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Not a game but impulse purchased a theme for ps4 Home Screen. It was a piece of corn being rotated over an open flame with a mesmerizing smooth jazz loop. Every 10-15 seconds it would get brushed with butter. Best $2.99 I ever spent.


I’m going to buy this if it still exist


This the one. Song is burned in my brain in all the right ways lol. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PorPpsIqwew


My best impulse game purchase was "Hades." I picked it up during a sale without much thought, and it turned out to be one of the most engaging and well-designed games I've ever played


I was going to say hades too. I just saw hades 2 go into EA a couple of days ago and immediately bought it as well.


Every time I see this game come up I think how Jeff Kaplan quoted hades in his goodbye letter.. well he actually quotes overwatch which I think quotes hades (the play) … and I always want there to be some deeper meaning to it but im not sure there is.


same! I bought hades (on a whim) and control (which I was extremely excited about) at the same time, and I couldn’t even think about playing control until I’d 100%’d hades. I’ve bought it for two other platforms since then. such a good game.


Jim Sterling had mentioned Hades several times, and I didn't buy it but my brothers were asking if there were any good games on sale on the Switch eshop. I saw Hades and said I'd heard it was pretty good. After seeing them play for about 10 minutes, I bought it on Steam then bought it again on Switch when they added cross-save compatibility so we could play together when I visited.


Bought dredge just based off vibes. Loved and platinumed it


What's dredge


It’s a fishing horror game sorta. You can just google “dredge game” and see some reviews or trailers


Cthulhu-inspired indy horror game about being captain of a fishing trawler.


Helldivers 2. Best coop game my friends and I have played in years


I never play online games, more of a single player action adventure guy. My friend told me to get this and I rolled my eyes at first. Couple other friends bought it so figured why not. Now I get annoyed when I have plans stopping me from spreading democracy with my friends every night. So much fun


It's probably the best one ever made in history


Different vibe and gameplay loop, but L4D2 is my pick, nothing beats that masterpiece in terms of quality and longevity. If we ever get a true L4D3 I think I'd cry


God back 4 blood dissapoonted me so much, I wish the versus mode was so much better. Even the regular coop mode just felt… off to me and my friends. It didnt feel right


My theory is the weight of the Horde was way too light, meaning the actual physics engine was just not satisfying like the OG. If you look at runners getting shot in L4D2, they conserve thier momentum and ragdoll forward which always felt fucking awesome. Back 4 Blood had no weight, they just died in place and crumpled over, way less satisfying once you see it. When that's like, 90% of the gameplay loop, it's a big deal


I think the general health and tankiness had a huge effect on the satisfaction of mowing down a horder, combine both problems and the gameplay loop is not satisfying


Back 4 blood was good, but it's like Suicide Squad. It's so unremarkably mid that it just doesn't feel right. Like the gunplay is OK, the enemy variants are ok, the cards are OK, the maps are ok. But that's not viable anymore.


I absolutely loved L4D games but longevity isn’t a word I’d ever use to describe them.


It's still populated on PC to this day, and the modding scene is insane, so idk I feel it's kept its legendary status. I mean, just look at Back 4 Blood. It was super hyped, and still, it couldn't capture the magic of L4D2 at all. Real ones know the GOAT lmao


Ya I dunno what this guy's talking about. L4D2 has outlived every game that's tried to compete with it so far.


Back for blood has 1000 people playing it right now Left 4 dead 2 has 14,000 The games nearing on 20 years and it's outlived every game in the genre that tried to replace it. That's the definition of longevity


Grim Dawn. As a Titan Quest fan, I bought GD without a second thought and haven't regretted it at all. It was the same with the DLC for GD. To this day I sometimes go back to it no matter how many ARPGs come out now.


Grim Dawn is great. Amazing they still update the game and even a new expansion is suppose to come out this year


Yeah, and the interesting thing is that they said there would be no more DLC, and then they surprised me with this news ))


What's titan quest


Like Diablo but with greek mythology.




Absolutely one of the dopest RPGs ever, I love games that just throw you in the fire and say "swim" We're slowly approaching Kenshi 2, I can't wait! Beep


Mythic Ocean, I love the ocean and it looked cute, but I was NOT expecting the style of gameplay or how in-depth it would be. It’s been about three years and I still haven’t gotten all the endings XD


the box art and a cheap promo price made me buy Dragon Quest 8 and it pulled me out of a depressive episode, what a game!!


