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I've must have played over 1000 hours in Pokemon Silver with my old GBA. I've never seen a natural shiny besides the Rage Lake Gyarados.


In all my years of playing Pokemon, since the Red/Blue days, I've only seen one shiny besides Gyarados. It was a damn Zubat. I've had more luck catching and evolving Feebas.


I didn’t even know shinies were a thing until a few years ago


Same! I bet I must've bumped into at least one shiny without knowing. I played a ton of pokemon back in gen 1/2


There were none in gen 1, started w gen 2.


Same here. I grew up playing Pokémon games and I put countless hours into them. I downloaded Pokémon Go again during the pandemic and saw the shinies and figured that was just something they came up with. Eventually my friend told me that shinies have always been a thing and it blew my mind lol


Back then I think it was like a 1/7000 chance encounter. I didn't find my first legit shiny mon until pokemon black 2. It was an Azurill.


1/8192. It's 2^13 . I found my first legit full odds shiny in FireRed, it was a Psyduck. Someone stole that cartridge from me, so I don't have it anymore 😞


Thank you for the actual formula. And thank you for sharing your first shiny. That's awesome.


He didn't share it. It was stolen.


The stolen part wasn't there when I first commented lol. But that sucks ass.


Don't feel bad. I've played every single generation of pokemon, and it wasn't until ORAS when I got my first shiny. It was the Latios that you earn towards the end.


My only ever shiny besides Gyarados was a pidgey I caught in Silver as a kid. However since I was a kid I didn’t realize it was anything special, I had no idea Shinys were a thing back then.


I played many thousands of hours and I saw and caught exactly one non-gyarados shiny. Who’s that Pokémon? It was rattata.


Been playing since gen 2 came out. Only shiny I have ever found was a shiny Persian in the original silver, and a shiny woobat in pokemon Y. And don't let me get started on Pokerus.


Did somebody say [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]?


Damn... The desire to click the name is real.


I’m more interested in this years model ThunderCougarFalconBird


Are you tired of people questioning your masculinity?


One word: Thundercougarfalconbird


Yes! I just don’t know how to make them stop!


Once I was high enough level to run MC Solo, I ran it most weeks for almost 10 years to get Garr’s Binding before it dropped.


Omg I had that way back in OG wow. Got first piece in clan raid. 2nd i got in a pug, I had first piece in my bag and leader gave it to me. That brought back some memories.


Our guild let a hunter have it. Riots ensued.


Silithid Harvester is a lie.


Pegasus Cloak, EverQuest


We spawn 15+ quillmanes per hour and farm them for a whole guild in a night now. Crazy what a little knowledge about how spawns work changes things.


Perfectly preserved pie. Every time I pass a vendertron or whatever it's called I have a go and every single time that claw brings me squat.


I Got the Perfectly Preserved Pie! (Wish I had that on a T-shirt - like "I Got the Babel Fish!")


Oooooh what happens when you get it? Does it play music and shoot confetti? Does Travis make an announcement over the radio? Does the Mysterious Stranger appear and twerk as the claw drops the plate into the dispenser? ​ I can only imagine...


Nothing! But +35 HP happens when you *eat* it! (I know; big whoop.)


Well journey>destination and all that. Still, congratulations man, hope to be able to say the same some day


The bar in Diamond City, that one has worked on every one of my playthroughs. As long as you have no issues with theft.


Your chance of winning goes up the higher your luck stat! IIRC the formula is chance% = ((luck x 4) + attempts)/20


I got it with my 1 luck character. I tried it for hours and nothing happened, then one day in Boston commons I passed a machine, clicked it once, and got it. I ran into the other room to tell my roommates who looked at me like I was the biggest dork in the world.


I considered doing something like that but figured if I have a go whenever I find the machine I'd get it eventually. It's been about 5 years now though...


Sword of kings in earthbound. Tried forever to get it, even on emulators years later. Then on my latest play through, I got it from like the second Starman........decided I'd pretty much mastered earthbound at that point 


Yeah, I played through EarthBound several times and never got it despite a couple of serious attempts. Then one day I decided I was going to get it come hell or high water. I leveled up so much I almost had to abort mission because if you finish Magicant with Ness at level 99 then you miss his big level up. I did eventually get it that time and I finished the game with Ness's level well into the 90s. It's honestly not worth it. It was only ever meant to be a lucky drop, not something you grind for.


This is the right answer. Also tried hundreds of times. Could never get it.


Conference Call from Borderlands 2. Drove me insane trying.


