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That’s funny because there is a system in place that detects who is on a 10+ year friends and family plan. I had a family member who worked for blizzard back in the day gift me a 30-year membership. Shortly after they departed from blizzard, I got an automated email that my 30-year membership would expire the following month (it had not been 30 years yet)


Depending on when it was, you could’ve reached out to CS and get it fixed. I have a handful of previous coworkers still on their 25 year gametime despite leaving. Some leadership accidentally said they could keep it when they were laid off, and that’s what happened.


As a recently laid off employee, the 25 year employee codes were all deactivated a year or so back. No one has them anymore.


Blizzard is evil.


Think of the shareholder value added by being a petty prick towards your ex-employees!


All corporations care about is money and making their board happy. Everything else doesn’t matter, at least comparatively speaking.


And on the flipside as an employee you better be all about the passion. Never talk about doing the job for money in an interview. Never discuss your salary with coworkers, or else. An employee better be greatful, full of passion, and sacrifice all of their time and energy for the good of the company. The company only gives a damn about profits though, and "that's just how it is."


Yep exactly.


That's because the more passion the employee has the more money gets siphoned up the chain. Vampires.


"We're a family here"


I wonder how many of those people kept playing WoW. Cause something like that would have made sure I never gave them a single cent more. I mean, I already fucking hate Blizzard, but for non-WoW reasons. Of course, I guess some people just enjoy getting fucked, so at least some of the people they screw over would continue paying them for the privilege.


can confirm, I like getting fucked


Sadly this is not an exaggeration. In business school, you are literally taught that maximizing profits is and should be the primary goal of leadership in for-profit companies. Your purpose is to make shareholders wealthier. It is *not* to sell the best product/service, which as consumers we all hope is a byproduct of the main goal. Theoretically, the "invisible hand of the market" is what's supposed to serve as the system of checks and balances against corporations engaging in anti-consumer behavior. The reality is that big companies manipulate the market every single day, and the bigger you grow, the easier this becomes. Eventually, it doesn't matter that what you're offering is an inferior product or service, because you've effectively killed all the competition. Despite everything that has happened with the company, I imagine quite a few people still dream of working for Blizzard. If the invisible hand actually existed or worked, people would not accept working for a company with a track record of abusing its employees.


I agree completely, thanks for your comment!


Blizzard died when Activision bought them in 2008.


And yet, to this day, they still blame just Activision when it's been 15 fuckin years. They collectively fuck their playerbase it's not an either-or


That’s my point. It’s always been Activision. 


these days almost everyone knows an ex-blizzard employee or more. with the revolving door their company is, they'd probably have 5% of their playerbase playing the game permanently for free i know a few ex blizzard employees, though, and they all refuse to give blizzard any more time or money


I have an acquaintance who was laid off by blizzard, went to riot and worked his way to a high position in the MMO development, then he got cut from that during the cuts. I have no idea where he's at atm, but it's gotta be rough when 2 of the gaming giants tell you to shove off, he's incredibly talented so I know it wasn't performance related


Imagine being a multi billions dollars company and being that stingy about a handful of employees


That kind of greed blows my mind. Like, you have a team of people that made the game willing to play the game on the servers. Getting actual real time experience with the other players. It's basically free game testing, on the employees time. For sure they will bring back anything learned to change things when on the clock.


It's not even really greed so much as pettiness. It's not like a tiny company where someone just does some crap and turns off the codes. Meetings were had about this. Middle managers wasting everyone's time running around slapping their dicks together. Probably hundreds of total man-hours between everyone involved for basically no gain but the satisfaction of giving the middle finger to some former employees.


