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I think Tyrions line of "Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you"? basically embrace your insecurities


I think this is one of the greatest lessons a person can learn in the process of maturing


This was the one for me… that line basically taught me to be more self-confident. I’ve taken to being slightly self deprecating, with that newfound confidence, which can sometimes be off putting to others, though I don’t do that too often, but I’ve also become my biggest critic and my biggest champion. I don’t take criticism to heart anymore, and I’m honest with myself about things that people say to or about me. If I see any merit in a critique, no matter how positively or negatively it is expressed, I can admit fault, and on the other hand I can shrug off any unwarranted attempt to bring me down.


This line helped me so much accept the fact that i am gay. Cheers Tyrion


I think you missed the point of the quote. Unless you think being gay is a personal flaw


Tyrion doesn't see being a bastard or dwarf as a personal flaw. The quote is about what SOCIETY sees as a personal flaw, not about what IS one Edit: I accidentally pressed enter after "society" and finished the comment


Oh, that’s a good way to look at it.




No it’s not. I always took it as if it was something I was embarrassed about. There’s not just one way to interpret a quote.


Tyrion taught me so many lessons that I will carry forever


Tyrion's quote, "Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you" means that one should accept and own their flaws and weaknesses, rather than trying to hide or deny them. By embracing and wearing them "like armor", one can protect themselves from the negative opinions and judgments of others. Tyrion, being very short and an outcast, uses his wit and intelligence to overcome the prejudices and biases of those around him. I think that if you can, you should use your flaws and weaknesses and turn them into strengths. Turn negatives into positives, and accept the things you cannot change and capitalize on your strengths.


I have a quote you might like "When you attack, never attack their weakness. Attack their strength. They'll never expect it" - The King *Edit: not from got


I think this message was specifically to speak to the audience for people to put into their own practice instead of just being a line for the show. It’s my favorite too. I saw this when I was a sophomore in high school and it’s what helped me survive and be more confident to get more friends and stuff


Came here to comment this


Yep, I always think about that one


I did this back I high-school, was called weird and just decided to lean into it. 


I was bummed they cut his line when talking to Jon, "All dwarfs may be bastards, yet not all bastards need be dwarfs."


in tense times and negotiations, olenna taught me to get to the point ("do shut up, dear!") and that once you've discerningly sized someone up, let them know you know who they are. for instance, telling cersei she's basically the dumbest ruler ever, telling tywin it's nice to meet an actual legend, telling dani to be a dragon. it sets the table for moving things along truthfully and expeditiously.


I love lady olenna, her line to dany was great


She basically told her to destroy the realm? Tyrion was counselling restraint and she told her to be a dragon! Love Olenna and I don’t really consider the latter seasons to be very reliable or sophisticated in terms of character development. Maybe she told her to be a dragon because she wanted to see more violence due to her need for revenge but not sure it was good advice. All the other instances I agree with. Olenna was a class act and didn’t suffer fools.


Tbf. She lost her entire family. She was pissed!


Lady Olenna is my favourite character. I used to be walked over by people in my job when I was younger, but over time, I've grown in confidence and became very...brutally honest, and people respect me for it now. I don't suffer fools either, and I've always had a sharp wit. I think this is one of those things with getting older though. I'm 31, and I think in the last 2 years I've just stopped giving a shit about the opinions of people who don't matter. And that is very much what Olenna did.




Can't I learn things from both life and TV show? Lessons and education is endless wherever you go.


> learn things from life experiences not a tv show lol Anyone who thinks we cannot learn from literature (whether printed or filmed) has missed the boat.




Are you that illiterate or just a troll? Literature helps us to put ourselves in different perspectives (no, I won't be fighting a dragon, but I can imagine what I would feel if I was in such a terrifying situation). Literature can make us think about perspectives we hadn't thought about before (like a character that's totally opposite from us). It has been a source of knowledge since forever, since before it was even written literature and it was just stories people told each other. It has been studied how reading affects our brain and empathy. But yes, *how* could it be possible that someone passes down their knowledge through writing a fictional character? Impossible! Also, we all *already* live in the real world. I assure you the people you are writing to has already experienced the real world and stressful situations. What is the problem if they, through a character, have found a new way of facing a stressful situation?