That shotgun carried me through so many parts… I’m truly sorry you never got to experience it


I managed to get 149/150 Pokémon in the OG red/blue as a kid. Tauros was the missing one, and I wandered for hours around the Safari Zone and only ever encountered one, which I failed to catch. Eventually I gave up and completed my Pokédex using a GameShark.


That's crazy that a Tauros was the odd one out for you, I kept seeing them in the Safari but could never get a Chansey. 


Chansey and Scyther in the goddamn safari zone are probably the reason I’m as patient a person as I am now


I can't remember if it had to do with your hidden pokemon I'd or if that was in later gens


Fun fact, you can actually glitch Safari encounters. If you go to the Safari Zone Tauros is in, then Fly out of there directly to Cinnabar Island, if you surf right on the coast next to the gym, the encounter table will pull from the last location you were at, which would be Safari Zone. That way, you can encounter Tauros in a regular battle, so there's no chance he runs away.


Kangaskhan was the tough one for me. I've not long since seen a YouTube video about the mechanics of throwing rocks or bait. TLDR Just throw balls


Ghallarhorn in D1. Ran everything possible on 3 characters every week but it never dropped... vendor sold it right before d2 came out


I've listened to a grown man weep tears after 50 Vault of Glass clears with no Mythoclast drop. Destiny RNG can be cruel and unusual


Or just straight up cruel when purple engrams were bugged and only produced blue loot.


First time i beat the vault i got carried real hard and i got the only decent drop. And in that drop was a mythoclast and multiple max power legendary items. They were not happy lol


Xur also sold it the first time he showed up. *CORRECTION* second time


Yeah, I saw it and thought “why would I waste all of my coins on something I need heavy ammo for?” Oh, the naïveté. Luckily I ended up getting one on all three characters but still…


I still miss the InstaHeavy blocks from D1.


Incorrect. Red Death was the first exotic offered by Xur. Gjallarhorn was the second.


I know the pain all to well. Mine was Fatebringer. I remember when Xur was selling Ice Breaker and I was away on vacation, I called my girlfriend and made her go to my apartment, log in on playstation, and I talked her through how to get to Xur and buy it, which took about an hour in total. She's a keeper.


God I miss my Ice Breaker


I was thinking you meant the first Diablo game and was very confused.


Vex mythoclast for me. I ran vault on all three characters for weeks. Just could not make that happen.


Dragon Warhammer in OSRS


I knew OSRS would pop up somewhere. Fully expected it to be the DWH or enhanced weapon seed.


I'm stuck on the damn obsidian knife thing from tzhaar, 9 capes, 5 swords and like 6 ring drops. I'm losing it


Got it first task on my ironman, 25kc. Expecting to go super dry at the red prison now


Did you mean to say 25k kc? cause that's about where I am T.T haha grats that is a huge grind to skip


Lulu’s ultimate weapon FF10. Couldn’t do the 100 lightning bolt dodges.




Ah it is 200 my bad, I’ve definitely tried to block that trauma out of my memory


I actually had fond memories even though I never got it. It was winter break, I borrowed the game from my awesome Yemeni friend. My parents were asleep. I was alone in a cold winter morning for hours trying to get it. Never got it thought. But Lulus boobs kept me very happy. Also had a massive crush on Rikku. Didnt care for Yuna.


its honestly not that bad, theres a spot where you can trigger the strikes, so I just watched anime, while I mindlessly did it.


Well shit, now they're *definitely* not getting it.


There's a specific spot where it's really easy to do. This video shows it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L77y\_BCJVMQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L77y_BCJVMQ) I couldn't get past like 3 before, but with that trick the hard part is counting.


Your link is broken


Thanks, fixed it. Reddit decided to automatically lowercase it for some incomprehensible reason.


I tried it once. Was going pretty well but around 190 I started getting progressively more nervous because I was so close. I choked at 197. Never tried it again after that.


Bruh, I got to 192. Also never tried it again.


I remember this vividly. I was able to do it by taping newspaper over the screen except for a small square at the top left, turning the music off, and just pressing the button when that 1 inch part of the screen flashed. I also had a friend keep count and tear off the paper after getting 200.


That’s a good friend


I found it easier to mute the game, listen to some other music and rely on the flashes rather than audio cues.


Balder Side Sword in DS1. I’ve played the game a million times and never gotten one.


I farmed it for 3 hours to get the drop I honestly didn't even mind because the payoff was so worth it. Insane that such a cool weapon is held by rando undead guys


Never got it on purpose. Recent run it dropped 3 times for an int character who will never use it.


