MacOS


This sounds exactly like the people over in r/iPhone who are convinced that everyone wants an iPhone mini. A tablet running a desktop OS is a niche of a niche, just look at the Win8 Surfaces.


Hard pass from me. Hate ipads. I need a proper file system which as you said would be solved with mac os. Want a proper machine to run my heavier software.


Did you comprehend what they said? You’d essentially have a macbook in the body of an ipad. It’s still a proper machine if it uses the same processor has a keyboard and trackpad and additionally had a touchscreen capable of use with a pen.


No valid reason.


the ipad has the best cpu of all apple lineup currently. it’s ridiculous. they could run macOS easily, it’s the same architecture. it’s their sole greed to choose not to.


And they want you to buy all software from the Appstore.


Flagship Galaxy phones have been able to do that since the S8 series. It's called DeX and is a full desktop experience.


I use dex to play RuneScape on a work PC


Infinitode and MtG Arena for me, but same.


I'll be pedantic here... you use Dex to play RuneScape on a work monitor/display.


It's very possible he's running Dex as a host software on his work PC, this allows the PC to function as a screen+input for the Dex environment. So yeah, the game is still running on the Samsung phone, but they are definitely playing it on a work PC. the big bonus is you can quickly switch back to work since the Dex session is just an app on the PC


Good point. I just feel that installing the app night be against the rules at most offices. Granted, I know some IT departments are extremely lax with security.


S24 series can do games like Fallout 4 these days using Winlator.


I'm still mad they decided to discontinue Linux on DeX


Oh boy can't wait for apple to invent this feature in 5 years


Its not a desktop OS with desktop apps though its just a phone on a big screen.


Dex on fold replaced my Work laptop, for travel and gaming with a bt controller. Game Pass and Geforce streaming service work great on it. Heck Im typing this on a dex dock at work right now, it connects to the work pc and overides it to a window to use the Android desk top. So I don't use "work" resources for personal browsing... and it looks like im just using another window on the PC... Very covert.


Oh man how I miss my Note 8.


Before that we had The Moto Atrix 4G that could literally turn into a Linux laptop with a bigger screen and speakers built into a docking case. It was called the LapDock.


Yeah i learned this a couple of months ago at work when an employee that was on his last day, had turned in his equipment already(we leave monitors and docks in the office), i walked in and he was watching youtube from his phone plugged into the dock, on the monitors. keyboard and mouse worked flawlessly as well. Not sure if his was a galaxy but it was most definitely an android.


My samsung does. Plug it into a little dock, which has hdmi to a monitor, 3 usb ports for mouse+keyboard and anything else you need, and it provides power so the phone doesn't die. It even switches to a desktop mode with system tray and everything. Also I can install any app I want, even if Google play doesn't approve of it.


Sounds very useful. What dock are you using, and is it the one you would buy again?


It was a cheap no brand off Amazon for 25$. If I were to get another one, id probably get one with a couple more usb, SD card reader, and maybe some USB-C. I think you just need to figure out what you want to plug in/use for the setup, and make sure have enough plugs to do it, and it will work for your device (the ones I saw on amazon listed compatible devices). It's nice bc it also works with the Nintendo Switch, so it's an extra dock for that too.


i just plug it to my monitor via typeC and it also does the charging. keyboard and mouse via bluetooth but if your monitor has a USB hub i think that also works, its ridiculously powerful


I can reccomend the baseus mate dock. I can also plug my phone into my portable monitors directly and use a bluetooth keyboard/mouse.


https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy works with pretty much any android phone


thats already possible with samsung DEX


Buy android


You can on Android. Asus in particular even sells a dock and other accessories specifically for that purpose.


Why would it need to be a "lite" computer? The iPhone 15 Pro Max is incredibly powerful and can even run AAA videogames normally on PC. There's no reason why something akin to Samsung Dex isn't available on every phone at this point. Real question is why does Apple get to tell me what I can or can't run on a device that I purchased and own?


There's no video card. No way it could run the majority of AAA games I play (well).


Because having a closed ecosystem is Apple's philosophy and how they have always operated. They're never going to change that unless they're legally forced to. If you want Dex buy a Samsung phone.


They can't charge you a per-use or a monthly subscription charge, that's the reason.


Since 2018 i've been doing it with every android i got


Good news: https://9to5mac.com/2023/09/16/iphone-15-usb-c-external-displays/


The same reason as why Apple removed the free hotspot app years ago


Is that an American thing?


