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Did you chargeback on a purchase or experience fraud on your account or payment cards?


« When a credit or debit card holder disputes a payment to Epic Games, a “chargeback” is filed for that purchase. Once a chargeback is filed, we will remove any purchased items that are associated with the chargeback from the account.» That’s probably the case.


> that are associated with the chargeback That reads to me as just the disputed purchases, not the whole library.


A chargeback is the nuclear option when trying to get a refund/reimbursement and is typically not recommended unless the person demanding the chargeback has accepted never using that particular entity again. I would expect to have my account closed if I demanded a chargeback. I've seen chargebacks casually recommended on reddit and think a lot of users see it as an interchangeable term with "refund".




I really wish more people understood a chargeback being the nuclear option when it comes to goods and services not rendered or as described. One chargeback can mark you as a critical financial risk, and as a result, payment processors and card issuers can effectively bar you from ever conducting another card-based purchase again, with no recourse.




That's just what a credit card company CEO would say... Has anyone ever noticed how Visa CEO Ryan McInerney and /u/new_for_confession have never been seen at the same place at the same time? COINCIDENCE??




Never mind, it's just Bryan Cranston. Pack it up, boys.


It’s wild. Most of the reasons for authorizing a chargeback boils down to “this entity committed business malpractice/fraud and I want my money back” and people are just stunned when the business doesn’t want to keep letting them do this over and over. Like how dare you not let me do this infinite money glitch at your expense. When a chargeback is initiated, the business is charged a processing fee. This fee is paid whether or not the chargeback is granted or not. There is no sane reason why businesses should have to let you have the opportunity to do this twice.


I don't get it either, companies usually have this exact scenario explained in support sections as well.


People on Reddit love to think the world works the way they wished it worked.


I find it more apt to say that people on Reddit have no idea how the world works, and when you tell them why is world the way it does, become irrationally angry.


I really wish consumers didn't have to rely on chargebacks in the first place.


My friend was fucking around with Diablo immortal when it came out... but he spent up to around $500, he charged it back and basically said the only thing that happened was his Diablo Immortal account was locked until he repaid. I have a hard time believing he didn't shoot himself in the foot over a much broader area than 1 mobile game, especially with this guy's info..


Games like that get played by kids whose parents generally don't appreciate multi hundred dollar expenses. Locking out the account is probably the best solution for the company.


Ya'll dealing with some scummy banks then. Ive put in probably 20-30 disputes on my AMEX credit card from my bank over the years. Most of the resolved in my favor, but even if they didn't no one tried to punish me for disputing a charge for goods that weren't delivered.


For a digital storefront thats how you get 50+ chargebacks for every single game you've ever bought from them that they just stole from you. Seems like a bad idea to me.


I've seen people recommeding a chargeback because someone didn't like a game... like that's not how this works lol


People get suggested doing a charge back for legitimate situation. Other people with poor comprehension read the comments and think "o I can just do a chargeback to get a refund". Then those people spread the idea of chargebacks without the added context. This is the problem with the Internet. It's like one big telephone game where every time people pass along advice but each time context and specific are lost. Eventually people think they know what they're talking about and are giving bad advice.


I mean people suggested putting an iphone in a microwave to charge it. There's a reason for "do not trust anything online"


Lmao my cousin actually tried this thinking it would work. I literally sat there laughing my ass off while he told me. He thought it would super charge in 30 seconds still laugh at it to this day. Guy is walking entertainment.


How many times have you heard him say that school never taught him anything useful, when you know the problem is he just was never paying attention?




> Discover Card has one of the worst ones. Ironically, the one and only chargeback I've ever done was through Discover and they made it *super* easy.


> because we lost money on you. Typically chargebacks are done because of... fraud. It's one of the main "benefits" offered by credit cards... consumer protection. The companies that do this are often blaming and punishing the victims.


Yep. No doubt you personally decided on this policy hence all the hate. /s Since apparently some can’t figure that out.


Only chargeback I ever did was on an Airbnb I tried to cancel 56 hours after booking, 6 months before the trip was scheduled. They refused to refund because it was outside the first 48 hour window. No issues since.


