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Lmao. Dexerto grabs reddit posts to write news. Then people take the “news” and post them on Reddit.


Most news articles are just that now. Scrape social media for something interesting. read comments for details. Write article and post it. Then share article back to the same place you got it from.


The Destiny 2 subreddit realised that pretty quick after someone posted like the smallest detail and a slew of like AI articles followed So they started posting about a secret boss called Glorbo who was of course a fabrication just to trick the bots etc as proof to show others. And it fuckin worked. Was absolutely hilarious


Even better: Glorbo was a fake World of Warcraft character first, so they fell for the same trick twice


Oh, that's amazing.


Agreed. Some articles are just links to twitter and Reddit. Buzzfeed makes a living from this.


I once posted on /r/uglyduckling and randomly one day I have loads of friends/family texting me a buzzfeed article that had me in it. People really just go to "top of all time" posts and make an easy article on buzzfeed.


And then of course make sure your article's title mentions how people are feeling.


It’s a well known joke in a couple Scottish Reddits that places like “Edinburgh Live” and “Glasgow Live” scour Reddit for content and hot takes from “local residents”


Local morning radio is even worse, I swear it’s just a guy on the toilet scrolling Reddit and reading the funniest comments like they came up with it


**Reddit Posts Used as Source Material for Gaming News Site Dexerto** In a curious turn of events, it has come to light that popular gaming news site Dexerto has been sourcing content from Reddit posts to generate its news articles. This revelation has sparked a wave of discussion on social media platforms, with many expressing surprise at the practice. The discovery was made when Reddit user r/tryunus87 pointed out the striking similarity between a recent Dexerto article and a post on the popular online forum. It appears that Dexerto writers have been using Reddit discussions as source material for their news pieces, a practice that has raised questions about journalistic integrity and the reliance on user-generated content. Interestingly, the cycle seems to come full circle as Reddit users then share the Dexerto articles on the platform, creating a feedback loop where content from one platform is repurposed for another. While some users have criticized Dexerto for this approach, others have pointed out that Reddit is known for its vibrant communities and discussions, making it a rich source of information for gaming news. However, the issue of proper attribution and ethical sourcing remains a point of contention.


No ads   No two paragraphs introducing you to what is Reddit   No cluttering.  


It references Reddit directly a little too much, needs more "the popular forum-like social media founded in 2005"


Inb4 this is a dexerto article


I hope they take this one next: if you accidentally emote on consoles, the entire game breaks. You can’t unbind it from the D-Pad either and you use that same button to switch weapons, so it ends up getting hit all the time. This has been an issue since early access and the devs have still not done anything to fix it. If it gets regurgitated by some shitty news site, maybe they’ll have to pay attention.


We just went full circle, lads.


Not sure if it’s a “feature” of the pass but I would expect it will be soon… buying tiers. This is the endgame for the battle pass. It’s not to provide content, it’s to double/triple down on the monetization of the game. Buy the pass. Available free? Buy the premium version. Too grindy? Buy tiers for the thing you bought. It’s fucking predatory and people need to vote with their fucking wallets and get this shit out of their games.


>people need to vote with their fucking wallets You may not like the results once all the votes are tallied up.


Yeah… sadly people are voting with wallets already… and they are paying up. Very rare that a developer actually gets any meaningful backlash these days and even rarer for them to be forced to dial back. There‘s always people defending even the most predatory business models.


At least we made RuneScape backpedal recently


That's thanks to the runescape player base being the most stubborn player base in the world. It can come in handy sometimes.


The power of weaponized autism


literally this LMFAO




Runescape players are creatures of habit. Imagine spending 500 hours chopping a pixelated tree. We find comfort in doing the same thing over and over and over again. A price change is a death sentence!! If it costs 9.99 I want it to cost 9.99. Don't even remind me of the PTSD of 07.


🦀🦀$11.99 (now 12.49) btw🦀🦀


How the fuck that happened still surprises me.


Out of the loop what happend with runescape?


Basically what they released was a mega predatory battlepass that not only was mega predatory with extreme benefits, but also removed an existing system that players like myself enjoyed. The aforementioned system (called daily challanges/dailies) allowed players to get 3 free daily spins in a "casino" for some very minor stuff, but it was a nice addition. Once they removed the daily challenges and added the casino, all hell broke lose as the game is already heavily monetised so this just put the nail in the coffin.


Voting with your wallet doesn't work. Do t buy the battle pass. Whale does. Play game, get matched with whale. You are still providing a viable ecosystem for the whales. What we need to do is vote with our time, stop playing for a week when games do BS stuff. Whales won't be able to find games. Starve the whales and the only way to monetise games will be to focus non-whales.


