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I think also just the fact that it’s such a long game it will probably take the weekend long series slot for months and a lot of people like having variety


I know I'm new here but can't be any worse than the last Zelda playthrough. I've never been so frustrated at watching a YouTube video in my life. I was ready for them to quit after the 30th episode. Thank goodness we got moments like Arin jumping to his death a few times to balance out the annoyance.


I loved BOTW/TOTK, love the grumps, couldn’t get far into the series because it was too much of me just being annoyed that Arin wouldn’t take 6 seconds of preparation to make the next 5 minutes not be torture.


Me with the TTYD playthrough lmao


See that’s the thing, I hadn’t played TTYD so it didn’t bother me. The best way to enjoy grumps is to not play any of the games they do lol. And honestly no real flak, like I do think arin’s adhd and stubbornness contributes to his poor playing but doing that show while playing is definitely not easy.


Yeah it definitely makes a difference when you've played the game, but the main thing to keep in mind is that they're a comedy channel, not a gameplay channel, they just play video games while making comedy, and I definitely feel you on that that last point, I love them either way, but it's like watching a friend do something wrong sometimes lmao


We’re probably looking at a year at least.


That’s kinda the downside to the weekend slot thing. Games take much longer to get through now as opposed to when they’d just alternate every other day.


I'm curious about other people's way of "watching" Danganronpa and if that also plays into their enjoyment of it. I'm one of those people who's more of the "podcast" viewer where I'll listen to it while doing things. For me, even the repetitious dialogue is nice cause then I don't miss anything. But for the people who make time to sit down and watch it, I can definitely understand why this would be a skip. I'm sure there are still some who listen over watch and hate it or vice versa tho'


I definitely vibe with this. As someone who enjoys the DR and Powerwash playthroughs, the podcast aspect of the episodes make for enjoyable content. I do get a little annoyed by Arin's complaints, especially when he's bad at the trial minigames (DR3 is going to be a nightmare for him BTW, the last trial is brutal, and I actually earned skills throughout the game, which they likely won't).


I actually enjoy the compilation videos of the danganronpa playthroughs but not the full scale videos. It usually cuts out the parts I find excruciating and just gives me the haha funny parts with enough of the plot to know what the hells going on.


That's basically why I'm excited for it, and I guess had no issue with the first two games, or even recently Ace Attorney (I have never seen anything to do with the games previously, except memes). It's just perfect 2nd monitor content.


Oh that's true I'm definitely more of a podcast listener !


Some people don't like the visual novel playthroughs. Personally I love them. Whatever side of that you fall on, I think an overwhelming amount of us don't like how much Arin hated Danganronpa 2. He was miserable for most of that game and it made for bad entertainment and frankly it's not fun to just listen to somebody be miserable for half an hour each episode. The other thing is that players of the series will know that everything that Arin hated so much about the second game is so much worse in the third game, and I can't even imagine how miserable and unhappy he's going to be playing this. I very much do not want them to play this and Danganronpa 1 Is my favorite game grumps playthrough of all time.


I seem to remember DR1 being way more unbearable to watch. Overall Arin had a better attitude in DR2. In 1 between people telling him that the second case was transphobic (which isn't exactly true), and him calling everything stupid by the end (I remember his reaction to Kyoko's backstory) it was way worse. Meanwhile they both went into DR2 knowing the game was ridiculous, even if they started feeling burned out by the end.


I had the total opposite read. The dr1 playthrough I've watched probably 9 or 10 times now and even if they get annoyed with it they always laugh it off very easily. The very ending was a little bit annoying. Meanwhile the second game He was annoyed from the very start and it just got worse and worse and by halfway through that game I was feeling depressed just watching


I really hope they can change up their attitude for V3. It's such a wild game and I want them to really get their teeth in and be invested in the world and the characters before the end. I'm still of the mind that Arin will ABSOLUTELY hate the ending but I think Dan will like it. Dan will also love Gonta, calling it now.


Wondering who’s gonna love my girl miu hahaha.


I hope Arin likes her. She's basically him but a girl


I do hope that they like d3 more. It's the strongest of the three main games (in my option). I agree that Arin will really hate the ending but will make 50 million jokes about it if he is not burned out.


Nah I feel that Arin will dig it, hope he'll understand the message behind it, fingers crossed


Arin has seemed to openly hate endings like DanganronpaV3, and I won't discount that he'll be reading a walkthrough, so I guarantee he'll double hate it. Dan, however, is usually a powerhouse through these, so I bet he'll just be invested in the characters and their storylines (V3 actually has quite a bit), and I predict Gonta will be is favorite.


Arin will *unquestionably* hate the ending. The second he gets what's being suggested, he'll be like "that's so fucking stupid" and tune out the next hour of dialogue. Don't care, still excited!


This is all assuming Arin is actually processing anything and not just on “reading mode” between the walkthrough and reading every line off the screen verbatim.


I really doubt it lol. >!Like regardless of how he interprets the message it’s still like a super super long trial that just wears you down and it gets so convoluted. Even if they interpret the theme in a more charitable way than “the game is shitting on fans for liking danganronpa” they’d probably still be super done with it!<


I felt exactly this way, too. Some parts of DR1 were brutal to watch because he was treating DR like it took itself seriously. DR2 the complaints felt more like the scale of complaints he makes about any other game without meaning he hates it. Like yes he legit gets annoyed at the repetitiveness and looong dialogue but he gets annoyed at a lot of shit in like every game.


I mean... I'm one of the people who enjoys the DGR playthroughs, but those games are in fact extremely stupid lol.


Me too, but there’s a difference between “Haha, this is so stupid. I love it”, which is pretty much Dan’s reaction, and “This is so stupid and just bad”, which is Arin’s. And I know Arin will also say sometimes that he enjoys how dumb the games are, but his reaction at times really doesn’t reflect that. He takes the games way too seriously at times and just kills the mood. After ten years of doing the show I figure he would know by now that people enjoy funny grumpy Arin, not seriously jaded Arin, which isn’t fun for anyone.


At least he actually engaged with the first game a little bit.


> it's not fun to just listen to somebody be miserable for half an hour each episode.  Which is why so much of the Majora’s Mask play-through is so hard to get through. 