Why in the fuck do the credit card companies allow the retailers to *retaliate*? If chargeback is a power the credit card companies offer, why dont you get any protection when using it?


It's a fundamental right to choose not to do business with someone.


How could they possibly stop them? A company can just refuse to do business with you. You could try adding a bunch of stuff to the credit-merchant contract, but that would make it so onerous that the retailer would rather just stop taking credit cards than accept that. (Or, more likely, only take a different credit card.)


Yeah, there's zero retaliation. They're just saying "Fine, we just will not do any future business with you." You renege on a contract (i.e. the purchase), technically you are the one in violation of the contract and therefore the company can terminate doing business with you by shutting down your account. Since your purchases are tied to your account, then those go along with it. Another enshittification side effect of everything being "licensed" and not "owned"


> You renege on a contract (i.e. the purchase), technically you are the one in violation of the contract Not true when the chargeback is for a valid reason, i.e., the merchant already violated the contract. Nondelivery of goods, nonrendering of services, etc. Contract law actually requires that you mitigate losses as best you can (such as by doing a chargeback) before any other legal remedies can be considered.


Ah, sorry, my brain was in a "Reddit keeps recommending chargebacks for things that don't really merit it" place. Totally spaced on the context for proper usage.


A company can choose not to do business with you for any reason.


Well not *any* reason. But "people who do chargebacks" aren't a protected class.


Company cannot remove your digital purchases just because they don't like you. This is going to ruin the whole business model for Epic, Steam, GOG etc. Unless OP used stolen credit cards for the purchases, he can and probably should consider lawsuit against Epic Game Store. As this is an actual theft. I'm sure, tho, OP doesn't tell us the whole story.


Credit card companies really need to add terms to their merchant agreements that forbid any retaliation against customers who file VALID chargebacks, as they have pretty much become the only way to resolve disputes that aren't going to be resolved by ~~Santosh~~ "John" in the ~~customer service~~ script reading department. I give any company a maximum of 30 minutes of my time to resolve a dispute. If they can't do it in that period of time, that is a "them" problem and I just file a chargeback. I have had to do it 6 times, and the only one I lost was because the company resolved the issue during the investigation (Charged me for a shipment they never shipped, refused to cancel or refund after 20 days, so I filed the chargeback, they finally shipped it 10 days later, so obviously they then had proof I received it).


Yeah I had to do a chargeback on PayPal because of an eBay item I never received (they sided with the seller and insisted I waited too long to dispute it, despite still being within the estimated shipping time frame). I'm basically now banned from ever using PayPal. Thankfully you don't have to go through PayPal to use eBay anymore.


Reddit loves suggesting a chargeback for any minor inconvenience.


A chargeback comes with fees and penalties for the entity being charged back on typically, with enough instances usually resulting in that business’ payment processor terminating their contract Charge backs are pretty damaging to businesses, small ones a lot more than a company the size of Epic, but anything that negatively affects the bottom line and is in the power of the consumer is far and away misaligned with Epic’s “best interests”


Yeah, a chargeback is the 'I'm never doing business with these guys again' type measure


Typically it depends on if they think you're lying to them. Kids do it all the time, to try and get free games. Epic locking them out is something they do if they think you've actually charged back for fraud but it's not actually fraud.


Years ago steam would do the whole library- probably still do. I had a bad experience with a game that I bought (before steam refund was a thing). Game wouldn't launch, run, or anything despite being well inside my system requirements. Many users had the same issue, I filed a chargeback complaint, and steams answer was "We'll give you your money back, but we'll also lock your entire account and you'll never be able to use our platform again". I sucked up my $20 wasted dollars and didn't buy another steam game for damn near 10 years.


What made you go back? I'm heavily invested so that would fuck me up from ever purchasing digital media again if they closed my entire account for 1 chargeback. A steam refund system has been sufficient for me so I shouldn't have that problem, but the possibility of losing all that is real I wouldn't trust it again.