That doesn't work. Look at reddit when it came to the subs boycott. Reddit just waited it out. During the civil rights it took a year before the buses caved. Companies and people will just wait it out and just act like the week never happened. You want to send a message then the message needs to be we will not play as long as you are doing X. Look at Unity3D and what happened with them developers started jumping ship left and right. The developers said we no longer trust you so we are not going to use you as long as the CEO is there. The CEO stepped down. So there are success stories but like I said it takes a motivated group and it takes clear demands with no timeframe.


I haven’t touched OW2 since it launched because of the battle pass system. I would play that game every day for at least a couple hours, now i haven’t played by 1 minute since summer 2022


I don't know about that, there's always a limit. Remember battlefront 2 ? EA did back down.


EA simply took too big a leap. When it's done incrementally in small steps players get eased into it and there's no backlash.


Exactly this. It's the "Boiling Frog" syndrome. I do wish more people were aware of how high the heat is in this proverbial "pot" we find ourselves in. Back when Skyrim first released, the introduction of paid microtransactions and small DLCs, including the monetization of mods and cosmetics was such a wild idea that the majority of the gaming community vehemently opposed it. Now we see people glorifying the next time they'll be able to pay upwards of $30 for a skin of a character they enjoy. The things we took as standard, are now being resold to us on a silver platter. Modern gaming, at the very least the vast majority of high profile live service multiplayer games, is slowly eroding in terms of its value. As of recent, I've slowly let go of a lot of my desires to play these fun PVP games like Overwatch, Valorant, etc. The value just isn't there anymore. The time cost is so ludicrously insane now, to further pressure the player into buying these things. I have fun in the games, but I simply cannot support what they're doing anymore. I am in the minority in this however, and it's pretty obvious the majority of the gaming populace no longer cares about what aspects are monetized in games these days. There's no point in even trying to start a conversation, as either the higher ups won't even bat an eye at the problem, or the community of the game itself beats you down for saying their beloved game has issues. And with that, I toss my towel into the ring.


Literally thought of the boiling frog too


>When it's done incrementally in small steps players get eased into it and there's no backlash. CoD is a good example of this, but I'll don't think they'll go as far as Battlefront 2 did on release with being able to buy direct advantages. Instead they go as far as possible with indirect advantages with full black/camo skins


The gaming industry split in two ages ago. It's two completely different forms of entertainment now, where one is rooted in gambling and taking advantage of that; and the other is people making games via small studios and they're pumping out increasingly complex products. I think No Man's Sky would be my bellwether for when two unique industries started to become pretty discernible.


That was after The Government stepping in for the loot boxes and Disney threatening to pull the SW license from them.


Yeah, the problem is that for every guy who votes no, one singular whale can vote yes 7000 times




There was a mount in WoW that made more money than the entire game Starcraft 2 allegedly.


I believe that claim was technically more profit than Starcraft 2. Developing a whole game has that big upfront cost, a mount doesn't, so if the game makes a revenue of 57 million of a budget of 55 million, but the mount makes 4 million off a budget of 20 bucks and an evening, mount wins


Crazy thing is that those mounts cost 10 to 20 bucks and you only need one per account though. So it's not even a couple of whales spending insane amounts. Unfortunately WoW players really don't mind swipe gameplay. Buying gold, buying boosts, buying cosmetics etc is so insanely widespread.


Yup, that ship has sailed. A single company can make *billions* with microtransactions per year. We can complain all we want but it won't matter. It's over. The only thing that can be done is legal action against gambling but I'm not sure that works for battle passes.


Exactly. Battle passes are a result of people voting with their wallets, we have already hit the singularity. The majority of the sales made on microtransactions are not mid 20’s+ adults with life experience and a better idea of what they should be getting for their money, it’s literal children. Immediately after them it’s the mentally ill, people with little to no control of their spending habits or gambling addicts. The people on Reddit who are 30+ and remember what it’s like to play games without all these additions are coming in dead last and are a dying demographic as they drop the gaming habit, their money/opinion on the matter mean very little to these companies. Battle passes/loot boxes/other predatory practices will continue to expand until there is meaningful consumer protection legislation, which due to the nature of video games will probably be never.


> Immediately after them it’s the mentally ill, people with little to no control of their spending habits or gambling addicts. What spooks me is that nearly *every* industry we have is being supported by addicts and whales. You can't just make a good product at a fair price, it's always with the subscriptions, the money suck, the random blind boxes, the special editions, etc etc.


Check alcohol sales. Its something like 10% of the buyers make up 90% of the sales. Its always the super users that make any leisure activity profitable.


You should look up the 80-20 law, or the Pareto principle. 10% of buyers making 90% of the sales, for any kind of product, is only slightly above what is expected. I'm quite confident it's a much, much more alarming ratio in video games because of the whales.




Smaller businesses are usually more reasonable. It’s the big corporations that are worried about pleasing the shareholders, maximizing profits, and pressuring the developers to get games out more quickly. And if you own any stocks or buy any games from those companies, than you’re a contributor. I try to vote with my wallet, but unfortunately I gotta compromise to get what I want. Luckily games are more of a luxury and I have more control over what I pick and choose.


