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"There aren't any microtransactions." "Any paid DLCs will be cosmetic only." Which one is it?


theres a season pass


So...there are micro transactions.


Yes, exactly šŸ˜…


No. Season pass is just a fancy way to say ALL expansions combined. If they add 2 more story missions and such - it will be sold separately or be included in the season pass. Which is Gold edition. MTX is selling fancies to weak and vulnerable people and whales.


All gameplay content and features are free to all players, so it isn't expansions we're talking about, unless that's another lie.


If they will add another campaign for like 10 hours - that's included in Season pass. You pay for it with the Gold edition of the game. Which is exactly what they are saying. Battle pass is the FOMO crap people are tired from. The only game with a good Battle Pass I know is Deep Rock Galactic. Helldivers 2 is close to it (but Arrowhead needs to rework their policy about buffs/nerfs).


"All gameplay content and features will be free to all players."


Nowadays a lot of people seem to confuse season pass with battle pass.


They are probably regular transactions like you would buy a dlc, and not in-game transactions. Probably having its own steam page, something like Ark's HD texture pack which you can download separately


As season pass also sort implies content DLCs as well so I guess the article shown is just.... Not true?


Do we count DLCs as micro transactions? I would define micro transactions as having dozens of small purchases available concurrently while DLCs are occasional


The problem is that MTX used to be like $2 for some cosmetic armor. Now it's $20 for some character/weapon skins.


I mean they call it cosmetic dlc...that's what mtx usually is All they did was change what they're calling it.


Cosmetic only is the name of the new over powered one hit kill bolter


There is a rotating shop that you not only have to pay for but also grind for that extra feeling of pride and accomplishment aka Season Pass


Games workshop IP and not riping costimers off just doesn't fit together


they will sell you skins for extra $$


All the models come untextured and you either have to spend hundreds of hours to texture them yourself or pay a premium for pre-textured models.


Eh, whatever. I also have to pay extra for extra fries with my meal if I want em


Would you like graphics with that game, sir? How about some working voice lines for just a small upcharge?


If a game doesn't come with graphics that's on you for buying it lol


Exactly. So what kind of ā€œmealā€ are you buying without fries? Iā€™m showing you the logical fallacy and the importance of communication when it comes to saying ā€œAll content will be freeā€ and ā€œDLC Includedā€.


Are you illiterate? Extra fries are fries on top of the ones that come with the meal lmao


Then your example makes even less senseā€¦ go ahead and buy the game multiple times if you want I guess? Edit to add: In your example, the entire meal is the entire video game, right? So yes, you can buy extra fries with a meal, but per your example that would then be like buying a specific part of the game twice. Or rather, micro transactions. The game is the meal. If you want to buy more meals, more full games, you do that. By piecing up the game into parts like your example, it would be paid DLC. Which goes against their first sentence they claimed of all content being included.


It's not buying a specific part of the game twice lmao, it's buying an additional thing that's not within the base game. Your meal comes with a burger, fries, and coke, getting a milkshake on the side isn't something already within the meal.Ā  Ā The separation between DLC and MTX is subjective, but personally mtx is repeatable purchases like energy to continue playing a game or lootboxes. Skins and other permanent 1-off purchases are DLC


I agree that DLC are one-off purchases. I think you and I agree on what is MTX and that it is not DLC. Itā€™s just the way they worded their post makes their claim an oxymoron. Semantics matter, especially when it involves a transactional agreement. So while we all understand what they meant, they need a communications director to overlook what they say to stay out of trouble and make false claims.


Likw holy fuck I adore Warhammer Gladius and battlesectoe but the dlc. Specially for Gladius is a robbery you don't even have the full base factions unlucked


"Any paid DLCs will be cosmetic only" That's not good either


Yeah, it might end up being "you know that Salamander Marine you saw in the trailer? Yeah, to be a part of his chapter, you have to give us $10".


thats how it was for the last game for some chapters, either that or you had to pre order from specific places Blood Ravens popping up was amusing


You should've only unlocked the Blood Ravens on a Pirated copy


But hey, at least no ingame currency right?


DLC's with cosmetic only = no new content post release. I'm not so sure that's a brag they want to make lol Rimworld DLC's add entire new chapters and play mechanics, and nobody considers them microtransactions.


They said all **paid** dlc will be cosmetic only. That doesn't mean no new content. How it actually plays out is tbd.


I'd rather paid DLC with content personally. Simply because it incentivizes even further development of a game I like.


Warhammer and not ripping off its userbase don't go hand in hand, bud.


Not like it matters. If anyone is used to getting milked, it is 40K fans. The paperback books will be hundreds of bucks.


Each pulp paperback is like Ā£5 max 2nd hand. Just there happens to be scores of them.


Tbh I don't even like full price games with cosmetic only microtransactions, because imo cosmetic rewards add a lot to my enjoyment with a game. Kinda used to old and thankfully some new games that offer you the actual full experience after buying the game. Don't really know too much about space marine 2 but it's understandable if they plan to add a lot of future development otherwise it's mediocre.


Every time a company claims something like this, they seem to go back on it. I'm reminded of when Tekken's director said that legacy characters would never be paid DLC, only for it to happen later that year.


Not the first game that weasled in microtransactions after initial review wave was done. Those games said exact same thing at the start.


Yeah like Dragon's Dogma 2 which posted a ton of MTXs on launch day that reviewers either weren't told about or straight up had an embargo preventing them from talking on it.


Lol, that will change right before or after launch. Donā€™t kid yourself.


The new skulls game got like 4 price tiers and a battle pass and everything. So fucking lame


"There won't be any microtransactions, only macrotranscations which consist of cosmetics and a season pass."


idk i'm waiting to see, "no microtransactions" might be a marketing thing


Can we stop upvoting braindead posts? Thank you.


If you're so mad about them you can scroll over them, not click them and then post in them. Seems more braindead to me to do that


Nah, the state of the world is at it is because BS doesnā€™t get called out enough.


This is not the W you think it is. ffs


It is better than a lot of garbage we got. I'm still not a fan of it, I mean look at infinite but it's better than worse


Cosmetic only DLC is not necessarily the right way to go. Sure don't charge us for crap like lootboxes and pay to win gear but don't let that stop you putting out genuine quality paid additional content. If they want to put out additional single player campaign content on par with say games like The Witcher 3 then by all means charge us for that


Expansions aren't in vogue, dear.


Because Warhammer fans are so well known for being in vogue, right?


I'll just wait a few years until I can get everything they release for the game for Ā£5 in a Steam Sale


P2W is disgusting but the only saving grace of it is that I'm pretty much weaned off online games these days as I can't be bothered to investigate what is good and what isn't along with all the grinding.


sounds like what warframe does and if its like that I dont really care since theres no paywalls completing anything or pay2win weapons of any kind.


It gives me less hope. In a game like league, it's simple, it's competitive, and the players are the content, I wouldn't expect to pay for new content. In something like this, I want to pay for new content. I don't want 2 weeks of content and then a trickle of a new map every 6 months, a new hero a decade, and a season pass to keep me repeating the same thing for 3 months.


As much as I'm hyped for this game I still won't pre order it despite all the trailers have me convinced it will be an amazing game.


If the game is good I am happy to pay for expansions/DLCs that bring new weapons, enemy types, locations, mission types, etc.


Blame horse armor


But surely they'll be fulfilling their DEI quota?


Too bad the game will be mediocre Warhammer shite


Great, now when will it be out? I can't wait to play this game but I feel the release date and info have been cryptic.


September 9th