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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles part 1 on the NES boy you think that the dam stage was hard try beating the rest of the game


Ok, this is gonna sound stupid but I’ve been playing this game since it pretty much launched and just discovered last weekend that you can swap characters any time as you play. So for me TMNT has become infinitely easier than it was before. Like mid stage and dying? Just swap to a turtle with full life.


It wasn't difficult from a skill perspective, that damn level was just outright unfair from what I've heard


Yeah somehow I beat the game when I was ten years old


It's troubled by wonky hitboxes on the spinning barricades and seaweed, the bits with currents being invisible, and some of the controls literally doing nothing. If you want some real nitty gritty then [Displaced Gamers has a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHiFNWJXWgI) diving into the jank at the assembly level.


I'd always end up sacrificing poor Raph on that level. But it's his own fault for choosing such a useless weapon. No wonder he was so angsty in the movie.


The original Metroid. It legitimately feels like it was designed to make people angry. Reload your save? Come back with only 30 health. Farmed health for 20 minutes to gain 200 health? That'll last you 6 hits. All the blocks, breakable or not, look the same. It's basically "I Wanna Be The Guy" without any semblance of parody.


Minesweeper in advanced mode. I could consistently beat it in intermediate mode. But in advanced mode, there are too many instances where you have chances that are 1/2, or 1/3. You might get lucky 2 or 3 times, but you need to get lucky like 5 times to beat it. I never did


Ahh yes my first hard mode where randomness was an issue and not skill. 


Skill issue /s


There’s plenty of “revamped” versions of Minesweeper that make the board 100% skill based. No guessing needed whatsoever.


It took me about 2 months on the hardest difficulty until I managed to beat it. After that, I couldn't do it for like a year. At one point I was so "obsessed" with Minesweeper that I discovered a trick for finding out which titles share a mine ( when it wasn't obvious ) .


What's the trick?


I’m not who you asked, but I don’t think there really is a trick for all of those situations. It can help with lots of them though. It’s kind of hard to explain without the visuals. Usually you play minesweeper with inductive reasoning (see a new number, find the adjacent mines). But there are times when you can tell where the mines are by using context from several surrounding numbers to rule out which tiles CANNOT have mines. Deductive reasoning. Since those tiles sometimes couldn’t possibly share a necessary mine between multiple surrounding numbers, you can narrow it down to the surrounding tiles instead.


Type XYZZY, then Shift+Enter. The upper left pixel of your screen will turn black if the mouse pointer is over a mine, and white if it's on empty space. This worked in Windows 3.1, not sure whether it still does in recent versions. It's not helpful if you're playing for speed since checking the pixel takes longer than playing normally.


Someone already explained it below. That's the same trick I was referring to but I didn't know how to describe it.


One of the worst feelings i have ever experienced was losing a 60 by 60 with 616 bombs map, that took 30 minutes per attempt, to a 50/50 at the very end


Any game where you have to rely on autosave, because you can't manually save.


passwords 👎


FFX on the Chocobo Racing Minigame. In order to complete a unique weapon you need to complete a race of 0.0 seconds. BTW...not TIE 0.0...BEAT 0.0. So how it works is you ride a chocobo you can barely control because it moves how it wants and try to collect balloons that will shave time off your score. If you get hit by these flying seagulls that hone in on you you stop and also gain a penalty to your score. It's like 10% skill and 90% luck and RNG. You can be right at the finish line and get chain hit by seagulls cause they spawn near the finish line and as soon as they are off the field...say as you get hit the next wave immediately comes.


No lie. When i played it last in 2014 (my 2nd playthrough, and in this one I actually finished the game instead of stopping at the last dungeon and did the monster arena), I did the chocobo racing minigame getting 0.0 on my first try. I think I was holding as far right as possible on the final segment, and this causes the birds to mess up on their trajectory or something. Unsure if that is a true observation or not, but I remember being relieved how crazy I was able to do it on my first try in a long time (having only done it once before and remember that took a while).


My brother gave it to me out of exasperation because I have the wherewithal to pound my head against the wall until all the particles line up and I phase through it.


How about having to dodge, what was it, 200 lightning bolts perfectly? Hit by one? Start again. My god. That was maddening.


I could barely time one let alone 200 in a row. I'm sure this was the only celestial weapon that my brother and I gave up on as kids.


It would be on my list but you can cheese it. There is a certain spot on the land that if you walk over it a lightning bolt will strike so you can manufacture your own timing. Did it first try in like 5 minutes once I found that out.


You win the thread. They call it the calm lands, but I was anything but calm trying to do that stupid race.


