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I love to watch gameplay of horror games like Resident Evil, but would never be able to play them because I would get too stressed out. Tried to play Dying Light 2, but for some reason zombies and supernatural things scare the crap out of me. I just can't do it, my nerves can't take it. But I really love watching others play it.


I’m right there with you. Zombies are my thing. If games have it, I absolutely can’t deal with it. I stopped playing this game way back when, you had like a demon arm and a glaive, once the zombies came out, I was done. I love the concept of resident evil, I’ve watched the gameplay from Resident Evil: Village from the start to finish, and I have zero desire to play the game. It’s the same for all RE games. I just can’t. I think with the resident evil games, it’s the resources issue, the whole “there are 3 lycans in front of you and you’ve got 4 bullets and they take multiple headshots to kill.” I hate that, it’s so stressful.


That heightened level of adrenaline is what makes it so addicting to me. Can’t really get that feeling in life generally at home. Horror movies can do it but games more-so since you’re in control of the characters.


I know what you mean but you need the right balance. You need it to be thrilling and exciting not overwhelming. When it's overwhelming at the start you can't even get a toe in the door to understand the game because it's all too much. It's hard to explain if you are less sensitive to it because you probably aren't feeling the same thing. Some horror games overwhelm me and I 'nope out' at the start, people who like the game don't understand it. Other games like subnautica don't scare me at all and I am the one who is confused by people 'noping out' at the start.


A friend of mine gave me his copy of the original Silent Hill after he got to the second level, a school, and couldn’t deal with dispatching all the child zombies. As I recall, ammunition was scarce enough that you couldn’t impersonally shoot them all, so you had to bludgeon at least some of them up close and personal.


It didn’t stop me playing but the toddler ghosts in that school sent a shiver down my spine.


Gameplays of horror games are VERY funny and entertaining.


I remember becoming a huge fan of the Silent Hill and Fatal Frame series from watching a YouTube playthrough by a guy named PsychadelicSnake before I ever even touched the games. May have ruined some of the crazier moments, but I also probably wouldn’t have heard of those series until much later.


Everything I’ve seen of Baldur’s Gate 3 tell me I will love it but I still need to finish up some more games in my backlog.


It's really awesome. Definitely recommend playing it.


Def play it, but fair to keep it on the backlog. It's the kinda game where ideally you can dedicate most of your gaming time to it.


It’s a ridiculously good game but it’s not everyones cup of tea


Don't get it just yet. It's unfair to your backlog. I bought it while I was playing through a few different games and have not returned to them.


Game is already good at a ridiculous level. But given the rythm of updates Larian is giving. Waiting a bit will only make it better. (Just be careful not to be too curious before you play it. Lot of people playing means lot of people discussing it so spoilers)


For me it was the opposite. I knew it wasn’t a game for me, bought it anyway and couldn’t finish it; dropped it on the last chapter.


Five nights at Freddy's - never played the games but watching people play it is very entertaining. Also watching people attempt the hardest challenge of setting every enemy to their highest difficulty is cool.


SAME, I basically binged watch FNAF videos growing up. Watching someone else play the games are fun but it’s not a game I would ever play for myself.


You know roosterteeth? Watching them play the VR version was especially funny!


Yes, they were one of the main channels I was watching for FNAF! I still go back to rewatch those vids too


Watching Matpat's FNAF videos and seeing him excitedly geek out about tiny lore drops made me interested in the FNAF series. Never played it.


Most fighting games I love watching high level gameplay from people like Justin Wong. The depth and intricacies of them are always entertaining to watch I just don’t have the time/patience to actually get good at one myself


Same, I’m just the casual player that smashes every button. I wouldn’t want to break a controller I payed $70 for. I lost nearly every match I got into on Mortal Kombat yet it’s still fun and entertaining.


I hear you. I love mortal kombat but am terrible at PvP. I usually wait until I can get the ultimate editions of the games for $20 or less and go to town on the single player for a couple months.


I tried dmc5 again today, and I was just aggressively spamming random buttons during a fight and got triple S style point. I was like.. lol OK I guess that works.


