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Inverted Y is the only true way. Anybuddy wanna fight abouddit? 🤺 And if you’re wondering why it’s even a thing, it came from using joysticks on early flight sims. Stick forward to point the nose down, stick back to pull the nose up.


I only invert for flying. I cannot fly anything not inverted. I crash straight into the ground. For everything else though? I can’t do inverted. It feels wrong. Up is up and down is down. That said, every game has an inverted setting for it. I don’t know if there is a universal setting on switch or not, but OP and daughter could possibly set a universal inverted or not per profile.


So I'm guessing you are of an age to straddle early flight sims and early consoles? Or do you have aviation in your background that overrides console controller habituation?


I played a bunch of MS flight Sim II as a kid lol


Serial port joysticks were actually pretty good back then, yeah?


It’s always made sense to me. I pull back on the joystick to look up in the same way I arch my head back to look up. Pushing up to look up is the real inverted setting.


I get it, it's growing up with screens rather than hardware, but I'm not gonna change now, I'm too old. ;-) Y-invert for life!


It also came from GoldenEye 64.


I was never a console guy, so I endorse this take without knowing what I'm talking about, but I know GoldenEye 64 was an inflection point in gaming, and I want to believe. ;-)


Yup! X-Wing & TIE Fighter got me.


X-Wing and Tie Fighter were so great. How I’d love that experience again.


This is the way.


Came from star fox 64 back in the day for me


Yup, not a console guy, that made no sense to me. :-D


Also the first first-person shooters with up/down look options that I ever played (Dark Forces and Duke Nukem 3D) bound Page Up to Look Down and Page Down to Look Up. Yes, mouselook wasn’t a thing quite yet back then. Even Quake’s original DOS release didn’t have mouselook and WASD or similar as the default, you had to go out of your way to configure it.


Professional pilot and inverted in video games flying or not is not the way.


Being dumb is not the way and yet here you are.


I used inverted for many years because that was once the default for some reason.  Never made sense to me, but that’s what I was used to for a long time.  Eventually I did switch, and yeah, it was weird and I was pretty terrible for a little while, but it didn’t really take that long to get used to it.  That said, it doesn’t really matter much, so it’s up to you.


It’s because it was based on aircraft.


Why would it even matter? I've played inverted my whole life just because that's just what my brain wants. Why would I try to switch? What would be the purpose? What would that even do? It doesn't actually matter in any way. That's like saying your favorite color has always been red, but you really need to switch it to green... just because?


Inverted is the only way that makes sense to a LOT of people, myself included. I've always thought of it this way...your stick essentially acts a hand on the back of your characters head, push it up/forward and it forces the head down. Pull it down/back and it pulls the head up.


So inverted X as well?


Only if we are playing on a Mobius strip or a torus.


Nope, because that’s not how the network in my brain has been grown to map the two-dimensional translation of a mouse on a plane to rotation about two axes, or to map the rotation of a stick about a point on its base to the RATE of rotation of a viewpoint.


i cant play without inverted anymore pretend your head is the joystick. now pull back on the stick. what way are you looking? up push forward on the stick, and now you're looking down that's how i explain to people who think its 'weird' to play with inverted y axis


The funny thing is the X axis should do the same, right? But left is left and right is right! I’ve been inverted Y since Goldeneye. Played Breath of the Wild when it came out. Recently played Tears of the Kingdom and for some random reason after I finished it and went back to Halo Infinite I had to switch my X axis to inverted! The third person of TotK somehow messed with my brain and I couldn’t do first person shooters anymore without inverting both axis’s 🤷🏻‍♂️


When I look up I tilt my head back, when I look left I turn my head to the left, I don’t move the back of my head to the right.


Turn your head to the left absolutely does move the back of your head to the right and vice versa


They’re not saying the back of their head doesn’t go right. They’re saying that the mental mechanism for looking left is “look left” and not “I will turn the back of my head to the right.” In contrast, when I look up, I very much mentally “pitch my head back.” That’s not a side-effect or a consequence of my decision to look up, it’s the primary mechanism by which I achieve my goal. It’s a statement of mental model, not a statement of physical fact.


That seems super unintuitive for me. Its not the head you are controlling, it's where you are looking. You don't shift your focus up when you want to look down.


Yup, for some people it’s unintuitive and for others (like me) it’s natural. This is why I’m glad we have the option.