In my experience it's almost always greed and stupidity, rarely malice. Companies are just like that. As a former IT consultant I had the 'fun' privilege of being involved in tons of meetings from various companies, big and small, where the whole point of the meeting is to discuss doing X to avoid paying Y because they don't want to spend the money. ...Meanwhile the meeting has wasted the time of so many people that they're paying for that they've effectively thrown the money away discussing why they don't want to pay for this or that. For example; One I can recall was a pretty successful architecture company who wanted to fix one higher-up employee's email being slow, and it turned out it was because this guy used no folders in Outlook, no cleaning rules, no archiving, no deleting spam, nada. They had increased his email storage space twice, but see... They also didn't want to spend the money to upgrade his Outlook from Office 2010, and this was in like... 2018. Dude had about 14 years of email, junk, spam, etc, in *one folder* in an old ass 32-bit version of Outlook that wasn't even originally designed to function with Office365 (Seriously, you had to install a service pack to make Outlook 2010 work with Exchange Online). So offered solutions; * A: He stops sweeping all his toys under the bed and cleans up his mess (they initially tried having the receptionist do this but he wanted to stand over her and say "no I need that" to every single email until she got fed up and refused) * B: We purchase a $3/month license to turn on archiving 365-side so that it's cloud-stored and easy to access from anywhere and no one has to waste any of their time cleaning up a decade and a half of shit. Management decided they didn't like the sound of paying for an additional cost for one mailbox, and insisted on their own solution: * C: We waste everyone's time and effort coming up with the ridiculously stupid idea of "Keep everything the same just fix his outlook, don't change anything." Don't upgrade Office, don't setup archiving, leave 14 years of trash in this one dumbass folder and magically wave a wand and make Outlook 2010 work gudder. We argued several times over that is a really bad idea and kept being rebuked because they insisted no changes be made that would cause the user to whine about anything. So, that's how they wound up spending multiple thousands of dollars in hours spent in developing an on-site email backup solution that basically created a second copy of an inbox that old-ass-Outlook looked at, all to avoid a $3 a month license cost for an adult man in his 50s to not have to do a basic cleanup on his email or update his Outlook because "he didn't like the way the new one looked". There's like this point of growth that a lot of companies hit where they become run by people that are too dumb to survive but rich enough to still manage to fail upwards.


"The (corporate) bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding (corporate) bureaucracy." -- Oscar Wilde


Reminds me of my old company, where for a MULTIMILLION US govt contract, they hired 5 people to work under an existing teamlead and wanted us to clone the complete functionality of Microsoft Teams, but with additional functionality that Teams didn't have, including all sorts of security and special features specific to the govt branch that wanted it. And we had less than a year to do it in. And to top off this comedy of nonsense, upper management stole half the people off the team a few months in, so it was really just 3 of us without leadership because our team lead was one of the people who got poached for other projects almost before we'd even started. They didn't want to actually pay for servers, so we just had a single random garbage dell laptop sitting on a desk in the office as our QA and dev machine as well as our git repo. Surprise, surprise, the laptop wasn't rated for this kind of workload and caught fucking fire, and we lost our entire source control as well as all our test environment stuff. Amazingly enough, we missed our delivery date and the contract got renegotiated and pushed out to a later date. I ended up getting fired after I got covid and management decided that I'd been sick for too long. Last I heard from one of my former teammates, the replacement shitty Dell laptop for the previous shitty Dell laptop caught fire, and this time it took the entire server room with it. Needless to say, they missed the delivery date yet again.


Goddamn. One of the good things about my current position/experience/etc is that being very high up on the IT food chain generally means that if things get *really* stupid like that, I can just start breaking shit and say that it was somehow related to whatever dumbass thing we were asked to do. "Well, we told them what would happen but they insisted that we change a bunch of DNS records, so anyway the entire company only lost 4 hours worth of mail on a workday I'm sure nothing important happened during that.". "Well I was working on the gateway but they kept demanding that I stop what I was doing so the company-wide VPN went down while I fixed their third-party site's SSO that bugged and made them use 2factor twice when they log in." So, now there's some level of expectation that if you ask for some system change or implementation, it's not a demand, it's a request that *can* be declined if it's stupid and directly contacting IT instead of sending in a helpdesk request is going to get you slapped.


I had a boss who I had a task set once a week to go into Exchange and delete the oldest empty/non-important sub-folders they had created. This all stemmed from me having to call Microsoft Gold Support and chat with them for a few hours before we finally figured out my boss had hit a limit that only a handful of people hit before. They had created something short of 64,000 sub-folders. It caused their Outlook 2010 to stop working. They also would not believe me when I would go into the server room and delete the most recent folder they created and Outlook instantly sprang to life. Then would immediately create a new folder. I asked what they were doing, and they had created a rule to create a sub-folder for EVERY email subject, effectively threading emails way before it was a thing. Worst part was, they refused to change their ways, instead I just would delete a lot of folders once a week until I left that job. Thankfully I haven't had to admin an Exchange server since then, but it does look like Microsoft at least set folder limits after 2010, and I wish I had been there the day my old company upgraded, lol.


