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You don't ask questions in the Peoples Republic of Clarinbridge, comrade.


If someone is flying a US flag and a China flag next to each other you can be reasonably assured it's not for a political motive.


As with virtually all flag flying here, it's money. The Palestinian flag was flying between the US and EU flags recently in Cobh, until either someone with a bit of cop on told them it's probably not the most appropriate, or some yank off a cruise ship was offended. Edit: worded that badly - it was inappropriate to have it between the US and EU flags since they are supplying the bombs/ supporting their murderers. Palestinian flag was then moved to not be between those flags.


it was there at the weekend and the yanks didn’t mind… you generally don’t find a lot of zionists on these types of cruises.


It was moved from between the US and EU flags was my point.


What are you talking about? The vast majority of Americans are opposed to what's happening in Palestine. The media paints it like it's only student groups. But the reality student groups account for only 1/5 to a quarter of the groups operating in the US. Trying to stop this. The problem is gerrymandering, News suppression Owensboro Kentucky had a rally of about 75 to 100 people, it's a small city, they have two local news agencies, The messenger, inquirer and the Owensboro times. The Owensboro times didn't cover it. They did, however cover a fast food restaurant opening that day. You understand you don't hear about it because you're not in this social circles. Because the news in America will not cover it. Now the messenger inquirer covered it, but they pushed it toward the back. I'm just saying, I don't think you'll understand the vast majority of the support in terms of privately donated money to Palestine is coming out of the US. From individuals. There are people losing their jobs, people being arrested. Both the FBI and the Homeland security have had allegations of intimidating protesters.


A lot of Irish arent


The Palestinian flag is as welcome as the Irish flag.


Ya, worded it badly, made an edit


No problem!


No it is not.


Half the Irish population run on Chinese food anyways so it's about time they have a flag to mark it .




I don’t think spice bags are imported from China


In the west, Chinese food has nothing to do with food from China.




You are so impressive tell us more about literal Chinese produce because that's clearly what Chinese food means, how impressive and worldly are you?


Yes and 69% of facts on the internet aren’t real. Isn’t that mad. A simple google will tell you that’s not true.


Inputs to food such as fertiliser (chinas not got huge amounts of arable land). Seeds and related technology. I don’t mean food itself https://www.cfr.org/article/china-increasingly-relies-imported-food-thats-problem This is a decent article


They’ve got about 1 million square km of arable land. Do you have a map to hand at all?


It’s the top producer of most foods around the world. But it’s got 20% of the world’s population and around 7% of farmable land. They do import a lot of food and fertilisers as such but to say it’s 80% is farce. Maybe 80% of a certain foods is imported.


Because they're a great bunch of lads.


Came here for this comment and duly found it. Fine work comrade!




Probably for Chinese tourists or something


Why the USA flag? And what's the white one next to the Irish flag


It’s a large bar/restaurant (they’re called Paddy Burkes). Like most Irish hotels/bars that are in tourist areas, I’d imagine some of their biggest clientele are Americans hence the flag (makes them seem welcoming). Chinese tourists numbers in Ireland are also growing massively, so I suppose that’s there for the same reason. The white flag has Paddy Burke’s logo on it. Source: I went on Google street view


because US tourists bring huge amounts of money to towns and cities across the country and boost the economy also they are a ally


Local secret Chinese police station.


They said the quiet part out loud 


Great bunch of lads sure


Liberty Prime is online. Mission: the liberation of Clarinbridge, Galway. Democracy is non-negotiable.


This made me laugh.


Nice people


I've been wondering the same thing for ages, it went up sometime around the election and I thought might be someone trying to make a statement or something like that.




Why not?


China might be doing a bit of crimes against humanity


I mean so has the US


Can you point to any evidence of two million people currently in US concentration camps?


What’s the angle here? I’m not saying China is better im saying US has also done some horrible shit, eg. Abu Ghraib scandal, Bombing of Laos, endorsing the Pinochet regime, The banana republic of Honduras list goes on really without even mentioning atrocities done domestically. It doesn’t have to be the same stuff china is doing they’re both horrible in their own way.


Yes, historically the US has done some horrible things ( although they pale in significance into what China has done to its own people under communism). And *right now*, China is doing much, much worse things again. Yet the ‘but what about America’ crowd give that a free pass, because most anti-imperialism is simply anti-Americanism


Nah I think they’re both bad, given the option to side with the lesser evil I’d go for the US personally. Otherwise staying neutral seems best.