Same. Until I actually put like five thousand hours into Melee. It makes it exponentially more fun to watch. At the same time it makes it hard to enjoy other fighting games now because I know that I can't appreciate what's happening. I feel like the average sports fan who only gets excited when a shot almost goes in or a goal is scored. It's like I'm in a weird trance and don't even know what I'm watching until something obvious happens. It's a strange feeling once you are aware of how unaware you are. It's completely ruined watching football for me unless I can rewatch every play many times, otherwise I feel like I don't know what the fuck is going on and every player looks like an idiot unless I know everything that led to their decisions.


The Last Of Us Became a fan, never played, watched the game movie of both games and the TV series.


Story based games in general are great to watch. Detroit: become human was fun to watch too.


The Last Of Us is another one for me, I had an Xbox One throughout the Xbox One/PS4 era so I never got to play it but I enjoyed other people playing it.


I have absolutely zero interest in playing souls games. I am entirely wrapped up in the lore of Elden Ring by watching RKGs playthrough


I'm exactly the same, but with Bloodborne.


Eco and EVE are mine. I will someday play Eco, once the time and right group presents itself. But EVE is a beast best read about


I play myself, so i don't count but EVE Online really has a lot of people following the stories, wars and politics that the game creates and they never tried the game. Here is a really fascinating documentay about EVE: [EVE Online | Down the Rabbit Hole (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCSeISYcoyI) 5 hours, a 10/10 and one of the best documentaries i have watched about gaming or in general.


I played for a little bit. Relized, it's not for me. But I love reading and watching the goings on. Also blew my old econ professors mind explaining MMT to him via Eve economics. (Faucits and sinks)


Well, thanks for the next 5 hours of my life !


I'm a huge fan of Bloodborne. I've watched full lore playthroughs like 5 times. FromSoftware games are too hard for me though. I want to experience the game aesthetic and story without having to attempt a boss 732 times. Death Stranding, also a fan, but I just didn't have the time to put into it. I watched playthroughs while working.


Same, but I haven't played because it's an exclusive. I'm not buying a whole ass console to play one or two games. I love the world though, and the combat looks so fun.


Loved watching my roomate play mass effect 3 back in the day, no interest in playing it myself.


i watched some steamers playing it too but never playing it myself! In general i like to watch others playing.


MGS4, Infamous, Killzone, Resistance. Basically console games I never got the chance to play because I’ve always been a PC gamer. Didn’t have the money to buy a console and the games back then.


Game theory got me into five nights at Freddie’s, I like the story and lore but the games aren’t for me


I used to love watching videos of people playing StarCraft but I never played it myself.


I fall asleep at night watching Mario Maker videos. I’ve never played either of the games but I grew up playing Mario games though and watching really good players play through really difficult levels is very addicting to me.


Tileman created hundreds of thousands of Runescape fans that would never grind it out themselves.


Totally, you can appreciate the experience a game delivers without actually thinking that experience is for you. I love the idea of spiritfarer, elden ring, scorn, and tons of others. I’m stoked they exist but the actual gameplay isn’t something I think I’d enjoy for long.


i was a fan of cave story for like 18 years before i finally played it. to this day i still have no clue why i waited that long


I was a fan of dwarf fortress for many years thanks to the incredible depth of simulation and the stories that would come out of it. I found it impossible to play until the Steam release.


Guilty Gear because it’s rad as hell and the music is amazing. I am trash at fighting games though…


Helltaker. I love the characters, love the aesthetic, and love the music. It's probably the only game I've watched somebody else play for the entire go though (also because it's probably considerably shorter than most games). But man...I just don't do puzzle games anymore which is what it sort of is. I lived through stumbling through Catherine once with no real tactics...never again. But gosh darn, do I love this game. Justice, The Awesome Demon!


i played it. it's honestly not worth playing any more than watching. it's very short. as in, it can be beaten within just a few minutes. and the puzzles aren't particularly interesting. but damn i love the characters


I love watching my friends play Yakuza.  I love how stupidly convoluted the plots get.  I love how clueless Kiryu can be.  I love Majima literally popping out from a manhole to fight you for no reason. I've never actually played any of the games myself and probably never will.  But I love them.




played the first Alan Wake and then maybe will watch Alan Wake 2 on YT. I may buy it when it comes physical (which is never)


Horror games and survival I'm not great at, but if it's got a decent story, I'll watch a play through whilst crocheting or something. I adore the world building of Mass Effect, but there's just enough moments in the writing that grind my gears that I haven't managed to play 2 and 3 yet.


