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It has its problems but it obviously reaches its target audience. If it gets updates consistently I’ll keep playing it


I've become cynical with these multiplayer shooters. You just know that eventually the game's balance is gonna be out of whack. Or it's gonna be riddled with cheaters or stuffed with egregious microtransaction. Since it's published by Ubi you just know one of those is gonna be true.


Just one? Nah, in a month when the player base starts to decline, I’m sure we’ll see all of them


Modern multiplayer gaming is cursed man. There is no "you either die a hero" just "how long is it gonna take until you become the villain"


Investors and shareholders saw how profitable the gaming industry can be (Fortnite boom) and as a result the industry is now full of corporate uninspired half assed GAAS. It’s not just a gaming industry problem though, that short-sighted greed has infected much of corporate America. Though that’s a different rant for a different subreddit. I’m just glad that indie devs are still putting their hearts and souls into passion projects. Project Zomboid, for an example, hasn’t had an update for a few years because they’re in the kitchen -taking their time to do things right- and cooking.


You're right, wall street guys and finance bros didn't just ruin gaming, it's also movies, TV shows, sports, you name it. A product of unrestrained capitalism. Indie and AA gaming has never felt so important, the industry is in much more need for smaller studios to find success for the health of the industry. The AAA sphere is just a house of cards right now


But when indie and AA make multi-player FPS they die quick because they can't update them fast enough.


Bizbros are the most dangerous cancer our society faces. All of the culture war bullshit pales in comparison to the danger these people do to society.


even if investors weren't a thing in our world there's nothing we can do against modern cheaters. multiplayer games are for them


The battle of devs and cheaters is ever ongoing. All it takes is for one vulnerability to be found before a game is infested.


security has to be right about thousands of things, hackers only need to be right one single time


If they want to be successful like Fortnite, make an actual fucking business model like Fortnite. Make a game that's so fun and engaging people will pay for solely cosmetics


But coming up with original twists/ideas and actually going through a full development cycle is soooooo expensive and time consuming. “Let’s just cut the entire QA department because gamers think buggy jank-ass games have ‘charm’, the art team doesn’t need so many people, and let’s contract most of the actual gameplay development because it’s cheaper than providing benefits... also we want a playable demo in a year, doesn’t matter if it’s unfinished just slap EA on it and ship it so we can get returns on it faster….Why isn’t anyone playing our game???”


A lot of new games like you’re taking about I feel try to reinvent the wheel, when only a few changes from a different game or formula is all that’s needed to make it different enough and would make some people join its player base. I like xDefiant a lot right now because it feels really similar to CoD’s from the early 2010’s without any weird gimmicks


Nah mark on Twitter said they are releasing updates every month new maps and weapons!


Followed by the casual players leaving when the sweats complain enough to cause a "meta" of how to play, beating the meta horse to death and complaining about everything against their play style. Further pushing casual players out of the game and then calling it a "dead game" when 50,000 people play it daily. Exacerbated by so much bitching that every "meta" gets nerfed and everything plays the same. Then drop a bunch of limited time skins no one wanted and refuse to update the game other then appeasing the loudest and most vocal crowd of sweats. I might be talking about another game, this ones future, or twenty, we'll never know


As someone who has played a lot of Siege (Ubi’s main shooter), I’d wager all of these will end up true, as this is how it is with Siege: They’re still using BattlEye for anti-cheat, so basically no anti-cheat. Ubi *hates* banning cheaters, as they’d rather leave them in hopes that they’ll spend money on the game. So unless they’re being super egregious with their cheats (running through the map while spinning and headshotting everyone) they won’t be banned. Ubi has gotten worse and worse with pricing on cosmetics and their battle pass, with a battle pass that’s typically pretty shit with what’s in it, as well as does not give enough currency to get the next one (50% return). Game balance is harder to land on since there’s more factors with that, but Ubi has put out some truly broken ops in recent years for Siege, as well as have avoided actually solving or addressing anything. Then as a final thing, Ubi is *slow* when it comes to updating things. Unless it’s a bug that costs them money they will drag their feet on fixing it.


The game is way unbalanced at the moment but it’s fun enough.


I wasnt interested in it at all because I thought it would flop. Now that I know it will not be shut down in 6 months, I am interested. Tired of a new CoD every single year. I want something like CoD but more permanent. Something I will play off and on for years.