>Smaller businesses Its not like those are dying out. And of course people who rather support bezos then a local shop.(they still blame billionaires on their way to the door though, hypocrites)


People will generally support their immediate family before society at large. I can understand getting food, diapers, household supplies, and medicines from a supplier that is cheaper and more efficient. It comes down to priorities...is the political point you are trying to make worth letting your family members go without for a meal/bill/week/etc.?




I was actually agreeing with you👍😉


I mean, why would you? Spend time and energy and money to develop a good product? Nah. Just slap some microtransactions in it, and all the players you lose will be outweighed by a handful of whales.


I don't disagree on the whole, but are 30+ really people not gaming and not spending money? That is not my experience.


I think he's going off the fact that people over 30 are much less likely to have the free time to game and are less indoctrinated into the microtransaction culture that f2p games brought in recent years. Not that they don't game or buy things, just that they play way less hours and (excluding whales) don't buy cosmetics at the same rate.


> I think he's going off the fact that people over 30 are much less likely to have the free time to game That's exactly the people they're aiming for with these battle passes and pay to skip mechanics though. It's the people who have a lot of disposable income but no time to spend it on who make the best and biggest whales.


Yeah I think some people on Reddit (or how about, all of the Internet) have a really hard time understanding that some people have enough disposable income that spending cash on video games isn’t barely a thought


They're out of touch, teenagers and little kids aren't buying full battle passes, They have plenty of free time to grind out the tiers. People in their 30s on the other hand....


That and a lot of 30+ people have a hard time grasping that not everyone who's 30+ gave up their whole life for kids.


True lol


Yep, I'm in a gaming community where the average age is around 30, oh booooy is there a lot of money going there in MTX. We're talking hundreds and thousands of $ and € sunk into MTX in a single game, by a single person. That's exactly who the battle passes are targeting, people that don't have time to grind all that crap and just pay their way through, so they get to "enjoy" endgame or whatever they want. Just look at warframe. Grind this thing for a week, a few hours every day, and then wait for another few days to finish crafting... Or buy platinum and buy everything in a few minutes. Edit: grammar, spelling


> Yep, I'm in a gaming community where the average age is around 30, oh booooy is there a lot of money going there in MTX. We're talking hundreds and thousands of $ and € sunk into MTX in a single game, by a single person. > > That's exactly who the battle passes are targeting, people that don't have time to grind all that crap and just pay their way through, so they get to "enjoy" endgame or whatever they want. Just look at warframe. Wise words here. Most of my gaming group are 26~33 and one guy in particular complains about "lack of content" in CoD...but he's not talking about maps or guns or game modes...mans is tight that they haven't updated the store with new skins in weeks. Madness.


Yea, honestly I find the idea that literal children are the biggest spenders to be questionable- as a child me and my friends did not have much money to spend on games, and typically parents don't just let their kids buy whatever they want. I have never seen a parent give their children free reign with their credit card to buy video game stuff. its not a real concept At my current full time working age, though, I have many friends with disposable income who justify buying MTX far more frequently than I ever saw as a child. I don't buy the idea that literal children are the biggest spenders. There's a crazy amount of workers in tech making 6 figure salaries with their SWE jobs who would easily buy an MTX in a game they play if they like it


Do you have any actual data or just get off calling people mentally ill? I grew up on arcades and current practices are most of the time better deals. Comparing D4 with WoW at launch, peak of soulless corporate greed vs a product of love. D4 pass is about 10$ per month on top end. It's cheaper than WoW monthly sub at launch. For some countries those sums don't even register. That's the target audience.


Any sources for your stated breakdown of customer demographics for micro transactions? It sounds all made out of whole cloth to me, but I’m more than willing to admit to being wrong, if shown otherwise.


"Hey can you guys chill out?" "STOP TELLING US WHAT TO SPEND MONEY ON!" *-years later-* "HEY THIS IS ALL SUPER SHIT" "Well yeah. I told you. *Now* can you guys chill out?" "STOP TELLING US WHAT TO SPEND MONEY ON!" And so on and so on and so on. Thank god for indie games or there would be no safe place left from this bullshit.


Unfortunately 15$ is far more votes than your 0$ especially when the content of the battle pass is mostly low-budget content with 1 or 2 high budget prices sprinkled in. The value they gain form you just existing on the server trying to complete your battle pass is all they care about because that looks good to potential investors and attracts more whales to their online game through popularity.


Call of Duty is already like this. There's the free battle pass, the paid battle pass, and the BlackCell(TM) battle pass that comes with exclusive operator and tier skips and ten skins and blah blah blah.


I don't know about The Finals, but I know Blizzard has already gotten into multiple tiers of battle passes you can buy. Looking it up, The Overwatch 2 "Ultimate Battle Pass" costs as much as Overwatch 1 did for the entire fucking game.


Present in Diablo 4 last I knew.