> he didn't like the way the new one looked". As an ex-goverment IT employee......... oof, I feel this one in my soul


What you need less in a multiplayer game is players. Duh. 


If you have zero players using the servers, you can cut costs to practically nothing! Give this man a promotion and a yacht!


Unironically the commercial gym business model.


It shouldn’t. Ever play a blizz game? Yeah? Oh yeah you have been min maxing for a while now so you kinda know how it works when developing your characters to squeeze every drop out of then to get maximum efficiency at lowest possible cost to go further for longer?? Well, the *company that brought you this kind of gameplay* was founded on min-maxing, so why is surprising when we see it in real time? Blizzard built us, not the other way around.


Jeff Kaplan had some EQ forum rants that he's probably ashamed of now lmao tigolebitties


Damn man, this is so true.


Some lawyer probably thinks they are a liability. It's something like an employee only benefit and so they ripped it all away. I can't imagine them caring about it for any other reason.


It may be an accounting thing. Once worked somewhere where we had a few hundred redemption codes for some short-term software licenses from a vendor. It was sort of a workaround for some licensing difficulties. One day the codes stopped working, they were shut off because they were sitting on their books as a liability.


That’s beyond whack. It’s like “you won’t even worth the server space, begone!”


It’s such a fucking cheap benefit that buys so much good will that I don’t understand why any executive would think it was a good idea to pull this. Like I’d make damn sure every laid off employee had a 10 year extension added to their account when they left, if for no other reason than to at least look good during the layoffs.


They are like dragons hoarding gold. They don’t care about optics or goodwill, just money


They don’t want you bad mouthing them in the game on their dime probably.


Whoa when you work there you get 30 years free playtime? dope, it make sense tho.


The bad news is: your pay is so much worse than basically anywhere else it STILL isn't worth it.


I mean we’re talking about wow. A 12 dollar a month game. 30 years is what? $4 grand? lol that’s not an incentive of anything. they should just say you don’t have to pay for wow when you work here


I worked in games out of grad school for a couple of larger triple A studios. I remember interviewing for a position at Blizzard back then, and being offered the job. As a potential candidate from out-of-state, they had given me a list of places, they suggested, that I should live. One of them was like two hours away, and they recommend I commute that every day to work. Easiest pass ever lol.


I love the (it had not been 30 years yet) lmfao.




I don’t need WoW to make me feel old - I have knees!


Maybe the Cenarion Circle can help you. You just need to kill 500 scorpions in Silithus.


I can AoE farm that in minutes. Let’s GOOOOOO!


Launch day Vanilla WoW player here; the game came on four CDs. Before patches. Even compressed, that 500 MB from Limewire was either just porn, viruses, or both.


Don't quote the old magic to me witch, I still have my retail box. 


I beta tested WoW. I remember when Tauren didn't have mounts but instead had plainsrunning.


i believe you based entirely on your period accurate username


The realest crime


Whelp, i hope they get it back when they start handing out race specific "mount" options. Like them fixing soar for dracthyr


Nah, they already gave it to that dumb new furry race. The british wolf guys.


Worgen came out nearly 15 years ago


Object permanence is overrated.


My birth mother played WoW when I was VERY young, and stopped around 2009. Then I had never heard anyone mention the game again until my senior year around 2019 and my first reaction was "that ancient thing still exists?" It just felt weird to me a game that came out when I was a toddler was still online, and it was like you were about to tell me they were still making GameCube games all this time.


I still find it crazy that if I log into WoW nowadays I'll likely be playing alongside the kids of people I used to see playing like 18 years ago.


Honestly, I've always wanted to try it just to see what she saw. But as an adult, I've never been able to justify the cost of entry for what would likely be a brief novelty I'd drop as MMO's aren't much my thing.


You can actually play it for free up to level 20. That would definitely give you an idea of what the game is without having to commit anything except a bit of time.