As someone who enjoyed Valorant and (less-so) Halo: Infinite for a hot minute each, is this one worth a shot?


Yea I think it’s worth a shot, and it’s free, so if you find it boring you just delete without worry


Que the nonstop it’s Ubisoft so it must suck comments spamming this post.


What are the problems?


Hit detection issues.


Fun game, ttk is a bit out of wack for me, but it was pretty fun to snipe and traverse the maps.


Yeah I’ve enjoyed it. Reminds me of old school CoD gunplay and UI with some elements of Overwatch or Rogue Company baked into the gameplay itself. Not the type of game I see myself being able to play for extended periods but seems fun for quick sessions


It's basically original Black Ops era COD, with faster movement and some light hero shooter elements. The interesting thing is that it's kind of got a smash bros type of thing going on with using various Ubisoft franchises for its factions. That gives it some potential to stand out if Ubisoft leans into that.


I find it extremely similar to Black Ops 3 and 4. Movement, gunplay, and abilities are very BO4 like, with some of the abilities being a mix between the 2 games. For example, Echelon is basically either Recon or Spectre and the Cleaners are Firebreak. I like it though and find the game entertaining and it scratches the COD itch for me well enough for now since I’ve lost interest in COD


I think it feels like a mix of Black Ops 3 and Black Ops 2. It has the specialists and movement (minus jetpacks) of BO3 but everything else feels like BO2. Which is a W in my estimation because that was the best era of COD. Outside of the original Modern Warfare I only ever liked Treyarch CODs and even Treyarch has fallen off since then so this is probably the closest we'll ever see to peak Treyarch ever again.


Wholeheartedly agree


It feels like if Black Ops 4 was made in the Cold War engine.


Haven’t played this but hope the devs learned from battlebits failures…


What happened to it


It was like old battlefield and everyone loved it. Then they adjusted stuff that catered to sweats and were just bad about balancing. It’s like they listened but maybe they shouldn’t have or maybe they listened to the wrong group. It was going to bleed players no matter what but it became a spiral of casuals leaving and then lobbies being more sweaty speed builds with smgs and so more casuals leave. I could be off on some of that. I was one of the casuals that left. I loved when it played like old battlefield mixed with some crazy meme standoffs where it turned into a meat grinder mini game. It was the closest I’ve ever felt to battlefield 1942 (with modern stuff) when it first came out.


Exactly the same behaviour that's kept PlanetSide 2 down for an entire decade.


Sweats ruin every multiplayer game. They actively encourage developers to keep "cheese strats" that require high degrees of accuracy and skill while constantly trying to get the devs to balance the game around a high skill, high intensity environment.  And then they wonder why the casuals that only play 5-10 hours a week start bailing.


I loved watching it on YouTube tbh and wondered why it just disappeared


People got sick of vehicles for the most part. Just like every other Battlefield. Helicopters and tanks just dominated the games.


This is why I liked bf1942 I think. No heli, planes dropped glide bombs, no missiles, you couldn’t do much against planes but they also had to go pretty low to hit you, tanks were beasts but you had limited tanks and engineer class could destroy them. The maps with the carrier ships were godly.




I think you're feeling the lower aim assist more than the actual time to kill. The bullets are just harder to hit without a really good shot. People think Black ops 2 had a high TTK, but it was actually due to the aim assist and netcode, which are both issues here as well. The time to kill is higher than some previous Call of duty games, but it's really not much out of line when you actually hit good shots.


It's absolutely the lower aim assist. You can actually tell that people are human in this game and miss some shots.


What's wrong with the TTK. Deciding if I should give it a try or not. Probably will anyway but just wondering.


I got a email from Ubisoft about it, "No pay-to-win No lootboxes All gameplay content unlockable for free No skill-based matchmaking 14 maps, 24 weapons and 44 attachments available at launch A PACKED Year 1 Roadmap" Sounded good, probably gonna check it out


The only way to unlock the mdr is through the battle pass if I'm not wrong. Edit: I was wrong :)


It's in the free tier.


Oh whew okay. Thanks!




doesnt the pass cost money?