Yeah I didn't get into D4 but I remember hearing about an "accelerated battle pass" that gave you tiers. I know OW2 also at least used to give you the new character that's on the battle pass immediately if you buy it, or make you grind for it if you're on free. I know they wont because they wanna funnel people into the aggressively monetized one, but I just want Overwatch 1 back.


D4 one does nothing though lol. They actually lock the content from it until u reach the level you would have had to get the xp normally. In most cases you actually unlock the items BEFORE you reach that level without acceleration. The D4 battle pass is the strangest thing on the planet and the fact that it was "finished" before the game was is exactly the issue with D4.


>D4 one does nothing though lol. They actually lock the content from it until u reach the level you would have had to get the xp normally. In most cases you actually unlock the items BEFORE you reach that level without acceleration. So, that's not entirely correct. There is an accelerated battle pass, it is 100% useless because you will finish the whole battle pass in a weekend even playing casually... But the level-locked rewards are free. If you decide to pay for the regular battle pass, you get all the cosmetics as you unlock them. Those are not locked behind your character's level. It's only the "ashes" currency that are level-locked, and those are used to get seasonal buffs to your XP gains, gold gains, potion duration... Everyone gets those, regardless of if you're paying for the pass or not. And don't get me wrong, the accelerated pass is an absolute *scam*. Those 20 tiers you skip would only save you about an hour of playing at most. It's not worth paying twice as much as the regular battle pass, which is already not really worth $10 either... But even if you are dumb enough to buy it, you still get everything you paid for as you unlock it. You don't need to hit specific levels.


I think this is just a classic case of "release the MVP and figure it out as we go along." Classic tech. They don't know exactly how they want to monetize this thing. They're making it up as they go, letting people in to figure out the best possible way to exploit them after the fact.


I think the other issue was it accidentally activating, which it did for me. I haven't touched D4 since, but mainly because I found it so boring in a way D1, 2, and 3 never did.


Played OW1 for maybe 3 or 4 years, nearly every day. Loved the game despite its numerous flaws Got OW2 free, played for about 2 weeks after launch... determined it wasn't worth playing (even though it cost me nothing) and left the game behind. They really had a good thing going and fucked it all up. Alls I can say is I'm surprised more don't feel the same way (OW2 is the 6th best selling and 11th most played game on steam, F2P excluded). The only thing I can attribute it to is the new generation of gamers (those who started gaming after 2006, when horse armor was 200 Microsoft Points) never experiencing anything different, and therefore knowing no better


I’m giving Paladins a solid try tomorrow. Just started the download before bed. I miss overwatch and all the fun we had with it, but damn are they exceptionally anti-consumer.


Paladins has always lacked the polish and refinement of Overwatch. Still more fun than Overwatch to me because the support characters are all unique and fun.


It does have tier skips. But, honestly the game hands you battle pass levels. For both seasons I've finished my battle pass before even hitting level 60. It's the season journey that can get grindy if you want 100% completion.


Call of duty has the battle pass, then another Black cell upgrade for additional skins and tier purchases if you want.


OW is actually the same battle pass you unlock. Ultimate is just a package with more attached items like a skin and +20 levels. Battle pass itself is the same. The pass itself is super easy to complete if you play 3+ games half the days.


Well, the Overwatch battle pass in comparison is way easier to complete, the game even gives you an XP boost nearing the end of the season.


Overwatch is the easiest battlepass to complete. Its actually the only one ive ever finished. Sure it costs money, but its awesome that you can actually get what is promised without dedicating your life.


The ultimate bp is expensive, but you are essentially buying 3 seasons worth of bps plus a couple extra skins. If you are buying the ultimate pass each season, then Ya, that's a ton of money. That's not really necessary at all though.


From all the praises the game got from launch, I don't think anybody here understands Nexon, the literal inventor or gacha gaming. Coming from mabinogi and Maple story in the older days, Nexon is the only reason I refuse to touch the game.


Oh yeah. If my mother had reddit she would be cursing them. I was obsessed as a child and would make her go to target so I could by nx cash or whatever for maplestory. Not sure how much I spent but a lot of my allowance went towards it… smh


And oddly they also do Dave the Diver. Which is just, a game. You buy the game, you get the game. Then they continue to release updates without begging for more money too.


My coworker says the same. He thinks the game looks super fun. He just refuses to play or support anything affiliated with Nexon. He's also a day 1 Dark and Darker backer, so... He has valid reasons to avoid such a scumbag company.


What did you think of Dave the Diver?


A) it is free to play. Do the devs not deserve payment for their hard work? B) it’s cosmetics. There is nothing you need in here. C) which means you don’t *need* to do it. I have literally 0 clue why people are so opposed to cosmetic battle passes in free games. Is it just a “this bugs the completionist inside of me” thing?