Also why I never finished watching it even though I've seen all of their other Zelda series five times over


I found his attitude towards the game changed a lot when he started to actually do the side stuff. This is just from my memory of watching it a few years ago, so I could be wrong. His anger towards the game before he did the side stuff was almost unbearable though


The mini boss in the Stone Tower breaks him and the playthrough goes on break for some time. When it came back he had the proper mindset for Majora: do the side stuff. As you said, his opinion was a lot more positive from that point on. I've actually rewatched this playthrough a couple times, knowing he eventually changes his mind makes the first half a lot more digestible.


I'm currently on that series again. I can sort of see Arin's point, though. The idea that you basically HAVE to do the side stuff to get through the story seems kind of suck. But to be fair, it's a formula for video games that doesn't really work anymore or used as often.


This is why I didn't like the latter half of majoras mask, arins bad mood was just contagious.


V3 epitomizes a lot of what makes DR kind of an annoying game (especially the ending imo) so I really don't know how to feel going into this game. I hope they're able to treat it like the fun garbage it is because when Arin's obviously fed up/exhausted with the game it just makes me sad. Either way, I will be there and watching lol.


I'm with you about the ending of V3. I was yelling at the screen begging them to do a U-turn on that plot point and spent a good hour ranting about it after the fact. Couple that with chunspike saying there would be no more DR after that was like pouring salt in the wound. I'm not sure if they've played or plan on playing super despair girls because that's got problems of it own with certain themes. But the two anime series (mirai/despair arc) adds a lot of interesting context for the lore which will be lost.


I doubt they'll ever play UDG (which is too bad, they'd probably prefer the gameplay tbh), or watch the anime (on screen at least, obviously). It's too bad but I can't blame them, Danganronpa is already one of the longest series on the channel. Yeah, honestly I'll probably feel pretty vindicated watching Arin yell at the screen with how stupid the ending is lol


they never said there’s not gonna be any more dr games, the creator himself said he wants to come back to the series a few months ago.


Honestly I think part of the problem with dangan 2 and arin was fatigue. They went into pretty hot off the first. He was estactic bout 2 initially seeming in good spirits, but as it went on he started falling. Think this much of a break off the series will feel bit better for him.


Yeah you're right. In the first one it was so much charm and then when that becomes the norm all the faults become way clearer and he was real miserable. Im hoping this time he gives it love or just leaves it. It's no fun if the boys aren't having fun especially for a long series like this


I love the visual novels. I use Grumps as a podcast 98% of the time and a visual novel literally tells you what's happening so it's easier to keep up. 


Its where some of their best bits come from.


I personally don't like a lot of the visual novel playthroughs, I just find Arin and Dan don't get to play to their strengths much when they're reading buckets of dialogue for hours on end. That and I just don't enjoy how weeby Danganronpa is, but I understand why people enjoy. I just throw on an old compilation or something on the days they post visual novel playthroughs, no sense complaining about it.


Same. The visual novel stuff is just kinda dull to me. I like when they’re engaging with mechanics instead of doing girly voices for hours.


For me, the VN's can have great episodes because of the story content. Yesterday's AA video is a great example. Good voice work for the most part, jokes are also good, but the reactions to some of the twists (especially Dan's) adds to the charm.


I do like some of the highlights from those series for sure, especially when there are goofy mistranslations.


Yeah, and I can understand how people can get tired of them because they take a long time. When you see 70 half hour long episodes of Danganronpa, it's a bit overwhelming, but I love looking at each episode by itself out of context to see if it works on it's own, if you can pick it up and just watch that one. One of my favorites is Danganronpa 2, Episode 24. https://youtu.be/1xWgNjLM1gQ?si=Ka4Fx4zp7xnNB-6T Last time on Game Grumps catches you up sufficiently while keeping some of the best jokes from the last episode, then we're dropped in at the beginning of Soda's plan to join the girls at the beach. One by one, we get to see special artwork of the girls, which is nice even if you aren't a horny weeb, as the guys slowly do a process of elimination on who might be murdered. Their worst fears are realized when they discover the body with an appropriate reaction, personally, and the episode even ends on a good joke. The episode has good structure, voice work, jokes, and banter. I know I sound like a dork, but I love analyzing episodes this way, and this might be the only place where people would be interested.


Aww a like minded person. Doesn’t trash or argue bout the topic, accepts it’s for some people and not them, and uses the time to watch old ones that are appealing to catch up on. I do this during the Zelda playthroughs since I’m not into watching those. Love Zelda but it’s not for me watching other play it.


Me too, it just drags on and on and I’m not into anime. The “best moments” from that series aren’t even Arin and Dan bouncing off of each other comedically, it’s just them reacting to shocking wacky psycho murderous anime girls and reading dialogue


Honestly the visual novel need gets satisfied so well by Phoenix Wright, and I think it's a much better experience than Dangonranpa (which IMO has exceedingly convoluted cases that can drag on).


Because it was too long and Arin clearly had no fun playing it. Doki Doki Literature Club was better due to being way shorter


Not to mention Dan’s “Is this a horror game?” reaction.


Yeah, the only reason I won't rewatch them and barely made it through the first time is Arin seems to really hate it and have a really bad time. I really like the games and the Grumps are actually what turned me on to them, but listening to Arin be endlessly frustrated about a series that I actually now enjoy playing and enjoy the story and characters, it's a huge turn off for me. I wish he had fun with them, but he doesn't. :(


The pacing is some of the slowest I’ve ever seen. There’s like 80 characters, and each one is introduced right at the beginning of the story, so it takes episodes just to get everyone’s name. The dialogue is often really repetitive. The premise doesn’t interest me. The dialogue is really repetitive. Did I mentioned the dialogue? It’s repetitive.


But what about the dialogue?


This may come as a surprise, but it repeats itself.


Arin mentioned it during a playthrough of some other visual novel, I think early in Ace Attorney 2? But repeating phrases back to people after they are said is a huge cultural thing in japan, which is only part of why the dialogue is repeated so much. The other part is because it's a game the devs assume people will take frequent breaks from, and may not remember all the details (which lets be real, is huge for Dan and Arin).