You don't level up dex for cast speed?


The only good thing about that farm is you get lots of upgrade materials


As someone who swears by that weapon every playthrough, I'm so sorry you haven't felt the silky-smoothness of the swag sword


Pretty positive my first play through I got that to drop with like 3 passes through the parish


A spot in the servers for Helldivers 2


Today was the first time I ever saw the "server capacity" message.... And I had the day off from work....


Oh I’m so sorry


Patience citizen.


Reading this while I wait.


I just get a black screen


I’ve been dealing that that too. Currently just uninstalled and reinstalled the game and hopefully that’ll work.


The black screen is also server issues, no need to redownload 70 gigs


Fuck trying to farm those final weapons in Final Fantasy X. 200 Lighting dodges? Hard pass.


The best part is when you get all the Celestial Weapons and upgrades and then realize you still have hundreds of hours of grinding to do before you can handle the post-game bosses


Crux of Crota from Destiny. So many raid clears and never saw the thing.


Damn this brings me back. Me and my buddy would always offer carries through hard Crota's End to help people get the crux. Did the same thing for the Vex in Vault of Glass.


I have tried to farm Nidus prime every time he has been in the relic rotation, I have done dozens of radshares and opened hundreds of relics. I still don't have him. At this point I could have just sold all the other stuff I got trying to farm him and bought him several times, but he is my moby dick.


I love that game, but I stopped for a while, then finally got so far behind I didn't feel like I could hop in again. Wisp and Equinox turned into my favorites after farming endlessly. Thankfully, I forgot which part I was farming eventually, but it was one part for a long, long time. I know this pain. Good luck, Tenno.


I have over 300 dread blueprints and over 1000 stalker kills before hate dropped for me.


Red Keycard, tarkov


I'm still looking for fucking crutons


94% Sham


Hell, I’ve never even gotten a sham to drop in general.


The Bitch for me. I must've done nearly 200 BNKRs and every delayed lootsplosion I was equally disappointed.


When I was trying to get every legendary in game I got stuck on sham. I couldn't even get weakest version - literally days of non stop killing same boss over and over again, and still to this day not even single sham has dropped I can't imagine pain of farming for 94% version, especially considering how many items Bnk3r has in loot pool


First thing that sprung to mind when I saw this post. Until recently the same was true for the Norfleet. 2000+ hours in game, multiple Vermivorous spawn sessions even using 4 player difficulty toggle, nothing but skins and Nasty Surprise grenades. Finally after killing Hyperius 25 times in a row using World Burn/Pimpernel glitch damage on Gunzerker, got one.


What game?


Borderlands 2. It's a legendary shield that comes in different strengths.


Psycho wand in phantasy star online. Best odds was a rare spawn creature (1 in 512 chance to appear) that could drop it (1 in 205 chance to drop). I did runs for a couple hundred hours and gave up.


Got nothing to add other than the fact it made me happy to see someone mention this game. I played it loads on GameCube solo and split screen as I didn't have access to internet on my GC. I still love the game. 10/10


Was going to say Sealed J Sword for me. But this one also.


Back when i heavily play Division, those exotic weapons drop in the dark zone.


Amen to that


Remnant From The Ashes 1. Strange coin, 30 hours on earth with multiple new games and adventure mode worlds. Still nothing.


If that is the item that gets you the revolver then I got that on my first playthrough. Didn't even know it was that rare


Stone Of Jordan


Came to say this. I had it all, but could never scoop a Stone of Jordan.


To this day I still haven't found my last holy grail item. I only play for a few hours a week these days but 20 years and I've never found a single Griffon's Eye.


Zod rune for me.


I never understood how they were currency. I traded for a few here and there in order to buy other things but never saw one drop naturally. But I was young and didn't realize people had all kinds of different dupe methods.


