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1004 is worse than 1100 to me. Like an even more blatant slap to the face.


The asshole player on Price Is Right came up with that one


> The asshole player on Price Is Right came up with that one It cracks me up that everyone forgets that the order the contestants are picked matters...Its not an asshole move to bid one dollar over, its a result of your position in the bidding. It helps balance out the picked order.


I always liked when the first person guessed $1 and everyone else went *a little over* so the first person wins. 😅


I thought it was funny when you saw 1, 2, 3, 4$ all picked in a row


You mean the *winner*! /s


Part of a really unusual orchestra?


Frankly it shouldn't be legal, that's some next level rentseeking


1004 is just insulting Looking at you apex legends


Yeah they didn't even try to hide how greedy they are💀 At least 1450 would make me pretend to go "you got me!" like Walt in Breaking Bad.


Somewhere there a developer who worked on this, who is an avid gamer, who really put their heart into something that brought so many beloved characters together into the foundation for an amazing multiplatform game that could be enjoyed anywhere, everywhere and with everyone.....who was completely ignored when they said this strategy would kill the game, and who is now getting laid off for creating a game that bombs on launch.


That's the saddest part. This game is fun. Really really fun. When you are actually in a match playing the game it's amazing. It's everything that goes on between the lobbies that is abysmal.


That is pretty much accurate: Player First Games (PFG) shopped a fighting game around to various big studios and eventually settled a deal with Warner Bros. They launched the game and it was a mega success, but it quickly died due to PFG having zero knowledge how to run or market an ongoing game. They then took it offline for a year with the "beta" excuse. However, in this time its clear that WB sunk their greedy claws into the game because it has re-emerged as a monetized nightmare. It's a shame because when you look at all the animations it's clear that the devs care (like Jason having his bed snap as a move). But WB killed everything.


JFC, that 1004 gems thing is absolute scum behaviour. I mean, I know everyone does that shit but fucking round it up a little, FFS. 😂


I'm having Battlefront 2 flashbacks reading this. The only thing missing are lootboxes


What about the "sense of pride and accomplishment" Along with a follow-up reddit post that forever becomes infamous


Ain't nobody feeling pride and accomplishment from this mess...


It sounds an awful lot like they used Battlefront 2 as a checklist in every way *except* the lootboxes. They were probably scared that governments would get involved again if they tried that.


Not a bot(!)


At least that game was fun. Multivwrsus sucks


Except battle front was a game that was 60$ Multiversus is F2P, and everyone just expects "someone else" to pay for it.


There is motivation modules that work and then their is just plain greed.  The force to always have currency tied up in the platform is disgusting. 


Ive gotten about a dozen hours out of the game so far and havent spent a single penny. I have 2 actual characters unlocked that i wanted, and cycle between those 2 and the 4 weekly characters. Reddit has been blowing it out of proportion. No one is gonna play every character, maybe 3 or 4 max, and cosmetics are just that, cosmetics. I dont see the issue with dropping the occasional money on a character here or there. I will agree that 10$ a character is a steep price, i think 5$ would have been a more reasonable value. But this sub is grossly exaggerating the state of the game. The fact that i have 2 characters unlocked, no money spent, and have only about a dozen hours already shows part of OP's post is bullshit.


Nah, that’s just BS. Nobody “expects” a game to be paid for, people know that if a game is fun, and treats its community well, people will want the game to succeed, so support will come naturally. Multiversus clearly doesn’t fit the bill on multiple fronts, so nobody is willing to support it. That is what is expected, with the sheer greed on display here. Stop projecting, man. The only people who “expect” someone else to pay for something are the kind of people who become porch pirates.