Yea metal gear solid does this wicked too. I never minded it myself cause growing up was always taught communication was important and found it easier to coordinate and do things like things. Never realized it was big cultural thing in Japan til was older, but idk it make sense to me and so never bothered me haha.


so it never bothered you huh? \*snake voice\*


Hmm. So the *dialogue* is *repetitive*...


WHAT!? It's repetitive!?


Holy shit dude, it’s repetitive?


I heard that it's repetitive.


What's repetitive? 


One might say…….repetitive lol.


How do you feel about the dialogue though? Personally, I find it a bit repetitive.


No that's wrong!


I think my original "it's an insta-skip" comment in the other thread came on a little strong to the Danganronpa crowd. If that's your cup of tea, that's totally fine by me. I won't knock you if you like those playthroughs. The videos obviously still pull views but it's just not my thing; visual novels for them are a totally different style of video and I'm just not into it. That's all. No need to turn this into another runtgrumps thread


Do they even really pull views? The closest recent analog to Danganronpa is Ace Attorney, and episodes toward the end of that were struggling to even get 100K views when the Grumps usually shoot for 300K plus. Granted they're different games but very similar, and Danganronpa 3 is also four times as long. The views will start high and drop like a rock from space.


Personally, I find it boring. I find the visual novel playthroughs generally pretty boring, especially coz they're so long. I find the boys have less time for banter because they're so busy reading what's on screen.


It’s incredibly long, there is very little gameplay inherent in it making it the equivalent of a 60 hour book on tape, and Arin hates it so at least 50% of the enjoyment that could be sparked by the players is instantly gone. It’s dull, endless, and impossible to watch unless you’re already a deep fan. And those who do love DGR will end up unhappy too because Arin doesn’t play it “right” in their view. No one wins with this.


If you’re already a deep fan, Arin refusing to engage while simultaneously shitting on everything will also make it impossible to watch.


I haven't played the games myself but I have watched the GG playthroughs. As for the games themselves, my personal opinion (!) is that they are extremely long-winded and the dialogue is a terribly written slog to get through. All the characters (again, *in my opinion*) are annoying and I can't bring myself to care about any one of them, effectively defeating the entire Battle Royale premise. And finally, the games try super hard to be deep and end up being cringe. All that being said: I totally get that many people adore these games -- and more power to you! I'm happy for you guys that GG are playing V3. I won't be skipping those episodes either because I usually put on GG in the background while I do other stuff anyway so it's not that big a deal to me when they play something I'm not 100% into. Plus, their other Danganronpa playthroughs have generated some good bits so I'm sure there will be *something* in there that I will enjoy as well. Ding dong bing bong, my dudes.


It’s not Danganronpa itself that I dislike, it’s watching a long let’s play where the player clearly isn’t having fun. So I am admittedly nervous about the upcoming V3 playthrough. Specifically that it’s going to come across like a chore they’re only doing because fans kept bugging them about it. Danganronpa honestly is an absurd franchise and the best playthroughs of the games I’ve seen are the ones where folks just roll with how silly they are (and bother to remember the clues the game literally rubs your face in over and over again). If Arin can’t get over the convoluted trials or repetitive dialogue I don’t blame him. I just wish they’d play something they actually enjoy instead. Please note I *want* my fears to be unfounded. If V3 wound up being their favorite in the series I’d be thrilled to watch the episodes. But their Danganronpa 2 playthrough is far from being my favorite on the channel for a reason…


My favorite Game Grumps episodes are the ones where Arin and Dan are onboard with whatever goofy shit is happening in the game and are riffing off it. Visual novels are inherently at odds with that, as the amount of dialogue Arin and Dan have to read doesn’t allow for the riffing that I enjoy. That puts visual novels as a whole at a disadvantage, but not impossible to enjoy. The first ace attorney playthrough was unexpectedly fun and DDLC gets a pass because it’s the “Arin intentionally plays dumb to not tip Dan off that it’s a horror game” type of grumps that I also enjoy. I’ll give most visual novel GG series a shot and decide within a few episodes whether I’ll stick around or not. I did the same with the original DR GG series and it just didn’t do it for me, I quit watching after maybe 10 episodes or so. And because of that I didn’t want to watch DR2 and won’t watch DR3 either. TL,DR: Danganronpa is a genre of game I don’t care much for and it’s a style of game I generally don’t think make good GG episodes. The playthrough of the first game didn’t hook me and so I don’t have a desire to watch the others.


I’m someone who loves AA but hates Danganronpa. I grew up with AA so it’s a childhood favorite and I can look past the silliness. But DGRP doesn’t land for me… I honestly dislike the game. I might give the new series a try if Arin isn’t too miserable playing it. But like, if I hate the game, and Arin hates the game, then why would I be excited for it? The only thing I look forwards to is them poking fun at how bad the writing is


Same here, I have no interest in the "bunch of teenagers get stuck having to murder each other" genre.


Yeah I totally get that. The only time it's fun for arin to hate is when it's a sonic game haha


Yeah there’s definitely a “fun to hate” vs “okay I don’t even want to play this” type of hate. But I will acknowledge that I love AA, which a lot of people dislike/got sick of. I understand being excited to have a personal favorite come back even when everyone else is being negative!


It's kind of the opposite for me. I don't really like AA, but I enjoy DGRP


The second one went on and on and on and on and on and on… plus the grumps clearly had checked out by the end of the series. They didn’t enjoy how long the game dragged itself out and neither did I tbh Edit: did I still watch every episode however, yes. Yes I did.


Visual Novels are just a very niche genre of games and the episodes usually boil down to unfunny voices and not much actually happening episode to episode just feels like a waste of time


This sums it up for me. Some of the recent AA episodes were 35-45 minutes long and would be in a single location during the trial with what felt like no progression. It would be witnesses updating their statements multiple times, the judge asking stupid questions, etc. I read comments that the last case is one of the best in the series and I found it to be overly convoluted and nonsense.


Visual novel, not super into it. Really long, increasingly difficult to watch. Oversaturation all at once, I'm completely off it.


Damn. Am I the only one who didn’t think Arin hated it? I remember so many great moments from both games. Then again I accept that Arin is just a grumpy feller sometimes but I guess it didn’t seem much different than other visual novels they played.