I mean, that's valid, although knowledge can be passed down through writing (a book, a series, whatever). I can agree that nothing beats experience. But your comment came off as laughing at the idea of learning from literature and making fun of the other commenter as if they were a "weirdo".


I’m pretty certain it’s a troll. Ignore.


middle school ass take😂


Some people have based an entire religion around learning things from fictional characters, but ok.




And yet an enormous proportion of the world's population live by these fantasies, asking themselves "what would Jesus do" and so forth. People learn lessons from all sorts of life experiences. Songs, movies, made up religious texts, etc. You can't gatekeep where people can learn about the human experience.




Before TV, we had books to learn from lol. Fairy tales were literally created to teach children. Humans have been learning from fictional characters for literally thousands of years.




Not necessarily, plenty of people learn lasting lessons from TV shows or books. That’s a reason why some people love them so much. You personally may not be able to learn much from them, but don’t speak for everyone else lol. Sometimes quotes or scenes really do stick with people for a long time and help them because they can relate.


This is such a garbage take. I have been through many stressful “real world situations,” probably a lot more than you, such as delivering a premature baby and almost dying from cancer and a horrible surgery and treatment I had to go through because of it and I still learn a lot of things from movies, books, tv shows. Lord of the Rings quotes got me through a lot of hard times during my cancer treatment. “Death is just another path, one we all must take”


That's why you haven't learned anything




If you have to ask, you’re proving my point that you haven’t learned anything


TV is a life experience, you don't watch TV when dead.


Smartest west ham fan


*directions unclear. Took a jackass and a honeycomb into a brothel.*


That simply being nice and honourable among those that are not is the quickest way to your funeral.


Any man who tries to be good all the time is bound to come to ruin among the great number who are not good. Machiavelli


Petyr learned well from Nicollo - or was it the other way around?


Machiavelli was a scumbag, a bastard and an arsehole... but probably wasn't wrong.


> If you expect the world to be fair to you because you are fair, you’re fooling yourself. That’s like expecting the lion not to eat you because you are a vegetarian. Paulo Coelho


Better to go to your funeral than the alternative.


No matter how talented, if there is no will to continue, quality will suffer.


I must stop being an alcoholic to find the right queen


One of my favs: “Don't fight in the North, or the South. Fight every battle, everywhere, always, in your mind. Everyone is your enemy, everyone is your friend, every possible series of events is happening all at once. Live that way and nothing will surprise you.”— Little finger.


Then he got suprised by Bran telling his sisters the truth about his intentions even tho Bran literally let him know that he's fucking omniscient...


You say that as if Littlefinger was at all someone who believed in magic of any sort. He may have believed Bran was a batshit idiot at this point, or had his own agenda. One suspicious comment is not confirmation that a crippled teenager is actually a god in disguise.


Right... Just that Bran quoted him in a way no one in the world should be able to - just for the camera to then strongly focus on Little Pete's Face to put emphasis on the tension of the moment as he realizes what Bran is capable of... Otherwise if that wouldn't be the case then this whole ass shot, literally the whole scene would be pointless and extremely weird because of the emphasis on something that then wouldn't exist. Also this might come as a suprise to you but - Peter in fact believes in magic. Just like everyone else does because it's hard not to when it's everywhere! Dragons, ancient trees with faces, the fucking wall or the blue dudes on the other side of it for example. Or maybe the fact that Harrenhal, the castle he owned for a while, is literally cursed and a "haunted castle". Stop defending dogshit writing!


Stop attacking people for having a different opinion than you.