Yes, I am right now, actually. Pacific Drive. Looks absolutely amazing and right up my alley, but I own no platform to play it on. I really hope it gets the recognition it deserves in my eyes. It's the only game that makes me watch actual Let's Plays again, haha.


>Pacific Drive Oh! Thanks for the reminder for this one. I'm absolutely going to play or watch this if I can't find the time.


Used to watch my cousin play Harvest Moon 64 for hours at a time when we were little, but haven't ever played it myself. Maybe I'm just a huge fan of the memories or the nostalgia, but I feel like it fits here.


I have no interest in playing Valorant, however I do enjoy watching others play it.


Love the last of us but only watch play through, never play myself but want to


I've been reading some eve online forums for a while and was very into those massive conflicts between different factions, how they infiltrated and sabotaged each other, how mind-blowing the losses were in the wars, I think there is even a book written on the topic.


The Long Dark and pretty much any horror game.


Baldur's Gate 3: Act III


I stumbled across a guy who was doing a stream of the game Rust. It sent me down a rabbit hole. Spent weeks watching videos of people doing wild shit on the game. I've never ever played it though.


Nope. I cannot watch other people play. It bores me af


Agreed. I'll watch enough to figure out if the game is for me. If it is, I'll buy it and play it myself. Watching someone else play through a game is of the most boring things ever to me


This describes nearly everyone in the Fire Emblem/Persona fandoms


Buckshot Roulette. Love it without having it played yet.


I have always been a fan of the older Pokémon games but have never played them myself. I grew up in the time where systems like the Gameboy were hard to get your hands on, so I ended up just watching endless youtube videos on them and it definitely played a part in how much I love Pokémon today lol


i was a huge kirby fan even before I played a single game. My first was forgotten land


This War of Mine. I appreciate what they’ve created. I just don’t want to go through it myself and I don’t feel that it has anything to teach me.


Palworld actually convinced me to take the plunge and buy Ark.


You are in for a dissapointment. Ark is a piece of shit.


modded minecraft. im stuck on console cuz pcs are thousands of dollars. hooray.


I'm going mental for Helldivers 2 and I don't have a ps5 / pc 💀


Punch out for the wii, love everything about it


I'm still trying to reduce the amount of spoilers i get from Ultrakill before playing the game, but those damn meme compilations don't make it easy


Just became aware of Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor. Watched quite a few videos of people playing it, but I haven't played it myself yet. Been busy with other things. Definitely looks like a lot of fun.


Alien Isolation. Im a big alien fan, but this game scares the crap out of me, to the point that my heart cant handle the tension. It's an amazing game and extremely well done.


Oh yeah! Blood DUSK Soldier of Fortune Kingpin - I was really looking forward to the remaster of this. And then it finally came out.... man... SIN And Killer Instinct 2013, though I was a fan of the series prior to that but I sure as hell wasn't buying an xbone.


I recently became a fan of Helldivers and now I'm just waiting to get off work so I can download it.


Doom Eternal. Love the music!


Overwatch 1 I used to live in an abusive and poor household so I couldn’t buy any games that requires money. I love the graphics and was a big MOBA and shooters fan, Overwatch just seems like a dream game to me, especially during the peak of it’s popularity


I had fun watching streamers play Among Us. I have no desire to play it myself.




Games like Rimworld and Factorio. I like to watch others play them, but I know I wouldn't be that good at them.


I love watching my partner play GTA V, he's so hyped for VI that even I have my theories of the plot


The actual gameplay of the original Silent Hill quadrilogy has always kept me from playing it, but everything about the visuals and sound design is great. Not to mention the charm of the late-90s/early-2000s voice acting jank. I hate jump scares in horror media because of how cheap they feel (it's why I've avoided The Dark Pictures Anthology) and find all the value to be in genuinely unnerving sequences, which these games are great at. Plus, Never Forgive Me, Never Forget Me from Silent Hill 3 is one of my favorite songs from any game score.


Baldur's Gate 3 for me. Never played it and probably never will. Its my game of the year.