All of the complaints about the game are "I cant get this stuff for free" Every single one. No one spent a penny on the game, yet they expect to be able to easily unlock stuff. Tell me in what world does that make sense? Shit, im a dozen hours into the game, without spending a penny, ganeplay is genuinely fun. No one on this sub works for free, but for some reason all feel entitled to a free Video Game, and all the content of said game. Like as if PFG is making this out of the goodness of their hearts. Its one thing if this was a game that you had to spend money up front, but you dont. You have half a dozen characters in rotation at any given time to experiment with. Additionally the "grind" for characters has been blown horribly out of proportion, im a dozen hrs and have 2 unlocked, but somehow OP claims it takes 35hrs to get a character? Weird how that works out.


It’s all about intent. The devs, by making these greedy decisions and forcing microtransactions into every inch of the game, are not intending for players to actually grind for anything, they intend to make the player pay to skip the grind. 12 hours of game time for only 2 characters is absurd, man, and thats faster than any casual player would be able to do. The problem people are having that you don’t seem to understand is that damn near half the game is locked behind paywalls, and just because It’s F2P doesn’t give the devs the right to try to drain your wallet at every corner. You look at the skins, the gems, the perks, extra lives in rifts, and the characters themselves, all of it is locked behind an excessive grind, sometimes even an impossible one, in the case of agent smith, or you can pay. Name one other well regarded game where you have to pay for everything to this extent: you’re gonna have to dig deep, because this level of greed is unacceptable to the vast majority of people. You can delude yourself into thinking that “the state of this game is fine”, and “the problem is that people are too lazy to grind”, but the reality is: nobody wants to sink dozens of hours into a game just to avoid a paywall, and the fact that doing so is the only way to get cool shit in the game, means you weren’t meant to do the grinding, you were meant to fork up the cash and fuck off. It’s not even like everything is possible to get for free either. If the only way to get cool shit in this game is to pay a price equal to a full game release, then it’s not free to play, it sounds more like free to pay if you ask me. And this paragraph doesn’t even go into the shit they took from player after the beta, only to put a paywall behind all of that, too. I don’t know about the studio behind the game, but Warner Bros does not and will never respect peoples time and passion for games. They pulled this exact same shit with suicide squad: kill the justice league, and that game died well before it even launched. I enjoyed this game in the beta, but as soon as it got large enough for Warner Bros to take notice, it was bound to end up like this. They are whale farmers through and through.


The tone-deafness is strong on this one. >all feel entitled to a free Video Game, and all the content of said game. The specific criticisms in both the post and the comments are addressing how the monetization is handled, not that it merely exists. And a game being free doesn't automatically protect it from criticisms on how it decides to make money otherwise.


Aside from characters, none of the stuff is required spending. Yet everyones complaint is "we cant unlock characters". And lets be real, everyone will only play like 2 or 3. So even that isnt really requires spending. So Reddit wants characters (the only somewhat required spending) to be free, why? Because they wanna play the game for free, not spend any money, and hope some other whale keeps it afloat. Thats entitlement. If you think 10$ is too much for a character, fine, im right there with you. I think it should be a lower cost. But to complain the game is "predatory" when you can spend hella hrs on it without dropping a penny, thats just invalid criticism. Im a dozen hrs in, no penny spent, having decent time with Batman & Rick, as well as flip flopping between the rotation characters. All w/out spending a penny on it.


I'm guessing that you also sucked off Battlefront II at launch?


Refresh my memory, was BattleFront 2 a free game? Its been a while.


No, but it had microtransactions that you didn't *need* to buy. You could unlock everything for free.


>No You just identified the key difference One was a 60$ game that locked content behind microtransactions, despite already taking 60$ of your money. The other is a free game that people are upset isnt giving them enough free stuff. You spent 0 dollars, get some content to enjoy, and can pay for more content. But somehow are upset that the free stuff has a limit.


Being F2P doesn't justify charging $210's worth of premium currency to unlock the rest of the roster, or upwards of 38 hrs of online matches to unlock one of the base cost characters


>Being F2P doesn't justify charging $210's worth of premium currency to unlock the rest of the roster, Now THAT part i agree with you. I think their rate for the characters are too expensive.


WBgames can eat a bag of dicks. Getting worst every year.


WB as a whole can do so.