They are currency for two reasons. For one, they are effectively the best ring for the majority of classes. Some classe might use a bk ring, but in almost all cases the best ring for any given class to use are one of the two rings that give +skills. If you don't need the life leech on bk, soj is the natural best for almost all classes. Outside a few of the niche builds, most other rings are going to be second rate to a +skill ring, and soj is the best ring without question. Meaning whatever it is you are trading for, everyone could use an soj, which makes it one of the best currency for that reason alone. It is also used to spawn the dclone. So people playing d2 at high levels coordinate and spawn the dclone by selling the sojs they accrue to vendors. this means that unlike most other really rare items in the game, the overall amount of sojs in circulation is constantly going back down as it increases. There is no mechanic that takes the other most useful items out of play besides seasonal rotation. This means that throughout the season, sojs hold their value far better than most other desirable trade items. One reason sojs are so rare is because of high item levels factor into drop chances. Sojs sit at a very sunky place as far tiem level goes, which means it doesn't benenit from the increase drop chances from act bosses and uniques as much as some other seemingly better or rarer items. Like the best place to drop an soj is nightmare andarial. Soj is like the only valuable thing nightmare andarial can even drop at all. Sure she drops plenty of usful midgame loot, but soj is like the only good thing for a player trying to gear up for endgame. Everything else nm andy drops is middle tier at best besdies soj. This means as characters power up, they need to decide whether they want to run nm andy thousands of times to get the best ring, or run hell andy and have a lower chance at an soj, but a decent chance for a ton of other usable gear. This means anyone target farming sojs is naturally excluding other valuable loot from their drop chances if they spend all their time runnin nm andy. This means a news eason you might start out running nm andy, but it is almost always better to move on when you are strong enough and farm hell andy or meph. This means one big reason why a lot of players never see an soj is because they don't naturalyl spend enough time killing mobs in the ideal level range for an soj to even drop. This also further enhacnes the value because a lot of players can fully gear out everything else before they get their hands on an soj. Some seasons I have been able to make enigma before i could get my hands on an soj. So in summary, sojs are a valuable currency for two reasons: A. because they are used to spawn dclone which destroys them permantly thus reducing the amount of them in circulation and B. because it is a ring that is 'best in slot' for the majority of builds in the game. And finally one reason that only enhances the rings rarity is that the item itself sits at an awkward item level where you don't have particularly good drop rates for any boss but nm andarial, which is not a boss most competitive endgame players are going to spend a ton of time running. This means people often see all kinds of other good loot but never end up dropping their own sojs in the game. I usualy find multiple high runes, but i rarely see sojs unless I put in the time to seriously run nm andy. It is almost always easier for me to trade for one with other loot I can more easily find in higher difficulties. As soon as I can, if I am going to be running any boss, it is going to be hell meph. Have fun famring nm andy all you want for an soj, but I am looking for my arachnids mesh asap and if I find two, I can easily trade the second one for an soj or two.


Deathcharger's Reins. Still don't have it after 18+ years.


Won the roll for zg tiger in vanilla classic. Still never even seen the death charger drop.


Time-lost Proto Drake in World of Warcraft. I farmed the hell out of it. Both with the initial launch of WotLK and on subsequent times I came back to the game. Had the scroll macro going. Kept track of the sites that tracked sightings and harvests as it was a guaranteed cooldown one it was seen on a server. Never once ever got a sighting much less a kill.


That one is a bitch... I remember waiting for it at a specific point on the map, leaving 5 minutes to get something to eat and when I came back it's corpse was at my feet... Never felt so disappointed !


Pink rat tail.


Came here for this. Fuck those pink puffy fucks


I spent countless hours in that little room trying to get that as a kid. I killed the pink puffs a whole bunch of times, but it never dropped.


I've still never gotten an soj through a drop even though I've put thousands of hours into Diablo 2 and its expansion and yet I've gotten a zod rune


I had 62 complete runs of crown of sorrow before I got tarrabah in destiny 2. Edit: to explain how unlucky that is, the chance of tarrabah dropping is 10%, then it goes up by about 2% every time you beat the raid, until it caps at 50% after about 20 attempts. So I did 40 runs of this raid where the weapon had a 50% chance of dropping before I got it. I hate destiny 2 rng with a passion. I had similar luck with getting anarchy and the weapon from last wish too, but it was no where near as bad. I think I got those weapons around the 15-20 attempt mark.


I can’t remember the name of it, but it’s a curved sword in Elden Ring you get from Volcano Manor from those snakemen. Something like 60-80 attempts was enough for me. It’s not even that good, i just wanted it for my “weapons I’ll never use” collection.


FF12 Zodiac Spear. Never managed to get it to drop, and been playing this game since release. Not a joke, on the switch i spent around 10 hours trying to farm it, never saw it.


Isn't that the one that doesn't spawn if you somehow opened a treasure chest somewhere


This was in the original version, you had to avoid opening 3 (or 4, can't remember) specific chests before you get to the chest containing the Zodiac Spear. They changed the way you find it in the Zodiac Age version, as well as adding multiple ultimate weapons.