The recent state visit of the Chinese leadership to Ireland this year shows we’re not neutral, we’re entertaining those guilty of crimes against humanity. For what it’s worth, the combined death toll from Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq is probably somewhere between 7-8 million. Mao’s Great Leap Forward alone killed 40 million. Modern China isn’t just worse, it’s worse by an order of magnitude




hope you have as big of an issue with the us flag then


I do, take em all down


(Trying to bypass the other comments left in the meantime) Taking this to it's logical conclusion, every nation state boils down to being a crime against humanity


🇮🇪🇮🇪🗣️🗣️ NOT IRELAND 🗣️🗣️🇮🇪🇮🇪 COYBIG


Yes Ireland. All states are authoritarian. All states are dictatorships. It may be class based instead of totalitarian but it is a dictatorship nonetheless. Don't forget at one time we had a larger percentage of our population locked up in "re-education" than the USSR did of theirs


Sorry, I must have forgot the /s I do take your point, but I'll respectfully disagree There's a difference between Ireland's authoritarianism and China's, lol. I don't think anyone should be flying a China flag ATM. If you're going to make the "where does it stop" argument, I mean, this is just whataboutism, which is a fallacy. Let's just talk about what China represents right now, because we're talking about China. And China represents a lot of bad things. There's not really a good reason for us to be flying that flag, and there's a lot of reasons not to.


Why be respectful to people like this lol


I'll agree with your wider principle. Sure, flying the flag for the sake of money. To basically manipulate tourists. Is ethically backwards. And yes, keep on topic by avoiding whataboutisms. But my argument is neither a "where does it stop" one, or hinging on the actions of the Chinese state. My argument is that all nation states, by default, are crimes against humanity. Just of varying degrees. You could even frame the idea of singling out China because their flag is in a strange spot as whataboutism - "all nation states are bad" - "yeah but China is currently really bad, what about them?". Neither of us have to find what that flag symbolises as ethically ok to recognise that whoever is flying it doesn't see any ethical issues with it. Imo there isn't a good reason to fly any state flags so why not the Chinese one? There is no, and never can be a nation state that is not held together by the use of legitimised asymmetrical violence against the people who live under its control so why amy flag? My argument undercuts the "where does it stop" one by answering "it never stops because it can't because it's self sustaining"


NObody does crimes against humanity, like the USA. Fact


Uhhh, no. The chinese currently have a bunch of concentration camps in Xingjiang. The Russians are kidnapping Ukrainian children, Israel is bombing a bunch of civilians, and there's a second genocide starting in Sudan. Are the Yanks terrible? Sure. Are they in a league or their own or in any way close to being the worst? Nope.


Uhh yes... The usa has invaded more countries than any other. Toppled more foreign governments, invoked more coup, started more Wars, bombed more lands and killed more people than anyone. Millions of innocent human beings, in OTHER countries.. Google it. And dont forget we have been told nothing but lies in the west by our own governments and media. We've been fed the down scaled, redacted, or just untrue version, of the real truth and the horrors that have been really committed. Their version of the truth. * Stevie Wonder can see that this is an obvious proxy war, by the USa, against Russia, using the unfortunate Ukraine, as the tool. This cycle of the conflict goes back to 2014, when the elected government was toppled, in favour of a Western approved puppet regime. Also, Ukraine and Russia nearly agreed on talks, regarding a ceasefire, but the US sent in Boris fkn Johnson to convince them to scrap the talks and carry on... 2 yrs ago. The Russians have been surrounded and goaded into conflict, for decades. NATO/USA has only expanded, in Moscow's direction, after the collapse of the soviet union. Look at the map. When they got the Ukrainian government they wanted *Also, concentration camps that you are hearing about from the same western media...


Now just imagine if Putin had the US’s power and wealth…


I don't know... North Korea is pretty bad.


North Korea does crimes against North Koreans. The US has done crimes in every continent killing millions and destroying entire countries for generations


By that logic, the German Jews in Buchenwald were fair game were they?


What the hell does that mean lmao


It means that your implication that North Koreans ‘only’ inflicting crimes against humanity on other North Koreans is repulsive


Did I say that it’s GOOD? Or OK? I was responding to the comment thread that no one does crimes against humanity like the Americans and someone saying I don’t know North Korea is bad. It’s just much smaller purely by numbers. What are you on?