And if we didn't have those avenues of monetization the games that are free to play would cease to get updates and the lifecycle would die off quickly. Then know what we would get? A new paid 70 dollar title every 3-4 years with other forms of monetization like map packs that segregate player bases. I think people just look to complain about something and the monetization is an easy target to say "reeee this is bad cause money" and get internet points


Yep, as long as it's cosmetics, go nuts imo


I've played The Finals since it launched on 8th and I don't even play everyday but i am already on level 58 of 90 level pass and the battle pass is available for 71 more days. There are no boosters. Is it sort of grindy? A little bit but not like you need to play the game multiple hours everyday if that was the case it, i found the COD MW 2019 much more grindy. Plus The Finals is in its season 1. They will take some time to adjust things right now their goal is to make sure the players keep playing. If you complete a 3 month seasons battle pass under a month ( which I've seen some people because they're using level 90 cosmetics) you'll have people complaining that there's no more content left.


The people complaining are the no-life players. ALOT of the xp is from daily/weekly challenges. You get very little per match in comparison. The daily’s are extremely easy most of the time and you can usually complete them in 1-2 matches. Weekly’s probably around 5-6. If you complete your weekly’s and just 2 daily’s per week, you’ll finish the pass. There was a post on the main finals sub 10 days into the pass complaining about the grind. Dude was mad he was only “barely level 20” on day 10. He was on par to finish the battle pass over a month ahead of time. People are mad they can’t rush it. I’m level 47 and I have less than 30 hours in the game. It’s really not that bad.


Honestly this. Finals is one of the few games where you get more currency back from the standard Battle Pass than it costs, you can finish dailys in 1-2 games max, weeklies are doable in 6-7 games imo. Definitely one of the most fair battle passes in recent times. People want live service online multiplayer games with 10 years support and complain about cosmetics to buy. Yes the skin pricing might be high in finals and a 22 € pack is bonkers, but complaining about one of the fairest and easiest to finish BPs is just kinda out there for me. Edit: And I forgot that it also has good payment brakets. you need exactly all the currency for the BP, that you get for 10 euros. not shit like needing to buy 15 € worth, so you can pay the equivalent of 12€ for the bp and have left over currency sitting there baiting you to pay more so you can buy something with it.


I have like 35ish hours of play time and I'm rank 51 at the moment. . The bp is far from "impossible"


It’s a free to play game with a cosmetic only battlepass, how do you guys expect the company to make any money? I get battlepasses etc should not be in paid releases but this game is free and games cost money to develop and developers have mortgages and bills to pay


You can buy tiers in most battle passes lol


> 100-150+ hours just to complete it Apex players: First time?


Rocket League players: *Nice Save!*


Rocket League battlepass is easy too. I've literally stopped playing for a month before and still easily completed it.


The only scummy part about RL battle pass that it no longer returns all the credits it cost to get it, even if you complete it. It was nice doing battle passes with loot box class action settlement credits Epic gave out at some point when battle passes still had a 100% credit return.


You still got your 1000 credits if through the rocket pass, you just have to keep getting levels


This season's does! Tier 100 is a bit of a grind though if you don't play every day


The best part about it is I can still have all my 2015 and 2016 gear on as throwback stuff no longer available and still have just as much fun since it's all cosmetic. I can see cool designs and stuff from my teammates cars and yet still a good 10-20% of people I play against are using stock standard cars with no customizations in Champion ranks. The battle passes and loot boxes are scummy as fuck but at least it doesn't have an affect on gameplay.


Dota 2 Players: First time?


The apex pass definitely doesn't take that long. I honestly haven't ever seen people complain about it. It's one of the more lenient passes I've seen.


The apex battlepass is amazing in terms of completing it. I dont know if you saw. But last seasons battlepass, someone uploaded a video on how you could complete levels 1 -110 within 12 hours of doing the weekly challenge as they stack together.


Exactly, that's why I like it. I'm only tier 30 with 40 days left but I can easily finish it.


I have free bp and I am at lvl 37 lol


Yeah, not only that, but you also get enough coins to purchase the next battle pass and still have some extra by completing the last one. I used real money to buy the seasons pass once, in reality it was actually using the free $10 gift card I got using the Microsoft points quest thing. So around season 5 I used the $10 gift card I got for free doing that Microsoft points thing to buy the Apex coins, and since then I've been able to get this season's pass with the apex coins I have from the LastPass, and some extra.


That was thanks to double BP stars event at the end. But outside of it, it would've taken 25-30 hours of grind in the last 2 weeks to complete it.


Last season had double stars


That was to make up for people getting glitched challenges though right? Earlier in the last season I had challenges like "Get 25 knocks with ARs... Progress -32'000/25"


This is also true of the finals. Most of the XP is in the daily’s and weeklies. You can do your daily’s in 2 matches 90% of the time they are extremely easy. A common one is to do 1 damage with poison/melee/throwable ect. Litterally 1 damage. Competing your daily’s is worth 9-10k xp. And weeklies are 15-18k In 6-8 matches over the course of a week you can earn 30k or more just from challenges. A game is only worth like 500-600 xp if you WIN. You need 50+ matches in one night to make that much xp. The pass is literally build for causals. If you can play 1-2 hours twice a week and do the challenges. You’ll finish with literally WEEKS to spare. Weeks. The people spending 150 hours are the people who put 50 hours in week one and were only 10 levels above the people who put in 5.