Sekiro. I’ve beat Demons souls, Dark Souls 3, and Elden Ring twice, but I can’t get past any of the early mini bosses in Sekiro. I’ve put about 5 hours in and gave up out of frustration. I’ve read all the suggestions about parrying, gotta just play til it clicks, git gud, etc. Still can’t get it lol. I’m sure I’ll keep trying


Forget everything about dodging in souls games and just focus on masterying parry. It's a good advice


Yeah, that’s what I’ve heard. I literally never parried in any other game, so dodging is just second nature. Especially after putting 250 hours in Elden Ring lol. I’ll figure it out at some point I’m sure


Time to Try Lies of P.


Been thinking about it. Is it pretty good?


It’s sekiro light meets Bloodborne. easier than Sekiro but not by a lot. but really great.


You kidding me? I’ve seen gameplays of P but never realized it plays like a Sekiro x Bloodborne game. It had my interest, but now it has my attention.




Yeah it's a good comparison. Good game and sound track. Slight build diversity and slightly clunky combat at times imo (unless it's changed since release) but still really good!!


I would say its just under Elden Ring for me.


I started this a few days ago and it’s the first soulslike that has really grabbed me in the way Bloodborne and Sekiro did. I really hope it stays this great throughout.


Parrying is 100x more forgiving in Sekiro than any of the others. It's definitely the key to winning.


Plus, it's 100x more satisfying. 


Yeah definitely a game designed to be more aggressive than dark souls. I find you have to constantly attack until they do then deflect the attack and keep going. It’s all about constant engagement (unless you’re doing stealth)


Dodging absolutely does not work AT ALL in this game. You NEED to apply constant pressure in order to break your oponent's posture. If you adopt a defensive strategy you will get owned everytime. Attack attack attack more, parry, attack attack, parry parry. That's the key. It's a very challenging game but boy oh boy the adrenaline rush is amazing. There are absolutely no other games like this.


Try playing the new god of wars and get used to pairing in those games. It will be good practice because the parrying window is larger.


With dodging sekiro is unplayable. Also don’t move around unless it has purpose


You can spam parry, trust me, and you’ll get better until it clicks. Try again and you’ll get a feeling.  I’m no way a tryhard and Sekiro is the easiest game of all of them after you get what it wants from you.    I was exactly like you and I still couldn’t parry to save my life in Elden Ring. In Sekiro it’s a wall until it isn’t anymore. Btw I saw someone recommending lies of P. Awesome game and you can dodge but it takes a lot after Sekiro’s rhythm parry system so be warned. 


Depends very much on which title of dark souls specifically you are playing.


Yep, exactly. You really do have to unlearn everything you learned in the other FromSoft games.


I actually tried to go back to it after practicing parrying and got to the same part as my first time playing Sekiro and still couldn't beat it. I don't get the click everyone is talking about. I have kinda just accepted this isn't for me to finish.


My ex described it as a rhythm game and it made it easier lol but I still haven't beat it


The beginning of Sekiro kind of sucks lol the first real mini boss (chained ogre) goes against every lesson the game wants you to learn. I love sekiro but it’s a rough start, but once it clicks there’s nothing like it.


Nah. Avoiding grab attacks is a fundamental lesson that you need to learn early and ogre accomplishes that.


This was me at one point. I loved Dark souls 1, 2, and 3, so I bought Sekiro on release. I managed to get into the Ashina castle (after the bull) but was just getting wrecked and gave up. Came back later and just kept trying and trying and ... something clicked and suddenly I was making progress and enjoying the game more and more and more. Now it's my favorite From game and I've beaten it many, many times, including a recent charmless NG playthrough.


It took me like 4 tries before I could get past the opening area of Bloodborne, sometimes it just takes a while.


My favorite memory of Bloodborne is an objectively stupid one, but it's also how I fell in love with the game. I spent **seven goddamn hours** trying to clear every enemy in Yharnam without ever coming across either Gascoigne or Cleric Beast, so beyond simply grinding the same content over and over again *I wasn't even earning any XP*. When I woke up the next day and finally went to the internet with my "alright, something's gotta be going on here" face, I cackled when I read why I'd gotten absolutely nowhere with my character. Such an utter waste of time and I loved every minute of it. That's when I knew that game was special, because by all rights I should've been incredibly angry. Instead I just fired the PS4 back up and sprinted to the bridge.


Sekiro is so funny to me because on my first play though was probably the hardest of any FromSoft game. But once you get the hang of it, it’s the easiest. I did another play through recently and got all the way to Genichiro before I even saw the “take my blood and live again” cutaway.


