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She is 400 years old there I think


What did the book say about Melisandre? I loved her in the show. I would like to know more. Was one of the best fantasy element characters.


she's still pretty old, and was a slave at one point in Essos, there's a chapter in ADWD in her point of view alluding to her past, however is eh wrinkly? no one knows. She used a similar device to make Mance look like Lord of Bones and Lord of Bones look like Mance, so Stannis burned Lord of Bones, and Mance was sent by Melisandre to Winterfell to save "Arya Stark," who's actually Jeyne Poole and had to marry Ramsay (the show changed her to Sansa).


Wait a damn minute, the bard and wash women that help Theon and Jeyne are Mance and the spearwives right?




I've been working through those parts for days and didn't put two and two together until I read your comment lmao now I feel dumb πŸ˜‚


Did she have any other powers than what we saw in the show?


So in the books a lot of Fans speculate that she's undead. We still don't know a lot about her in terms of confirmed facts. Some fans have noticed that she shares some traits with other undead characters, I think she doesn't really need to eat or sleep and there's a bunch of other stuff. It's interesting for checking out theories. We don't know how old she is, but she's probably really old if she's not immortal. She also might not be any older than she appears for all we know.


Stannis was all about duty, so to be honest, he probably would have done it anyway πŸ˜‚


"Brienne of Tarth, for the love of God, do your duty"


I mean. Shallow hal needs a gal πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ It’s still real to me damn it. If she can costume up a 20 something year old and it works then by all means. Id still hit it after seeing her true form just don’t change mid sex.


doesn't matter, still would smash


Better than Selyse


This is one of the worst memes I've ever seen


I don't know why but your comment made me laugh so hard. πŸ˜‚