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I mean I'll probably just leave it sealed in a nice plastic case without a fake grade on it


Trade it for an open copy plus some extras


This has always been my preferred method, but I got nothing against collecting sealed games. It's just not for me, so may as well sell it to somebody who would appreciate it (and pay) more 🤣


If there was a place/person I could do this transaction with I would happily. 


I'm fortunate that I'm pretty involved in the collector community... and having a youtube channel doesn't hurt. I can usually find the trade


Lol why open a sealed copy when you can easily get an unsealed copy and keep the sealed value 🤨


i personally opened a sealed copy of majoras mask for n64 last year. im not anti collecting or anything, but i see it as a game worth playing again and wanted the full experience opening it since most "cib" titles sold online are not infact complete... in their boxes. i hang posters and read through the booklets. have been tempted to mail in one of those nintendo guide ads to nintendo to see if it still works as they don't have an expiration date on them.


Honestly good for you. It is fun to just open up a game like we're back in the 90s, even if it isn't considered the smartest decision. I respect it.


Anti collectors don't get this.


Brain rot imo


With emulation these days, there's no reason to open sealed games from several generations ago and back unless it's to appease nostalgia or to light money on fire.


I would either buy a loose disc, or sell the sealed, and buy a CIB and have extra cash.


Keep it sealed and get some roms.


I know that this post is tiptoeing on the rule for no memes, but I see this as more of a discussion topic more than anything else. Please keep the discussion polite. I know that there are strong opinions on both sides of grading, but....come on, lets all be chill.


mandatory fuck grading comment, especially wata, fuck them.


To be honest I’ve never graded a game and likely never will. The pic of the graded game just suited this picture better


Why fuck grading in general? Just curious


The lack of a real industry standard, it is a well known fact that some graders differ in their rating and that makes the entire thing obsolete.


Wata livin rent free in yo head, wata shame


I would either get an opened one or just download the ISO and play in through OPL.


I’d sell it and then use the money to buy an unsealed version. You’ll make a lot of profit and you’ll get the same outcome. This is of course assuming the sealed version is considerably more valuable to people who care about that sort of thing


I will probably go this route since the price difference is at least $50 if not more it seems. If it was $30 or less I’d probably just open it and not go through the hassle 


Yes I would 100% do this. Make sure you handle it carefully and package it well if you sell it online though - sealed game collectors are super anal about that kinda thing. I don’t get it myself, I think games are meant to be played, but also you should not turn down free money. Use the money to buy a second cool game or something


It’s got a small tear in the plastic on the bottom the size of a grain of rice and I’m worried that will tank the value, but I suppose I’ll throw it on eBay and see how it goes (highlighting the imperfections of course so people know the condition)


Yeah I’m sure it’s fine. You’re not selling it graded or anything, just make sure you disclose it in the description


^ this


i have double copies of my fav game, it might sound insane but i would hate if i am not able of playing my fav game whenever i feel like, so in your case just get another copy


It depends. If the game is cheap or really rare I'll just buy it again/emulate it.


Red pill


I keep some things sealed as I won’t ever see them sealed again, but used copies will.


There is no way to duplicate that fresh game experience... Especially with older games. Nowadays, there's no manuals, no ads... Just the game or a dlc code...it's kind of a letdown. Even with special releases, there's not much to them to justify that price. My personal favorites were nds and Gameboy games... But Sega and N64 were pretty unique as well. Even xbox 360 special releases had statues, posters, art books... They don't make them like they used to. That's the real value in a sealed game... Not grading, not displaying it on a shelf... But that once in a lifetime new game opening.


Centre option leave it in its seal and for safety put it in a durable container


I mean I would say enjoy it and play it. To me thats the best part of having a retro collection getting to experience those games again.


Depends on value if it's a fucking new $10 Xbox 1 game open it whatever if it's a game worth a considerable amount more sealed either sell the sealed and buy loose or keep the sealed and buy a second opened copy. But to everyone saying open it cause games are meant to be played fuck off some people also like money lol and you shouldn't shame them for selling/keeping games sealed to preserve value


Keep it sealed but don’t grade it, obviously


What is the purpose of keeping it sealed?


There are games I bought new that I never found time to play. The worst offender in my collection is Persona 5 for PS3


To collect.


To fucking sell it lol


Oh yea.


I'll open it and enjoy it


Play it. I only collect to play my favorite games with my kids and grandkids one day.


I open everything because the sealing sometimes can cause more damage to the game than protecting it. I've bought a sealed copy of Dirge Of Cerberus PS2 and it has some damage on the cover even if the sealing was intact. I'm scared no to know


Grade that shit wtf. Ill play it on a moded console


I like to actually play video games and not just look at the video game case so the non-graded one would suffice for me.


Games are meant to be played.


You find a weekly repost in this sub - call it out or keep scrolling?


I suppose I could have gone into more detail and asked specifically with the game in question (Shadow the Hedgehog) what would people do, which is what the picture was implying.


But then it's more of an evaluation question, belonging in the megathread.