What are you on about? I've been able to use my iPhones as a hotspot for ages. It's built into iOS.


Only if you have it on your plan. It won’t allow you to enable it if you don’t. The hotspot app got around that.


Huh, TIL.


In America they have this insane thing where you have to pay your carrier extra to hotspot and Apple are somehow fine with this and block you from doing it.


Mint Mobile (my current carrier) as well as Sprint and T-Mobile (previous carriers) include it in most plans above the bare minimum


What?! IPhones don't have Hotspot? That's part of Settings on any Android phones? At least my S20 FE also has it ...


Yes all apple phone have a hotspot. But it’s carrier locked.


Got it, thanks 😊. I'm in Canada, so the carriers can't lock it here.


iPhones have hotspot in settings as well, but it only shows up if you pay for that with your carrier. People used to use apps when they weren’t paying for it with their carrier.


which is fucking stupid because at the end of the day it's data through the mobile network. fuck whoever thinks they should be able to monetize this - it's an arbitrary limit purely for monetary gain


Right. It’s just double dipping. We already pay for the mobile connection, just let us use it however we like. It’s not any unlimited plans are actually unlimited. Every single mobile carrier only provides full speeds up to a certain amount of data, then if you go over that amount you’ll be first in line for throttling if their tower is bottlenecked. Just keep it at that.


Hotspot apps are banned by the mobile carriers.


I always think of this just coming home and using a MagSafe charging dock and seeing my iPhone boot into a iPadOS desktop environment. You would always have your phone on you and a computer.


Please don’t say iPadOS desktop environment haha. It’s sadly so far from a real desktop experience


It may make no sense, but I'd love to be able to run Chrome or Firefox, at least on a simulator, because the actual iOS browser will come god knows when


Why does it have to be basic, don’t the latest smartphones have enough grunt to run a full blown Windows for example?


They definitely do, but mobile apps can't really compete with desktop apps in productivity


You can do this with Samsung devices.


I’ve dreamed of this for years!


That's what I do with my Samsung phone...


Is it available in this alternate store in Europe?


welcome to samsung dex


Get a Samsung, then have Samsung Dex and it's just that


Samsung DEX is so great. I use it all the time. There were few consumers outside of power users that even know about it, and most of those same people could use it as a primary computing device. I did for a while, and there wasn't a whole lot I couldn't do on it.


I had the Motorola atrix 4g phone back in like 2011 or 2012 that could plug into hdmi and usb and launch a desktop version of android with phone mirroring and full screen apps. It was nowhere near fast enough but I’ve hated that phones weren’t like that ever since.


Put a graphics card in the monitor and connect the phone via Thunderbolt


Samsung Dex is fantastic.


I can do this on my shitty PinePhone.


Samsung has had this for years with Samsung Dex. Pretty sure since the s8.


Dex on Samsung phones is just that.


Samsung DEX


My Motorola atrix in 2011 had that feature, Apple just wants to sell iPads or MacBooks 🙄


Greed is a very strong reason for Apple.


You can absolutely do this with a Samsung. It's amazing. The only limitation Samsung currently has is supporting Dual Monitors.




Ubuntu touch basically got designed around being able to do this


> What is more surprising, is the fact that UTM says that Apple is also blocking the app from being listed in third-party app stores in the EU. What's the point of a third party app store if Apple is allowed to dictate what the store can offer?


We demand a *fourth party* app store!!


It is app stores all the way down.


And 6 minute abs


And a 2 minute burrito


Who works out in 6 minutes‽ You won’t even get your heart going, not even a mouse on a wheel!


*Cydia has entered the chat*


How about a 10th party App Store?


fuck it, FIVE app stores


Yes they are useless. I was pretty excited, but they have to review each individual app. It’s only “good” (depends on each developer) for the developers. There is no increased user freedom.


Originally Apple set rules that all apps on third party app stores must go through a screening process to prevent viruses and malware. Unfortunately they are rejecting apps for other reasons as well; though this is being claimed as a violation of the rules against emulation or JIT code as it can be a security hole for the OS.


JIT is just not an iOS platform feature, UTM SE just doesn’t use jt. UTM SE being banned from the EU third party app stores is pretty blatantly a DMA violation


Oooo, can’t wait for the EU folks to pick up on this. That’s not how anything is supposed to work with the regulation changes there. Third party stores should be free to add what they want and Apple cannot strong arm devs off them. They’ll be slapped down for this.


we’ll get a case in 7years then a resolution in 10 and apple will pay a couple million slap on the wrist and then finally allow “verified” emulators/JIT usage a year or two after that Corpo 101: *“Rules for thee and not for me, and if it’s illegal we’ll pay a small fee.”*


You say that, but since GDPR the fines have gotte bigger and bigger and now routinely get based on turnover. So even if it's going to take years to prosecute, the "cost of doing business" argument will stop applying as they get so large you CAN'T budget for them anymore.