I feel like it'd be near impossible to feel the same way many of the players felt back then, when it was essentially the only MMO worth mentioning. I'm sure it's still fun, but that was such an interesting little pocket of time that I don't think can be replicated in the same way ever again


youd be surprised, final fantasy 11 online came out around the same time, i remember it was either spend your time on WoW or FFXI. pick one. FFXI is still popular and still has a $12.95 sub to play despite being over 20 years old. even a big private server just released thats bigger than youd probly imagine with settings from 2005 only.


for anyone interested, the server he's talking about is horizonXI. it's basically the old game with some light changes/tuning to make certain things less OP/more reasonable. honestly, it's still fantastic, it had ~4.5k players online at peak times when it came out and it's still at like 2.5k players most days. i'd imagine ittl shoot back up when they release the next expansion stuff.


Well you never could feel the same as beauty of wow and the early mmos was there was nothing like those online communities. It was a novel experience being in a shared world with people from across the globe being able to communicate and form these communities. With social media and the way the internet developed the main hook to MMOs were lost and devolved more into theme parks.


Not sure if they still do it, but Wow used to be F2P until level 20. So you could try it out as long as you have a halfway decent computer.


If it helps, you can play Classic Wow with only a subscription, which is the original version of the game that she played all those years ago that got rereleased a few years back. Still have to pay, but at least you don't have to buy any expansions. For free, you can try retail trial up to level 20, but it's far different from the game that she played back then


How far up would Classic WoW go? The years I remember best were 2006-9 or so. I vaguely remember a flying fortress of sorts being new when she quit.


Right now they have a few different ways to play. They have Wrath of the Lich King Classic servers, which was the expansion from 08-2010 that you would remember best. They also have vanilla classic servers as well as their "season of discovery", which is the original expansion with some new features to make it fresh


Do they know where Mankirk's wife is?




Yeah it's really a sense of awe more than anything. Like, dang, this game managed to survive 20 years. The gaming scene is very different today compared to 2003 or so when it released. I know WoW must be a very different game from what it was then, but going on that long is still really neat.


I worked in Game Dev previously and picked up a Valve family + friends key. Not that they make much anymore, but it unlocks every first party Valve title for your Steam library. Past, present *and future*, I discovered, when I tried to purchase Half Life Alyx and somehow already had it.


Alyx also gets added for free with the index


I got it free and only have a day one vive. o lord, that was 8 years ago...


Oh god I thought you meant Alyx. That just came out…. 4 years ago.


This was also granted to some customers previously. I received mine in connection to some technical issues they had with OSX, where some products didn't work on the operating system despite having been marketed for it. Since I at one point had logged in on a Mac, I was granted all Valve games in perpetuity. I like Valve.


I too have one because of this. It was more like if you tried to use a steam controller on OSX, it wouldn't work. As an apology, they sent those people a F&F account. My friends are jealous of my F&F Valve account


I remember that. A bunch of my stream friends were hunting down old cheap mac books just so they could sign in and get all the Valve games for free. Some were swapping their logins around with someone that had a mac already. Getting the complete pack was and is cheaper than what some of them paid for a old used macbook. No price is too high to get free stuff. lol. I already had the valve complete pack so I didn't bother and even now, seeing as how they haven't released a new games in, basically, eternity it still doesn't bother me that I didn't join in on that band wagon.


Thats really sad, I left Bioware over 5 years ago and I still have over 100 years left on my SWTOR account.


Pretty much the standard benefit everywhere. When I worked at Ubisoft, I got all Ubisoft games automatically added to my personal Uplay account. A month after I left, they stopped getting added to my account. Still have all the ones from before tho. I haven't touched any of them.


…you worked at Ubisoft but literally never opened any of their games? Were you not at all related to game creation and just don’t like video games?


There are a ton of great games out there . . . Ubisoft haven't made / published very many of them (at least recently) lol. I can't blame the guy for not playing them. I personally don't play the games I have worked on - it feels like work.


Played the few games I liked before I joined the company, which i've bought at the time. Didn't play any of their own catalogue since I worked there. I did work on the game dev side. I generally don't play games I worked on myself (after they've launched). I, personally, am hypercritical of my own work. I know where the sore spots are, and if I see them, I'd like to further improve it, but it's impossible to do so post-launch unless it's an actual bug. (You need to go through multiple levels of approval if you want to submit something that touches live game content, and 99 times out of 100, it'll get denied) I love games, else I wouldn't work in this industry. I just haven't been interested in massive open world games and new GaaS games for a decade (which is most of Ubi's line up). Hence, i never played any of the games they gave me for free.


They sunsetted the weird "forever" codes and replaced them with an extra one year code per year.