Super Mario maker. I used to love watching people do crazy difficult levels like it was nothing, but I’ve never owned the game myself and feel like I’d be terrible at it


Devil May Cry. I'm not good at fighting/combo games but I really enjoyed watching the story and gameplay of those more capable.


I have only played Clock Tower 2 and 3, but I'm a big fan of the entire series especially the first one. Never played it because it looks very unfun and slow lol but the aesthetics of it are awesome. Same thing with Clock Tower Ghost Head


Same as you. Undertale, and only just remembered Bully because you said. Bully was unique. I also like Deltarune, and Elden Ring.


Starcraft 2, I've watched hours upon hours of gameplay, I follow multiple youtubers, I watch every major championship event live on Youtube, I've seen guides to understand the game better, I've read the wiki to get a better understanding of each building, unit and upgrade. I have never played it and I don't plan to ever play it, it's not my type of game but god damn is it entertaining


I tried out yakuza 0 on PS4 then got hooked on the yakuza series and have bought played every yakuza after that including the judgment series. Now if only I can erase the games from my memory and play them over!


I've seen all the endings for Undertale but I haven't played it


Not a video game and already played it, but before I played Warhammer 40k, I became obsessed with it.


Warhammer 40k. I love the lore, I love the memes, I love the incrdible miniature painting world, but I'm not gonna get into the tabletop game.


Cyberpunk. Yea, the anime series helped. A lot.


That one Resident Evil game was cool to watch. Don’t know what number it is but it was the “Welcome to the family, son” one lol


A long time ago, I watched Giantbomb's first Endurance Run of Persona 4, the latest entry in a series I had never heard of.  Before long, it was a daily thing for me, keeping up with it until they finished it (100+ episodes later) and then I watched it again.  While today, I have played all things Persona, I consider their playthrough of 4 _my_ playthrough of 4 and became a fan of that series through them 😀


Used to be a Persona 5 fan who never played it until Atlus realized that they love money and made it multiplatform.


I didn’t own a console, but I watched every let’s play of Destiny I could fine. I was obsessed with that game, and wanted so badly to play it. Once D2 came out on PC my friends and I all jumped in and had a blast (until the first content patch and everyone refunded the game).


I’ve technically played old school RuneScape (and a lot of it) but when it re-released I didn’t have it in me to restart my RS3 character. But to this day I know about most current content because I still like watching YouTubers/streamers


Pizza tower. Love the game, never played it


Yes! I love Grim Fandango’s story, but its puzzles are pretty obtuse so I very quickly gave up on it and just watched a Let’s Play.


There are a lot of games I'm a fan of but can't play like Call of duty 3 I have never got to play it but it looks fun


Baldur’s Gate 3 for me and many others who don’t have a PC or console that can run it.


Resident Evil. I dont like playing horror games myself but do enjoy watching others play those


I've never played FNAF but my kids love it and I'm down a rabbit hole of lore learning everything about it. We just watched the film together too.


I have watched more lethal company clip than I ever played video games


Alien isolation. Alien is one of my favorite franchises of all time. I’ve watched let’s plays of it so much, but the game plays on one of my biggest fears and I can’t personally play it. I love the game so much though. Great environment, story, and enemy AI.


I loved the old Yogscast vids so much I bought Minecraft, and I've only played it for a few hours total in my life. Watched thousands of hours though.


STALKER people kept talking about anomaly this anomaly that and all i had seen from this game was a suuper short 140p video of someone shooting at an enemy ( that i now know its called flesh ) so i assumed the anomaly was mutated enemies idk until someone sent a screenshot of an anomaly in the dark illuminating a bunch of twisted trees around it and while i had no idea what that was, the vibes got me G O O D i played the fuck outta STALKER at this point in my life, but i lived with that image burned into my mind for a solid decade before i got to actually play the game, so i think it kinda counts.


It's what got me into dayz Watched Frankieonpcin1080p dayz mod videos and others for 2 or 3 years before the standalone was even rumored and finally released My first year or so was fun like finding locations from all the youtube videos like I was a tourist in a video game Like the first time stumbling upon Frankieonpcs construction base above orlovets This brown house at the end of grishino where he was waiting for jackfrags to get back from the coast The first time seeing the airfield which was a gigantic mega mil base compared to the mod Dayz is my love, thank you frankieonpc and Jackfrags. Also smoke, gekofish, fubarbundy, Benfruit


Mass effect, I hate shooters but I love the story. I've tried to play it a couple times but I never make it past the citadel in the first on before I'm over it.