If you want to play games on a PC platform, where do you go? For a while I bought hard copies, but as those dried up I got sort of stuck. I purchased games directly from manufacturers, but even that ability was getting few and far between. Eventually I got burned by EA, and just went back to Steam figuring I'd extracted my pound of flesh. To this day I rarely buy games and play a lot of MMO's through their own websites. My EVE, world of tanks, war thunder, FFXIV, etc.'s are all off their own launchers and not steam. If I'm not playing those I'm probably playing some version of Minecraft with mods. I have GOG accounts and such, but honestly, steam is *the hub* for gaming in my opinion and has gotten hard to avoid. In such cases, I just pick and choose carefully and refund early and often if I don't care for something.


>If you want to play games on a PC platform, where do you go? It's the pirate life for me then.


New Steam account for each game?


Arr matey


All purchases are associated with the chargeback because they all use the same credit card


That makes sense. Though it does make me very uncomfortable. If they have to block that account or card from further purchases I’d understand, but it’s just another reminder that I have probably thousands of dollars of games that aren’t mine.


I haven't made a purchase since Chivalry 2 came out.


I recently tried to do a chargeback on a Ebay related situation, my bank told me they only do chargebacks as far as 90 days ago. What do you even do with a situation like this?


I tell the bank that it took 90 days because they encourage you to work with the seller. Escalate your call and cancel your card and send email to higher ups. Has worked twice in the past for me


You sign up with a different bank. My Bank does 180 days, but even after that they will do a chargeback in certain circumstances.


> What do you even do with a situation like this? That Visa/MC logo on your debit card doesn't make it a Visa/MC. You do not have the same protections as an actual credit card. Debit cards are effectively electronic checks, almost 0 protection. Any consumer protection you get is 100% up to your bank. In the future, you need to open a real credit card (your bank can sell them, well almost every bank does. Setup autopayments) that is NOT a debit card. Also not a secured credit card which have weird protections/rules on them. (Secured credit cards have a limit to what you put on them, kind of like a prepaid debit card but better and builds credit, if you don't quality for a real credit card get one of these, build up for several months then get a normal one) With a real credit card you get the full protection of Visa/MC (American Express is the most consumer friendly by a long shot). Make your purchases, especially online ones with that card.


Check your cardholder agreement and see what actual guarantees they made to you. I bet it's more than 90 days.


Good question, there were no chargebacks and I haven't made a purchase since Chivalry 2 came out back in 2021


Do you still have the email receipts for that purchase and ones before it?


I found receipts for all of my purchases


So, to clarify, no chargebacks?


No chargebacks


Without reading all the comments it's usually someone doing something ropey. The same way game subs are full of 'omg I dunno why I was banned pls help" Most of them end up with them admitting they were cheating or gaming the system somehow. I mean, accidents do happen but usually these are easy to spot for support who will usually get the account back without all the palava happening. Edit: actually didn't read the last bit. I'm going with fraud purely due to the language the support use.


Yup, I've crafted that language for CS teams. They try to make it vague without being too accusatory, but also make it sound final and complete, to hopefully drive as few people to create CS tickets as possible.


I know you keep saying "this is definitely the same account", but "Support Reps" don't "delete all your receipts and purchase history". Are you absolutely sure you're logged into the right account? Like for real? Because the fact that your account is empty REALLY makes it seem you logged into the wrong account. Epic allows you to sign in with Email ... or Xbox, PSN, Nintendo, Steam, Facebook, Google, Apple and Lego. Perhaps you logged in originally with your Gmail address, bought your games and then logged in via Google... so it just looks like the same address, but the 2 accounts aren't linked. Even if you file a chargeback or commit fraud and your access to your game library is revoked, they won't "delete all your receipts and purchase history". They will still be accessible.


Yeah as someone who works in tech support the multiple ways you can use to login always causes problems. There is a difference between using google to login and using your gmail to login. That one always gets people. "This is the google account I used to create my account" I believe you, but how you did that matters. Did you go through the "typical" process by entering in an email address and setting up a password? Or did you use your google account setup an SSO? Meaning you linked it by clicking the "sign in with Google" option. Those are different and can create two accounts.