This is what I was looking for...this comment and the spear x.x


I found it in the Zodiac Age, but I got pummeled by, I believe it was Zodiark, and I was never lucky enough to find the spear again.


FF12 had those weird hidden chest mechanics, right? if you didn´t open certain chests in the game the spear was easy to obtain but every normal player opens all chests they see and the other method of obtaining it was incredibly low chance. probably faster to just start a new playthrough and follow a guide.


The Eye of Sulfuras, in World of Warcraft. A crafting item necessary to make the druid legendary item. I tried for over *ten years* to get the thing, wheedling my way into runs any time I could until I could solo it, and never did get it.


*Druid legendary item.* Paladins, Warriors, and Shamans: >=O


I am/was a druid. :-P it was the only legendary druids could use, paladins and warriors had others, like Thunderfury (which I got one of the two things needed for out of Molten Core). And according to wowhead, druids can't even use the thing anymore. If I hadn't quit playing 5 years ago or so, I'd be pissed. :-P


Druids could equip it, but it absolutely wasn't a Druid weapon.  Druids only meleed in cat or bear form, and on hit proc effects didn't work in those forms.   I can understand your pain though, the Mace looked *damn* cool, but no sensible guild would ever have given it to a Druid during Vanilla content.


For me I guess it is the headless horseman mount. For like 10 of the years they have had the holiday event, I was playing the game and queued up for that fight literally every day until the event ended and still have never gotten it. I have seen like a hundred other people get it, but never me.


It took me 1500 hours to get the Hate and Despair blueprints from the Stalker in Warframe. With that said there are many other drops that I will never even hope to get.


Tidus' ultimate weapon. I always collected the other things that let you put damage break on a weapon instead of earning his. Same with LuLu


Got it down to 0.3 seconds after a dozens and dozens of tries and never tried again.


I once got exactly 0'0'0 but you need to be UNDER 0'0'0 so I had to try again for another hour.


I hate those stupid birds so so much


Fun fact, you only get the item if you are BELOW 0.0 seconds. Getting exactly 0.0 does not grant the item. Guess how I know.


Grass hat in stardew Valle


Zod rune.


Farmed that Raven woman in act 1 so many times…. Not one. I’m curious, what level were you while you were farming/playing?


Sword of Kings in Earthbound


I think one playthrough I got the Gutsy Bat I think without farming but spent hours farming the sword and never got it.


The fact that you can't go back to the area where you farm Sword of Kings is what makes it so frustrating to me lol Gutsy Bat is annoying too, since it's only in the final area, right?


Hawkmoon in Destiny. Did the raid on hard difficulty on all 3 characters every week for months, never got the 1 gun I wanted and yet all friends who played casually got multiple drops of it in a couple runs.


Mirror of kalandra in path of exile. Everyone is dropping over except me😅 I've over 3k hours and then in the league with the most drops ever i still haven't found one.


Really wish people would name the games. This thread is a list of random item names lol


A perfect stat roll on baulders gate


A bit of a niche one here… There was an excellent but not extensively played Castlevania game for Xbox 360 called Castlevania HD (Harmony of Despair). It was a masterpiece of a game with 6 player multiplayer with an awesome variety of characters(including iconic characters like Maria, Richter and Alucard), abilities, and stages. One of the DLC stages, considered one of the hardest in the game, was the level from the original Castlevania with “Retro the Count” as the final boss.  Retro the Count had a very small chance of dropping the Valmanway +1. If your not familiar, the Valmanway or Crissagraem is the most powerful sword in the SotN Castlevania era. I must have called that boss 300+ times and got every other drop, but he never dropped that sword for me and I’m still a little salty about it.


Odogaron Mantle. Meanwhile, 20 Rubies.


Use investigations with gold and silver boxes, make sure to capture instead of slay. IceBorne made getting rare materials piss easy compared to pretty much every other game


Why capture?


Gives bonus rewards instead of carves, and rare materials in World have a slightly higher chance to appear as a reward rather than a carve.


Good to know, I’m kinda noobing’ my way through MHW right now, my first MH game. This info will come in handy!!


It technically doesn’t “drop”, but stealing the fairy flute from Hilgigars in FFIX is damn near impossible.