I'm a HUGE Ultrakill fan yet I can't even play it because I can't afford a PC (the only platform its on). Might get to play it soon though hopefully


Used to be Resident Evil (cause of Leon Kennedy lmao), but I had Biohazard just sitting around for my PS1 so I decided to play it. Japanese subtitles were annoying, so I bought it on the PS3. Haven't finished it, still playing it, but I did finish RE2R all scenarios and I just purchased 5 and 6 cause it was a good deal, and now I'm getting the money for RE3R. Planning to buy Code Veronica for my PS2 as well.


I have no interest in playing Dayz, but I’m a huge fan of Dayz YouTube videos, particularly JLK.


For me it would be Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance (Forever). Forged Alliance Forever is technically a mod, but more of an ongoing community initiative to support a game that came out in 2011. I love watching these absolutely huge battles unfold. A youtuber called Gyle has a great series casting battles: [https://www.youtube.com/@GyleCast](https://www.youtube.com/@GyleCast) I've dipped my toe into watching Age of Empires casts too. There was one guy casting the games of a "Low Elo Legend" who's gimmick was that he'd never attack. "The Legend of iSit": [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y\_VLbICk4dY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_VLbICk4dY) But those waters seem to run much deeper and hungrier than Supreme Commander, it seems. Next thing I know I'll be installing the damn thing, and then all will be lost.


I like watching Guilty Gear, I know a bunch of the lore and I've watched top players play, but I've never played the game a single time


DayZ is so much fun to watch, and horrible to play


GoW Want to play, but from the beginning and dont know where. Im a PC gamer without consols 😂


FNAF, there was a period where everyone played the game at school on mobile, i never played it because i didn't like jumpscares but i loved the songs (it's time to die, die in a fire and more) loved the lore and the theories.


When nfs heat came out,i was obsessed with it. I would watch gameplays,id find any type of game that would be as similar as possible. One day though i got a ps4,bought it on sale,and just as expected. Its one of my all time fav games. The speed,the customization,the atmosphere, 9/10. One of few nfs games for me that are fun even after story. I never liked games like undertale/deltarune, but id watch my sister play them and i cant lie i like the story,it can be far too cringy at times,but i like how it goes from going to school to being in an alternate universe in a city castle trying to kill a robot that wants to take over and manipulate creatures.or atleast thats what i think is going on in deltarune... Thats just one part of the game ofc


EVE. I would Lose Myself in that game if I ever allowed myself to play it. So I love it from afar. ;P


I watched csgo and minecraft for years and finally got to play them when I got my own money, I didn't like csgo but it's still fun to watch it


Helldivers 2... (sad XBOX owner here)


Ghost of Tsushima. Visuals are great! But i don't own a Playstation.


Street fighter 6 currently.


Metal Gear Rising: Revangence


Gta V: vanoss, h2o and lui i watched religiously never played the game.


Baldurs Gate 3


My brother is a huge fan/player of assassins creed. I have never played any of them. I read all the books and have seen him play a million times. It’s a great franchise. The books are amazing.


RDR2. I can’t play it as I have a dodgy hand (disability caused), but I love watching my husband play. Although, I can be guilty of ‘back seat gaming’, but the amount of times he rides his poor horse into trees or rocks drives me nuts 😂


Watched an entire playthrough of Drakengard 3 and I throw those boss themes on CONSTANTLY when gaming. Haven’t played anything but Automata. OST just slaps.


Not a huge fan of playing games like Dayz and Pubg but i like to watch people play


Eve Online. Never played it. No interest. Love to read stories about the massive multi day space battles, espionage, and economics.


Bloodborne, seen multiple playthroughs and lore videos and never before I wanted to play a game more badly.


I’ve probably watched 100 hours of DayZ and played approximately 15 minutes


Yep, love watching helldivers but no friends to play with so I’ll never get it.


My mans calling out Grimdank and the rest of the Warhammer community


Guess God of War. Back with the original trilogy, I though of Kratos as a very Brut, masculine character, edgy sort of character. But I saw my brother playing those along the years. Then God Of War came and to me, is one of the greatest games ever, I loved catching references to past games with him. Rest in peace bro. He is slepping cause had a night shift.