DR fans got pretty weird about the whole thing. They were sure that Arin and Dan both hated it and every time Dan clearly was super into something they’d wait one episode to say “seems like Dan checked out after X…” The other thing was everyone being SURE that Arin spoiled himself because he claimed pretty much every character was the mastermind and was right 1/15th of the time. I’m a huge DR fan but DR is just one of those games where fans become… odd.


Weebs have a problem and unless we all call it put it will only get worse.


Arin is obviously having a bad time in DR2.


The only thing I think they disliked about it was how much they repeated the same 5 things and how long it dragged itself out for. I think they both enjoyed the overall experience, it was just sooooooo long. This specifically applies to the second game more than the first from what I remember


It's pretty much an indisputable fact that Arin HATES Danganronpa. He started off DR2 complaining about having to play it and didn't stop reminding us every chance he got. By the halfway point, the only time he really showed energy was making a running joke about skipping portions of the game. To quote one particular instance, Dan saw Gundham and excitedly begged Arin to talk to him. And without an ounce of humor in his voice, Arin said "No, I'm not spending any more time in this game than I have to" and walked by. Dan was clearly disappointed, but Arin didn't even acknowledge it.


Yeah I probably just remember the funny bits. It’s been a bit since that play through. I guess even in the compilations they wouldn’t put in the angry or disinterested bits.


[Check out the comments of episode 35 here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHKIEG-OVMU&list=PLRQGRBgN_Enp5E6pllcK-_LTcUu4himDh&index=35). Every single one is about how checked out and disinterested Arin is.


Yeah Arin is over it in this episode lol. I still found it funny but I’m also not a massive DR fan. But I concede it appears he had phoned it in. I also think it’s still funny and I don’t think this is an indication that he “hates” it. I think he just burns himself out on series and just wants to complete them so he can move on to the next. I think they still got into most of the trials and what not, but they need to play shorter VNs to avoid that. Mainly so ppl aren’t losing it in the comments.


I can’t stand their visual novel play throughs. I watched Dangrompa 1 but that was it I made it through the first episode of DAngtompa 2 and 2 episodes into phoenix right before dropping.


yep almost the same thing i did. They are just boring.


The best part of any GG episode is Arin being shit at gameplay that doesn’t happen in their visual novel LP’s


My complaint is the same as a lot of others, it’s just them reading the dialogue most of the time and it goes on forever. I don’t know if they’ve figured out something new for this because the series made me switch to intermittent viewing, but a couple of weeks into their play through of the first game I realized I was hating it and there wasn’t going to be anything else for a long time. I stopped watching until something else came up, and then soon after when they started the second one I just stopped for a long time. I started just watching the reaction videos and 10mph stuff. In fact one of the reaction videos stands out, it was when they reacted to Co-op moments when Dan had to pause it and say “After so many months of playing Dangonronpa, look how ACTIVE video games are!” So yeah, I dislike the some of the visual novels and Dangonronpa was the pinnacle of that feeling for me.


I don’t care for any game where there’s not a lot of movement on the screen/no gameplay and all the commentary is just them reading in silly voices. For me it just comes down to being boring. And Dangonronpa goes on for sooooo long it’s just insufferable


It is boring to me. Visual novels ain't my jam.


I honestly don't really like when they play games like that because it feels like I'm just watching them read the whole time with very little banter.


I love watching people play through the series (I do it ritually lol), but the difference is that those people are actively invested in the story and having fun. I don't want to watch someone play a story based game that they clearly don't give a shit about. I don't care if he hates the game, Danganronpa is batshit and definitely NOT for everyone, lol. I just don't want to watch months of videos of him clearly being aggravated and negative. It's not funny, it's draining


It's long and repetitive. I remember being hyped, but ended up being disappointed by the series when I was watching it. It's nothing against the boys, but when I played through the games, I would fast-forward the useless dialogue, a luxary not awarded to a YouTuber. 


It feels dull. It lacks some of the freedom that the two often make use of which leads to their funnier moments. I haven't been watching mucj of Ace Attorney either


Comedy improv takes a backseat


I’m not a big fan of the visual novel kind of games, especially ones that take FOREVER to play. Just not my speed!


Just kinda too long and too much dialogue / too repetitive


I love all three DR games (v3 is one of my all time favourite games) but just from DR1’s playthrough Arin’s attitude was genuinely offputting and really mean. He kept making swipes at the art and lack of extra backgrounds like he wasn’t an artist at one point or a publisher and would have some empathy for mobile games on a budget. I kinda hate watched DR1 but couldn’t stand DR2 a few episodes in. I’ve watched maybe six or so LPs of the whole franchise so I’ve got backups if I have an itch for DR played by people who actually enjoy the games and engage with the story and characters. Arin is going to despise V3 as its entire narrative conceit is that you’re playing part three because you like the series. Will not be watching a single V3 video. Might just rewatch Lucah’s LP.


That’s a great point about V3 assuming you want to be there.


Partly because neither Dan or Arin seem very into it so its no fun to watch, but mostly I think because it's a story and interaction based game and Arin uses a walkthrough and skips all the extra story stuff. Basically it would be like when they played OoT if Arin just told Dan everything that was gonna happen beforehand


I know nothing about it other than that I don’t like visual novel-style games. I don’t like them when other lets-players play them as well, so it’s not specific to the grumps or these games.


I wish I could get into it. But I just can't, so the last time it was on I wasn't watching game grumps very much for months.


I’m just not interested in the visual click and talk whatever tf it is. I don’t like it. I’m still waiting for Dan to finish punch-out Wii. I am waiting for them to play Zelda: Minish Cap and a couple other things. Hell I’d love for them to play Super Paper Mario on the Wii! That game would be perfect for them with all the characters and simple gameplay. They could have some real fun with that one. There’s gotta be a way we can talk them into playing something. Super Paper Mario would be perfect IMO.


Ngl, thought I was in the minority for not liking it. It's one of those series I just wait for the best of compilations. Can't be bothered investing all that time into a series I'm not interested in. If the episodes where short like the Sunshine days then maybe. Doubt it though.