I have multiple Amazon accounts with the same email, but different password. They all log in, and have different purchase histories. Its wack.


Er, how do you differentiate between the accounts if they all have the same email?


By data in the profile or account history Source: had two Microsoft accounts for the same email


That just sounds like a headache I'm glad I don't have. (knock on wood)


Yeah, I asked that many times.  My best theory is some artifact from an old checkout as guest system. Maybe some hash based on email+password to create an ID, but that seems extra dumb.


That's why I don't use Apple or Google login services... if you manually make an account, that's different than the 'google' or 'apple' ones made, even with the same e-mail.


I have the same issue, randomly either put in a different password and it created a new account on the same email or I created two at a similar time and forgot way back when amazon was newer. Crazy to allow two accounts on the same e-mail address.


Cant say too much but i had a friend that worked there and lets just say those accounts are a massive fucking headache.


I had two Airbnb accounts for years because of this exact problem. One was from single signon from Google, one was from a gmail email account registration. I thought because they were both tied to the same email account it would just sync up, but nope. Two AirBNB accounts both sending emails to the same email account lol. I messaged support and they were able to merge them. But yes this is 100% a thing.


Onetime I used Google single sign on on a site. It was super slow to log in, returned an error, then when I refreshed all my stuff was gone. First I thought they'd just reset my theme to light mode, which was annoying, then I realized all the stuff I had on my account was gone. When I looked closer I realized I was now signed into someone else's account who'd been inactive for years. Logged out and logged back in, and that time it was my own account with all my stuff. No idea how that happened, seems like a bad implementation.


What website was it? I never want to log onto it. SSO is easy to implement unless your setup is already janky.


to be fair it is really shitty system that it does not recognize that the google account email and the gmail email used to make a new account are the same.


I think the problem is on the other end; people don't understand the difference between giving permission for your Google account to be a go-between vs using your email as a point of contact.


Yep, I have that issue with Door dash. At some point I made an account with my email, but used the same Google account to login with Google. When the account i actually used got accessed illegitimately and someone tried to buy hundreds of dollars of food on my card, support could not understand that 2 accounts could exist from one email if it was Gmail and a login with Google one. That email is now blacklisted with DD because of one incompetent support person.


This entire thing actually killed those Genshin / Star Rail games for me, it's so weird. I originally downloaded them on my phone to try, realized they are impractical for phone play and tried to get them on PC. On my phone they had auto logged into my assoicated gmail account. On PC I couldn't get it to log in with that email, and when I made a new account it let me use the same gmail as my phone. So I now had two accounts for the same game with the exact same email, and I still couldn't log in to the game itself, but I could get on their website login fine with the one I just made? As expected, their support staff had no idea what the hell was going on and were incapable of providing any support, it was beyond them. I guess I got saved a possible gacha addiction though.


Yea, it also Immediately sounded to me like they logged into a different account.


Really because the rep said "due to security concern" which makes me think that his account was accessed by someone else, likely someone cheating and was closed due to that.


Sure, but this can also be as simple as a credential mismatch. They usually ask for information to determine you are who you say..if it mismatches they won't say anything further


Generally they'd say that it was a mismatch - it's not taboo to say that the email evidence provided and the account name provided don't match.


Yes I have all of the receipts in the email I use for the account. I can log in via Steam, Xbox, Facebook, Google and Apple and they are all linked to the same account with the same email I found the receipts.


Just to be 110% certain, you should try logging out then logging in via one of those login methods to see if your library is back. If it isn't, then you log out again and move on to the next login method. Repeat this until you've tried all login methods.


I've done this, I've also launched Fortnite and it's my account




My account was created using my email address, then I linked my other accounts to it so I could use them to log in. Even when logging in via email the games are missing.


Have you tried posting this on r/EpicGamesPC?


I posted this there first


Can confirm this has happened to me. Didn't realize I had three epic accounts associated with username, email, and Xbox account.


>"Support Reps" don't "delete all your receipts and purchase history" Database problems do. Shitty CRM software might. There's a whole load of people just dismissing this out of hand, forcefully, for fuck all evidence other than "nah you're an idiot and I know best without knowing the first thing about you or your situation".