Pretty sure WB is teetering on the brink of permanently ignoring everything they put out. Sucks because they have a shitload of good IP.


Thank you for the feedbacks  Just going to keep playing SSBU and hopefully in few years Nintendo releases a new one or a deluxe SSBU with improved multiplayer and new characters 


I love Smash Bros too but damn I wish there was a cross-platform alternvative. Multiversus had so much potential with how unicronically fun it is but these shitty systems killed it.


The closest thing I can think of is Rivals of Aether, which is my personal favorite platform fighter.


Funny how Smash Bros doesn't have those systems and you can ignore it and just play the game, but not Multiversus. You admit to having fun playing but let optional cosmetics deter you? Is the point of playing fun or completing battle passes? Game is free so drop the same price as Smash Bros costs and enjoy just as much.


Tell me you didn't read the post without telling me you didn't read the post.


Man, imagine if Smash charged you 10 bucks whenever you died in world of light.


Is that what the game does or is it an option you can completely ignore and play the game for free? Imagine if Smash charged you 0 bucks to play it lmao


It's made by WB Games, that should've been hint enough to avoid it at all costs. They turn everything they touch into a glorified mobile game.


They used to actually put out good stuff.


Mad Max was good (but certainly not perfect!) Middle Earth : Shadow of Mordor might be my favorite WB Games title.


Mad Max was in spite of WB games corporate meddling. They lost a year of development because the suits wanted Avalanche to make the game linear instead of open world before changing their mind after realizing open world game were more popular.


I think they also own the studio that does the Lego games and most of them are good. Hogwarts Legacy is supposedly good. Most of the Arkham games were good. Same with the Mortal Kombats.


Hogwarts Legacy and Mortal Kombat 1 were huge hits last year


As some who has spent WAY too much money on Game of Thrones: Conquest, an actual mobile game of theirs. FUCK WB GAMES.


WB Games: taking a cool idea, beating it to death, and stuffing its corpse full of shit nobody wants, as per usual.


Usually I don’t care about microtransaction since they generally don’t impact the gameplay but this is absolutely INSANE. I have no other words.


It's mad because you think would games would copy the Fortnite model of making additional purchases cosmetic-only, while offering the core gameplay for free.


This is called the Fortnite model now? I always thought of this as League / Rocket League. Guess I'm oldge.


That's the old model, it way predates fortnite


I tried playing it yesterday. I had fun and you can ignore all the stuff that costs money and get a pretty good game for free. It is an ugly system but that's to be expected with free to play. I wish they would have just made it a full game and charged full price. But its also nice to play a casual game for free and just ignore all the stuff that costs money. 3 or 4 characters available at a time is fine for some quick couch multiplayer fun. There is no other good smash bros style option on Playstation I know of other than Towerfall.


Is this a free 2 play game?


Yea, its F2P, no one wants to spend money, but reddit demands everything be unlocked for them ... While refusing to spend any money ... Go figure.


There are many f2p games with fair monetization system, multiversus is not one of them. Mix existing is not the problem, the problem is how it's implemented


Who determines what a fair monetization system is, all the 15 year olds with no jobs on reddit? They will always want everything for free and unlocked as fast as possible so they can move on to the next game release to complain about. I think the system is fine, does my opionion count or does only hate count?


I don't want things to cost 1004 gems when you can only buy gems in 5 dollar increments. Secondary currencies are designed to be a scam


If your opinion is that it's fine then it doesn't count because you don't know what you are talking about. Why is the price of things in game set to 1004 gems, while the 10 dollar pack only has 1000 gems? Why not make it possible to buy 1004 gems instead of having to buy 2000. Can you explain the goal of that, that benefits customers?


Can you really not see how the current system could use some adjustments? Me personally, I refuse to engage with the f2p games that do a live-service model; I just want to spend money to buy the game and then I'll buy DLC if I think it has value.  Getting nickel and dimed for every little thing is fucking obnoxious.