I like Danganronpa but V3 is the most controversial one of the bunch so while it’ll be interesting to see their reactions to it I can already tell that as annoying as Arin was to many fans watching their Danganronpa 2 playthrough due to him not liking the game’s direction or absurdity, he’s probably going to hate this one even more. So that can either be funny or painful


They just take a LOOOONG time to complete. Lots of people think they should play other things because this series takes up a lot of time but honestly, it’s their show, so who cares?


Hate the anime protagonist voice


The only way I'd ever ingest it is through the grumps. They make it hilarious. The game by itself is a cringefest for neck-beards.


They are awful games for a niche group of weebs. They have terrible writing and are 99% reading tjay terrible writing. The series.creator is also just a douche if that matters. Racist, misogynistic, and transphobic. Then you tack on that it's like 60 fucking hours long, neither of them love it and arin can barely tolerate it. They can't really do bits cause the game is always fucking talking. If they do have something funny, the character will die ending the bit in the process. The additionally tack on that all the people clamoring for it are going to complain that they don't play it 100% nor do they play it exactly as the die hard fan viewers. The icing on it is that they don't even watch all the episodes. So we're all locked onto damganronpa every weekend, and the majority of people are upset or not even watching.


It’s a predictable snooze fest in my opinion.


I tried to watch DR1, but the whole idea of a bunch of children being stuck in a Saw-movie style story rubbed me the wrong way and made watching it pretty uncomfortable. I also found the actual story and characters didn’t vibe well with GG as a show. I generally like visual novel playthroughs as they generally don’t overstay their welcome (not very many episodes), and have some kind of fun absurdity that makes them work well as material for GG to bounce off of like the silly characters of AA, the insane story of Doki Doki, or the weird writing of that “today is football” game. DR didn’t really seem to have any of those things I like about virtual novel playthroughs. I don’t remember how much of the playthrough I was able to stomach, but it seemed to be almost all just dan and Arin badly voice acting the story of the game with comparatively very little commentary. I come to GG for their comedy, not to hear them read off someone else’s writing, especially the writing of a game I don’t really have any interest in. In top of that, the games are so long. So for some background, I was a daily watcher of GG from Wind Waker up to DR1. Watched quite a bit every single day and was a huge fan. DR1 was really the first playthrough I wasn’t able to stick with and because it’s so long, it basically meant I had no new GG content for months for the first time in many years. And unfortunately, I ended up losing interest in GG by the time the playthrough was finally finished. I’m not sure why, but not having new GG content for that long made my tastes change, and I no longer was able to enjoy episodes as much as I used to. I started to skip maybe 30-50% of episodes after that. Then DR2 came and gave me another forced break, and by the time that was over, I barely watched episodes at all. Now, these days I watch pretty much the Power Hour and the occasional episode, despite the fact that GG used to be my favorite show by a long shot. It sucks, too. I wish I could enjoy GG like I used to, but I’ve tried to get back into it and it hasn’t worked yet. I’m not entirely sure exactly what happened, but I do know DR is directly related, and that stains it for me. I’m not one of those people who screams about it on this sub, but I do dislike the series because it’s directly associated with my falling interest in GG.


It’s fine but the games are just so long with not especially engaging gameplay. And a lot of Arin doing his annoying anime girl voice. Which Y’know I’m a fan of some of his stupid voices but some I prefer in smaller doses. That being said I’m definitely not going to play the games myself so I don’t mind the playthroughs.


Arin (might) get very bored of it and he's not good at masking his dislike for something, even if Dan might be into it/trying to be positive about it. So most people are dreading a potential negative attitude consistenly going through each episode while skipping over large chunks of character development scenes and stuff like that, like how the second game went down.


I actually think it would make more sense for Dan to play these games 😂 he’s definitely more into the story and it would allow for Arin to just make jokes the whole time and the trials aren’t super difficult (at least on easy mode) that I think Dan could handle it without playing in advance.


I think it’s very divisive. People who want the series REALLY want it whereas there’s no way that V3 could convince people who have no interest in it to watch that. A lot of games might be pretty evenly interesting to most people or at least not actively bad for some, but Danganronpa as a series is a lot more divisive. Personally I love the games and watching the boys play them BUT I am also fonder of their VN playthroughs and I’m already coming at this as a Danganronpa fan. If I didn’t like this series I could see being frustrated, especially considering how long it is. I think it’s only right they play this one, especially with how invested Dan has gotten into the characters, but I see why others aren’t a fan.


My personal reason was that the game was not something I would normally play - but that's not necessarily a bad thing. They also played A Week of Garfield, and I'd never play that. The difference being, with Danganronpa, the VAST majority of the time we spend with the Grumps is just them reading the text of the game - my least favorite part of the game. There's no breathing space for them to make their own jokes, tell anecdotes, or even really react to what's happening in the gameplay. And that's the reason I tune in. Less of that, less I enjoy it.


I don't mind either way as long as the boys are happy and making funny anecdotes and jokes. I miss Yoda...


I played the Danganronpa series after watching the boys play the second one and I can say that if people are complaining about the second game being too long and complicated dialogue they will really hate the third game. The last trial is way, way too long and should have ended at least 2 hours before it did. That being said, two of my favourite characters in the entire series is in V3 so I'm so sad that I hated the game.


Personally, I’d much rather play the games than have what is essentially the audio book version.


The fact that for their audience they have to narrate everything. I love the voices they do, but when there’s like 50 hours of dialogue I’d much rather just listen to an audiobook or something. I watch game grumps for them to play games and either comment on the games or tell stories as they’re playing. For Danganropa while they do a great job for it, due to all the dialogue it’s basically just Arin and Dan doing an audiobook, and I have other stuff I’d rather listen too. 


I *love* Danganronpa, I've been a huge fan of it for years. I just don't super love watching Arin play it specifically


There is a fine line between having endless repetitive and bland dialog where they don't get much opportunity to inject humor and when there is just enough room to start getting some really good bits from it. It's the same with games that are pure gameplay, if its too intense they have no time to be themselves for the show, and if theres nothing at all going on in the game then they have nothing to riff off. There's always good moments or bits here and there, but the style and pacing of the games really helps give them space to operate as entertainers. Visual novels that tend to ramble on like DGRP tend to fall into one of the "less useful" categories more often. Again, there are still good bits, they are just fewer and farther between.


