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In light of Boiler Gate, I decided to order an uncoated boiler and original group body so there’s no mixing of metals that could react. I was surprised to see the state of the inside of the boiler after exactly 6 months usage. At the same time I’ve also further modded the Gaggiuino I did last September and added in the scales to the drip tray and ToFnLED (measures the volume of water in the tank as well as having an LED). Just about there with the scales (I think) which needed some slight adjusting. Swapped the steam wand out for a ball joint cool touch one which is far better. This was pretty easy to change but you will need to drill 2x 4mm holes into the base for the bracket to mount to. [Here is a video of it in action](https://imgur.com/a/VUXJHCc) [Also, some more photos of the work](https://imgur.com/a/sD0Bpjg) Edit: correction on date


What kind of wand is that and do you have a link for where you bought it? I still have the stock wand and recently changed the tip out to a single hole be the stock two hole. Helped a ton but I still dislike how rigid the stock wand is.


It’s [this](https://www.espressolane.uk/product/gaggia-cool-touch-pre-2015-classic-201819-classic-pro-to-cool-touch-ssteel-one-hole-steam-wand/) one (Currently showing as out of stock whilst they await parts to make more)


Thank you so much! Now just have to wait for it to be in stock again.


That's cool, very cool. Was it actually £85.80 though??


I got it last year for around £79 so not far off. It’s an expensive upgrade I must admit.


Damn, ok. Don't think I could justify and invest that much more into my little Italian friend.


Which model is your Evo Pro? I have a 2023 Evo Pro and I want to upgrade the steam one but I’m not sure if it’ll work. I want the exact style that you have.


Mine is also the 2023 model. It’s simple enough to install. Drill 2x small holes in the chassis, fix the bracket in place and the connect up to where the original wand fed back to.


Did you have to remove the boiler to drill?


I drilled the holes with it still in the machine. That being said, you’ll need to loosen the 4x bolts on the underside so you can lean it out of the way


Ok thanks. I never bothered to tidy my gaggiuino wiring so it’s a hot mess in there.


Mine isn’t perfect, you should still be able to manoeuvre a drill in to do it. Just make sure you remove the water tank as you’ll have some metal shavings fall through


Ok thanks for the heads up.


This is a max level Gaggia. Props.




So this boiler gate thing is definitely not a batch issue, is it? Hmm. Your Turn Gaggia.


I put in the captions that I had this in April. Just checked my emails and it was 14th August 2023 when it was shipped so it’s had even less use. Not sure if it makes any difference to their batch argument but I’m in the UK


Mine was manufactured 4/2023, purchased 12/2023 in U.S. I returned it. From what I can tell the boiler issue has occurred in a wide range of manufacturing dates. I think this issue is much larger than Gaggia is accepting, but that is based entirely on the anecdotal evidence I'm seeing.


The uncoated boiler, is it from the previous version of the GCP? And what head exactly? My retailer wants to swap the boiler at no cost but need to know what boiler i want to swap it with (coated or a 'new' tested version of the coated one).


That’s correct yes. The head is the non-brass one, part (B0171) I’d be reluctant to try their ‘new’ version if it’s still got the Teflon equivalent coating


Very nice, congrats! I'm still waiting to swap the body out.. that pipe that goes in the boiler is just attached to the body?


Yea it’s held in by friction. Wrap the tube or the tool you’ve got in something soft and give it a sharp hit to shock it so it dislodges slightly. Then you’ll be able to pull it out with pliers (again, wrap it with a clothe first)


Thanks again, I managed to do it :) That tube and the silicone ring took me forever to take off!


Great 👍


Hey! Beatiful machine. Is it the Rl9380 model? I have a question about the wand. I'm planning to buy the same one. What about the pressure? Does the wand have any to do do with the pressure? does it interfere? I mean, before the Gaggiuino mod... if it's the same as the stock one but more confortable to use, I will go for it. Thanks!


My machine shows R19481. As for pressure; it doesn’t affect it. It’s just better to use with it not being on a fixed plane.


Where did you get the original group body?


From eBay


Which boiler did you order? From where? Thanks!


It’s the original uncoated (EF0030/A) & off eBay


Did you go with the GCP adaptor, or the 3d printed drip tray for the scales? I’m going back and forth, thinking the 3d printed tray may provide less issues and sit more flush, but the stock tray will maybe looks bit nicer (no 3d print lines).


Ha sounds like we’re in the same boat. I’ve got both trays. Finding when the original is in situ it’s not reading correctly. 3d printed one was giving more accurate results this afternoon. I’m probably going to dismantle the 2 connecting arms on the scales unit and sand a tiny amount off where they join to the centre piece then refit. Reason being if I pull them out slightly then the original tray sits clear on all sides but it also lifts the load cells up which I think is affecting the readings


Yeah, may just do both, and order a few extra magnets so I can play around with them. I’ll probably end up with the 3d printed one because it seems slightly less finicky. Feel the need for the low profile tray ever? Seems like without an additional scale there’s plenty of room. Also, love the matchy wood accents, just got mine from shades in walnut to match my DF64.