Trust me I do hope this happens. Just it’s hard to be optimistic when massive corporations continue to do it time and time again and slight any meaningful change in the long-term. edit: I do know of the $1.8B recent fine but again, Apple is appealing it. We’ll see it holds that value and again it’s still ½ of 1% of Apple’s net sales last year. It doesn’t hurt them much.


Um…have you been paying attention to the DMCA / Apple? Because it’s already happened, and isn’t taking 7-10 years in the slightest.


How’s the EU response to this bullshit attempt Apple did to fulfill the new laws?


It's malicious compliance with the EU. They say they offer them technically but don't honour the spirit of the idea. It will take a Dev or the party running one of those other stores to challenge them in EU courts before it changes.


Man this would’ve been cool. I like running VMs on azure and using RD client for my desktops at home. But running another OS locally would’ve been fun


Why pay for that when you can do the same locally for free? No azure required at all for that. They're blocking running an emulaor on a phone not running VM's locally with a laptop or desktop.


Right, but the emulator let you run an OS locally on an iPad or iPhone, not virtualized from resources elsewhere in your environment Would have been fun to see what we could do with the M2/M4 chips


I'm speaking specifically to what you said you like doing which is running VM's then RDPing into them. I'm telling you you can already do that for free vs paying a bunch of fees from azure. You can already see what the M2/M4 chips can do with VM's my guy. That's my point lol. In other words, I'm trying to let you know you can do the things you say for free and in the M series chips. Been a thing since M1. This post is about running an emulator on a phone. From the sounds of it, it still had a long ways to go due to limitations that apple places in compute for what it used. (They honestly should just allow it). That said, like said for **your** case you can run VM's locally my man and not have to pay money.


From what I've heard, the lack of JIT compilation on iOS makes a lot of emulators like these pretty unusable for any modern OS. Apple are blocking the SE (non-JIT) version under the grounds that windows is a not a console (even if it's required for some games).


So because the hardware it emulates is an x86 processor, it's somehow different than emulating a z80 or 6502 or whatever?  That makes no sense. 


I agree that it doesn't make sense either, but I'm also saying that even if Apple allowed it on the App Store the experience wouldn't be very good either. From what I've heard from people who side loaded the SE version, without JIT support even a lightweight Linux distro can take >10 minutes to boot up and is barely useable.


Which is why these proprietary features need to stop being proprietary. Why is our computation artificially locked down. I like Apple but this is disgusting behaviour 


Can’t someone just look up that one company that made a console with windows. I’m sure there’s one out there somewhere. Technically it can be any windows variant I’d assume.


Except for Xboxes, Gizmondo is the only console off the top of my head that actually shipped with Windows (Windows CE to be exact). Sega Dreamcast games could have an embedded Windows CE runtime to make game development easier, but the console itself had no Windows software on it at all.


Apple aren't gonna play games like that lol.


Do you mean the ROG Ally?


Does the emulator come with Windows or does the user have to supply that themselves? I kind of wonder if this is a “We’re gonna get sued by Microsoft if we allow this” decision. The article didn’t say either way.


I have UTM on my MacBook Pro, it doesn't come with windows and makes you download it and activate it yourself. I imagine it's just Apple trying to maintain control of their devices and the revenue stream they get from the App Store, I know several people who would immediately switch to using a Windows VM on their iPad if they had the option and I doubt Apple wants that.


Simply rude


This is BS. We have to regulate these corporations.


It's funny because apple and google are anti regulation when it comes to them but when it comes to developers they want to regulate the hell out of you when you put your app on the appstore. Shady tatics to protect there 30% app tax is all it is. IOS should be like Mac OS an open system to download what we want.


Yes. Apple slowly adding notice for things like apps accessing you microphone (after a decade of them doing it) is not because they’re protecting your privacy — it’s because they’re establishing an exclusive right to do it themselves


tbf I constantly get `"Weather" has been using your location for 6 months` alerts as though their own weather app is potential malware. Remember when they used to shit on Windows Vista for obtrusive alerts every few seconds?