I love Danganronpa which is why I hate when Arin shuffles angrily through a Danganronpa as quickly as possible because he stopped paying attention a game and a half ago.


I loved it and watched both twice! The jokes they made are classics


Also I wish we can get them to play Cooking Companions! It’s DDLC like but not as long and more horror-ish eventually. And there are cute talking foods.




I don't like the story setup.  "Everyone's dying and this emo teddy bear God is directly/Indirectly the cause." I just don't like horror. 


I like visual novels enough I just don’t really like the long boring murder school game. I don’t really like the setting the story or the characters.


Two words. Visual. Novel. It's annoying. I like books, actual books. I don't wanna see and hear JUST dialog for hours and no actual gameplay


There’s no gameplay


Because its boring af


I don't hate Danganronpa or the Grumps' playthroughs, but the slightly more passionate fans on both sides can ruin it for the rest of us. I tend to avoid any interactions with the GG community during a Danganronpa playthrough, even though I watch the episodes. Half the fans are unreasonably angry about it because they hate visual novels/find the games too long etc., and it gets tiresome reading constant complaints. I understand not liking it, but people act as though it's the end of the world. Then there's the absolutely rabid danganronpa fans who defend every single aspect of every single game and get way too hurt by criticism. I have gotten so much flack from fans of Danganronpa Ultra Despair Girls before when I said that I couldn't finish the game after Chapter 3. As someone who enjoyed the first two games, watched the anime, and truly loves some of the characters/concepts, I'll be the first to admit that some of the more vocal fans are a true nightmare to deal with. A difficult fan base can make any game (or show, book series, comic etc.) hard to enjoy.


The first one was fun enough but the writing in the second one is just really bad. I could only stomach the first few cases but in each of them, there's always a bit of evidence that irrefutably nails the killer, but you can't bring it up until the end after you waste sooooooo much time on pointless evidence that doesn't matter (ex. the water bottles and Peko being the only wet character shortly after the murder; would love to just mention that right off the bat). Just felt like DR1 had less of that.


"She wrote Leon on THE GODDAMN WALL!"


Ace attorney is fairly guilty of this as well, when you do know who the killer is, you still have hold everyone else's hand proving whatever dumb path they're taking and run on the games logic I will take this moment to shill gnosia which is a fun randomized ace attorney/dangan Ronpa clone with a fun story


"you still have hold everyone else's hand proving whatever dumb path they're taking and run on the games logic" This is probably because the judge is a fucking moron and decides the verdict. They may as well have made the judge a four year old.


I loved both playthroughs and I can't wait for the 3rd one. Honestly I don't think I would play those games on my own so having them joking about it really makes it entertaining to me. Maybe I'll rewatch D2 since I don't remember Aron being that miserable while playing it but I don't trust my memory that much haha.


It's a long, uninteresting story. The boys didn't seem to enjoy the first one. And sounded forced to play the 2nd one which I heard they didn't like Atwell (views yes gameplay no). I personally disliked the characters, plot, plot holes, and "twists". Given I've only seen the first one. But that was. Ore than enough to never watch that garbage game again. I don't honestly understand why people LIKE the game.


It’s a vocal minority. Dangramples is very popular, otherwise they wouldn’t waste time making so many videos of it. It’s also a game that’s easy to film several videos in a row of, and easy to play in general. I don’t particularly enjoy it—I find it repetitive and tedious—but I also realize that they put out a TON of free, fairly diverse content on a monthly basis, so🤷‍♀️


Long plays are by and large the least popular thing on game grumps, averaging roughly 1/3 the standard views. Danganronpa is exceptional though... its in.the bottom 5 long plays by view count compared to length. There is a reason the only constant for game grumps is that long plays routinely get shelved for months at a time.


I fucking love the games, huge Danganronpa fan, so I really appreciate gamegrumps for getting me into the series. But the reason I played them instead of continuing to watch was because I couldn't stand Arin's voices for Makoto and Sayaka (probably more but those are the voices I remember). I also watched one of the episodes for Danganronpa 2 after I played to see their reactions to all the new characters, and he used the same annoying voices from the first game. At least Dan tried, but Arin's were just too annoying.


Yeah I started watching the anime because of them playing the game and it's so so good. I understand about the voices although I love the stupidity of all of them .


I personally think the game is boring as fuck. I have difficulty watching it because nothing in it seems to surprise me or catch my interest. I'm also not the biggest fan of generic anime characters.


Super repetitive, not just the dialogue but the whole damn game. There's a murder, characters talk in circles for an hour, a bear shows up and says wacky things, and then someone is """""""convicted"""""""" using the most hackneyed half logic imaginable. Wash rinse repeat for hours and hours and hours and hours. I have no clue how anyone can sit through those games, and was FLABBERGASTED to see after they finally finished the first one, that they were actually going to do another. I know arin hated it. I just don't get what anyone got out of it, the grumps or the audience.


To me it is the most annoying, dumb, nonsense game they've ever played, and it takes forever. I just stopped watching GG for 2 months or so when they played it.


But they still also do their wacky content alongside ?


The wildly different opinions on how Arin disliked things made it hard to watch vs there were some amazing moments makes me hesitant to start it. I’m not familiar with the series as a whole so I’d wanted to wait till they were done with the series to start and now….I’m not so sure 🤔 is it that bad?




This was actually a pretty big reason why I stopped watching a few years ago. I'm personally not a fan of visual novels in the first place. And I prefer when they play fun and challenging games, that allow them to go on tangents or just have whatever conversation. I loved Mario Maker for that reason. With visual novels they mostly read dialogue and then try to come up with jokes about what is currently happening, which I don't find particularly funny or interesting. I also just find it grating to listen to them doing voices, especially the way they voice female characters. It's just annoying and it bothers me how stupid they make female characters sound. Now I don't mean they necessarily shouldn't do it this way, it's not malicious and many people love it. I just personally don't. Now that is all just my personal opinion, I totally understand why people enjoy it. I really tried to get into their ace attorney and doki doki literature club playthroughs because I had heard so many positive things about it. And then they entered a phase where they played tons of visual novels and I just lost interest.


I dont like visual novels (DDLC is an exception) and I get tired of Arin's "generic protagonist voice"


I watched my gf at the time play the games. It’s just boring and I don’t think the characters are that interesting just quirky.