His quote is a philosophical and strategic mindset. He is saying: Always be prepared for anything. Consider all possibilities and outcomes. Don't limit yourself to a specific perspective or location (North or South). Be aware of the complexities and unpredictability of life. Everyone has the possibility to be both an enemy and a friend, depending on the circumstances. Embrace the chaos and uncertainty, and never be surprised by anything that happens. He's recommending a mindset that is: - Hyper-vigilant - Adaptable - Calculating - Open to multiple perspectives - Prepared for all eventualities This mindset allows people to navigate complex situations, anticipate potential outcomes, and stay ahead of the game. It's a key aspect of Littlefinger's character, reflecting his cunning and strategic thinking.


HHe left out "And never let your guard down whhilr following the rules to a T." When he vasstly underestimated Arya and Bran his rules didnt work.


Tbf he lost to them but that doesn’t mean he underestimated them. He simply had no way to attack them or defend against them. He did the obvious thing which was to try to turn Sansa against them. Did he underestimate her? Because she was using him towards the end, she wanted his army and his powerbase. She got it and rid herself of someone who would never be loyal. But again he played the only cards he had but was up against insurmountable foes with unified and cold Starks. It’s possible he overestimated his cunning and got cocky. His boastfulness to Sansa told her what she needed to know about him and that he wasn’t to be trusted. His success in the past was due to people underestimating him and seeing him as an inconsequential fixer.


Man. I really need to watch that show again. Back then, i thought littlefinger was annoying, but lately i find a class act in strategy (even if also annoying)


That whoever invented *fan theories* made a big mistake.


What kinda frigging lesson is that? 😂


Not an answer, but to pile on to what you said in your post; speaking with a purpose, and deliberately choosing the words you use while you’re talking to people is one of the most underrated aspects of communication. Even if I’m just posting a comment on here, I often reread, adjust and edit what I’m typing after the fact, to make sure that I’m accurately expressing what I’m trying to convey. I make sure I use proper punctuation and grammar as often as I can, even when I’m texting (limited shorthand) to make sure that if I’m going to be misconstrued, it reflects the reader’s comprehension, and not my own words leaving me hanging out to dry. It’s a good lesson to have taken away from anywhere.


Absolutely true


Regardless of GOT, I respect you. I completely understand and your reasoning is perfect.


Well, thank you for the kind words.


“When I try to understand a person's motives, I play a little game. I assume the worst. What's the worst reason they could possibly have for saying what they say and doing what they do? Then I ask myself, 'How well does that reason explain what they say and what they do?'”


When you have your spear in a mountain of a man, don’t ease up to try to get a confession.


Fish for confessions from a spear's length away*


It’s a painful way to get yourself killed


"Nothing someone says before the word 'but' really counts"


I carry that one with me


That inbreds make fair and just kings.


Words are wind.


Don't trust any girl coz they might he your sister.


True. Gendry almost went through it too in the books


Ruthless crazies abound no matter the the time period and whether fact or fiction.


Know where all your exits are when attending a wedding.


“Kill the boy and let the man be born.”


Littlefinger: “Fight every battle, everywhere, always, in your mind. Everyone is your enemy, everyone is your friend.” Tbh best advice for surviving the workplace (for me, the Law/other lawyers). Coworkers are your “friends” but not really. Office politics and supervisors are constantly shifting. If you want to survive, you have to reveal just enough to be likeable but never reveal too much that it can be twisted/turned on you later.


Valar Morghulis


Valar Dohaeris


Don't trust blonde people.


GOT taught me that David Benioff & D. B. Weiss werent amazing writers; once they ran out of source material Hollywood also learned that fact, as a result they took Star Wars away from them


Stick em with the pointy end. As a side lesson I learned “That’s what she said” from The Office




It's alright to sometimes fuck your sister 🤣


Don't mess with a royal family, especially if they have dragons.


"A man's got to have a code." -The Hound (and Omar Little)


Never let another man eat your fuckin chicken


Also, "Fuck the king."


A good act does not wash out the bad, nor a bad the good.


Really though? Cuz people seem to shit on whoever did bad even though he's a saint


“anything before the word “but” is horse shit”. pretty much eliminated it from my vocabulary just because that statement from Ned.