Yes. It's $7 in the US at least


Yeah, but it's not gameplay content, it's just cosmetics. Some variant skins for characters, some alternate colors for guns, maybe a couple of weapon skins that aren't just a new coat of paint. I think the "boosters" in it are only boosters for the pass itself, not general XP (which you need to unlock all the attachments for your weapons and other weapon options), so still wouldn't count even in the most broadest terms as "gameplay content." So yeah, cosmetic battle pass costs money, and other cosmetics cost money (some of them are downright silly prices that seem to take inspiration from OW2), but the only gameplay related thing I've seen you can spend money on is instantly unlocking the fifth "faction," which you can earn through grinding out XP in the game anyway. (It takes 700,000 XP to unlock them. To put that in perspective, it looks like completing a game is 2K, winning is 2K, and the couple matches I played it looked like roughly 3-5K earned for gameplay. Meaning you're looking at playing a LOT of matches to get that unlock for free.)


"No skill-based matchmaking"? Don't understand how that's a good thing. Don't you want a pvp game to have good matchmaking?


Sweatlords don't want to play against other sweatlords, they want to destroy noobs which is why they hate sbmm. I personally think most games swing too fast on sbmm which is where the problem comes from. Do great 2 matches in a row? Congrats, all of your opponents are now semi pro


I remember playing Modern Warfare 2 in 2023, I’m just kinda okay at CoD, but I had 2 really good matches in a row, then immediately got thrown into a game against level 700s who played like they were in an esports tournament. SBMM can be extremely annoying to casual players like myself.


sbmm is notoriously easy to manipulate and really hard to properly implement


Imagine playing a game where the better you got, the more you lost, while the worse you are, the more you win. That is what skill based matchmaking does, and it's even worse with "engagement optimized matchmaking". It ruins a countless number of otherwise good games, along with aim assist.


It’s a free to play game that came out a few days ago. Of course the numbers are going to look good. Give it a few months and we’ll see if it’s successful.


Bunch of streamers are having ads for it so that will drive number up too


Yeah even CohhCarnage had a sponsored hour and he's definitely not known for being a shooty game enjoyer. They must be paying well.


It definitely just seems like the streamer game of the moment. You guys both made great points & I would be surprised if this game is still around next year. No hate to anyone if they enjoy playing it!


That said, 300k concurrent players ls a strong result whether it's f2p and promoted or not. I am pretty sure the majority opinion on gaming reddit was that this game was going to be dead on arrival and it is not.


Remember back4blood? Neither do I.


Does anyone else think *"Xdefiant"* is a stupid fucking name for a game? It's a 90's sounding kind of lame.


PUBG would like a word.


I think it was fine until they officially named it PUBG: Battlegrounds


Probably because otherwise it would be PU: Battlegrounds. If I give it the school yard test, that could translate to the Poo Battlegrounds or Pee Yew Battlegrounds.


To this day I cannot fathom how nobody at PlayerUnknown figured out that just "Battlegrounds" rolls right off the tongue.


They should have called it PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds: Battlegrounds for Unknown Players


The players don't know. They can't know. Keep the battlegrounds secret. Keep them safe.


PUBG atleast turned out to be a good acronym name. Though PUBG: Battlegrounds is stupid lmao. XDefiant sounds like a porn site.


> XDefiant sounds like a porn site. XDefiant sounds like a straight edge hardcore band I would've listened to in high school


XDefiant sounds like an r/nofap support group


I always see the XD as a face to. And x defiant (ex defiant?) makes no sense to me. Is a defiant a term used in game?,


CRSED FOAD has to be the worst name of all time




Crazy that a random MLG player from 2006 got a game named after him.


I mean, one of the main guys behind the game is about as literally an “MLG player from 2006” as you can get. His name is Aches, he was a pro Call of Duty player basically from pro CoD’s inception.


I initially, just from the title, thought the game was like a simulator of sorts. Air or space.


It sounds like the title of a freeware game bundled with an arcane Linux distribution


Wanna hear an even worse name for it? ***TOM CLANCY'S XDefiant***


A Ubisoft Original


Thats almost what the game was basically going to be too. Originally it was just Tom Clancy games, then they decided to change it to a big Ubisoft Crossover with Tom Clancy games, Far Cry, Watch Dogs, and presumably more in the future. I bet Assassins Creed gets added with their own Faction around the time AC Shadows releases, only question is will it be Assassins or Templars


XSquad has entered the chat


Even just Defiant would have been better. The X added on just makes me cringe a bit lol


And if you shorten it you get “XD” which I just simply refuse to type anymore. It’s just not happening.


Every name is stupid until it's not. I remember thinking Fortnite was a stupid sounding name but now everyone knows what Fortnite is.