North Korea is a despotic dictatorship, one of the literal worst places on earth. Playing the ‘they’re both as bad as each other’ card with America, a democratic country, is a garbage take fuelled only by (in this case, wholly unjustified) hatred of America.


Your first point is not true. North Korea is infamous for kidnapping foreign nationals and torturing them. And just because they're imprisoning and abusing their *own* people doesn't make it any less of a crime against humanity. We're talking about millions of people over decades. I'm not saying the U.S. is innocent by any means. But let's be real—if the military power dynamics were reversed, we'd be lucky to make it out of this decade alive. They are not morally comparable at this moment in time.


Thing is they aren’t reversed. You can say DPRK WOULD be worse IF they had the military power of the US, but they don’t. The US has the military power of the US and is worse than DPRK. Body count is incomparable.


Go live in North Korea, then live in USA. Let me know what you find. (Be sure not to touch any propaganda posters in DPRK. They might torture you to death for that.) Obviously the body count is incomparable. They won WWII. North Korea only came to be afterwards. Their body count could never be comparable. Doesn't mean DPRK is morally superior.


Ok just go from 50s to now then only. USA still wins with crimes against humanity. That doesn’t mean DPRK is good, it means that the USA has done far more crimes against humanity and has murdered millions all around the world while DPRK does crimes against people in DPRK. USA does crimes against people in the USA too if you include things like 400 years of slavery.


Nope. You're talking nonsense. Don't act like US were the only ones trading slaves. That was going on all over the world for a long time. It's still going on in NK probably. Every major country behaved deplorably for hundreds of years until pretty recent. Burning "witches", sacrificial rituals, the list goes on. Even today, there are counties in the Middle East throwing gays off buildings and stoning women to death for adultery. So your statement that US wins in crimes against humanity is baseless. The sea is bigger than you can ever imagine.


North Korea is a product of American imperialism so.


No... it's not.


No it literally is


Explain how it is


It literally is lol


Japan invaded Korea. WWII started. Japan lost. Korea is divided into American backed South and Soviet backed North. North invade South to start Korean War. What am I missing here?


Very true Happy cake day


Russian army makes the yanks look like a bunch of boyscouts. Can’t remember the last time I watched an American soldier cut a POWs head off.


You might want to look up the Haditha massacre which included shooting a 1 year old girl numerous times at close range, or other similar events of the Iraq war.


And I can list the Bucha and Irpin massacres, deliberate attacks on civilian facilities like the energy grids and hospitals, widespread abduction, rape and murder of the Ukrainian civilian population including children and the widespread torture, rape and murder of POWs. They don’t even hide it, they film it for their telegram channels because they’re proud of their actions. This is happening day to day right now in occupied Ukraine.


You implied the US don't do what Russia do, they have done, and still do, just like Russia. Biggest difference is they're better at hiding it but morally there is little difference. The US are currently arming and supporting Israels obliteration of Gaza including direct support with US special forces in the raid on the refugee camp that killed hundreds. There are still people locked up in Guantanamo that have never had a trial.


No I implied Russia has an open culture within its military and society of rape, murder, extortion, corruption and unprofessionalism that far exceeds America or most other countries in the world. Putin locks people in Siberia and then murders them like Navalny or shot dead in the street like Nemtsov. Also can’t forget murdered journalists like Anna politkovskaya and botched assassination plots killing uk civilians in Salisbury or succeeding like with or litvinenko and the fact that Putin himself has started 3 wars in his dictatorship in Georgia, Ukraine and Chechnya. The US certainly has skeletons in its closet but the Russians have a fucking walk in closet of skeletons of massacres, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.




this is a ill informed stupid post.


They just gang rape and murder Iraqi 14 year olds and then kill their entire family. Or go burn a Vietnamese village to the ground and rape and murder 12 year olds after killing their family.


Hmm .. What is the history of the landmark where the flags are held, and what connection would these flags have with this area? Generally flags are held with purpose as we all are accustomed to. From what I found reading up on Clarinbridge there is no direct or specific correlation other than multiple Chinese styled resturants and other food and beverage establishments all within the locality of the area.


And nobody ever notices but that EU flag is upside down.