Yeah actually, hollow knight and Bloodborne, although I've played them a little bit but I honestly just didn't have fun playing them because of the difficulty and my shitty attention span. But they look really cool, I love the grotesque imagery in Bloodborne and the hollow knight art style, music and just general design is amazing


I have this tradition that when I'm off to bed, before I go to sleep, I watch Ryukahr play Super Mario Maker. Never owned the game or even a Switch but it just looks like so much fun. Could also be because of the calm and chill way he makes hids vids


I love watching championship Tetris despite hating playing it. Same with Dead By Daylight. I tried DBD and it's awful but I'll watch others play it for an hour.


Yeah I definitely have praised games for when they did for gaming that I haven’t played myself. System Shock would be one.


This is not a matter of couldn't afford, I just wasn't a gamer at the time. Almost a decade ago I stumbled on a cosplayer that was dressed as a Big Daddy from Bioshock. I was in awe. When I got home, I looked up gameplay and got hooked on the music, and stumbled on a forgotten artist from my country: Django Reinhardt. I listened to Django a lot at that time. I went to that meeting with my exes brother in law. When my ex and I split up, the first thing I did was buy a PC and a physical copy from Bioshock 1 & 2 Remastered.


LOLHard, RNG-based games like Darkest Dungeon. When I play them, I die in my first combat to some bullshit stress spiral because the enemy crits every turn. I just don't see people online having the same garbage luck I do.


Barotrauma. I watch videos all the time and it looks like the funnest game ever but I don't have a PC at the moment. Praying it comes to console eventually


I can’t stand playing the Sims 4 for more than 5 minutes, but when a friend of mine comes over and starts to play, I suddenly get really interested in the game


I was a FNAF fan for a while, until "mascot horror" became a staple genre for trend chasers. It introduced me to the topic of urban myths and such, like the backrooms before it got eaten up by everyone.


Didn’t think I was going to like warhammer: rogue trader so I decided to just watch Cohh Carnage play it. I think I’ve watched 200 x 30 minute episodes so far lol!


Really been enjoying watching deep rock survivor recently but I can't run it on our PC. I also really admire and enjoy the vastness of star citizen and what they're doing with the game but have never actually played it myself.


Yeah, war thunder (PC WT, I play WT mobile)


FNAF. I actually tried playing but didn't care for it but it's fun watching my kid play it.


For quite a while i was a DMC fan without having ever played one, now i have played DMC 5


Cities:Skylines. I love watching masters at the game build cities; I find it immensely satisfying. I know for a fact that I don’t have the patience or creativity to actually play it worth a damn, though XD


Overwatch, I watched overwatch content religiously from 2016 to 2019, but have never played it until Overwatch 2 went free to play.


Mortal kombat. I am absolutely not playing those games without cramping my fingers like mad, but i do love watching them. Mk1's story was a blast to watch. The pacing is so good for a movie like experience, and the online matches were fun to watch while it lasted.


Overwatch. I eventually played Overwatch 2, but it was years after becoming a fan.


I watch Willjum play Rust on Youtube all the time, love his content. I myself have never played Rust, and more than likely never will.


The Last of Us, simply because I've never had a playstation (can't afford it), so I was just always content with watching playthroughs.


I just started Yakuza: Like a Dragon a week ago for the first time because someone said I'd probably really like it. Well 30 hours sunk into the game later I think they were right. Holy goddamn is this game amazing


Hell divers 2 and bloodbourne. 1, don't have a ps4 or powerful enough pc 2, ive played and beat every souls game except BB and DeS


Control, and probably by extension, the Alan Wake games. I love the vibes, I love the lore, but I am so bad at shooting games I can't play it.


Yes! Hellgate London. Until i finally got to play it lol


Metal gear rising, until I played it, and realised devil may cry was better. Then I played devil may cry, and decided to stick to jrpgs.


I absolutely adore Bloodborne. The visual design is sickening and nightmarish, the lore is insane, it's just an unbelievable piece of art. Unfortunately, I've yet to reach the second bonfire, after hours of trying. Gud wasn't git'd.


i dont play escape from tarkov as of now but one of my favourite streameras plays this as his main game and i love watching him play it. Totally plan on getting into it as well but it seems very complicated.