Now I’ve got my own 3d printer (friend printed last one), I may look to print it myself with a smaller layer height and slower speeds to try and iron out any obvious layers. Like you say, not really in need of the low profile now I don’t need separate scales under there & the regular size one needs emptying less often. Yes! Ties it together nice. Good upgrade


I did 3d tray and pretty happy with accuracy. Note tho there’s a chance for water to leak through the layers so it’s suggested to sand lightly and coat with 3d epoxy / spray, in case you haven’t done that. Great job on the mod and I was eyeing the same tank riser!


Been playing around with it more today and managed to get the results I want with the stock drip tray. Regarding the 3D printed one, would printing in a different material (like PETG) resolve the leaking between layers? I need to reprint it anyway if I’m to use it


I think it’s just the nature of 3d printing cuz of the layers. I have read that some ppl never sprayed and didn’t have any leaks, but mods advise epoxy/spray


ToFnLED ? Where can i buy this whichcraftery ?


It’s part of the Gaggiuino mod so you’d need to do that first before adding it in. Details are on the left under accessories via [link](https://gaggiuino.github.io/#/)


Interesting, would it be possible to only add a led light ? (Without the Gaggiuino mod !)


Never mind, found it here: [https://coffee-sensor.com/product/gaggia-classic-or-pro-water-tank-led-light-kit/](https://coffee-sensor.com/product/gaggia-classic-or-pro-water-tank-led-light-kit/)


Looks a straight forward installation too


Can I ask what the total cost for the steam wand ended at? I'm looking to get the upgrade too


It was £79/$99


Where do you get wooden steam wand


Do you mean the knob? If so, [here](https://www.shadesofcoffee.co.uk/post-2018/wooden-steam-knob-for-gaggia-classic)


Yes. Thank you!!


Did you have any trouble pulling out the copper tube that sticks up from the group head into the boiler? I'm doing the exact same swap on my Evo right now (also Gaggiuino) and that part seems completely stuck. I only got my machine in October and the rest of it honestly didn't look so terrible inside (even the boiler coating wasn't as bad as some of the ones i've seen here, but still flaking). I find it hard to believe that there was so much scale build up just around that pipe, but I'm soaking in some boiling water and de-scaling solution now to see if it can loosen up. I understand it's just a push-to-connect in and out piece, so not sure if I'm missing something.


Ye it was stiff. Use whatever metal tool you’ve got to hand and give it a whack from the side (not too hard), just enough to shock it. That gave it enough to start wriggling then it’ll easily come out. Make sure to protect it with a clothe


Thanks for the tip! Will give it a go shortly.


Sorry to bother you again. I got the tube out of the old group head body, but now I'm unable to fit it into the new one lol. Do you have any tips for that as well? I feel like the hole on my group head body may be deformed or something.


Ha yea it’s a squeeze. As long as it’s not deformed and is still a cylinder then it’ll fit. Take something that is softer than the tube (e.g. small piece of wood). Now with the tube in position of the hole place the wood on top of it and hit the wood with a hammer gently and keep doing it until it’s fully in. Also, make sure you’re on a solid surface when you’re doing it


Yeah that's basically what I just did actually haha. Thanks again! I think it's good for now haha.


how much did it costed you, and will you do it again or rather buying a diff machine? also is the one steam hole better? thanks in advance, clean and good job


New boiler & group body £77 Steam wand £79 Parts for the mod £25 ish Yes it’s worth it and I’d do it again, but only due to the Gaggiuino mod. If it wasn’t for that then I’d look at getting a different machine. That is how good an upgrade it makes it and I now have control that very few other machines can offer other than Decent Espresso. As for the steam wand, again it’s the mod that makes it better as it’s programmed to pull in more water to the boiler as the steam runs out so it can maintain the pressure. Gaggia stock can’t offer that. My main reason for changing to a ball joint steam wand is because I don’t like the angle of the stock version. You can just buy a single hole tip for the stock wand if you’re not keen on the 2 hole it comes with, [here’s the link for it](https://www.shadesofcoffee.co.uk/the-one-single-hole-steam-tip-for-the-gaggia-classic-pro)


thank you for the answer, which parts you bought pcb? or lego? and i will do it, i sent my machine to warranty so maybe they can replace the boiler as i got a lot of flakes, and maybe the new project will be out, but tbh i really can't wait, imo i feel it's too much waste of money going for single boiler machine for 1 or 1,2k usd, would rather either the gaggiuino or high end machine, i just feel there is nothing in the middle


I did the PCB and opted to build a custom wiring harness. If you do it then read as much as you can on the website for it and their Discord channel, it’ll help a lot. And I know what you mean, if I bought a different machine I’m not even sure what I’d get


just not sure why the parts you bought are only 25 GBP, are you sure about the price?