Or buggy data migration or any number of other things. Gotta appreciate the irony of the ignorant ones dismissing it out of hand because *they* were only aware of one option are so smugly acting like its others being foolish.


Nah the same happened to me as well. I tried every possible email and login method and all of them (aside from my main email which I know is the right account) don't work and just ask me to create a new account. So I can confirm OPs story because the same happened to me.


Deleting recipes is pretty much illegal in every country before a certain time.


It should be illegal for all time. Recipes are a cultural treasure.


Just a suggestion, but maybe try adding a free game to your library on one account and then signing in with another to see if the game is still in your library. I think you should be able to tell if it’s the same account or separate accounts that way.


Do you still have your old PC? Have you tried logging in from there? Another thing that could have happened is Epic may have seen unusual behavior from the account, and nuked it if the account was compromised. EA used to do something similar (maybe they still do).


Yeah I did, same issue.


Have you ever played Fortnite on your old pc? Might be worth downloading to see if you have the same items.




I got hacked a few months ago. Submitted screenshots they requested. Tried a few times. Finally got told I passed the checks only to be ignored. Then after emailed them chasing up an answer. Finally got told further checks had failed with zero explanation or option to validate myself. They have terrible customer service with zero feedback. Spoke to an rl around this time and same happened to his cousin.


Adding to this, it seems like Epic might have had a breach in late 2023/early 2024. In late January 2024 my friend had his account accessed by someone else and library emptied, without having played any Epic games or logged to the launcher in a few months. Similar for me, didn't log to Epic in about 6 months and last week someone also accessed my account and added Valorant to my library (never played it myself) and managed to change my First/last name and display name for the account, but I managed to reset password/force logout within minutes before anything else happened.


Are you sure its the right account you login, i know a friend who have more than 1 account, dont know why never asked him, but maybe thats the problem?


"Support rep Zenchev at Epic Games deleted my library" Wasn't that all gone before you opened a ticket? Why is it Zanchev's fault exactly?


EA did this to me in Origin. I had to call, and they were requesting me to say all thr games I had, literally they wanted me to remember all of them. I will never buy to EA, never again.


You'll own nothing and you'll love it


OP: I have checked multiple times via different methods and forms and ways and machines and log in and it is the same account Entire thread: dId yOu cHeCk iT's tHe rIgHt aCc?


You've clearly never worked in IT. Rule #1: The user is always lying.


Exactly. Ah, so you rebooted like I asked. Right? verified, no lies, full reboot? Yes? #THEN WHY THE FUCK IS YOUR PC UPTIME 87 DAYS MOTHERFUCKER!


Corollary to that: if they're not outright lying they often don't know what they're talking about.


100% - agree I've had numerous times were something was working as designed and its just a training issue but I still held their hand with the correct steps. MOFOS said it still wasn't working, dig thru the logs and can clearly see they did not follow the resolution steps or even attempt them. I used to have so much patience but ffs, this job makes me lose hope in humanity.


Not just IT. I drove 2 hours to screw in an led lightbar last week that was "definitely screwed in so the power is the problem".


Love the coworkers that ask 'I don't understand why it's doing X, it shouldn't be.' Have you watched them do it? Lets start with verifying they are even doing the right thing before assuming that it's a brand new never before seen problem.


The amount of times I've gone "Are you sure it's plugged in? Are you sure? Are you sure, sure? Are you sure? Have you checked? Check again. No, please check again. Okay, you're sure? You checked? Alright, I'll come over. Oh, it wasn't plugged in, whoops." I mean, I've done it myself too. I was once without a PC for two weeks because the 6-pin power cable wasn't plugged into the GPU...


I work in IT. I wish - regardless of whether they're lying or not (and I don't think they are) - that my users created tickets with a third or even a quarter of the effort OP has shown.


That's rule #1 of IT customer service. Rule #1 of database development is: check what changes happened at the time the error occurred.