Cor blimey dude I have a tattoo of yangus and love dq8 to death


hell yeah Ricky Grover... incredible leftfield casting!


The Talos Principle 1. Bought it back in 2015 for reasons I don't know. Never heard about the game prior to that and had no idea what to expect. Ended up being one of my favorite games of all time to this day


What type of gameplay is it?


It's a puzzle game wrapped around a philosophical theme. Imo much better than Portal


Dave the diver. A good friend of mine, who has similar tastes in games, suggested it.


Blizzard games was an automatic buy before. Now, it’s an automatic pass.


Yes pass until they fix stuff


Dragon Age: Origins. Just walked through a gamestop 15 years ago and thought the cover looked nice. Played it at least 5 times


judged the game by its cover - paid off! I used to judge videos by their covers in the rental shop passed up a few classics that way until I watched them


Impulse purchased Dishonored last year after never playing it all these years. What a game!


Dave the diver popped up on steam, never heard about it and suddenly: FULL RELEASE BUY NOW. Check out the gameplay on YT, bought it 3 min later.


Cyberpunk pre order, dont think ive pre ordered anything before, or bought a new pc just to play it Probably all the deus ex games apart from the first one


Cult of the Lamb, got it on sale without knowing much about it and absolutely loved it. Definitely plan on replaying at some point since there’s been some updates but it was a very nice surprise


A very long time ago, I went to GameStop intending to buy Madden 05 and Morrowind for my new Xbox. But when I arrived, they had a Buy 2, Get 1 Free deal going. So I picked up Knights of the Old Republic as well. Never regretted it. Amazing game.


Recently, Another Crabs Treasure. I saw a short of it on YouTube, realized it came out a few days prior and immediately bought it. I love the game so much.


Well as a kid my mom brought the fam to the mall and she suddenly gets a burst of generosity and said "you wanna pick out a game?" I speedy-gonzalez'd my way to the close by EB and fast-bought **super metroid** with having no knowledge of it outside of that box art looked cool as hell. Upon playing it, I felt like I made the best clutch-last-minute choice I possibly could have. Hell it's one of 2 snes carts I still have: Super Metroid and Turtles in Time. Never could part with those.


Insane game


Last one was Unicorn Overlord. Favorite was 100% Mass Effect 1


I bought Days Gone as soon as I discovered it, at full price. No regrets.


I'd just spent a few weeks playing Roller Coaster Tycoon, and thought Factorio looked cool


Granblue fantasy relink. I bought this game full price on release day while knowing barely anything about it and that was one of the best decisions i ever did


Battlefield 1, imho one of the best battlefield games




Name now


Gotta be 20xx. Saw that it resembled Mega Man X and I loved those games as a kid, ended up putting a few thousand hours into the 20xx/30xx series with a bud of mine.


I bought an old reanimator deck from mtg that was mislabeled as 40 bucks and it was on eBay only at that time for 80 I was new and still just cracked that shit right open but it was an awesome deck


Dunno if it counts as a impulse purchase. But I insta bought the judgment collection when it shadow dropped on steam (it was a console exclusive which was said that it will probably not come to PC due to the firm the actor belonged to).


Golf Story on Switch. Had never heard of it before and saw it on sale for under $5. Such a fun and charming little golf rpg


Most applicable to this is my blind purchase of Earth Defense Force for xbox360. Just a silly cheap little shoot'em up that is hard af. After that the impulse was Animal Well because someone commented about it and everyone else was in on the meme.


You like animal well? Looks like a shitty flash game to me


Nah it's vibes. It also came on on May 9th. Wonderful puzzle elements, fantastic sound design, tight platforming parts, and deceptively large.


Picked up the original 2007 Witcher game because it was accidentally marked WAY down in the store (thought it was just a sale rather than a price mistake). Pretty sure they next thing I did after playing was follow all of the fan translations of the books and scan the news for sequel announcements. Now look at where we are.


MOST of my elder scrolls online mount and style purchases. Really made my headcannon oc nearly perfect 


I bought **Risk of Rain 2** instantly when i saw it in the store on Steam because i sunk so much time into the 1st one and had seen it had Co op. Best 30 bucks i ever spent i swear.


Hades and Hades 2 Best purchases ever!