Real shame. A Windows XP or W7 VM would be very handy for some of the old automotive software and manuals. It would be a step toward the iPad being a professional device.


Apple has been doing this type of marketing since the beginning of time.


Laughs in android


Jerk move, Apple


*How dare you try to add more functionally to the device we sold you.*


Apple: pay more for less.


EU has to stop playing nice with Apple and start giving them billion-dollar fines, like they did with Google. They proved time and time again that they won't do anything unless absolutely forced to. This is once again an example - yea, you can have alternative app store, but we're going to make it so difficult, pricey or (like here) impossible that you won't. Apple should have 0 to say what can and cannot be published on other App Stores (and also therefore shouldn't be able to track in any way what you publish, install and charge you for it).


The law was written and gives apple EXPLICIT permission to block apps from third party app stores. The only thing they can't do is sell an app on their first party store that they've blocked from third party stores. The law is meant to protect European business interests, not users.


Thousand dollar reddit browsers


Apple refuses to allow Apple TV to work on non-iOS devices. They do not care if it turns some people away forever (like me). They want your money and they will inconvenience you at every opportunity to convince you they're more convenient. Edit: should have specified phones.


Hmm I’ve been using Apple TV apps on non iOS devices daily for like 2-3 years…what do you mean?


Browser only. Edit: should have specified phones.


AppleTV app is on my Chromecast with Google TV, what are you referring to specifically?


I edited. specifically phones.


Coming soon apparently https://9to5mac.com/2024/05/29/apple-tv-app-android/


Heck yeah. Only a few years behind.


Oh never tried that. A web app would be nice for sure but I’ve been using it on my Roku and my smart tv with no issues


On Android phones, the only way to watch Apple TV content is via a web browser. This is despite the fact that they have written an Android TV native app for Chromecast and Fire TV devices.




I just searched in the Play Store on my phone and found nothing. They do have an android app for Apple TV, but it is limited to Chromecast and Fire TV devices, no mobile devices


You can't but it is rumoured to be announced at WWDC this year.


https://duckduckgo.com/?q=appletv+android&iar=news&ia=news This should help.


They are worth 3T, right? That much money allows them to buy their way about everywhere sadly.


I’m so shocked they waited this long. Anyone else not shocked at all?


Anyone who cares about this stuff doesn't use a toy OS like Apple's mobile products anyway. Thanks, but I like my OS to do what I want, not what Tim Cook's salespeople want.


Android offers more customisation, flexibility, and affordability, iOS provides more stability, simplicity, and security. Android is definitely the toy OS for people who like to play with things.


Apple loves doing everything wrong. I still can't believe people buy their products.


Buy Android.


Yup. Galaxy has had Dex since the S8.


I despise apple because I am deaf. I need iPhone because it is the only OS that gives hearing aid users a reasonable experience. The MFI (made for iPhone) interface is a commercial arrangement between hearing aid manufacturers and apple that exploits the deaf and affects their quality of life. It’s a special kind of evil IYAM


Apple continues blowing those goats.


When will apple stop cucking me


Best part of them doing this is now i found out about them and im gonna go sideload it


How would you do that? Asking for a friend.


Just get android


I hate apple. Nothing like being out of country watching Netflix or Hulu but when I airplay it to the TV it’s only audio because they have it blocked out. So over their proprietary everything policy.


Apple wants to turn computers into appliances anyway, so it's not surprising. The test is, can you develop system software for the device on the device itself, and run it? Then it's a computer. If not, then it's an appliance, which does only what the designers want it to.


One of the many reasons I daily a jailbroken iPhone


Apple knows best!


Reminds me of that dad joke. If Apple makes a car, will it have windows? I’ll see myself out now.


NEW : do LESS with your apple device (apple : simple devices because you can't do shit other then going on social media) new slogan : IPHONE the camera able to post on apple approved social media


You can blame the state of Rhode Island for this.


What’s the name of the app? And can it be side-loaded through AltStore?


I'm new to sideloading, is Altstore safe to use?


That’s weird because there already was a virtual machine app that lets you run desktop operating systems. I saw it in a [snazzy labs video](https://youtu.be/LrLDKYFyLMM?si=-lE13vp5PtCNZFg1) ~~a few~~ 3 years ago. I’m aware they’re technically different but they achieve the same thing. edit: added link to video


Apple is not only a closed ecosystem, but also close minded. They can learn a lot from the Linux community, but refused to do so.


UTM implemented as it should be (no JIT restrictions) on iPad would literally by my favorite app.