Same boat, but I made it to the old Shinobi owl boss and just got bodied over and over and over.. Bloodborne, all DS titles, Elden Ring all bosses - none of them ever stumped me like that gd Shinobi owl boss. Just could not get the required dodges and attack windows down, like my brain just wouldn’t accept the combos required. I respect the hell out of Sekiro for that reason tbh, only title that I’ve run into a boss that I just could not beat. Ever. Miquella solo in Elden Ring? No problem. Hop back in Sekiro to finally get past Shinobi owl years later because surely if I can solo every boss in Elden Ring, this should be fine? Ha, this isn’t dark souls or bloodborne, kid... Sekiro humbles me when I get cocky in dark souls or Elden ring.


This comment is exactly why I haven't pulled the trigger on buying this game yet. The little secret that many people don't seem to know about lots of souls games is that there are two methods of beating these games "git gud" AND "get strong" as in leveling up until you curb stomp or at least can get through an obstacle you hit. I definitely have used a combination of both of those to get through the soulslike games I have played. Sekiro doesn't seem to have the "get strong" option from what I've read so I am hesitant to buy it because I am afraid I won't be able to get through it. I will eventually take the leap because I am very keen to try it, but hoping maybe to get a trial or it come to a service so I can try it and see just how hard it will be for me.


Yeah, I was avoiding it for the same reason, but it went on sale for 50% off so I picked it up a few weeks ago. Might still be on sale if you’re on PS5. I can tell it’s a great game, but I just haven’t “gotten gud” yet lol


Oh I do play on PS5 and they are having some "Planet" sale, so I will take a look, thanks!


Others have good advice. Do not dodge like souls at all. Learn how to parry and constantly apply pressure to your enemy.


On the Fromsoft train, no game has annoyed me more overall than Dark Souls 2. That game felt like they took the amount of enemies meant to be in each encounter and multiplied it by 1.5. Also some of the worst hit registration in the entire series. Looking at you Ancient Dragon. That is the one modern Fromsoft game I do not replay, I'll chill in Majula but I'm not running through that again.


Hesitation is defeat


Me too man. Im a souls freak and Sekiro just didnt click for me. Its an amazing fucking game but just cant get it to gel. Spear bro made me put it down, butterfly took me like 50 tries


I finally beat this last week after 3 attempts over like 3 years lol. Took me forever to learn to parry etc well but felt much easier once I did


I did the same thing. Got stuck on the chained ogre, and put the game down. I watched some videos and learned that you must be aggressive with your attacks in between parrying. Came back to it and beat the ogre on the first or second try and then the ball just got rolling. If I can do it you can. One of the most fun games I’ve played in a long time.


Man, I'm stuck on the final boss (Sword Saint.) Before that I was stuck on the middle boss. And I got the game at launch. I feel like I start to get worse in boss fights on repeated tries in one session, where most of the time with fromsoft I improve.


Yup, sekiro is literally just about muscle memory of the bosses combo timing to break their posture super fast with parrys. You absolutely can't play it like darksouls.


Ur missing out man. The game is so good. What were you stuck on?


I know man, I’m definitely missing out. I went through the same thing first time I tried Elden Ring, then I got hooked when I got good. I literally can’t seem to get the timing down. I’m a button smasher lol. I can’t beat any of the first 3 mini-bosses I came across. One was a general type guy in the first area, the other was the Shinobi Hunter, and then the big ogre guy who was chained up. Spent a few hours getting destroyed and just gave up. Im sure I’ll keep going back to try again and will eventually get it.


for me it was dark souls 3. I had no problem with sekiro or elden ring but none of the souls games work for me, neither did lies of p.


It took me about 15 hours for the "click" to happen. Then it was awesome.


Try bloodborne. It’s an in between dark souls and sekiro. Plus it’s like one of the greatest games ever made or whatever Dark souls is the bread, bloodborne the jelly, sekiro the peanut butter. Trifecta of deliciousness


That game had such a rough learning curve for me too. It didn't help that I accidentally skipped the tutorial. I got stuck on my first boss for hours upon hours (Lady Butterfly). However, once it clicked I proceeded to destroy the game - bar one optional boss who took me awhile. The game has such a steep learning curve, but it is oh so worth it. Give it another shot at some point! It's worth it. Seriously, some of the best and most satisfying combat in any game. Ever.