Why not? There’s an American flag there too, it’s not like the USA can pretend to be any more morally superior to China 🤷‍♂️


The Ming dynasty was awful popular in Clarinbridge back in the day. You still can't turn a corner without meeting someone called Ho Chi.


People never bat an eye on the flag of the US though, pretty much the same thing as a Nazi flag at this point.


Why not


I am curious to know if there’s financial investment inbound from a Chinese entity, or if there’s anything else going on, e.g. town twinning or a tourism project.


Ireland is huge when it comes to Chinese Students, alot of students come over to Ireland for College, great bunch of people tbf


Let's hope the people of Clarinbridge and Galway are aware of who/what they are dealing with when it comes to the Chinese Communist Party.


They have a deal with China allowing Irish to visit a lot more easily now so maybe that has something to do with it?


I doubt it. If you read the department of Foreign Affairs website, you'll also see that any potential visitors to China are also warned about Exit Bans - i.e. you can be held in China for an unlimited amount of time for no reason. Remember Richard O'Halloran. Don't be fooled by free Chinese visas. The Chinese Communist Party are a vile organization.




I for one welcome our new Chinese overlords


The Chinese: A Great Bunch of Lads. Since it is right outside Paddy Burke’s I’d imagine it’s for tourists.


Makes sense


Because credit score is a thing now


Brings a sense of Yen


No Canadian flag on bloody Jesus Canada Day?!?! Pure racism.


[comment deleted]


I want to make a jump to conclusions here and say it was placed next to the U.S. flag as a joke or a dig


China money, America money.  Both has the money, both will spend it in Irleand.  Also is there not many people from the Chinese community living and working in Ireland much like the Americans working in tech and living here ?  The people of both nations seem sound.  Sadly the same can't be said about both their governments.  🤷‍♂️


This is the flag of the Chinese Communist Party. The five stars and their relationships to each other represent the unity of four social classes of Chinese people, symbolized by four smaller stars, under the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), symbolized by the large star. 


Money. Probably Chinese investors or cater to Chinese tourists. Same reason they’d have an American flag. Neither should be there but it’s not something I’d get worked up over.


To represent most of the restaurant owners in the town!


I don't care. Just so long as I can have a go at the Greeks!


Why is there a US flag?


China No.1


I'll have a No. 7 with half & half


Bribes and corruption is the usual reason. Other times it’s simply unawareness of the deaths that flag represents. 30 - 60 million dead due to that flags policies in the cultural revolution and great leap backwards Made Hitlers numbers small, relatively


Makes my mom look fat


It’s possible


Jesus lad imagine being so sinophobic that you start diminishing Fascism's crimes


Anti ccp is not sinophobic


You don't know anything about the CCP, you just lap up all the sinophobic shite being fed to you by western media and then talk about "ya Xi Jinping makes Hitler look like mother Teresa, that's how bad those evil CCP commies are"


I’ve spent a lot of time in China and I am married into a wealthy Chinese family. I’ve helped move quite a few wealthy Chinese and their money out of China. The writing is in the wall and they vote with their money and are permanently leaving China. More wealthy are now leaving China than anywhere else and moving west. I’ve made a fortune doing it. I’ll give you both Chinese and western sources since you appear to have gone hardcore anti west for likely obvious reasons (to people like me, at least, who understand) The uk are losing quite a few too but they are not going to china, that’s for sure https://www.asiapacific.ca/asia-watch/ultra-wealthy-leaving-china-economy-slows-restrictions https://www.scmp.com/economy/china-economy/article/3224072/chinas-millionaires-keep-leaving-now-outflows-may-be-more-damaging-usual


Yes, that's a great way of targeting the place, "rich people dont like it", for a country that wants to be socialist, thats actually quite a good thing. This just goes to show that people who have exploited their way to millions realise they can exploit more efficiently in the West, I'm not just anti west, I'm anti capitalist as a whole which extends to Russia and many more countries.