But if the user proactively says they’ve done X, asking them “did you do X?” is idiotic and alienating. If you doubt they actually did X, ask more-specific questions that will actually give everybody information. Embarrassingly, I’ve been the idiot user who thought I was doing everything right. I wasn’t lying, I just didn’t understand what I was missing. The support tech asked me a very specific question and I immediately realized my mistake. If they’d just said “did you do it right?” of course I would have said yes.




It's absolutely infuriating


i can't figure out how so many people don't believe this? i can't believe its not a horde of bots


Despite the numerous problems people have with certain online digital storefronts, deliberately removing every single purchase from an account is an absolutely unheard of maneuver.


Oh, could be not deliberately, could be just a glitch somewhere. Maybe from a migration or something. And CS just assumed it was done because of something shady from the user and just sent Standard Vague Reply #31 and closed it.


Have you ever worked retail on a register? Any idea how many people have apparently never used their credit card up until the point they walked up to you? Lol.


Because its significantly more likely to be user error than coincidentally being wiped out after they built a new PC. Speaking as someone that works in software development and provides production support. Users are wrong...a lot Users also lie and claim XYZ occam's razor holds really true.


Thread: "naw im really sorry OP but you're an idiot and you've fucked up your login. thats all there is to it, really sorry man but you're incompetent and that's it."


People refuse to accept that the company can have a glitch. I had something weird happen with my Xbox once (though it was in my favor) and people were all like "no, you're wrong". My thing was I had access to Rainbow Six Siege outside of a free weekend randomly. People were saying it was gamesharing even though I kept saying my account is the only one that has EVER been on my Xbox (that I purchased from a retailer at day one, so not preowned even).


I had free Xbox live for 2.5 years after a 48 hour trial just kept reuping itself every day at midnight. Companies can absolutely glitch.


He is getting slaughtered in here. His comments also get downvoted. I don't know what's happening.


epic fanbois? or redditors just being dumb ass redditors as usual


Does Epic HAVE fanboys?


I’m such a massive fan of the garbage free games and the “exclusive” titles


bear in mind logging in via Google, and logging in with a gmail will NOT get you in the same account. This one gets a lot of people.


A lot of these comments are assuming operator error but I had a similiar issue last year, where I logged into Epic the night before slept. Woke up logged in for it to say account info incorrect I was so sure double checked tried to do password recovery for it to say no acc. linked to email. I made support ticket for them to say the same that the account didnt exist. Only way was to show them E receipts from a couple years ago with game purchases THEN IT MAGICALLY existed was restored. Terrifying considering someone moght use Epic like I use Steam. Without those email receipts they would of gaslit me and never restored the account.


I have receipts in my email from old purchases. I will try this.


wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too many comments are suggesting it like Epic went a little overboard with the AI/bot horde responses here. there's absolutely no way this many people just gaslight OP


I'm glad I don't buy games from the fortnite store.


Seems like you can't buy anything there. Only pay to play untill they decide revoke acces.


Why was the post removed? I went from mobile to my computer and I didn't see it listed in the sub anymore Edit: Apparently customer support posts are not permitted, and it is a clause in the rules list, so I am less bothered. I disagree with that clause in the rule, but it doesn't seem like EPIC hit the "lets be petty button" and asked the mods for removal....probably.


Since you are on a new PC, most likely you've logged in (or created) a new account. > You have logged into the wrong Epic Games account: If you’re logged into the wrong Epic Games account, you will not see the games that were previously available. Make sure you’re using the correct Epic Games account. Note: If you’ve previously used an external account to log into your Epic Games account (Facebook, Google, etc) try using that option again since that account may have your games on it.


Nope, it's the correct account. I have emailed confirmations from the past and receipts from past purchases. My old PC has all games missing from the library too


The fact that you have emails just means that the email account associated for communication is correct. It doesn’t mean you are using the correct login. You An login from Facebook and it can still send an email to that email account.


And that's why I refuse to ever use social media accounts to log in to other, unrelated services. I only ever create e-mail user accounts. Whoever came up with using one account to log into a completely different, separate platform must have been a malevolent sadist, stuff like this is just bound to happen, and if you get hacked or something happens with your account, preventing you from logging in, suddenly you've fucked _all_ accounts that use that account to authenticate. It's madness.