I bounced off DS1 but loved Sekiro, go figure. The windows for Parry and Mikiri are way longer than you think, and (most) bosses are best dealt with through relentless pressure rather than waiting or baiting.


just gotta get over that hill in Sekiro. Once you face the boss that teaches you the Mekiri Counter, take your time there and learn the skill. Knowing to use that counter will give you the edge for in all the future fights against a sword/spear weilding enemy. Keep trying! Once it clicks you feel like such a badass


Yugioh reshef of darkness. If you want frustration, you have found it. Does not follow the card game rules and you start with the worst possible deck. May the Egyptian God cards bless you.


Oh man this is a deepcut. I had this game on the GBA as a kid but have never heard one word about it anywhere. I remember the weird rules really messing with me. Wasn’t it like each type or attribute or something was a trump card on another type or attribute or something?


Any multiplayer team game where my team are incompetent.


So all multiplayer games


Except for Deep Rock Galactic.






Did I hear a rock and stone?


If you don't ROCK AND STONE, then you ain't comin' home


Molly! Come over ‘ere!


Where is that damn tin can?!


Side note, DRG just released their Vampire Survivor type game today https://store.steampowered.com/app/2321470/Deep_Rock_Galactic_Survivor/


Yup yup that's on my wishlist. I always wait untill launch.


1v1 games do exist. Source: I'm a fighting game player.


Ah yes those 1v1 multiplayer team games


Damn me and my selective attention. >_>


It's all good yo. but lol


Chess stands supreme as the peak of multiplayer gaming


Battletoads (NES)


I played that recently on Rare Replay and just wanted to try the notorious jet ski level. Took me about an hour even to get there because I kept getting game overs on the 1st 2 levels. Can’t imagine how someone can beat that game


That's pretty tame compared to the later levels, like the snake pit is much crazier. As a kid, I had a lot more patience to sit down and play one game for as long as it takes. I don't think it's as impossible as people make it out to be, unless you're playing 2 player, because friendly damage.


Games were so much harder back then. I used to wrap TMNT 1 and Mega Man 1-3 all the time. Those games are hard compared to anything now. Even the original Zelda game was surprisingly hard


I'll add another NES one: Solomon's Key. The margin for error is razor thin. I've been tempted to replay as an adult but fear prevents me.


Pretty sure I broke a controller over that game when I was a kid lol


Love that game when was a kid. From the distance remains as a fun game with bad level design (the infamous turbo tunnel stage)


Disco Elysium **on switch**. A fantastic game, but the switch version is prone to softlocking bugs and various crashes. Of you want to play this game, do it on PC.


It bugged out *hard* at launch on PS4, but it's in a really good place now. Shame the Switch is still busted.


On top of my head, DMC1 because of its cameras constantly working against you. Symphonia due to its outdated combat mechanics. Mega Man 9 because the devs thought throwing in pits, spikes, instant kill traps 3/4 of a level equates to challenge. It was as if I was playing a fan-made game. By the way, what's going on with this thread? Every comment is being downvoted by someone to 0.


Yeah dude I found dmc1 to be pretty difficult, mostly because you can’t control the camera and are often fighting enemies you can’t see. You are talking about Tales of Symphonia, right? I haven’t replayed it since it came out but I remember the combat as pretty fun and engaging. Has it not aged well? What’s wrong with it?


I think Symphonia's combat has aged well. It's simpler than Vesperia, but it works well.


I think the combat was fine but it essentially used a 3D plane with 2D controls. Your direction would change relative to the enemy you were targeting, but in reality you could only go "away" or "toward." If the enemy was too tall to jump over normally and you didn't have an arte like Lloyd's Tempest, then you could effectively be trapped in a "corner" by a boss or the attacks of an enemy if your party wasn't spread out enough / there were no other enemies to target thus changing your direction. Enemies that were casters or could teleport could lead to tricky scenarios if you didn't know how to abuse the plane of combat in Symphonia. The games beforehand were purely 2D during combat and Tales of the Abyss (the very next game) fixed this by allowing freerunning, so this ~~stands out in Symphonia~~ made Symphonia an awkward step in revamping the original linear battle system. (Edited because flashbacks of the Efreet boss in Tales of Destiny II/Eternia reminded me that there used to be *zero* options if you were actually cornered in pre-Symphonia battles 😅)


Mega Man 9 was pretty frustrating but I think things were manageable until you get to Wily's Castle. Ceilings just closely above you covered by spikes. The jump was almost impossible to time. And the Wily Machine has no weakness at all in its first form, you need to dodge and deflect the eggs, which can be managed but is incredibly tedious. All that PLUS losing all your progress if you quit midway to buy items.