Doki Doki Literature Club. Love the dark elements of a seemingly chill visual novel, but I’m too much of a coward to play it myself.


Oh for sure!! Before I was able to buy games for myself in my twenties, I had to 1. resort to solely playing games that I had prior access to as a child and 2. watch Let's Plays on YouTube! It sucked, but also worked out well for me in some instances as a lot of the games i watched were horror games that I wouldn't want to subject myself to, but enjoyed watching others play xD especially with the added humor to alleviate the tension lol \~ I think a lot of us experienced this around 2012ish! It's great that you found love for these games through the gameplays, and it makes me happy to see!! You are perfectly valid in this and if you said either of those games were your favorite games, despite never having played them, you would be just as valid as well because you experienced the artstyle, story, music, characters, gameplay etc, just from an outside perspective :)


I’m currently trying to get my fiancé to play Dredge so I can get all the eldritch horror goodness without actually playing it.


I've watched a fair few playthroughs of games I missed when I was younger, the Halo series being the closest to my heart now that I'm a fake adult.   I even own the MCC on a PC my child self would kill me over, but my lizard brain has always watched the playthroughs, so I haven't even played them. To this day l randomly find myself throwing on Halo 2 to fall asleep. 


I've never played Mortal Kombat, but recently I started watching it, and it's very interesting, I literally sat and watched the entire story mode playthrough of mortal Kombat 1


Yes that will be bloodborne


I love watching Geoguesser tournaments but I've never played


I’ve never played fortnight or Minecraft, but it seems to make a lot of people happy, so I’m happy too.




Neverending Nightmares is phenomenal psychological horror imo, I really wish I just bought the game myself instead of watching countless playthroughs of it


I read a ton of lore for Destiny, but never played either game because of the grind.


I like watching people play Mario Maker, but I'd hate to buy it.


I mean I have games I liked watching but I don't like playing. Games in this list are - cuphead, played but wasn't for me but I enjoy watching it and listening to the ost. - kirby and the forgotten land, never played but I really enjoyed watching it - undertale, I like watching it but I am bad at games so I don't enjoy playing the gameplay - Before your eyes, really interesting game where everytime you blink it moves forward in time. I have watched it all and think the story is really well done but I never had any motivation to buy the game since I had already watched it - final thing I really enjoy watching is games like ultimate chicken horse, jackbox, it takes two all the group of friends games and 2 player games because I have no one to play them with but I enjoy watching them.


Rust. Content creators (I personally enjoy Welyn on YT) who have the time to spend hundreds or even thousands of hours playing the game, recording it, and editing it, is a much more pleasant experience than actually playing Rust. Being called slurs by russian children at 3am was not great.


League of Legends. Got into watching the pro scene, having never played the game myself.


Maybe not what you had in mind but being on Ps4 I had no desire to play Cyberpunk 2077, but the Edgerunners anime was so good that I fully intend to get the game on the PC I now have, once there's a lull in good games for a few months anyway


I’ve always been a fan of WOW but I’ve never played it.


Cyberpunk 2077 looks amazing. Never played it


Avatar? I’m still confused if I’ve got to buy the game yet or no! 🫤


I love Elite Dangerous. The wholesome stories, the tales of epic betrayal, the faction conflicts, everything. I love it! But I cannot get into it and I kinda don't want to. It's one of those games that take over your life and I still have more to do in mine.


Interesting question, I really like watching videos of poppy playtime. I think it’s a really cool premise for a game and poppy is legit terrifying. I’ll never play it though since I’m not a fan of pure horror games where you can’t really fight back.


Most horror games. I'm a completely baby and cannot play them but I love watching people play.


For a time that was me with five nights at Freddy's. Watched all kinds of playthroughs. Starting around when fnaf3 was the upcoming but not yet released game. The first game I played was fnaf world. Have since attempted the other games


FNAF and Overwatch. Well i suppose I did play Overwatch 1 way back when but still


Never played FNAF. I'm a huge fan. The lore is nuts. However, I think they really need remakes to clean up the story and lore.


Formerly danganronpa, my only exposure back then was the anime.


Eve Online is a game I love the hear about but never want to play.