Let your kid play and see which feels better. To simulate the yoke from an aircraft and give it a more realistic feel, inverted y is the way. My mind can't comprehend standard y to be honest. I can get pushing a c-up button to look up, but if it's on the joystick, inverted all the way


Personal preference, really. Nobody shames you for your preferred method. Non-inverted makes perfect sense, but when I try it, I'm useless. Started with inverted back in '95 with MS Flight Simulator and later played a lot of MechWarrior II (MS Sidewinder Pro ftw). I've been passionate about flying since elementary school, so inverted just feels natural.


I grew up playing inverted and thought anything else was weird and I couldn't manage it But then I went like 8 months accidentally not playing any first or third person games on PC (played stuff like stardew, or genshin on my ipad) while also playing more console games on the couch..... I was struggling a lot with using a controller, I didn't grow up with consoles so I didn't have the muscle memory for it. Tried inverted and regular and everything felt uncomfortable lol Eventually when I went back to my usual games/being on the PC, I was thrown off by the settings. Suddenly, I couldn't play anything inverted at all. So....... Just go a few months not playing 3d games I guess??? Lol


I don’t think it matters as inverted Y is a setting available in all games I have played so far. I think this might have come from aviation or flying stick, joystick pointing up pushes the nose down. It’s not inherently less intuitive imo.


It was not an option in Luigi’s Mansion 3. Not sure if it’s updated with the option but the game was awful for me without that option.


That sucks. I did play Luigi's Mansion 1 but it has been years (decades... oh god), but can't remember if inverted was an option back then.


I’m not sure either. I did finish 3 but it was rough and not anywhere near as fun as it could’ve been for me


I'm pretty sure there's not a game that exists where you don't get to choose, so there's no need to force anything. Whatever feels right is always going to be an option. 


Luigi Mansion games don’t let you invert.


Yep and it’s why I had to drop it. I tried playing for like an hour to see if I could get used to the non-inverted controls but I just couldn’t. Shame cuz I was excited for it too.


I was pretty pissed when I started the game and there was no option for it. Felt like I got robbed


I started off inverted in the GoldenEye64 days, but switched to standard when Halo came about. I remember struggling for a little while, but I guess it's like looking upside down, eventually it just becomes the norm.


Ever since playing Descent with a joystick! I am the only one amongst my group of friends who plays inverted.


I converted in about 2-3 weeks. First week was brutal, constantly staring at my feet or the sky. By the end of week 3 I could walk and look around but not really aim accurately. After a few months it was very good. If you want to try, try with a game that involves more walking around and not so much aiming and shooting. So maybe an RPG or something.


You think you're in the minority? I am in the inverted-y and inverted-x category!!!! If I can't invert the x on the right stick, the game is nigh unplayable for me.


It started with flight sims and you know it. Everyone that uses inverted y started with flight sims


I think I’m ambi-verted. Is that a thing? I just realized that some games I play standard and some I play inverted. For some reason, N64 games I play 100% inverted. But put me on a dual stick controller, like anything made in the last 24 years, and I play standard. It’s like my left hand wants to be inverted, but my right hand doesn’t. Is it just me?


wing commander III made me a life long Y inverted player. there are only a handful of games i've ever played that don't let you switch. after 30+ years of gaming if i run across one that has no option to invert the Y i literally just won't play it cause i can't change that muscle memory. 


Inverted Y makes me dizzy, and I want to puke. I could never play with inverted Y. Or X.


i think it came originaly from planes


I have always played inverted and I see no reason not to. Who cares what the “default” setting is, just play how you feel comfortable playing. That’s why the setting exists.


Play whichever way you are most comfortable. I personally don't enjoy inverting the Y axis, but it's fairly common.


Not sure if bot account reposting or just another fool who can't think for himself. Play however is fuckin comfortable. It literally doesn't matter in gsme or in real fuckin life. Just do what makes you comfortable. Fuck me.


Grab someone's head and tilt it left and right, then forward and back and describe the buttons you're pushing and note the directions they looking for "up" and "down", and they'll instantly understand inverted Y. Keep shaking them and yelling keystrokes until they understand.


I prefer non inverted because pushing up to look up and down to look down makes sense.


It took me 3 weeks to undo years of conditioning in playing inverted. It wasn't too bad.


I never got it Like, I know it comes from the old joystick/flight sim days, but I never got why up wouldn't just be... Up. It feels counterintuitive in any situation where I'm not literally flying a plane in-game.


It's not just because flight controls. It also because if the joystick was your neck with your head on top of it, which way would you move it to look up?


It couldn't possibly matter any less