Probably Superman 64, I did try to beat the game once, it was on an emulator so I could state save after every flying through rings section, but I couldn't get past this part where you have to blow out two tornadoes before they hit civilians. The hit boxes on the tornado seemed next to impossible to put out, and every timed mission is absolutely unfair. After that, I have no tolerance for games that have you fly through rings, like the AR side missions on Batman Arkham City, even if it isn't bad, flying through rings brings back horrible memories.


I think I'm one of the very few people that actually beat Superman 64. I don't know why I was so determined to beat it, but I did it.


He is the messiah!


I'm the messiah of idiots for finishing that game


Me reading comments about Souls like games: *Laughs in NES*


Even when I complained about Sekiro, I know deep inside that it's a walk in the park compared to Ghost n Gouls merciless standards


For reals. These guys should try Ninja Gaiden


This will pale in comparison to some because I'm not a "gamer" gamer but; When I was growing up I used to get super annoyed, I had The Jungle Book on SNES and for no apparent reason I'd fight Kaa in the third level and win, it'd throw me back to the start of the game. Only twice did it ever continue to the next level and I always died and had to restart anyway. I never worked out if it was some kind of skill thing or point level I wasn't hitting target wise or whether it was just possessed. And more recently I've just started gaming again on the switch. Now I'm a collect all collectibles, 100% the game kind of person. So when I got to the challenge in Nier Automata to race the robot, I spent weeks trying and swearing and reached the point where I FINALLY won and passed the quest and went on an excited but abusive tirade towards said robot.


Punch-out mike tyson for nes, I even use save states and still can't beat it


Escape from Tarkov


No explanation needed. That game is fucking maddening.


But we still playing it, cause there is no other game like this.


Mortal Shell. I did EVERYTHING. Maxed out my shells, beat all the optional bosses, etc. Then I get to the end and can not for the life of me beat the final boss, which has just about every "final boss mechanic" going at once. Adds, regen, nukes, aoes, multiple phases, wonky hotbox, and gravity so it damages you by falling when staggered.


Celeste was pretty hardcore, holy shit.


Standard levels are a piece of cake compared to B-Sides.


Weirdly, Graveyard Keeper. You'd think it would have been a pretty casual game, but I had *a lot* of petty complaints. For one, those style of games normally start with you having to micromanage all your productions (ie ala Stardew Valley: Watering your crops 1 by 1 and manually caring for your livestock, etc) and eventually you learn technology or enhance your tools so things get easier (sprinklers, auto feeders, etc) but I found that Graveyard Keeper just kept getting more and more complex. They just kept adding more steps to everything and every new step required the same level of micromanaging. Because of this, and because all your different resources and tools and construction areas are spread out over the property, I constantly experienced the doorway effect. You know, the thing where you get up to go do something and as soon as you leave the room it's like your brain resets and you forget why you even entered the room in the first place? I experienced it *all the time* with this game. The game also has a couple features, I assume, "just because" other games in the cozy genre have them, but in Graveyard Keeper they were pointless annoyances. For instance you have a set amount of stamina, but you can just sleep whenever, so running out of Stamina just means a detour to bed. They also have stores that are only open 1 day a week, for no reason, so if you need to buy something you're just sleeping for 5 days in a row. There's no penalty to doing so, but at the same time there's no reason the stores can't just be open all day every day because you don't have the same active community like in games like Stardew Valley.


I had a love and hate relationship with this game. The grind is fucking exhausting and it's an actual crime that console versions don't come with the zombies. The game without zombies is genuinely unplayable and I played about half before forking the 5 bucks needed. Then it actually got really run because I wasn't wasting 3 days just to get wood and could focus on making perfect gravestones and bodies


The way they tease a city without it actually existing is my biggest complaint. I was so pumped for a second act in the big city, city graveyards, lots of bodies, new facilities, etc… there are so many possibilities that they just dropped the ball on.


Destiny, mostly because I really enjoy the actual gameplay but have no desire to engage with the bullshit that surrounds it. I haven’t played in a long while and every time I try and get back into it I’m completely put off by the bloated, disjointed mess it’s become. It’s totally unintuitive, there’s a thousand currencies, crafting materials, upgrade components, stats, people to talk to, menus to navigate, and no direction whatsoever.


any mobile game that has timers to keep playing and ads that won't stop. So... almost every mobile game.


Fallout: New Vegas. it is one of my favourite games of all time but boy it frustrated me a lot. the game crashing over and over, the bugs, glitches and some janky aspects here and there. somehow it still managed to be my favourite.


I loved Fallout 3, and bought this day one. I think I even went to a midnight launch. But, when I got home and played the game on 360, it was so buggy. It kept glitching or freezing, and wasn’t fun to play. I eventually gave up and it sat for years. I went back and played through it all once I got the GOTY edition for free. Really enjoyed it.