Yes but that requires you to play daily that's the point. Lets take apex for an example, even if you miss dailies you can do past weeklies to get those levels in. But you can't do the same here


I have gone from lvl7 to lvl 84 in 4 days. I don't even play that good. Still I managed to complete the battle pass in last 12 days


Apex's first battle pass absolutely was a grind. I remember people in the sub losing their minds because you pretty much made no progress on it after a couple of days.


yep, the first battle pass and several after before they came to the star system were very grindy, as a casual player I was unable to complete the first few as I did not have time to play enough matches.


THE FINALS battle pass is super lenient and I have no clue what this post is even bitching about. I'm already 80% finished with the battle pass and still have 76 days left... I don't even play a ton, Just complete my dailies.


How many hours you got in the finals so far?


People upvote complete nonsense on the bigger subreddits. Have to take a lot of what's being said with a grain of salt.


Dexerto is also just about pumping out article after article. There was one yesterday about how to sprint in Elden Ring. Yep. How sprinting is important in Elden Ring. Another user worked out that they published 52 articles in that 24hours. They are just looking for articles to catch attention




Osrs players: Ah, so less than a week. Sounds reasonable.


I feel like 100-150+ hours can't be quite right. I'm at 50 hours, and I'm already at level 84. Granted, I did all the dailies and all the weeklies, but we also still have 2 months left to complete the battlepass.


I’ve been mining sand in r/2007scape for 50 hours just to train crafting what are these twinkies complaining about?


lmao. bro, it's one of the best ones. i literally only take the last 10 days to finish it. and those are only a few hours a day. mw2-3 is absolute shit, you have to play everyday to even get close to finishing it


Despite what this article might be claiming, there is no real collective outrage over the battle pass.


Yeah, I don't understand the outrage. I only have 20 or so hours in the game and am at tier 60. All I do are the weekly challenges and the daily challenges (not even everyday mind you). I still have like 70 days to complete the BP. This is honestly a mountain out of a mole hill situation


Exactly. And not only that but it still has over 2 months on its timer...


I play the game and I think it takes too long. Others in the subreddit think that too.


> Others in the subreddit think that too. 1. That subreddit is nothing but complaints. Literally - it's nothing but complaints and a few clips of fun kills or a heavy who wasted a match destroying the map. 2. As many have pointed out, just do the weeklies and a few dailies and you'll scream through the levels. I've been playing just casually and am screaming through the BP. If you think the BP is too long it's because you're trying to no-life grind it and if that's the case -- that's kinda on you.


The reddit echo chamber, commentators specifically, rarely reflects the consumer base at large. However, saying so will usually get you downvoted to oblivion.


> However, saying so will usually get you downvoted to oblivion. Boy do I know it. I haven't even mentioned that if people complaining about the grind got their way and was able to no-life the pass even faster then this thread would be nothing but complaints about how Finals is a dead game w/ no content. I've seen these same complaints as far back as the earliest days of WoW.


Man I've got maybe 2 hours a night to game usually 1 and a half and I just do my dailys and I'm st like level 34 or something like that. I can get 2 or 3 levels a night easy and the season is long.


bruh, there's like 70 days left still?????


I've got 50 hours in game, I'm about 2/3rds of the way through the battle pass, same as a mate I play with. I don't think the 100-150hrs claim is real lol


90 days to complete? Free game? Cosmetics that aren't pay to win? What's the issue here?


Nothing, and I have 35 hours and are already halfway done with the pass because I do challenges. Its actually less of a grind than other games with passes.


12 hrs in and I'm already 20% done the battle pass. This is such a weird post to me lol


30 hours in game, 80% through. Whoever is taking 150 hours to complete the battle pass has to be a combination of bad at the game, playing only the arcade modes, and rage disconnecting. Which would be par for the course for anyone writing for Dexerto.


Ive only played quick cash. Does tournaments give more xp?


Yeah significantly - not only is the xp rate higher, the tournament modes are longer, too. Less time spent sitting in queue and menus.


Not only that but just beating the Finals Battlepass which everyone still has 2+ MONTHS LEFT TO FINISH, gives you back the gold you spent on it AND MORE. Something I haven’t seen since Fortnite’s battlepass, which as far as I know was the first one to start this battlepass trend. No other game gives you back the gold you spend. Some games barely give you back half the gold you spent. People are crying for no reason other than to cry.


Apex gives you back more than you spend on it, and also the weekly challenges stack throughout the season so you can't ever miss out on a weekly challenge because you couldn't play a particular week.