> (it had not been 30 years yet) thanks for the clarification!


Yeah every employee and their friends had the same membership. This has been disabled tens of thousands of times.


I feel like if you worked on WoW you should get a free lifetime sub.


They gave us 25 year game cards as employees back in wotlk days


Man, everything was better in wotlk days huh.


Yes, the last great era of WoW.


tbf i really liked the Cataclysm refresh of the early zones, though the late-game zones suffered.


Pvp in mists was sublime. Could also have been that I was in college and had an enormous of time to play back then...


Ah MoP PVP where most of the 2v2 arena teams consisted of DK / Disc Priest or Warrior / Resto Druid combo's. I also remember doing Battlegrounds with my mates back then playing a disc priest , and the shadowfiend/mindbender was so ridiculously OP before they nerfed it. Good times


Legion was great in most aspects, tbh. Yeah the legendaries were a gamble, but, even then, they could be fun too.


RIP Thousand Needles though.


I still remember people calling us 'Wrath babies'. Been a looong time since I heard that particular insult being thrown around though, lol


Damn Wrath babies with your welfare epics!


Classic during Covid was amazing.


Na legion was an amazing expansion. WOD was fun if you stopped playing during the drought of content.


MOP Legion and DF were absolutely insane but saying that wont earn you easy karma


Blizzard was better before Activision merged with them (Vivendi acquired them). I guess that was the same year as Wrath of the Lich King was released, but the work for that expansion had to have been done before Activision/Vivendi had tainted things.


According to another person here they deactivated all of them a year or so back and everyone with an activated one had it taken away


Yep, instead as of last year we get an extra 1-year sub each year when they give us our Keyring refresh to use ourselves and no one has to worry about deactivating/etc.


9 more years of free play time :(


On the other hand it feels like employees shouldnt drink other employees breast milks from the fridge but hey thats the game dev industry for you


Found Homelander's day job!


lol what


Someone at Blizzard did that in the past, it's part of a pretty big controversy. Just google "blizzard breast milk" and I bet the results won't be from Dairy Queen R34.


Look, downvote me if you insist, but we all need to admit that the game quality was better when blizzard employees were chugging breast milk. I don’t condone theft, but maybe we should have found a way to keep the mother’s milk flowing into them, allowing the sweetness and hormones to power the great games we used to love. Instead? We get shadowlands and micro transactions, the product of homogenized cow milk and soy.


It sucks that the people who made a good game were massive pieces of shit.


It sucks that randoms on the internet think this when 99% of them were/are awesome people.


And the game is still good. Just 20 years old and it's hard to like something for that long.


Oh goodness, thanks for chiming in. I was like “why is this fella talking about titty milk” 🤣 LOL I see now. Apologies


>Just google "blizzard breast milk" I'll take your word for it


Ahhh, so that's where the inspiration for the quest "Mother's Milk" that I share with random PUGs comes from lol


I’m more curious about the Dairy Queen Rule 34 honestly. Never considered putting those words in that order before.


I mean, yea, very weird. Also very unrelated, though.


Two things can be bad simultaneously and we should fix both of those


Exactly. There should have been enough breast milk brought to share with everyone. Not just one person.


Honestly kind of sickening how far behind the U.S. is on this tbh


I work as a gm for a different mmo. I've basically got a 100 year sub (36000+ days), but i think they removed it once you leave.


What, as punishment?


>Holisky saved around $1,754 over the course of 10 years. Gottem


On the other hand, he'll feel forced to play/grind WoW for the next 10 years just so he won't waste that time I wonder if it's a poisoned apple


In my experience, the more time I've left on any subscriptions, the less I feel like I have to play.


if that was the case I wouldn't keep remembering I'm still subbed after 8 months of not playing lol


Don’t play personally but…does it seriously cost $170 a year??


It's $12.99 a month so ~$156 a year if you pay the whole year in advance. Otherwise it's $14.99 a month so ~$180 a year.


It's like 10-15 usd per month I think, so yes close to that likely. You also still have to pay for the base game and the expansions I believe, which is such a fuck you to consumers that I've never played it and prolly never will


You only need to buy the most current expansion now to play all of the content. Which I think is like $50 bucks. Doesn't matter because they will probably add it all to game pass soon.