Wizards and Warriors.




God of War 1 Climbing those damn spinning pillars in Hades. It was literal hell


Sometimes I feel like the SoulsBorne games have given me a better understanding of toxic relationships.


Crash racing: nitro-fueled. I played racing games A LOT as a child, but *not a single one* after that period. Fast-forward 10 years later, my dad buys me crash racing just because why not. I thought "sure, I've never played a racing game on a console before, might as well try". I chose classic difficulty and I think that was my mistake. First race was OK, I played on practice mode a little before going story mode so It wasn't that hard. On second race, however, I got absolutely destroyed. 11 times. I counted. I lost 11 times to that fucking. white. bear. 11 times in a row I was 2nd, and 11 times in a row he was 1st. I was so furious I wanted to kill and skin that bear. It felt like the game forces me to become a complete pro in a very short period of time. 0/10 experience on that race, but finally winning felt really good. Still, it was kinda refreshing and fun to play such simple game after all the single-player open-world games. But no thanks, I won't touch racing games again


I never got to play the original as a kid, despite renting and using friends’ PlayStations. But I have always loved kart racers, dating back to Super Mario Kart and Diddy Kong Racing. When they announced the remake of Crash Team Racing, I got excited because I’d been regretful. I’d seen a number of comments here saying it’s the best or one of the best kart racers. I preordered it, rushed 20 minutes to EB to buy it and looked forward to playing it. Then I ended up being disappointed and found it frustrating like you. I did beat it, but I didn’t like it enough to keep playing or keep the game. Thankfully I was able to return it and get all my money back through the 7 day satisfaction guarantee


Sonic and the Secret Rings. The level Pirate Storm especially. It expects you to do ridiculously exact jumps with one of the worst control schemes I've ever used in a game. Shadow the Hedgehog in the Expert mode version of Cosmic Fall. If you get a game over, you have to play all stages again. And honestly, any game that makes you lose a lot of time by having long stretches without save points and then having a really hard part. Nothing frustrates me more than wasting time.


Star Citizen. People keep giving them money even though that shit is still unplayable without a fucking nasa super computer


The walking dead Destinies. I paid full price for that flaming pile of shit because I'm an idiot and didn't check reviews, just saw that it existed and bought on impulse cause i love TWD. That's goddamn frustrating.


Hahah same, I think it could be worse game of 2023


TWD Destinies? What game is... Oh. *Ohhhhh*. I'm so sorry.


Super hard Dark Souls type games, just one more go, fuck you, just one more go, fuck you, oh just one more go, that's it no more


League of Legends.


There should be a separate thread for games that actually give you cancer.


Can confirm. Put 3000 hours into Dota 2 (different game, same cancer) before I finally quit back in 2019 ish.


you don't quit dota you just take breaks


I guess MOBA Anonymous should be a thing then


Nah, literally haven't touched it in 5 years. Even if I wanted to get back into it, I wouldn't be able to because it has probably changed so much and I don't got that kind of time anymore.


The first Crash Bandicoot, back before save games when you had to unlock the passwords to reach certain points.


Getting to the end of the level to find out you missed one freaking box


The rope bridge level until I figured out you could walk on the rope... the top of the wall level until I figured out you could hop behind the wall...


Too Human. Only game that made me want to break something


Unsure if this fits correctly enough but, Almost any game where I had, at any point, a skill level I was really happy with. Because my faulty brain will not let any mistakes go unpunished or accept that its just an off day and nothing else, and when my skill level is reached again or even surpassed it is extremely hard to gain any good feeling from it. "This is just how I should always be" or similar thoughts will rob you of enjoying your favorite things, and that's really frustrating.


This shit fucks me up in Street Fighter


Indiana Jones on the genesis, because it was so damn hard. But also Blizzard in general and many of their choices


Rayman 2. I didn't have the memory pack for the N64 and wasn't allowed to leave it running overnight so I just replayed the first few levels every time.