This is false. Plenty of games with battlepasses usually refund the same amount of premium currency or more IF you finish it(Apex, Fortnite, etc). The only game I can think of off the top of my head rn that doesn't do this is overwatch, but Acti/Blizz are a trash company anyway.


Doesn't COD give enough points to get the next battle pass for free? Also owned by Activision.


Yeah, BP costs 1100 coins, they give 1400 once fully completed. I actually had some coins somehow, got free ones and added like 2$ worth of coins and haven't bought anything cosmetics wise for 4 years


PUBG doesn’t give it back as well


LoL has one where it gives nothing back for completion. They release 2 exclusive skins with each pass and to get both you have to grind inhuman hours. Every quarter year they reduce the daily gains and increase the amount of "exclusive content" so the wales are forced to buy more and more.


Valorant also doesn't do this - you don't get any of the currency you use to buy the battlepass (valorant points) when you complete it, although you do get a different currency (radianite) that you use to upgrade weapon skins.


Valorant has one of the worst monetization models I’ve ever seen. A battle pass that doesn’t give in-game currency to buy another one, the egregious weapon skin prices that go up to $60, and premium radianite to unlock styles for that expensive knife skin you just bought…




lol I don't know why you are getting downvoted. It's crazy though. Post on Reddit > game "journalist" sees it > "journalist" or language model recaps Reddit post > site gets linked to Reddit, an article about a Reddit post > ? > profit I guess.


I feel like that if I paid for the content then I shouldn't be locked out of what I paid for if I don't complete it by some arbitrary time commitment that I may or may not be able to do. Halo currently has it as if you buy it. You have infinite time to complete it. That should be the standard.


Yeah, we should encourage more games to integrate Halo Infinite's system. I don't mind BP's, but they should please stop timegating them.


The issue is if you're treating the game like team deathmatch it's incredibly slow to progress, whereas if you just play the game as intended it seems to go as fast as any other game's pass. People are mad they can't just grind kills in an afternoon and be done with something intended to take 3 months of casual play to complete.


> forcing users to play 100-150h That's just bad journalism? The pass had like 96 or so days when it started. It's down to a bit above 70 days left. So *more* than two full months left to complete it, even *if* those playtimes were correct. Those 70+ days also have daily and weekly missions that award big XP chunks, speeding up the progress. Nonetheless, I'm 70h of playtime in and have unlocked level 83 in the BP (1 before the tin foil hat). That's with 1 week "break" over Christmas, not doing dailies or weeklies as well as me not buying the 20 level skip. That's pretty alright, at least to my ears. Or do they just think that everyone should get the pass for free and should have everything unlocked by the end of the first month playing an hour a day?


Just do your daily and weekly challenges? Playing tournaments also gives increased exp. Not sure what people expect out of a F2P game.


Literally 70+ days left in the season. People expect so much instant gratification these days they wanna be all maxed out in two weeks when it’s designed to comfortably take 4 months




It’s so they can write the article about the lack of rewards and cosmetics I hate modern gaming


All gamers want is a triple A quality game that is free, has no pay to win mechanics, gets updated constantly and gives the players instant rewards with no incentive to spend any money whatsoever, is that too much to ask?


I never understand this monetization and why people care about it so much. Level a battlepass for a bunch of skins, stickers or whatever. This is not content at all..what is so exciting about this??? I'd really like to know. and even for cool skins, this is a FPS game where you barely see your character anyways.


Sense of progression. Numbers go up, monkey brain happy.


I remember the days when we couldn't even change the skins of our character or if we could, there were like 5 options at the most. Gaming is crazy nowadays. It seems like people care more about the rewards and the carrot on the stick than the gameplay. Seen it plenty of times where people said they're quitting a game because they can't get cosmetics or rewards as easily anymore despite the gameplay being good. I still buy skins sometimes, but I don't even bother opening up most of my lootboxes or whatever anymore, couldn't give any less of a fuck as long as the gameplay is good. It's all fluff at the end of the day. 20 years from now, will people remember most of the skins they've gotten from these games? I doubt it.


Correct, in fact the whole opening of rewards gets in the way of the real gameplay. Well, at some games the opening of gifts and rewards is mostly the gameplay and everything else seems to get in the way of it. I hate these gift and reward interruptions.




But like why is this a problem? Free game, you dont have to own all of the cosmetics? Let the whales send their money down the drain if it means everyone else gets the game for free?


It's not even that dramatic. There's 70+ more days to finish it, if you started at the beginning of the battlepass you can finish it playing 6 matches or so a week (AKA less than two hours a week) playing two to three days a week. And literally playing *no* more. Even now, you can finish it by playing for maybe 40 of the 70 days and doing the *absolute* bare minimum. Much less if you play the game at all outside of doing dailies/weeklies (which are also very easy to do). The battlepass is also pretty damn generous on the whole compared to a lot of them and has quite a few outfits, emotes, etc. You also get an excess of the currency so you can afford the pass again and then some. The only people whining are the ones saying to think of the casual players while wanting to no life the battlepass when it's sped up dramatically for the people who just play a few times a week. It's literally *more* friendly to people playing casually than people wanting to grind immediately, though even that you can do.