I don’t like the visual novels because of the mandatory investment for months of time. I also love the banter of the two during games where they can just talk and tell stories. In the visual novels they are literally voice acting and can’t take too much time to just screw around and hang. I can jump into a Mario, Zelda, Jeopardy, Sonic, or Observation Duty without the context of the last episode and still very much enjoy that video. If I miss any of Ace Attorney or Dangonronpa I have to invest double the time that day and some days I just want a stupid wheel of fortune episode instead of them reciting a script.


Danganronpa kind of encapsulated everything I dislike about GG with none of what I do like, as well as the game itself being everything I hate about Japanese VNs without anything I like about them. I've tried a few times to watch it but I always only get a dozen or so episodes in before I just have to drop it. And not all of it was GG's fault necessarily, again it just really highlighted all the parts of GG I dislike, and had nothing I enjoyed in return. 1) Arin latching onto the one girl for the super obnoxious Italian voice. He even says at the start "oh my god this is my favorite running gag we've ever done" after doing it for like only the second time on episode 2??? It was just really annoying and unfunny and didn't actually connect to the character at all so as an actual gag it had no substance. She wasn't like an actual Italian character with him playing it up, she just had a name that sort of sounded like the word "paisano" and he ran with it for the rest of the game. Just another thing where, IMO, Arin made himself laugh with something really stupid that even Dan didn't like, and he just never had the presence of mind to say "oh this isn't landing or landing as much anymore, I won't stick with this then" or just not being willing to let a dumb gag run its course and then drop it. Maybe he drops it later on, I don't know, I just hated it while it was there, and even Dan was groaning and rolling his eyes from very early on when he did the voice and did the "mama's ragu" line for the fifth time that episode. 2) Some of the DR characters are just **awful**. The kind of character who's a just repugnant person who you would never ever want to be around in real life, but in a way that's just super grating and irritating without at least being unique or interesting. Most of them I think are okay, most of the time, but characters like the fanfiction writer, the psychotic inferiority complex girl, and the rules lawyer dude who needs a punch in the face were just miserable to listen to. Combined with the dumb social rule in Japan thing where it's rude to be standing by in a conversation without saying anything, so EVERY character has to talk at some point no matter how inane or pointless it is, you could never get away from characters like that for very long. 3) VN Protagonist Voice. 4) That weirdly lazy and cheap "voice acting" where every portion of dialogue has just the one copy/pasted line or a really simple response instead of actually voicing their lines properly, so you get to a point **real fast** where you've heard the same line from the same character multiple times. I know it's a trope to when VNs like this couldn't afford or have the space to have full proper voice acting, I don't care, it's annoying. 5) The protagonist is one of the stupidest people alive because of how much the writing drives home that he needs to be asking questions to verify info so the player really, REALLY, REALLY FOR SURE ARE YOU POSITIVE YOU CAUGHT THIS? doesn't miss anything. And the first impressions where he takes about six paragraphs of text to just say "I'm just an average guy who can't measure up to these other students in any way" wasn't good either. This, combined with the massive cast, made the plot move like a traffic jam. You could go through multiple episodes where literally nothing happened, it was just various characters talking about something that happened previously and blabbing their inane opinions about it because every single one of them has to say something. 6) Because of the huge number of characters and Dan and Arin giving many of them the same voice purely out of not being physically able to do a dozen separate, distinct voices each, you can't really just minimize the video and do something else while it plays or you're going to be very confused. If the game has fun or funny gameplay then that's fine, lord knows GG has done plenty of action type series, but for a VN with literally no "gameplay" except moving a cursor around, it was way too annoying. Having to constantly bring the video back up or turn away from what else I was doing or rewind to see who was just talking got old fast. There's other things I could bring up if I rewatched some of it and gathered my thoughts again, but that's what I have at the front of my brain right now after having tried for like a fourth time to watch the series just about a week ago. And for the record I mostly feel the same way with Phoenix Wright, but it's not as egregious. I'm just reaaaally tired of seeing it in my sub box instead of literally any other longer series from GG. And like others have brought up, DDLC was the polar opposite for me. Dan and Arin were super on point with the humor, the game didn't constantly get in its own way, Arin didn't go full-speed stupid with anything like the Italian voice (maybe the potato thing but by nature that bit is way less grating), it was way less troublesome to actually watch. Hell even the VN Protagonist problem(s) solves itself by having him naturally through the game become less and less of a presence to the point that I don't think he has a single line in the entire latter third of the playthrough. All said I think I'm just really, really super Over the GG Visual Novel era. Most of it was a miss, some were gems (DDLC, that weird cat game, the one episode of Clannad they did). I'm just feeling desperate for something else that isn't a VN, Sonic, Mario, Zelda, or a board game/game show. It just feels like for multiple years now that's all we've gotten for long form series from GG.


Many people were turned off by the fact that Arin clearly dragged his feet for the second game. To his credit the game can be fickle at times with the controls but ultimately DGR2 drained both Arin and Dan.


I enjoyed watching the first one, the second one dragged on a bit and I hated the fun house arc, Nagito, and the ending. I watched another person play the 3rd one and I really don't need the grumps to play that one. The start is SO strong, but it quickly crashes and burns into one of the worst endings in all of fiction. Obviously my own opinion, but I do think the games got worse as they went on.


The game/gameplay has never been important to me, just the commentary. But when the game itself is 99% dialogue, theres less space/freedom for actual improvised conversations to happen. I would be thrilled if they picked Powerwasher Simulator back up. It was just pure banter, which i love and why I watch the channel. DDLC was an exception because the game itself was actually interesting. Ideallly theres a good mix of both gameplay and dialogue, like the Mario RPGs, Zelda, or Undertale


It's pretty long and the characters are really dumb. Like unreasonably dumb... I played through the whole first game and enjoyed the format and was excited to play the second game but hot damn those dummies were not smart. (I now realize this was probably meant to be about the GG playthrough and not the game itself. But my feelings are still valid damnit!)