Fair enough but china is even more capitalist than the west. It’s mercantile capitalism. You are confusing various levels of corruption and risk inside china. The top ccp members are the wealthiest in the country, on official salaries of around 30k


To be frank there are lots of problems with China's strategy towards socialism, I agree there. However I disagree in saying that they are worse than the west because at least they are keeping it in check if you get me with a real end plan whereas in the west it's all about expansion for the sake of money and power, in the name of capital. Also I don't get what you mean about the last point, you realise in Ireland for councillors to become mayor of the county they get an extra 30k on their councillor salaries as well as what they're getting payed at their normal job


I recommend this book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Red-Roulette-Insiders-Corruption-Vengeance/dp/1398509906?dplnkId=c9415729-a2dc-4c59-8fb9-8e4d5be1be55&nodl=1 Chinese officials have hundreds of millions and it’s not declared. Corruption is in the fabric of the Chinese dictatorship. The no. 1 goal of the ccp is to stay in power, that will trump anything else. They don’t appear to have an end game. With declining population at 1.4bn, due to the one child policy which was heavily enforced it will become old before it finishes any plan. They build enough homes in their property bubble to house 3bn. With over 300% debt to gdp, there’s no imf or troika big enough to save it if it needs saving. It won’t collapse, most likely a long period of heavy stagnation. What plan is it you are referring to?


The plan I speak of to be frank with you is a lot more broad then what you seem to be versed on, I'm speaking of their socialist end goal with the most immediate strategy to be to dominate the capitalist world and be a valid threat to global capitalism which while I mightnt wholly agree with I can understand. To be honest though I'm probably not gonna read that book anytime soon, I have a long enough reading list as it is and while some day I hope to get to understanding china I reckon I've a long way to go yet.


I hear you’re a Holocaust revisionist now father




how dare you compare the PRC to nazi germany. Most figures of Mao include the war for liberation from Japan and then the KMT. Famines were a regular occurrence in every part of china and then droughts in spring both halted after the commune system created by the CCP. to compare the nazi to the communist is holocaust denial by saying that the holocaust is comparable to communist movements


Wait a minute, Mao didn’t liberate anything from Japan. Mao helped the Japanese to kill Chinese and Mao thanked Japan when he got into power: https://u.osu.edu/mclc/2016/07/02/truth-of-mao-zedongs-collusion-with-the-japanese-army-1/ It was the Chinese nationalists with the help of USA lend lease and USA attacks on Japan that liberated China. The communists were hiding in the mountains and attacking China every chance they could. Gongfei (Chinese ccp) occupied China in 1949 and plunged the country into abject poverty and famine. Don’t let facts get in the way of your Marxist fake reality view though, those lives are meaningless for your great cause of global communism. Do better in life, don’t be bitter. You can vote your way into communism but you can’t vote your way out. You also cannot better yourself in such a system so read more while you can because the communists burn the books too. Be careful though, they murder the educated as well, usually publicly, it’s well documented in china


Why's an American? If they can go up so can the Chinese in all fairness.


They're a great bunch of lads


It’s a nod to all the great Chinese establishments in the Galway area


Think they put it up for competitors in the oyster festival from China.


A lovely gesture by in Clarinbridge to our Chinese friends. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.


China is spending trillions of dollars in funding projects in other countries. They literally built a library in my village in the crack end of nowhere in Latin America. Meanwhile their cities are crumbling and their rural communities have zero infrastructure.




They think that being pro human rights equals Anti western imperialism, which is only half of the effort as you have to be anti Russian, anti Chinese imperialism too. But most people think the world is black and white good vs bad. They can’t get their head around there being TWO evil blocks of powers in the world lol. Anyone who thinks China is good, ask yourself why China is such a monoculture and what they do to their minorities.


How dare the ominous dragon of the east impose it's imperial power by.... Building a library in a rural community?


It’s their choice, great for my village I wasn’t intending to judge them mainly explaining what it was. however it’s not great for Chinese villages that never get a library, nor for places that get loans without a hope of not being able to pay it back. Nor for western communities that then get pressured by China in certain ways. It’s a technique used by China to coerce nations into giving them military bases and monopolies over natural resources. It’s called neo colonialism, it’s similar to what France is doing in west Africa. They have huge un oficial armies posted all over the world masquerading as security forces. Basically like Black water or Wagner. Look up china’s belt and road initiative.


It’s funny because it’s a technique used by the IMF except the IMF forces those same countries to privatise their national industries and resources and sell it off, and also don’t allow them to use that money on public infrastructure like libraries. And China has forgiven and restructured debts that couldn’t be paid for. Look it up. Don’t listen to me. [listen to famous CCP spy ring Harvard Business School](https://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Pages/item.aspx?num=59720)


They’ve forgiven debts yes in exchange for military bases or trade deals as I said earlier.