It was Zuck’s dream idea. Build Facebook to get user data, use it to allow logins across multiple platforms, then sell user data for advertising purposes to those websites.


Think about it. What is more likely. You logging in an alt account on your new PC which hasn't got 'remember me' option set yet? Or Epic deleting every trace of your info from your account exactly when you get a new PC? I had somewhat similar experience on Steam. For the longest time I tried to convince support that I activated a game but it did not show up in my library. In reality now I have two Steam accounts- one of them has one game in it. Can you log in from your old PC? Also, if you get a bad support rep, politely request to assign a new one.


I mean, I don't think "he created a new account by accident" is terribly likely, especially if he says he's using the same email address. You can't create a new account with an existing email.


I think someone mentioned it allows you to create an epic account with a gmail account AND log in via Google SSO, and its 2 separate accounts


how the FUCK are there so many comments just.. telling him.. he's crazy? maybe i'm crazy?


Fucking seriously. They’re all desperate to be smarter than OP and can’t handle the error being something other than the user.


My friend uses google’s single sign on to get into epic but the emails for the account go to a different gmail entirely. That could be possible in your case so just try out other emails you own.


I don't come to this sub often but can someone tell me WHY this post is downvoted to hell? I know reddit users can be bitter but this is just sad.


I don't mind, the post was meant to get attention from Epic Games. Social media didn't work for me.


This sounds weird but @ them on social media (best one is x formerly twitter) the company’s social media reps normally handle this better as it’s public. If they don’t respond, try opening a ticket again and threaten legal recourse, that always puts someone’s panties in a twist


I just made an account, do I just post and tag them in it?


If you threaten legal action, they may say, "Okay, now we can't help you and you need to have your lawyer talk to ours"


Yes, always tag them. 9 times out of 10 I got something resolved by blasting them on Twitter. Shaming usually works.




I'm all for legal action when it's justified, but threatening legal action doesn't mean anything to a company when you're wrong. You'd end up spending more money than it's worth IF you even find a lawyer willing to take a losing case. Also, companies have deep pockets, who will run out of money first? Source: I used to work at a cable company and the amount of legal threats we'd get for "non-issues" was laughable. People either didn't know how to read (or didn't check their communications), didn't update things on their end as needed, or just didn't want to understand certain things.


I guess other companies heard what Ubisoft's CEO said about us getting used to not owning our games and are taking that to the literal level.


It already was at the literal level.


This is one reason not to use epic game. Epic games launcher sucks.


I’m in the US. I would gather evidence from my email inbox in terms of order confirmations. Send a physical letter. If still no response file in small claims court.


Rrrr me boy, that do be a shame. ‘Tis a shame thar be nothing you can do.




If purchasing isn't owning, then pirating isn't stealing.


Epic games burned my crops and poisoned the water supply!


They did?!


No, but are we gonna wait around till they do?


Well, no… but are we going to wait around until they do?!


You sure you logged back into the same account?


i am still assuming you logged into the wrong account or logged in the wrong way as in logging in with a gmail email and logging in with gmail login using the same gmail account is different. I will suggest chjeck you email from epic and confirm what account was used


This happened to me once with Steam, but it was my error because, somehow, I had more than one Steam account setup.... I agree with the people that are saying you are probably not logged into the same account, despite the fact that you are convinced that is not the case. It's simple probabilities; From a probability standpoint, the likelihood that Epic "wiped your whole account" at exactly the same time as you got an entirely new PC (such that you weren't using a saved login) is infinitesimally small compared to the likelihood that you just managed to screw up and are logged in on a different account. The simplest answer is almost always the correct one. And the capacity for a human being to stubbornly refuse to see their own errors is also pretty much normal. Anyway, with that said, their customer support should STILL help you to recover from it. They have to have records that can indicate that the same email address is associated with more than one user account. It sounds like they aren't trusting you're the same person though, given their reply of "Upon extensive check, currently no changes or adjustments can be made from our side due to security concerns on the account in question. Your understanding is greatly appreciated."