They changed the system from buy the base game for $20 (was discounted to $10 more often than not) which came with 30 days of sub, to the game being "free" if you pay 30 days of sub ($15). People saw this as a massive win... even tho most people would have paid $10 instead of $15.


About 29.99 USD for 60 days without a subscription. That is when it's not an expansion year. WoW is the ultimate double dipper. Pay for game time, pay for expansions (with multiple tiers editions), still have microtransactions, pay a hefty price for now completely automated services like name / race / server changes and on top of it you can buy in game gold. They also introduced a battle pass like monthly shop which is still subtle enough to not look like a manipulation scheme slowly shifting into another monetization system by fomo.


Calling the trading post a battle pass is so dumb. Especially when they put store exclusive items in it lmao. Even when wow does something good that people who play the game love this weird group of haters who don’t even play shitting this non sense out. 


meanwhile he lost a 200k/yr job :)


Jokes on him when Microsoft puts WoW on PC Game Pass


I would try the fuck out of it if they did that lol


You can play all but the latest expansion for free.


Don't you have to pay a subscription for that content though? Doesn't seem free.


Anyone can play from Shadowlands and earlier for free until level 20 as a trial character you also have other restrictions like no more than 1K gold in inventory or something, and no mailing or auction house feature I occasionally make a free char up to lvl 20 when I miss the game and wanna just run around an old expansion for a while and be nostalgic


Kind of pointless to play, if you aren't playing with everyone. Might as well just play a better single player game.


>Might as well just play a better single player game That's my take on WoW, generally. And yet I keep coming back to see what's new. Spoiler: hey another currency to grind out.


Spoiler: hey an incentive to stay subbed every single month instead of once or twice a year I both love and hate them for the TP.


I actually resubbed a couple months ago and I'm having a blast playing parallel alliance and horde characters going through old storylines to see the contrast in story. I'd probably be level 70 twice over by now if I hadn't level capped myself in order to keep using chromie time. Point is, everyone has fun differently. The endgame gear treadmill has never been as exciting to me as leveling up has been, to the point where historically I tend to go on a break whenever I hit level cap. I do have a character in the dragon isles, but right now nostalgia is winning out over exploring new content.


Is that the case?


Why would they ever choose to make less money


Would Fortnite make more money if it had a hard set entry barrier or a monthly cost versus free with battle pass? 


My guess is while WoW will be on GP, the sub won't be - so you skip buying xpacs, but still sub. Maybe the occasional freebie like Twitch gets


I had a friend who had a friend in EA finance. The day of release of bf2042 or something (the latest release) he snagged some keys and shared with his friends before he jumped ship before EA sacked like half of the bf team for failure. Played 2 hours and uninstalled.


Execs: make poor decisions and choices for how the game should be, not knowing a single thing about games Execs: fire the people who made their shit game because their shit ideas don’t work Rinse and repeat


Another great mindset of “i will hold no responsibility and accountability” when they are in the position to do so.


"I know, let's make a Warzone clone and alienate our entire Battlefield playerbase. That'll sell like hotcakes!" -EA/DICE


Whole thing is absolute garbage. Friends brother has worked in support for 13 years making it up to management and predating even the Activision merger. Literally walked in to being told him and his team would no longer be needed even after he hired 5 new people. They are outsourcing everything to fucking India. There are people in LinkedIn who literally started the same week they were terminated. Very obvious that Microsoft just fired people arbitrarily and told absolutely no one at Activision or Blizzard that they would be doing this, to the point they let they still put out job offers.


This unfortunately always happens with mergers. Sucks for the employees.




AcquisitionBlizzard ;D


Weird to hire people when you are about to be acquired but you also need to run the business as if you won't be acquired (because you might not, and then what?). It's just a shitty situation vs any real bad guys. Employee unfortunately needs to understand the risk they are taking going to a company I the midst of a takeover. And definitely don't trust management if they say your job is safe. They won't be management for much longer.


India.... Great, we know how that goes.


> Blizzard employee snags a decade of WoW game time So employee snags nothing of value and this is newsworthy??


Right? Even a small severance would be worth more.


Title should be "Former Blizzard Employee Doesn't Like Sex"


Seriously. It's so bizarre that's there is an article about this and people are actually discussing it. Probably tells you the average age around here that people think it's cool he managed to snag this after getting fired.


Glad I scrolled down comments. This is exactly what I was going to say….