Deep cut but a super niche indie FPS Adventure called Northern Journey. One dude made it in 4 years, and although it's a little rough around the edges, it's still one of the most unique games I've ever played. The documentary about his dev process is also fascinating. I can't recommend it enough!


I took my hard earned, lawn mowing cash to Sears with every intention of buying Mega Man X 3. They didn’t have it. My preteen brain needing instant validation of a purchase, noticed they had another game, one that looked very cool in all the magazine reviews I had seen. Went home with Chrono Trigger instead, all these years later still my favorite game of all time. Dodged a bullet too, sine X3 was… not great.


Pizza Tower: top to bottom a perfect game for me. In the genre or warioland for GBA, a genre which does not have much variety so you will get compared to Warioland at every turn. Despite that it nails all aspects: gameplay, art, music (especially  the music) length, replayability, achievements, humor etc etc etc


Raymond raving rabbits. I asked for a game that was fun to play high and got it without asking questions.


resident evil 2 remake, never played a resident evil before the remakes and purchased after seeing one gameplay video. one of my favorite series currently


Hotline Miami. Played like 15 minutes of it while at a friends place and got a copy for my switch that same night. It’s now considered my favorite game of all time.


Most of my game purchases are on impulse but I think the best two are stardew valley and ets2. Still play them regularly to this day !


Shadow Of The Colossus. I bought it during the ps2 era strickly based on the cover art. Thought it looked cool and intriguing.


I walked into gamestop and saw a ps2 game with an small anime boy with a big sword and blue hair. Never heard of the title before but figured it looked interesting. That was Disgaea: Hour of Darkness which I really ended up liking.


Diablo 3 on switch. I'd never played a Diablo game in my life. I knew of them and that my SO enjoyed them, but I just decided to get D3 on a whim one day and then played through the story over one weekend. I need to go back and start a new game. I really enjoyed the story quite a bit. It reminded me of Darksiders, which i love.


I bought Baldurs Gate 3 almost exclusively because of the whining and moaning of AAA devs about how it is a one off game and that people can't expect the same quality in other games and just generally making excuses for themselves and their garbage overpriced slop games. That said it ended up being a pretty decent purchase since i got like 260h out of it and it truly is a great game.


I saw the Deluxo (flying DeLorean) on gta5 and dropped 50 bucks on a shark card.


Prey. Didn't know anything about the game but was looking for something horrorish and absolutely loved the gameplay


Rimworld! I knew nothing and got sucked in and now I can't stop.


Mass Effect 2. Played the demo and immediately paid for the download game price.


Apotheon immediately hooked me. Dirt cheap, awesome visual style, great combat for a 2D side scroller, and unique encounters for each boss/god. Only $3 during steam sales.


Baldur's Gate 3. Only CRPGs I've played were KOTOR and DA. Someone said it's medieval New Vegas in a comment chain and I instantly bought it off of that and 240 hours later I'm still playing


Any games coming from Fromsoft and it was blessed by Miyazaki.


Hi-fi rush. Was craving for more rhythm games at the time and saw it on my steam front page. Figured I’d give it a try just from screenshots alone and I also loved DMC games too. Felt like a child again in ages. Best buy ever.


To bad Microsoft closed the studio of this game and they where ready to start work on 2


Funnily enough Hot Wheels Unleashed. I had gotten a gift card and saw it was on sale. Had a ton of fun with that game and still boot it every now and then. No DLC just racing ai for fun


I recently bought "Balatro". It takes an hour to fully understand, but it is a very cool puzzle/roguelite/card game which puts a spin on poker. Very recommendable.


Hear me out (might sound stupid), i was a fat lazy boy sitting at my house in 2022 summer and idk what to play, i have seen that fifa 22 is free in ps plus and downloaded it cuz why not, i started playing it a lot and i got so much in football which before i hated football but i fell in love with it cuz i played fifa 22 and i grinded it so much then started playing football in real life, got into a friend group of like 20 ppl and we were playing football daily for like 10 hours and i got much skinnier, i have found my talent (playing football) and became one of the best football players at my school. Not the best game but the best life change.


Recently, it was INFRA. I was following a feed showing screenshots of various Source engine games, I had already bought a few I saw there which turned out to be janky walking simulators, so I wasn't expecting much. But INFRA was so much more. For once I felt like puzzles in a game world had meaning. And for some reason I love when games feature fake brands or in-game computers to play with.


Ncaa 25 this summer lol