Because Fortnite was literally a game about building Forts and surviving the night.


Yep, people always forget the game was basically a "dead" horde based survival game before they added the BR mode after H1Z1 got popular


It was after pubg not h1z1. [H1z1 was much smaller then pubg](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=Pubg,H1Z1&hl=en-GB) at there peaks. People seem to put a lot more weight on z1 nowadays than it’s really deserves considering it was extremely niche compared with fortnite or pubg


I genuinely assumed it was more that you needed to survive two weeks


Seems appropriate. It's a game about defying Elon Musk correct?


They called third echelon spies "Super spies" which sounds like a 90s Disney kids movie where two little shots overthrow a major intelligence agency.


It sounds like a space ship shooter to me…


Just wait until you hear about riots upcoming fighting game 2XKO


I mean, fortnite, albeit spelled differently, once meant 2 weeks, now 99% of people asked will say "the game?".


Yeah. Gotta be awful for the marketing team to deal with.


I don’t know much about the game but I just assumed the X was used for “cross” since it has characters across their different games lol


It sounds like 90s software you’d use to voice chat while playing Starsiege Tribes or Quake 3 Arena. It’s an awful name. I seriously thought it was some non-game software.


I know the name itself isn't french, but maybe it sounds cooler in french? Kind of like how a lot of Japanese titles sound corny in English but are cool in Japanese.


Stupid title for a stupid game


So many game names sound so cringe when you think about them too hard.


This shouldn’t be that surprising when it’s a free game and the landscape for this kind of game is pretty barren right now.


Yeah pretty much. My mates and I have somehow ended up on OW2 since it's so barren ATM and Ow can be as dumb or as intense as you like. I'm actually surprised one of us hasn't suggested this tbh


Yeah, there's a real lack of Call of Duty type games. Plenty of CoD players want to leave CoD but there's nothing else, until now.


I thought it was pretty neat. I like that matches are pretty quick so you can hop in for a match or two whenever.


By all regards, it's a perfectly fine game. The combat itself hails back to 2010s era CoD, it's fast, and it doesn't lag like hell. It's more or less what people have wanted and it doesn't come with the smell of Activision on it (tho you're getting Ubi instead, so more of a trade really). The downsides IMO are that the netcode is pretty bad, and the faction powers wildly vary in power. Still don't understand why devs keep thinking wallhacks, even temporary, are a good idea. But as long as the player numbers stay fair there's a chance this could be a decent F2P alternative.


It’s unexpectedly good and a solid competitor to COD. There’s really not many other fps shooters that are this fast, military-themed and 6v6 small maps. Reminds me of old-school COD. I’m in.


Is it good?


It’s very hit or miss. Some of my friends hate it, some of them love. I like it quite a bit. If you long for the days of 2010-2014 cods, that’s what this is essentially. If that’s not your thing, then the game isn’t for you


I don't know how you compare this trash to black ops but you do you. It's literally cod with abilities but worse in every single way. Servers, hit detection, guns, animations, graphics, sound, movement.


One character goes invisible and has an ult that is literally just wall hacks. That and the giant light effect from battlefield on snipers is fucking stupid. More Ubislop I'll be ignoring.


Some people love it, some people hate it, others think it’s just ok.




It's basically old school COD with faster movement and some hero shooter elements. And free to play. If you liked old COD games you'll probably enjoy it.


2003 old school or 2007 old school?


Black Ops era. So 2010ish.


It’s ok. The gun play is fun and maps are good but it doesn’t feel amazing.


Haven't played it now at launch but I enjoyed the beta. Feels like an older CoD title.


Not really but it's free so just check it out for yourself. You might like it.




At its core it has the potential to be great. I'd recommend staying away from the community though.


put it on steam and maybe i’ll try it


If it was on steam they’d make you launch it through Ubisoft Connect anyways.


Which is annoying as fuck. Had so many issues grouping with friends in Wildlands cause we didn't first open ubisoft connect before launching through steam or some weird shit like that


At least then we could see the 300,000 concurrent players instead of taking ubisoft insiders word for it.


Same. Miss me with that UbiConnect shit.