I was in the layoffs. The free WoW time we earned is something we are all going to get (I've got 20 years worth of codes in the system), but it will take them time to process it and for them to send us our codes. I was trying to grab mine right after the meeting, but got kicked out of the system before I could send them to my personal email.


Damn, their IT dept is on point!


Automations and workflows in place to kill access are now part of SaaS solutions. Just fine tune for your environment and then you can do singular or batch processes. Batch takes a little longer, but it's still quick.


my brother worked customer service for blizzard in paris in the 00s. I never paid to play


I guess that's cool? Though I imagine if I were in that position it's not something I'd be concerning myself with.


Makes for a fun story but it means that someone being laid off is a genuine fan of the developer and its products. In other words, he'll work harder and better than most people at the same pay grade since he actually gives a shit. Probably should have found a way to keep him.


Including future expansions?


Nope it said in article he still has to pay for every expansion


I’d rather just have the $1800.


I picked up wow again just for one month because I was feeling the urge. I don’t think I could play it for ten years free. Not because retail sucks (I’ve tried classic too, it reminded me why I loved cataclysm’s changes) but because outside of leveling I never had that much fun. The end game grind bores me and quest leveling can get super tedious even when I’m enjoying it.


I’ve tried to jump back in a few times, had some success raiding in the classic servers, but it always got old super fast. The community is obsessed with spending as little time playing the game as possible. Optimizing every single grind, optimized leveling strategies, min maxing every encounter so you only have to raid for 15 minutes every week then you log off to preserve buffs. Most folks act like this is the “correct” way to play, but it’s just not fun. Leveling is the only time the game feels pure now, because you can do it at your own pace and the reward dopamine trickle is consistent and meaningful.


Yup. At this point I’m just leveling up toons to do allied race content. I already have high even characters to do it on both sides but I’ve been gone for so long it feels easier to relearn as I level. Got alliance done. Horde is next. Only need three races for them.


Sounds like a punishment.


Or you could just not play WOW at all and not pay a cent ever


Sounds like a prison sentence


Worst. Severance. Ever.




I played so much wow back in the day that the idea of doing it now just kind of gives me a headache. My friends are into it and keep trying to reel me back in but I just don't think I could do it again. I hate to say it, I think I finally grew out of it.


Why would you play games from a company that laid you off ?!


Exactly. I only play games made by companies that I am currently employed at


Presumably because you like the game? I wouldn’t be surprised if some dev quit CCP just so they could play EVE normally again.


Employee life cycle isn't personal. Layoff is not feedback on performance. Can often be a position you're in has been trimmed. Drop an application for a need not being met and you've got a mutually beneficial arrangement. Even performance is not feedback on performance. Performance is dependent on comparable working styles between a team or a manager. You see top performers emerge on occasion from the only change being projects or team around them. It's good to eat a career set back early in career. You take it personal. Then after a few hops in hindsight realize it wasn't a big deal and often is the catalyst for better opportunities. Detaches the ego. The pitfall is have also observed cautionary tales in high performers. Rapid success and promotion at a young age taking that experience on as a self identity. Then face their first set-back one step from the executive box. Have seen that explode into relation problems and self harm, their self identity cracked and caused a cascade of issues. Get through a set back or two and better framing for well being comes out the other side. Your job is a side-quest in the main story.


This has huge “*I got fired from my job at the unemployment office and I still have to show up tomorrow*” vibes.


question tho is... will that employee even be playing? xD


I miss my friends and family plan.. My friend left blizzard a long time ago and this reminded me of all the free game time I got, and all the betas I was automatically added to.


Having recently resubbed to see how the game had evolved since Cataclysm, imagine my surprise at finding out that 1. it had not and 2. was not fun to play. Sounds more like this employee dodged a bullet.


1700 bucks is small change for someone who was probably making six figures not having a job.


How to self report:


If I worked on a game for eight hours a day, every day, I don't think I would play said game at home.


Is this a good tradeoff?


I mean regardless of the content, but this "journalistic" work is surely something.. written like an AI Reddit-post.


They would have to put me on the payroll to play WoW. I tried playing it multiple times and it was the first game I've played that felt like a job instead of a game.


Just wondering but with how shizty Activision is, Why do people even still play WOW? Especially when city of heroes/villian: homecoming is free and just acquired a license to operate from cryptic…. Just sayin.