Absolutely Bullshit, I have 24h in and reached 82 on the Battlepass. If you play your daily’s and weekly’s you’ll be done quick


This game is the most fun I’ve had in an FPS in a long time and I hope it succeeds. That said I don’t care enough to grind the BP, at least not this one. I hope they make it easier to complete so you don’t feel compelled to buy tiers


I am not worried about grinding the battlepass either. But I still bought it because I want to support a good F2P game. I bought multiple Apex passes too. Because I played the crap out of the game. None of it is pay 2 win, so it's literally just there to help them fund the game. If I play the game a couple hundred hours across multiple seasons I think they've earned some of my hard earned money by keeping me entertained. And I get some cool looking skins out of it.


I’m on tier 9 / 12 with 70 days left. Y’all complain about everything


On a 90 day Battle Pass…that’s just over an hour a day. I don’t see the problem.


I don't see a problem. It's a free game and the Devs deserve to be paid. Heck, they're even giving out MTC for free, so you'll have enough to get the battle pass after a couple of seasons of f2p.


I am at 95 of 96 after 301 matches. If you do not want to play the game that much, don’t buy it. I found unlocking new equipment and learning how to best use them interesting enough to continue, and wanted to support the game because of how much fun I have been having.


You can also just wait to buy it on the last day if you want the premium rewards you've earned so far. It's not like you need the pass to advance it. You gain the levels whether you buy it or not.


Not sure why more people dont do this. If you're not sure you'll have time to do it just play the game. If you get to the last few weeks and are actually near the end of the battle pass decide if you want to push for the end and buy all the skins/unlocks on the last day or if you dont care enough in which case just wait for the next BP.


Some games give you extra xp to unlock stuff faster Once you buy it . Idk how much of a difference it makes though. Might just be a marketing ploy


Same here. If it takes the same amount of time for the next battle pass though, I’ll skip it. I did want to give my initial support though, game is an absolute blast


Hey guys this may be crazy but hear me out. You do realise you can play a game because it is fun? Not because of some reward? Stop playing the game if it isn't fun. If all you're playing for is some cosmetic or w/e then are you really enjoying the game? Though I don't know if this battle pass has some major P2W bs, then it's a different story. Even so, stop playing games if they're not fun for you. Companies will keep doing these battle passes for as long as possible unless people actually stop buying into them or grinding them out.


OH NO!! I HAVE TO PLAY THE GAME??? This is the dumbest take.


Since when playing a game is not about having fun ? Like… if you are having fun - you will play a lot and might hit this mark. If you are not having fun - don’t play ?


Literally just made the fuck up. I'm halfway done and have 38 hours played. But clickbait titles make money.


100 hours over the course of 70 days is an hour of play per day.


Who gives a shit? The game is a lot of fun without the battle pass. It's a free game with no pay to win features so far.


Am I old? What is the point of battle passes, especially paid ones? Why do people care about them?


"Forcing" Just don't turn your gaming hobby into a job to acquire something via absurd grinding. If you don't enjoy playing, stop.


I just reached 22 hours. Im tier 79. Out of 96. With 70 days left to go. I play for less than an hour a day. Where are people getting 150 hours to complete it from.


I am so confused nowadays that why gamers start to complain on some normal issue. It didn’t force you to complete battlepass and the game free to play.


There are 70 days left ffs. "Players" bitch when they finish a battle pass in 2 weeks, then bitch when the Battle pass isnt done in 30 days. Devs can't win.


Bait article is bait. I played "The Finals" over the weekend and I'm on page 4 of the 13 page battle pass after like 8 hours of gameplay. There's 78 days left before the pass ends. I would say your average dad gamer with 2 hours a night to play after the kids go to bed could finish the battle pass in 3 of the 15 weeks its available. And you earn enough in game currency to buy the next battle pass for free every time. The author of this article just wants something controversial to write about to drive engagement.


exactly. and it’s super frustrating too, because the game is genuinely great and you know certain creators are going to farm this headline to bash the game’s monetization. which BTW, the game has SUPER fair monetization and it’s not predatory in the slightest. it’s much better than most free to play games nowadays. I’m level 74 of 96 and have 65 hours. that *almost* lines up with the headline, but the headline fails to mention how you literally have 3 months to complete it. I know people who are already finished with the battle pass and haven’t paid a dime to skip tiers. yeah, you aren’t gonna finish the entire pass if you aren’t playing that often. but isn’t that… kinda the point? crazy. I’d love to see moderators just opt to remove this post because of how terrible it is.


The free to play game is a grind? In other news, water is wet


"impossible to finish" I finished it 4 days ago.