Every system always needs adjustments, but you'd think the game was pay to win with how people talk here. Who is getting nickle and dimed? I haven't hit any pay walls to play the fighting game online as much as I want for free. What could I complain about, that a skin I don't need cost money? Again, the game was free. That is like complaining about what is on TV when you can change the channel.


There’s a huge difference between wanting free shit and wanting nom-egregiously predatory monetization


You dont need to buy skins You dont need to buy a battle pass You can buy characters you like. I'll agree that 10$ is too much for a character, but nothing here forces you to spend money outside of that, and lets be real, ppl will play 2 or 3 characters anyway. They admitted they fucked up with not having the whole roster unlocked for training mode and are gonna fix it.


You can go load up dota 2 right now and play every game mode and every hero completely free. There is a difference between funding the game, and being greedy as fuck.


The more popular LoL requires you to purchase heroes. 


holy shit, I remember when it launched the first time and thought it was pretty accessible and everything was open in single-player. I never actually played it, but now I definitely never will.


I remember as well! It felt surprisingly fair if you just played without spending money. Sure, you'd have to work for it, but it wasn't too excessive and I felt it wasn't too difficult to get a small handful of things each week. Needing to spend literal hours for a single character is beyond awful.


I get most of the complaints folks have been vocalizing even if I don't share all of them myself, but I cannot understand how people think that all of the characters should be essentially immediately unlockable for free. There's a significant cost that goes into each new character created for the game, not to mention server costs, new features/content/etc. There's no $60 price tag, and most players are going to spend very little, if anything, on cosmetics. For this game to be financially viable, it has to be at least somewhat time consuming to unlock fighters, so that some percentage of the player base will opt to just buy some instead.


Yeah. All the rest is shit but if we’re going to pretend a game should be free to play AND have all of its characters unlocked in the beginning are we arguing against greed or just wanting to play the game for free?


In a perfect world, a free to play platform fighter with a potentially massive roster and all the skins/perks would be balanced. You should be able to enjoy and play the game completely free. Yes, it should take time to unlock things, but it shouldn't be a minimum 35hrs for a single character. That's ridiculously greedy. It should feel like a good reward after several hours, but not dozens of hours for a single character on a large roster that will continue to grow The "buy this, buy that" portion should be emphasized with skins and perks. Characters too, buying the entire roster is super expensive. If you want to unlock everything, it should cost the equivalent of a full $60 game. Maybe more with how much there is to buy, but individual players should not have to spend hundreds, potentially thousands to get everything.


It doesn't take even close to 35 hours for a single character. That is a flat out fabrication from OP to stoke outrage.


Horrendous. If they had a good Smash alternative that had monetization the same as Smash does, I don’t think anyone would complain. $60 for the game, and then DLC characters at whatever price. I think Smash had 2 DLC packs with 5-6 characters each at about $25 to $30. I can’t remember specifics but I thought this was more than fair. Actually I’m sure people would complain but it would be far less justified than what we have here. This seems like a mess.


https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1d7sgsy/multiversus_charges_you_10_to_refill_your_lives/ Yep


I had high hopes for multiverse as I am a pc player, I enjoyed smash bros and was hoping multiverse could have lived up to its hype.


I wonder if anything can realisticaly be done to curb this kind of thing besides voting with our wallets. A sternly worded letter or something perhaps? How much bad press would it take to counteract the "All press is good press" effect?


I think this game is going to get voted with wallets pretty severely. 


I'm really hoping Project L (or 2XKO) ends up having an actual fun free to play model for fighting games. But I have my doubts.


I guess they will use the same model that all Riot games have. It can be grindy, they sell a lot of skins but you can enjoy a full game without paying. I wouldn't call it good but more like acceptable


It doesn’t take 35 hours to unlock a character, that link you posted says to fully level up a character


I was never interested in Multiversus to begin with. Still not. I gain nothing and lose nothing by continuing to avoid playing it. Great news for me!