I hate it cause it's not a game. Also because these kinds of anime story game things are always too anime for me to make sense of. "If things keep going like this, I'm going to have to take a shit" is not the kind of dialogue you would ever see outside of this genre. Admittedly, I do like Arin and Dan doing the character voices. And I guess Dangeranganadapa is popular, so them doing a playthrough gets me caught up on my weeb memes. But I just can't get into them, so those Grump episodes feel like wasted episodes. But that long format though... so much easy money for the Grumps. I can't fault them for shrewdness.


My favorite series are those where: a. The game is eventually treated like a podcast, where they rarely pay attention to what's happening on-screen and instead mostly talk about whatever is on their minds or tell stories. b. Are playing something that's *extremely* engaging for both them as players and me as the spectator, so it usually means I have to care a lot about the game itself. Mario Maker, Zelda/Sonic playthroughs, Grumps Dream Course, Wheel of Fortune, Katarmari, Mario 64, etc. IMO those are the scenarios where Arin and Dan can riff off each other the best and most consistently say funny and interesting shit. This is why I'm not a fan of the new format as they mostly play one-offs that are EXTREMELY gameplay focused, so there's not a lot opportunities for interesting back and forths or consistent reactions to gameplay that are uniquely theirs. To put it another way, I feel like with most of their one-offs or gameplay-focused series you could watch another YouTuber and the experience wouldn't be too different. Danganronpa being a visual novel means they're just reading through the entire series and occasionally offering their commentary. I far prefer it to one-offs of random games but I don't exactly love it and it's WAY too long, so it's a bit of a bummer specially after we just came off of almost 4 months of another visual novel.


I really liked it but gods arin's inability to read tutorials made it so painful sometimes, it doesn't help that the gameplay was kinda repetitive, but I'm excited for more dangonronpa!


I liked playing it. Watching Arin whine about not understanding when he would get things if he paid attention for two minutes is a level of hell I don’t have words for.


I get the criticisms of Danganronpa, and I get that people don't like the structure of i, but what I don't get how people say it's INHERENTLY boring. It is such a jump in taking itself seriously, then not, then so, that it's kind of a rollercoaster to watch and it's not just Arin and Dan saying things in funny voices, it's them taking the characters and the things they learn about them and the situations and making up loads of improv some of it. Look at all the wonderful bits we got in DR2 alone. "I'll never wear comfortable shoes again" "Hajime's Micro-Pingas" "What the heck is going on" "Hajime check it out, I'm already eating" "Almost anything to do with Gundham" "Fuyuhiko's tsundere gangster act, ESPECIALLY in Chapter 3" "No, that's prostitution, Sonia..." "The discussion of Strawberry house and Grape house (which is funnier in hindsight because they're wrong)" And those are just off the top of my head. Not to mention Dan getting really into the character interactions and story when they're genuine about it.


The reason why I hate it is because of the toxicity of the community. I like to read comments after a video, and the comments of that community are some of the most toxic I've seen in any gaming community. I really could give a damn one way or the other about the game, I just hate seeing these people just absolutely hijack the channel


I enjoy everything our boys give us, but that might just be me 😭


Honestly I kind of dropped it cause Arin was just really bad at picking up the nuances of the game's mechanics. I'm actually planning to try the games out again (been a while since I played through the first two) just to see if they're as bad as Arin makes them out to be or if he's just bad at it


Not a fan of visual novels lol


I am OBSESSED with Danganronpa so I have no idea lol. I want a Monokuma tattoo lol.




when i saw the announcement i literally screamed!!!


We liked the first one. For some reason, the second one just didn’t do it for us. Now the mention of the 3rd? We’ll check it out, but can’t promise it’ll stick. Not a particularly fun game to follow. That’s okay, can’t win them all.


my issue with tye second game was the writers killed pretty much evey likeable character and we were left with the trash ones that i couldnt care what happened to them


I don’t know what everyone hating Dangonronpa is based on. They usually don’t continue long series, let alone do sequels, unless people are watching them.


I get it. If they spent 100 episodes playing something that I hate like a furry dating sim I'd be pretty annoyed too


They're incredibly poorly written. And while Arin and Danny are funny... they're funny in better games too. Or even in worse games that are just more visually interesting.


I adore this game franchise. Even if Arin doesn't take it fairly, Dan's reactions are so worth it. I cannot wait for the third one!


It's just a bunch of boring-ass dialogue reading from a niche-as-fuck game.


I love their visual novel playthroughs. Some of their best comedy comes out of things like Kitty Love. Meanwhile people are still taking it up the ass because they were frustrated at Tears of the kingdom gameplay? pick a fucking lane lmao.


As someone who is a fan and loves all the games, the third one is wayyyy better than the first two. The story is better, characters have more depth, and the pacing is a lot faster and it doesn’t repeat as much. If you’re gonna watch a DR series, it should be this one.


I don’t personally like it because I don’t really care for the genre as I really need action and movement to hold my attention otherwise I get majorly bored. BUT I would never yuck someone’s yum I just couldn’t really get past the first couple episodes of them playing the game


I could never play them myself. I would hate the experience. But I LOVE watching The Grumps play it. I really enjoyed both series a lot.


I'm hyped for more donganranpa. some of the funniest bits come from it and i can't wait to see them go through that madness


I love it and cannot wait for it!


Not sure. Before I watched the first one I was against it but caved and gave it a chance and whoa! So much great content.


I love dangonronpa, its one of my favorite series by them


I love it, partly because it’s awful and watching them suffer is both fun AND hilarious “Filarious” some would say. Partly because it’s cool and ridiculous. Watching them put the pieces together while I do the same makes me feel good.


I love it idk.


The bf and I love the Danganronpa playthroughs. We watched them play the first case and then played out the whole first game so the guys wouldn’t spoil it for us. When he puts on the best ofs I get a little bummed because I could just watch them keep playing. I think I’ve missed the latest Phoenix Wright playthrough so I do get people not wanting them to spend months on a visual novel I’m not interested in (I do enjoy Phoenix Wright and I’ll watch it at some point, no hate or anything) but for me I want all the Danganronpa. Oh gawd that means I need to actually keep playing 3, who has the time?


I’m so fucking excited for this play through and the danganronpa haters can lovingly, ironically, gently suck my nards. I’m not a big fan of 80% of the games that game grumps do but I love my boys. Finally they play something I liked beforehand? Epic win for me