That’s for the bits I needed this time around, not including the parts from last year when I initially installed the Gaggiuino. Price for them bits would be around £125-£150


Thanks a lot for the answer, I will do it when I get my machine back, but as I mentioned, I hope the new project will come out then. The screen is so nice on the new one


Nice! I have all the parts here for the Gaggiuino upgrade, only waiting for the PCB now. And just found out about Boiler Gate! ~~Could you please link which boiler you are using now? I assume you opted for something other than the pure aluminium, that is being used as replacement?~~ ~~Or is it the aluminium boiler and using a different group head? Basically, how are you solving the no-mixing of metals and avoiding corrosion?~~ Sorry, found you already answered these :)


Enjoy and take your time with it I’m using the original, uncoated aluminium boiler (EF0030/A) and the original chrome plated group body (B0171). Both I got from eBay.


Photos of it assembled [within these photos](https://imgur.com/a/sD0Bpjg)


What is that top screen? Is that fancy PID? (Sorry for dumb and maybe obvious question, I just got started)


It’s part of the Gaggiuino mod and allows me to control and set parameters through it, save profiles etc. [Some old photos](https://imgur.com/a/RVsXs7Q) from the menus to give you an idea. Don’t let all those options scare you, once it’s setup it’s just a case of choosing your profile on the Home Screen and flicking the brew switch


Last question. So you can control brew temp AND pressure with the gaggiuino? Thank you in advance. Will be looking into it.


Wow! End game Gaggia right there. Nicely done. I’m starting my gaggiuino mod this weekend, complete with new uncoated boiler. How do you like the wand? I was looking at the same one, but haven’t pulled the trigger because of the drilling to install. And it’s a little spendy. And I was looking at that exact water tank riser, looks like it works great with the gaggiuino scales. Did you print it yourself? All I could find was the files, but no option to purchase the printed piece.


I much prefer it. It’s thicker & better quality and now can angle it into the jug however I want. That said, you’ll find the stock want a lot better once you’ve done the mod this weekend as the Gaggiuino ensures it maintains pressure As for printing, I have a 3d printer now but only recently got it. Some bits I ordered, others a friend printed. There is an ‘approved official suppliers’ bit on the left of the website with 3d parts. You can also google companies who will print for you and send them all the raw files. Edit: missed a bit


Where do you find the old style boiler ? Are the new machines offered any good? I can replace my machine. I don't trust the boilers offered by WLL rn


I got it through eBay. I’ve not yet asked the supplier to resolve as I just wanted it doing but I’ll reach out and look to get a spare boiler off them (I’m in the UK, haven’t read anyone having much luck from here with it). If you’ve only just had the machine and don’t plan to do the Gaggiuino mod then I’d honestly just return it for a refund. Gaggia aren’t handling this problem well at all and I don’t like the look of the sandblasted (or whatever they are) boilers that have been provided. It was only because of the mod I bought a Gaggia, if not I’d have saved for something else.


How’s that steam wand? Worth it? I’ve been considering it mainly because of the space constraints of the original….


In tandem with the full mod, excellent. I say that as it now doesn’t lose pressure but that’s obviously not the wand doing it. Certainly better for moving it around. I also prefer a higher angle where the original can’t be changed.


And I imagine now you could just angle the wand so that it is over the tray when the machine is resting,so no need for the little cup to catch drops!


Does the group head really need to be changed as well?


I can only go off the info others have provided and that’s to do with aluminium & brass reacting to one another (hence Gaggia now coating the boiler & using an uncoated brass group body where as previously the boiler was uncoated & had a coated brass group body). On another post someone provided a chart between metals that react so it’s not as though it was made up randomly. That being the case, I felt the best course of action would be to replace both at the same time.


Just got my evo, now I'm wondering if gaggia is offering to replace both group and boiler


All the responses I’ve seen in this sub from WLL aren’t acknowledging that the metals will have a reaction and only providing the boiler, either coated or uncoated


Now I'm just wanting return, thinking about bambino plus...


If it wasn’t for wanting to heavily mod the machine then I’d have returned it for a refund


Yea it's either bambino or just asking gaggia to give me a tested coated boiler, but idk if I could trust it in the long run... idk at this point


Aluminum and brass are incompatible. If together they will quickly corrode.


Tweaked the scales a little, appears to now be fully functioning. [Photos from a shot a few mins ago](https://imgur.com/a/IzH8Mnq)


Is it possible to put an aluminum boiler on the evo brass headgroup? or do i have to look at the original headgroup?


I’m almost positive the evo pro stock boiler is aluminum with a brass coating. I can’t remember tho


It is not.


According to gaggia the older boilers were steel with an aluminum anodized coating. The new (2022+) classic evo pro sold in the United States is an aluminum boiler with a Xylan coating.


Compiling so many wrong info in a place where this is all being extensively discussed is quite astonishing.


It’s physically possible as all the fixings align the same but whether you should or not, what’s a different question. I chose not to. Do your own research on mixing the 2 metals if you want some peace of mind