That's a lot of the reason I put it down the first time. Right into season 2 and everything was locked again. All the characters I had used and really took some time to get some skills but then when I had to go and unlock everything again, I noped out and have been watching this from afar. This was a SB clone that I liked and had a cast that was a bunch of nostalgia pills.


You had me at Warner Bros. No chance I'll give them my money again. 


It’d still be a decent free Smash clone if you ignored the MTX BUT the game is choppy as all hell! Even playing the single player side, you’re constantly hit by dropped frames, and rubber banding out of nowhere. It can be downright unplayable which is just salt in the wound.


I have been playing since re-release and haven’t ever felt obligated to buy anything or spend any money. I’ve made enough to unlock 2 fighters so far and I’ve made plenty of premium currency and unlocked a few skins with dailies, etc… I don’t get the “you have to spend money” mindset here. Honestly, the game is pretty fun, it’s got issues, I get the shop is pretty excessive and prevalent, but I don’t feel like it’s much worse than say something like Warframe.


Just gonna point this out. EVERYTHING you pointed out and all the recent problems with WB properties can be pointed directly at one person. And that person should be blacklisted.


That paying for lives bull should no where near a console game, even if it free.


I was reading through these and definitely made me raise an eyebrow then I went and looked up the game and its free to play. This is exactly how F2p games are. What other ways would you expect them to turn a profit OP? Any suggestions?


They just said in an discord update that the lives being able to be purchased with the premium currency is a bug. Yep... I don't know what's worse, the issue itself or them lying that blatantly.


Or just play for free. You DON’T have to spend money.


I don't know why more f2p games don't just copy Fortnite's battlepass, vbucks, and skin sales system. They make a killing on their free game and people aren't up in arms over it. Multiversus went the wrong way with the gem bundles being less than required for a skin. If they made gem bundles give you a little **extra** after buying a skin perhaps players would feel better about **spending more** to get the rest of the gems required for *another* skin. If a skin is 1100, make it 800. Then the player spends $10, is happy with their new skin, and has a bit of a remaining balance to do nothing with. This will encourage players to spend more so they can get rid of those extra gems burning a hole in their pocket. The way they're doing it feels way too blatantly predatory. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Because Fortnite doesn’t have to develop new characters, balance them, do the art for skins, etc. They have one or two templates for skins and they are done.


Fortnite overhauls the entire game when they release a new (free) season. For example this last update changed the game entirely and now it's like a Twisted Metal battle royale. 🤷🏻‍♂️ You can't say Fortnite devs have less to do, lol. I don't play Fortnite by the way, but I do follow the updates and what not. They've got the F2P market on lock. They even integrated a Lego survival gamemode that's free to play and ties in to their vbucks and skin sales system. 👀 **I'm not saying Multiversus needs to emulate Fortnite in every aspect, simply saying they need to take notes on how to pull in money from a F2P game.**


I do play FN. They do not add new characters. They do not have to develop new characters. They don’t have to balance said characters. MVS gives you the base game for free and you can acquire the characters for free. And no, it doesn’t take 35 hours to get a new one.


Instructions unclear, downloading game.


Ive been playing since it came out and haven’t felt the need to spend a cent


even with the monetization the game is pretty trash. everything feels so damn slow. why play this when you can just download a melee ISO and play that on a potato computer


1004?? Hahaha!! dude, they are literally taking the piss out of the customer base. Seriously these GaaS games are a fucking carnie game scam and mindless dipshit rubes allowed them to just get bold. They are basically fucking with people to have fucking clueless dipshits part with their money. And there are fucking clowns on Reddit that defend this shit calling anyone calling this shit out as being "Entitled".


35 hours to unlock someone is insane, I would bet money like 70 to 80 percent of the people that try it won't even play for a total of 40 hours


It does not take 35 hours to unlock a character. It takes way less than that.