I dont know if this counts, but there's one called The World's Hardest Game, which I decided I was going to beat no matter what. You're just moving a little circle through mazes full of cubes (or vice versa) and if you touch one, you die. 1500 deaths later, I finally beat the game, and hated every moment of it


I'll start with one that's a little original before dropping two that are probably coming up a lot in this thread. **Scarlet Nexus** has a very cool premise, some truly fucking *wild* art direction (there's a scene at the end of the 3rd chapter that still won't let me go) and pretty fun if kind of trashy combat. Unfortunately, the character motivations are absolutely nonsensical in the worst ways, with characters constantly switching sides like a Yakuza game on speed. Then there's a huge heaping of completely virginal horniness slathered over the top that just builds and builds like old hollandaise on scrambled eggs. I played for about 15 hours, which seems to have been about 3/4 through the game based on the Wikipedia summary, when I realized that I was so completely bored by the story that I wasn't even reading the dialogue anymore, and it had been that way for at least half of the game. About the only saving grace for that game's writing came from picking Kasane, who almost always seemed to think the characters were as stupid as I did. **Sekiro** will always be *the most frustrating*, because I can tell that I love that game. However, I am also just *not good* \- my favorite way to play Bloodborne is to simply grind until I'm a monster, which I did again with Demon's Souls and Elden Ring. But before I played and beat those to prove a point to myself, I'd had such a wonderful time with Bloodborne, as well as Ghost of Tsushima's Lethal difficulty, that I figured a FromSoft game entirely about swords was totally for me. It was not. Not at all. I can still tap out the rhythm of the Lady Butterfly combo in my sleep; I still can't beat her. **DOOM Eternal** I'll wax less poetic about because, I just gotta be honest here, I paid full price for this game on day one, played four hours of it and never once felt the urge to launch it ever again. In fact, I was so put off by what the game was doing (and I probably should've known I'd feel this way, considering everything I saw pre-release left me so lukewarm) I just went back and played DOOM 2016 a third time. So in some ways I don't really know what I'm talking about, but the apparent rigidity of the gameplay (I know, *I know* us Eternal deniers are overblowing it, so spare me) and outrageously obtuse and useless expansion of the lore wasn't what I wanted from that game at all. The first game worked *because* of its simplicity; Eternal by comparison may as well be the antichrist.


Dead by daylight makes me so furious I used to love this game to death (have 1k hours which is still little compared to other people) Its the only game right now where literally i get so salty (Playing survivor or killer) Uninstalled it because sometimes it gets so toxic


Echo the Dolphin


Stuntman I beat it, but it was frustrating. I remember staying up late one night, trying to finish a stunt sequence. The one sequence took me 4.5 hours


I came here looking for someone else that would say Stuntman. Never have I been enraged more by a game.


Starcraft 2. It's also my favorite game.


Dark Souls. So many things to like about the game, but I fucking HATE the most distinctive mechanic of the genre - the world resetting when you rest at a bonfire. It just makes the game a massive slog. If the nearest bonfire is a ways away from the boss that just killed you in 3 seconds, you may have 10 mins of difficult gameplay to survive before you even get the chance to face that boss again, and it’s pretty easy to lose the souls you lost permanently, which means the slog there was essentially a complete waste of fucking time. So for a hard boss, it can take 6 hours to defeat it, with 5 hours and 45 mins of that time repeating that slog to get there over and over and over and over and over.


Idk of any bosses in DS1 that have runbacks that are THAT long. Maybe like 3 minutes at the max for Bed Of Chaos. You aren’t killing all the enemies every time right? You normally don’t have to kill any of them. Just run past them they’ll give up quicker than you would think.


This is why I gave up Jedi Fallen Order. The backtracking was insane and the maps were confusing. So to have respawning enemies on top of that just made it a bit of a slog.


Cuphead. I hate the dragon boss (forgot his name)! Also, fuck King Dice!


The Lion King on SNES. Could never get past that damn second level.


AC Odyssey. The game has a fair few things that are kind of annoying by themselves but when they add together just become infuriating. The one that annoyed me most was having spent 20 minutes stealth clearing a large camp to be down to 2 guys, as I get the first one a random enemy rides through getting me detected, which then raises my bounty causing a bounty hunter to spawn, they had almost exclusively fire damage (Elemental damage is op as hell on enemies), whilst slogging through fighting the 3 guards and a bounty hunter, my bounty then goes up another level causing another bounty hunter to spawn who was a higher level than me, had poison damage and a pet animal with them. So now im fighting 3 guards, two bounty hunters and an animal all in stealth gear. I ended up being one shot by poison damage and never finished clearing the camp so had to redo the whole thing.


I myself found that aspect somewhat fun because I always felt like a machine just slaughtering everyone because I was able to get the parry and dodging pretty good


I gave up on Resident Evil games when I was a kid because of the weird camera angles and I was too dumb to figure them out.


The camera angles were at least used to good effect and you walked around scared all the time


Hogwards legacy. It sold 20 million but is incredibly fuckin boring and unoriginal. There is zero innovation and a ton of incredibly boring or frustrating quests.