Ned's right. We should use the word "However" instead 😃


dont trust anyone


It taught me that winter is coming


Winter is coming indeed, in November


The correct use of “fewer” and “less”


I LOVE this. I’m often correcting people in my mind and it makes me laugh


Westeros has their own version of common usage lol


Following the overall theme of the show? Power is meaningless without the power to enforce it. Or in other words “Power is Power”. A good example is Tommen, despite being king of Westeros had little power over anyone. In comparison the Highsparrow had no legal authority over anyone yet he pretty much controlled the country for a time.


Law can be a tool of power but doesn't create it.


A very small man can cast a very large shadow.


I know it’s cliche, but the “chaos is a pit / chaos is a ladder” conversation is really insightful. It all comes down to whether you have more to lose or more to gain by rolling the dice.


I think that conversation is masterfully written. Truly makes the audience thinking


Not just that line, but the entire conversation before that: what happens when there’s no story, to hang on to? Total anarchy.


That people will do crazy things for love. It's honestly a pivotal point that *many* of the main characters share, that they will do something that is crazy or makes no sense because of their love for someone. ETA: Spoilers below. How do I spoiler tag this again? Bran getting thrown out a window. Rob breaking his oath to marry someone else. Tyrion killing his father. Arya seeking revenge over her father's death. Jon breaking his oath. Sam breaking his oath. Lots of oathbreaking, really...


I thought Jon had an out because he had to fit in with the wildings to spy on them.  Wasn’t there a scene where that was discussed?




To be fair, that scene might have been the commanders excusing his oath- breaking, after the fact, not giving him a hall pass.  I can’t remember.


Trust nobody


“Any man who must say ‘I am the king’ is no true king” ~~Tuwin~~ Tywin Lannister


“Every time I’m faced with a decision, I close my eyes and see the same picture. Whenever I consider an action, I ask myself, ‘will this action help to make this picture reality?’ Pull it out of my mind and into the world, and I only act if the answer is yes.” 


“Anyone can be killed.” —Arya Stark


That a story is more than just it’s ending


chaos is a ladder.


Disinfect your wounds


"The more people you love, the weaker you are. Love no one but your children"


Don’t tell your enemies your plans and give them time to out maneuver you. Lookin at you Ned! As Sun Tzu said, “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.” This attitude has helped me a lot in my career


Power is power


If you’re getting ready to be beheaded, go ahead and say what you need to say first! Never blackmail your enemies to their face . They have no motivation to let you leave after


If you don’t fuck Margery, you die, if you do fuck Margery, everyone dies.


Don’t bang your sister


No matter how smart you play, it doesn't matter if you're surrounded by idiots.


world’s fucked; but on a more personal level, generally not to take things so seriously because it could all be made meaningless in an instant


It is possible to tell a story with really interesting characters, and none of them survive and many are killed in truly horrible ways.


Zig and zag man


that im drawn to an were rooting for little finger and ramsay, but never disclosed in in conversation


That Natalie Dormer is fucking hot


Don’t fuck your sister


Don’t fake the funk in a nasty dunk


It taught me that marriage should be arranged out of political expedience and that choosing instead to follow your heart will result in a betrayal by your so-called allies and a brutal massacre of your entire family. Thank you GOT 🙌


Oh well that... is true


Tywin Lannister did not, in fact, shit gold.


You found out yet where do whores go?


never to watch dave and dave product


Don't die over chicken


“Power resides where men believe it resides”


The wise Varys taught us all a harsh truth... Nothing lasts.


Endings matter


It showed me that the more I hated Sansa, the more I realized that I was just like her at one point in my life. Also, to lower your expectations for an ending of a show. Sometimes you have to do what’s right and the strongest wills make the toughest decisions


Don't make threats you don't intend to carry out. No one will take you seriously if you don't follow through on what you say you'll do.


"Just because someone needs help, doesn't mean they're not worth helping." - Meera Reed


burning your daughter alive doesn’t always work out


Pie is a dish best served hot


I don’t have the exact quote, but basically when Ned told Robb that when someone is scared, that’s the only time they can be brave.