…….. that’s what the IMF does except they don’t forgive the debt and you also have to agree to implement austerity and can’t spend the money on public infrastructure


And do you agree with the IMF’s Policies?


No. China has given a much better alternative


What's your experience in China may I ask that you're so confident that cities are crumbling and villages are completely ignored? In terms of cities I've been to many and their infrastructure was solid. And I'm aware of the concept it's why America (aside from the massive wars) became the global empire as well. What's particularly bad about it? Seems like it's just the way of a unipolar world rather than an American and lesser European monopoly on power.


It’s informally called tofu dreg. It’s part of why China’s Economy is struggling, basically property is seen purely as a commodity and people invest in flats and houses but never actually move in or rent them out. The construction companies cut costs in materials and basically build wholly unsafe apartment blocks or bridges and other sorts of housing or infrastructure that literally crumbles to the touch. The US infrastructure is crumbling due to lack of maintenance and due to coming to the end of its useful life cycle and not being replaced, not due to bad construction. So it’s slightly different. Edit: it’s a bit like the housing crisis in the west but on an even bigger scale. Entire city blocks sit empty.


I’m not sure if you realise but the first part is literally a thing that has happened in many other countries including Ireland.


It’s why building codes enforced by non corrupt institutions are so important.


Jesus mate you’ve never read up on it have you


Certainly you haven’t lol


You may get a visit from [the van](https://youtu.be/MI8cOvGX_Nw?si=vDCgRGQ5u5MlXyoz),defend this commie 😁


Lmao that guy is a grifter and a racist he said his baby was ugly on camera 2 minutes after she was born because she looked too Chinese




Dude that channel is literally run by Falun Gong. You know the insane cult that say that covid can be cured by doing their set of stretches, are against race mixing, say that CCP harvests Falun Gong organs because their Qi is so strong from being in the Falun Gong and doing their stretches, use their media and dance company for human trafficking, assign trafficked members to arranged marriages, just got in the news paper because they were running a giant Medicare and social security scam to the tune of millions, got banned from China because one of the members set a 12 year old child on fire in a protest…….. you are so deep into a rabbit hole of nonsense dude. Sure CCP suck but you’re getting all of your information from grifters that are well known for making stuff up for attention from people like you who don’t know any better


They do a great chicken curry in paddy Burke’s


So you ask about the Chinese flag and not the American? Racist much


You got me there


Well America is a friendly nation to Ireland whereas china is a rogue state allied with some of the worst dictatorships on the planet. Not exactly a like for like comparison Trig.


America is one of the worst dictatorships on the planet???


Sure it is tankie. Off back to bed with you.


Imagine being Irish and defending America in 2024, or even talking about tankies???? See all those things you have called workers rights? You can thank the tankies for those lad💪💪🇮🇪🇮🇪🟥🟥


Tf you talking about??? Since their conception all they have done is expand their empire and destabilise the world on favour of capital and power, matter of fact their conception was in itself about imperialism too when they colonised the fucking place (something which continued well on into the late 20th century, look at the native American boarding schools). They continuously have caused problems in south and central America, look at Cuba and every other country where they throw a cheeky coup or invasion in when things don't go their way. Look at what they did in the middle east in the name of oil and gold and lied about WMDs, look at their list of war crimes in those countries, look at Guantanamo bay, look at the entire history of declassified CIA documents, look at everything in Vietnam and all her neighbouring countries, look at the brutalities of Korea etc. etc., all of this while people are told to choose between one of two puppets promising to bring about change while in reality they have the exact same purpose and goals.


YES to this ^


Wow that's wild man didn't know about any of that. Thank you for spewing the standard anti-american rhetoric widely known to be disseminated by hostile nations and their intelligence organisations. Goodbye tankie.


Literally what part of any of that isn't true, we can go source for source lad don't sorry I'm not just making stuff up, my favourite source is ACTUAL CIA DOCUMENTS which like I said they've declassified, but my bad, you did say "goodbye tankie🤓" so I guess I'm finished


Because shredded chicken with egg fried rice exists


Why is there a nation's flag flying next to other national flags? Who knows, such a question could never be answered


Could be worse and be French.


Record high spicebag consumption


Because we only care about genocide when the Jews do it.


I heard you are a racist now father ?


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