*laughs in Ubisoft*


My biggest issue with this game was I can unload an entire M4A1 or MP5 on the enemy aim for center mass or head but i take 3 shots to die


Ubisoft will find a way to kill in within 6 months. It still has “new game” hype…wait for all the cheaters to get in and run everybody else out while Ubisoft sits back and does nothing about it because people are still buying skins. 🤷‍♂️


Everyone saying shit like this every time it gets brought up certainly isn’t going to help. It’s like y’all *want* games to fail.


And also, I don’t want to be in the position of defending Ubisoft, but don’t they actually have a relatively good track record of supporting their games post launch? Like Siege has been going strong for nearly 10 years, they supported both Division games well after most people had dismissed them due to lackluster launches, they’ve always supported their Assassin’s Creed games with post launch story DLC even when the games were critical failures. Saying they’ll kill it kinda seems odd when they historically don’t do that.


They do. They want their brands to succeed and anyone else who tries to enter the space get nitpicked to death


Dumbass hackers already made their way in. Jump shotting 360 no scope on me bro wanted it known that they were hacking


Yee just had my first cheater earlier he went 80 and 10 2 tapping with a assault rifle He was a level 23


Could just be the net code with the way it lets you get shot through solid cover, 2 seconds after getting behind it


Sure it was an assault rifle and not the extremely strong DMR that looks similar to the default AR?


No it said assault rifle


It's a fun game. kinda like overwatch with real weapons.


Anything to avoid SBMM or EOMM Being a good player in COD sucks where bad players are protected. Now in Xdefiant, if you're good, you're good. If you were protected, go back to COD as I hate being manipulated by an algorithm that sucks the fun out of a game


How many uninstalled after 1 game is the real important stat


I haven't yet but christ is this game uninspired. It's just so generic and boring.


You call it uninspired, but it's shamelessly inspired by older FPS titles. This game isn't supposed to be some brand new groundbreaking thing, It's supposed to be exactly what everyone who actually loves the genre has been begging for for years, and I think it hit that mark


Work for Ubi and had the devs in this week for launch. Their exact words were “we didn’t set out to make something that’s never been done before, we just wanted to make something that was fun”. I think it’s just that. Reminds me of Combat Arms when I was a kid.


It’s annoying how you can barely move over things, you see people jumping up where they’d expect to be able to jump up but no. The whole thing is too on-rails if that makes sense.


Has to be. Look at The Finals or Splitgate. Every time anyone tries something new it's literally used as an argument for why it's not fun to play. Most gamers hate innovative shit because it means they have to learn something new and that's an automatic dealbreaker for them. This is exactly why COD continuously gets dumbed down more and more every entry. Accessibility is most important when it comes to these types of games.


Which is a shame, The Finals is the most fun I've had in an FPS in a long time. It does require a bit more brain-power though which is... yeah, likely why it's not as popular as CoD.


I made it two games.


That's impressive for a game that didn't launch on steam on pc


Snipers so broken, its a 1 shot kill almost every single time


Agreed, with no flinch at all either. Needs a nerf


Just played for 5h with 5 friends, haven't had this much fun with a game in a while. I don't understand what problems people are talking about. Maybe the crouch and jump spam? But that's any shooter.


I wanna like it but it's a sweatlord game


This post is literally the first time I have heard of this game. Did they do like no marketing or advertising?


Game stinks


Everyone runs the character with the free wall hacks so it sucks arse atm.. I don't know why devs think seeing people through walls is a cool idea


Not half as good as most shooters 10 years ago. Can't be bothered to lower my standards just because it's potentially better than the current dogshit alternatives. I think this is the game that retires me from competitive fps games unless they bring back killzone or actual good battlefield.


yeah yeah we'll talk again in 2 months


Haven’t played it yet cause it’s not on steam.


It’s been extremely solid so far for me. No real complaints.


The name is stupid and I cringe saying it irl, but the gameplay is clean, the maps are fun, and the shop actually feels optional and paid items don't take away from the gameplay at all So there's lots to like. I'll definitely keep following this game. Maybe it'll develop a bit on the maps because this niche of shooter has a good bit of creative freedom


The level progressions need to be much faster. I’ve played like 5 matches and still at level 1. Half the time it feels like I’m shooting marshmallows while I feel like im getting killed instantly a lot. The game doesn’t really feel rewarding not having score streaks. Winning a match is great, but scorestreaks are much more rewarding as a solo player.


It would be even higher if they released it on Steam


i tried it and I feel like the audio is terrible. I couldnt hear any footsteps at all and I have a decent headphone setup.