I think Ned told Bran that


that women can absolutely tolerate the worst scum as long as it gets them their dream life.


Could you please explain in more detail how you were able to be more persuasive like Margaery?


Well I am not as great as Margaery, but I usually just be more subtle at explaining my point, like this one time when my friend told me he's sick of taking Spanish lessons, but then I suggested he could quit Spanish and take Chinese instead. Nothing more, just planted a seed there. One day later, instead of asking "Did you want to join Chinese class?", I asked him "How's your homework for Spanish?" And he groaned about it and wished so bad to join Chinese classes now, meaning that he's really considering my suggestion. Again, I'm not that much of a pro, but I can do a bit


Chaos is a ladder.


Hoomen bad


Or more specificaly, i think the main lesson i had taken is that we human are easily corrupted by power, ambition, vengeance, money, faith, honour


People will ruin and complain about literally anything


Words a wind!


If you’re a woman prostitute, don’t go in the room of a King who only gets off on pointing a crossbow at you. Doesn’t matter how much they offer to pay you.


A lion doesn’t concern itself with the opinion of sheep


“Words are wind.” For most people, what they say can’t be relied on or trusted. 


Men shit when they die


Don't go anywhere alone with a group of people who may have issues with recent choices you made, youll get stabbed.


Varys, “Power is where men believes it to be”


if they had whatsapp life would be easier for them.


That being honorable isn't always going to benefit you


“Power resides where men believe it resides. It’s a trick. A shadow on the wall. And a very small man can cast a very large shadow.” - Varys to Tyrion I’m fairly short so I took it to heart.


Petyr Baelish-"A man with no motive is a man no one suspects. You always keep your foes confused. If they don’t know who you are or what you want, they can’t know what you plan to do next."


Power resides where men believe it resides.


Trust no one


Winners decide what's right not own morals nor even common sense.


l. You better have quips on deck at all times ll. If you never leap from some tall tower, youll never know if you can fly (by extension -Trusting others who haven't taken the leap, in regards to flying being possible or not for ones self, isnt really logical when your expecting the truth of the matter) lll. Honor (pride) the same armor that protects you can also br what weighs you down (hold you back) llll. Being in charge doesn't mean freedom lllll. Power is where ppl think it resides. (In most cases)


Never go to a wedding party


That some people will watch the show and use it as a moral template because they identify with a character.


That you can be a good man not a nice man


If I’m hangry in KFC and the staff are annoying me it’s perfectly acceptable to say “I understand that if any more words come pouring out your cunt mouth, I'm gonna have to eat every fucking chicken in this room.”


That two men with rape fantasies should not be showrunners.


I'll never get bitches as hot as the ones in GOT.


“Just so. Opening your eyes is all that is needing. The heart lies and the head plays tricks with us, but the eyes see true. Look with your eyes. Hear with your ears. Taste with your mouth. Smell with your nose. Feel with your skin. Then comes the thinking, afterward, and in that way knowing the truth.“-Syrio Forel I think about that when I need  to remind myself to get out of my feelings and see things for what they are. Its important to see the truth, even if it’s not what you want it to be.  "Fear cuts deeper than a sword." is another saying that Syrio said that I like. 


"Can a man still be brave even when he is afraid?" "That's the only time a man can be brave." Ned Stark to Arya


Never trust someone who tried to befriends with you with ulterior motive


Don't trust a girl just because she's pretty. A lot of characters had bad stuff happen that way.


Jaime taught me that it doesn't matter how noble your intentions are, people are fickle and they will only find faults in you, will be jealous of what you are and will hate you for it.


"any man who has to say he is king is no true king" I liked this one quite a bit, don't say you are something, prove it through action. Applies to one self and when observing other people.


Trust no one!


> I need you to become the man you are meant to be. Not tomorrow, not next year, now. Also > Kill the boy and let the man be born.


Stick the landing


It taught me a 100 million dollar franchise can fall apart in two seasons.