Tyrials Might, D2


The Kamui in Phantasy Star Online. If you don't know, PSO was an MMO on Dreamcast, GameCube and PC (I think), made by Sega and was out loooonnngggg before WOW became a thing. Weapons in that game were stupidly rare. Probably not as rare as drops nowadays, but farming in that game was tedious since there was only a small amount of enemies that could drop that item before you had to restart the level. It took anywhere from 10-30+ minutes to run through a level for maybe 10 chances at a drop, so it took forever to get anything. The Kamui had a special attack that was basically a one-shot and was a katana. Badass! But I ran through Forest 2 and Caves hundreds of times to find the damn thing and for nothing! Turned me away from MMOs permanently.


I finally managed to get my Pure Bladestone for the Demon's Souls (2009) platinum trophy, but I almost wish I hadn't. It takes WAYYY too goddamn long. I imagine that they've cinched up the drop rates a bit in the remake, but I don't have a PS5. At least I hope they did, for the sake of those playing it.


Conditional Finality (Exotic Shotgun from the Root of Nightmares Raid) I dropped Destiny a while back, but god those memories of other people getting it for their first time after I've run it like 47 times, still give me great pain 😭


Some dagger from the arena in the skyrim dlc on elder scrolls online. Would've been the cherry on top for my 70k dps stamina nightblade build. Ran the arena at least a couple dozen times, never got it cause of rng. I actually stopped playing eso shortly after.


Haha classic eso, was this before or after they added sticker book? Now you can run any dungeon and always get a new drop at the end up until you have all the possible drops. Could take you 40+ runs but you'll eventually get it.


Baron Rivendare's mount from the dead side of Stratholme in vanilla World of Warcraft. I farmed, and I farmed, and I farmed. This thing had like a .01% chance to drop.


Horadric Hamburger or cosmic wings in Diablo 3. I could never fucking get them and I'm still mad.


The pink tail in Final Fantasy IV.


And those two extra summons that were monster drops.


Mirror of kalandra in path of exile. Everyone is dropping over except me😅 I've over 3k hours and then in the league with the most drops ever i still haven't found one.


In MapleStory there was an armor set I couldn't complete because I didn't finish the quest fast enough to get the gloves for the armor, it was an event item so I can't get it ever again


Mirror of kalandra (raw drop)


Peacock Charm in FF11.


Could list so many for ffxi it'd be more fun to list your favorite drop lol.  I played a whm and got both clubs from the pirate ships to build out my whm/nin skeleton murderer.


Any rare mount in World of Warcraft


Second illidan glaive


568 runs of Lexington Event Center to get the Barrett’s Chest Piece in The Division. That thing hated me.


Fate Bringer in Destiny 1, ran VoG every week for months and never got it, carried my friend through Templar hard mode once and he got it. He never lets me forget


A shiny in Pokémon.  


Vex. Mythofucking. Clast


I would add the time I made a short promo mobile phone game on a contract where the main guy used a guitar swung like a sword as his weapon. The game was like 4 levels long, and really only intended for a high score event that went on for about 2 months. At the end of the second level, right before you reached the end of the level, as the screen scrolled to end the level, you could see a gold guitar in an adjacent room with light coming off it and stuff. There was no way to get it, and no code attached to it. You couldn't even pick it up if you found a way to reach it. It was just there to piss players off and drive them crazy trying to find a way to get it XD


In EarthBound, there is a 1/255 chance for a Starman Jr. (Iirc) to drop a Sword of Kings. It is the only useful weapon for Poo. I hit level 90 grinding for it and that shit still didn't drop.


Destiny: gjallarhorn!!! By the time they finally nerfed it, my wife and I had three max level characters each and we were running the nightfall every single week. She had three of them. I had zero. RNG hates me!


The Symbol of Avarice in Dark Souls 3. Over 300 hours in that game, and I never came across it once...


Not a drop, per se, but the "If They Came to See Me Beg" achievement from *Halo: Reach*. I've spent untold hours trying to get it and still can't get the timing.


I remember I farmed a bit for Ashes of Al’ar but didn’t get it… then my friend got it


Pink tail, ff4. No adamant armor for me for the last 30+ years


I've played Final Fantasy 4 in every incarnation since it was Final Fantasy 2 on the SNES. And I've never fought a pink puff, much less gotten a pink tail drop.


I am missing a single quarter of a heart piece in Ocarina of Time. It's been driving me nuts for 20 years.


Not a drop but an encounter. The Shrouded Ghost. Sea of Thieves white megalodon with pink fins. I've been playing the game weekly for the past 5 years and have 109 days played so far with almost every major commendation. This one shark I haven't run into outside of the one off event last year. And I need to kill it 5 times.


Invincible WOW


Not exactly a rare drop in and of itself, but Knights Of The Round from FFVII