What are you playing on? I’m on ps5 with logi g345 and can hear all around me perfectly. Even managed to flick dudes trying to sneak up behind me. It’s not seige level but it’s good.


im on PC. all other games are fine. I hear zero footsteps on this game


Put it on steam, I ain't downloading uplay


Even if its on steam youll have to launch it through uplay lol, every ubi game on steam is like that.


Tried it. Its easy, fun enough for a free game, not a cod killer


I tried and it's not for me. On my second game I was matched against almost all level 20s that kept spawn-killing us. Ttk is too fast for the gunplay. Also the mtx prices are way too high. Let's see how many players will retain after 1 month.


Breaking News: Shiny new thing is shiny and new. From what I've seen it looks like they tried to mash together COD and Apex Legends and it didn't quite come out as polished as either of them. We'll see where it stands in a month.


Lol cod is polished? The gun mechanics in those games have been so horrible for so long now. Not to mention horrible net code


People hyping this up are the same ones that were saying The Finals was going to last.


Yup, my point exactly. Not saying this WON'T stick around...but declaring it a world-beater based off the first week of hype and newness is stupid.


It's a fun game, just needs some ability and gun balancing, and a netcode fix.


Unironic question for the masses: does quick scoping exist???


You don't have a kill cam to see if it's a quick scope but snipers are OP right now, they one shot kill and don't flinch when getting shot


OOTL: I'm not much of an arena/movement shooter guy these days. What niche is this game targeting? Is it trying to disrupt cod?


Did Ubisoft hire the guy who made the Zoo map for CSGO? To say the zoo in XDefiant looks similar would be just a bit of an understatement.


My friends mentioned it but since I'm playing on an older Xbox one, I can't play as it's optimized for series X/S instead, which is disappointing bc it's free and crossplay


I haven't been able to get in. PS5 servers are a joke.


I have it downloaded, is it good?


Watched a clip of someone spotting the entire lobby through walls. Fuck that.


They need to fix hit reg asap. Like, first thing they do. Unfortunately I doubt they ever will because it was the same in the beta. With movement as crazy as it is, not having good hit reg kills the game even though the game itself is pretty fun.


I understand and can reason with the NetCode issues, but ttk is just fine. Game plays extremely well. But boy oh boy are some of you bitches. It’s clear to see who has grown up playing cod4 and who’s grown up bouncing off walls deploying killstreaks and power ups every 3rd kill.


I've put in a few hours, did decent, but sniping ruins the fun especially the Tac 50. I feel like a playlist where you're not allowed to snipe would bring me back. As it is now, I've played games where all six opponents had M44s or Tac 50s. Sure I can peak out, kill one then watch 5 sniper rounds beam my nut sack. Escort suffers the most from this, I guess Domination, maybe Occupy as well. Haven't played any other game modes though.


Tbh, this game feels like the 30th million copy of all shooters that are and came before it.


Glad people like it, but I absolutely hated playing it. All the guns are super weak and spongy.


Its not a good game so i doubt it will have half that in about two weeks. Its not a bad game but its not a good game and i there is NO way there going to fix the problems fast enough. The Hit reg is fucking all over the place is its instant killing or bullet eating Gods. The weapon balance is poor as well some weapons feel weak others vastly to powerful.


Been playing it a bunch with friends and we can all agree that it has its issue but it's core is super strong & overall has the main thing a lot of shooters have been missing: Fun. Most insane thing to me is that the guns are unlocked primarily through challenges (damage dealt, kills, headshots etc with certain weapons) and the battlepass guns are on the free tier. Very impressed with this considering it's Ubisoft & F2P. Let's hope they keep it up (lol)


Good for them but man does it look generic.


This game just isnt good enough for anyone to pay much attention to IMO. It is free so you can try it out but your getting a worse version of a 10+year old call of duty experience with bad hit detection and no server browser. You get dumped back to the lobby to matchmake after every godamn game. Might as well be playing with bots at that point.


Haven't played XDefiant, but the footage looks somewhat CoD-like, with the twists UbiSoft put into the formula/ideas borrowed from other games. Even if it collapses overnight, I legitimately think this ought to be one canary in a coal mine for CoD proper. People WANT this type of game, and if its done right and is at the right cost, it's going to be increasingly harder for Activision/Microsoft to justify asking 70 dollars for CoD every year, and the absurdly huge file sizes it now boasts.