95 Merlin Trials were way too fucking many. Doesn't help that they had an unskippable animation, and they were the same 6-7 puzzles over and over again. Flying is boring and more tanky than I would have expected. The flying trials were easy, but between that, popping balloons, and landing pads the entire experience is dull. They should have improved turning on brooms *significantly* and allowed for combat on them. Maybe have dark wizards ambush you in the air as a dynamic event on occasion. A bounty system where they chase you after taking out bandit camps. The entire second half of the map is unnecessary. Adds far too much space with only the same, copy/pasted activities half-heartedly sprinkled about. I played entirely too much of this game for trophy completion. That's on me, yeah. But damn, did this game not have to be nearly as boring and frustrating as it is. Non-completionists will hit the bored mark themselves about 10 hours in, I *promise* that the game never improves or deviates from it's dull quest design, repetitive side activities, and poor, uninspired writing. If you feel like you absolutely *need* to play this game as a superfan or something, get it used/on sale, and do *only* as much side content as you feel. The very moment you get bored, go back to the main quest. Fellow completionists: do not bother, it's not worth it.


This made me so sad. They clearly spent a lot of time building the castle, which was beautiful, and then very little energy making the world interesting.


I love the game, they clearly cared so much, but you can tell they copy and pasted a bunch of teeny tiny dungeons with worthless loot etc and it kinda sucks


I think they did a pretty decent job considering the game they made before that is Cars 3 and that the devs had no experience in open world games prior to this. I think a sequel could be better, but i could see the passion they put in the castle at least. I also think the combat flowed better than what i would imagine a harry potter game would. It was enjoyable but there was never a great moment in it.


Nioh. I feel like the developers just heard that "Dark Souls games are hard" and just thought that's why everyone likes them. So they just made everything in the game pointlessly difficult. It felt like stacked the deck against you. Constant ambush attacks around every corner. You can buy everything at the store EXCEPT healing items for some reason. The weapon crafting system is ridiculously complicated, you need to watch a whole 30 minute youtube tutorial just to understand it. Constant situations where you have to traverse some narrow ledge while being assaulted by archers miles away with absolute perfect precision and accuracy or bats coming out of a crack in the wall to knock you off and kill you instantly. It's like they heard people like obstacle course races like the Spartan run and tough mudder, so they design a race but the stipulation is that you have to do it blindfolded with your feet tied together and people on the sides hurl rocks at you. "It's more difficult, so it's more fun right?" No, it should be difficult, but reasonably FAIR.


Jedi Survivor. I'm a big RPG player and I love Star Wars but I'm a TERRIBLE platformer and I found a lot of the sections really frustrating and had to give up.


Is Survivor the second one or the first? If you think those games are tough, try playing them on PC. The controls of that game were absolutely **not** designed for it to be comfortably played on PC.




Fear and hunger right now


Sekiro.... Then i loved it.


Overcooked. Fuck that game. And everyone! And me!


hollow knight


Battletoads for the Nintendo NES system.


12 minutes. Great cast. Incredibly infuriating game.


Tarkov, easily, still will probably never quit though.


Kid Chameleon


Bloodborne, it’s quite the skill issue that I never beat the first boss…


How is Escape from Tarkov, not the #1 answer?


Stellaris, I’ve put 20 hours in and still don’t know what the fuck I’m doing.


Dead Space Remake >!When you get to Chapter 11 and have to move the Marker into place with the crane while trying to survive multiple necromorphs while having almost no ammo or healing items. Took me a ridiculous amount of times because I almost soft locked myself.!<


Rage 2. I like the overall experience I had but I had 2 crashes on console and both times all data was corrupted and had to start over.


Battletoads. I never beat it. I always got stuck on the level after the snakes. I still think about this...often.


Sonic Heroes’ Chaotix story. Controls like shit, enemies have trouble loading in, most annoying voice lines, ridiculous requirements for levels etc


I played super metroid on snes before the internet era, and finding secret items or even the proper route to continue the story sometimes was veeeeeryyyy hard. Added to the experience nonetheless but most games before the internet were a big challenge


Spelunky, game is wayyyyy too tough for what it is!


MYST. I love Myst, but good lord if it didn't give me PTSD... I loaded up a remastered version of it recently, and the moment it plopped me out on a dock with a switch, I flew into a string of obscenities so fast, my wife thought I had injured myself! Wonderful game, but it's notoriously rage-inducing.


Big fishing in Final Fantasy XIV. The game decides if you succeed or not and you just need to wait until it decides to tell you


Perhaps Resident Evil 7 Biohazard on Madhouse. To beat Mia I must not miss a single hit and Jack walks too fast.