I should have mentioned that on my old PC the game are missing too and I didn't have to log in.


This might be a long shot -- are any of those old games still installed on your old PC? Could you launch them from just the files themselves rather than EGL? That might throw something up in the launcher itself. Just thinking outside the box.


The epic games store is pathetic and I don’t know why anyone still uses it.


The interesting part to me is that someone spent money at Epic's storefront. I thought they were just for unlocking free games.


This happened to me with my apple id, they locked my account for "security reasons" and after resetting password all my purchases were gone and no record of them. The only advice the rep would give me was to create a new ID with the same email and that might bring them back. It didnt.


Do the emails have a transaction code? Can Epic look up that transaction #, confirm you are logging in to the correct account, confirm if purchases from the account still exist, or if the entire account has been removed? Someone will have access to that info if you can confirm a transaction number.


Sounds to me like a problem on their back end, keep trying. (I'm sure they would have sent you a notification if they were indeed taking action against your account).


>Support rep Zenchev at Epic Games deleted my library, receipts, purchase history and offered no help, compensation or reasoning for doing so. I really don't think "Support rep Zenchev" did this himself. Dude is sitting at a computer answering tickets for probably $15/hr, and really has no reason to be going into people's accounts and just... deleting stuff. Whether or not you received a worthwhile response to your support ticket, the random guy answering your email is most assuredly not the one to blame. Pointing the finger at the first person who gives you their name makes you out to be a very unreasonable customer no matter the circumstance.


Epic games is such trash. I was playing through Alan Wake 2 on my ROG ally, they installed an automatic update when I was 75% through the game, and poof game don't work no more. They close my case without response like 5 times now.


I haven't played Alan Wake 2 purely because it's on Epic. I'm a huge Remedy fan and I absolutely will play it... but I'm done with Epic store. I used to be a massive Epic Megagames fan back in the day, too. Shame.


Welcome to /r/fuckepic


I thought this had happened to me once before. Ultimately I logged into a different account. I forgot I had changed the email to my Epicgames account.


Deleting receipts HAS to be illegal


Please update us when you remove filters from library and they all show up? ;p


They can't delete receipts, that's borderline fraud. Maybe if some of the purchases were past a certain date it would be digitized, but they should have some record to prove your account is yours as well as the purchases attached to it. Did they ever ask for some sort of receipt they could cross-reference with the account in question? Not to mention somewhere in the financial records is the actual money you spent somewhere in an account somewhere. Maybe they revoked it, but you would have received notice that a ban or suspension of your account due to repeated fraud/charge backs or violations of the ToS (account sharing) has occurred. I know some companies when they receive MULTPLE proof of ownerships, that they assume everyone is lying and ban the account because the account and associated purchases are presumed compromised as a security measure.


>I received a second reply 10 minutes later at 3:10am stating that since I didn't respond, they were closing the ticket. lol. This really says everything. This isn't by mistake, they're just going "fuck this, fuck you, no one will even bother trying to help you so we'll just close the ticket and blame _you_ for doing so". This is why everyone hates Epic! Not because they fund great games or because they (say they) want competition on the digital games store market, but because they just plain _suck_ at being a competitor people actually want to use. Report these idiots to every business bureau you can think of, threaten to sue them, and send a tip to any news outlets about their behavior. They're just outright stealing your money and shrugging their shoulders at you when you point this out.


Find a fix for this? Like you I just logged on for the first time in a while for epic and the only game in my library is Fortnite - but like you said I can see all the email receipts for all the games I purchased, I’ve logged in using gmail, google option, Xbox option as well and even Facebook. None of my shit returns- I did see the library glitch once as if it wanted to show all my other games in my library but then went back to only showing Fortnite.


Still no fix.


So I decided to search each game independently (from the games I purchased) funny enough when you reach each page it says “in library” I click on that and go back to my library and suddenly it’s there again.


So basically we have to go back and add each game back to the library.


Oh update! Once I added one game back - they all came back!


What do you mean "add it back" like purchase it again?