This post isnt entirely accurate, there are many things mentioned that are correct such as not getting battle pass xp from matches (you do earn account and fighter xp), challenges for characters you dont own and the skin prices being an unfair amount of premium currency (although you can earn premium currency from playing for free so if you are off by a little you dont have to pay anything extra), here are the things that arent accurate: The calculation for currency is completely wrong as it doesnt account for other sources of earning the currency such as new events (limited time) and rifts (permenanty stay) both get added every week and are the best way to earn fighter currency (sometimes premium currency and skins). I've earned 7k in 25 hours enough to buy 2 fighters, would be nicer if there was a more consistent way to earn fighter currency and battle pass xp but the estimations are off by a lot. The lives system has just been clarified by the multiversus twitter account, they say 'We’d also like to let you know that the option to purchase extra lives is a bug that has been addressed and is not an intended feature in the game.' I'm personally not buying that it was a bug but either way it has been removed. Tony Huynh (game director on the game) has been active on Twitter responding to a lot more than purchase related questions including adding the option to play non purchased characters in training mode in the future. Along with features that were in the beta that didnt make it to the full game due to time restraints. (Turning off team colours, post game stats, bunch of missing settings), a lot of these things were being tested before the game released but didnt have the time to include in the final build. Basically game should of been delayed but wasnt.


I approach games nowdays with little to no expectations, but bruh. I wasn't going to play very frecuently, but after a few hours of jank, I'm just going to avoid all this mess.


I played MV in the beta and have tried playing it again now. Additional observations: - Beta users get the BP free, and we get Jason free almost immediately. But Jason is like the least appealing character on the roster, and I've been playing daily to "give it a shot" and I'm only like to level 6 of like 50 of this battle pass. It's awful. - There's an event where you can get a free Wonder Woman skin that appears to be unlockable after 5 "steps." But each step takes grinding on very specific challenges, and each day only offers limited challenges that count, and a whole day's worth of challenges doesn't even clear a whole step. I've figured out too late that I needed to do this challenge from day 1 and not miss anything to get what is actually a pretty mediocre skin, and it's pissing me off even more that such a trivial thing is so hard to get. - There's an event that can get you a free Agent Smith when he comes out, but to actually get him, you need to clear multiple difficulty tiers of this Rifts mode that OP refers to which the higher levels require real money to pay for more lives. This also appears to be much more of a grind than initial appearance, just like the Wonder Woman skin. Basically, this game seems to bafflingly be steering you into grinding time-gated and/or boring single player modes for literally anything that appears to be pushed as "free things," obfuscating the steps required to get said free things, and not rewarding you at all for just playing the PvP mode online, which should be the core game that they should want you to play. I have no idea why this is their strategy but I'm kinda done, because this is somehow much worse than even the beta was.


Gamers make no sense man Its F2P, no one wants to spend money, everyone expects their shit for free. How is the game supposed to stay afloat? Fron the goodness of everyones heart? They addressed they fucked up not having you able to try characters, they gonna fix it, it was in the first version, they're gonna have it again. Now if you wanna bitch that 10$ is too much for a character, i"ll agree with you. A 60$ fighting game usually comes with 2 dozen characters. And they dont offer a "character pass" like 30$ for 15 chars or something. But 50$ in Multiversus only gets me 6 characters. That to me is a steal and the prices should be tweaked. The high difficulty solo mode has finite lives, whats the problem? You lose, ok start again, like any other video game ever when you run out of lives. So the game gives you an option to buy it. You could just not. Especially since all the easier difficulties dont have a life cap. But to demand everything be given to you, on a F2P game is just asinine. I dont work for free, idk why you expect others to do the same. I know i'll never spend a cent on skins, i sure as hell dont expect anyone else to either. I dont understand why ppl are so obsessed over skins for characters they'll never use, but w/e. The gameplay is decently fun, ive killed maybe a dozen hours on it the past week. I imagine its alot more fun with 3 friends.


Stop you’re making too much sense. Their 14 year old minds can’t handle it


The game is free. Good lord. Gamer entitlement is absurd.


No dude you said it yourself, the game has great combat and characters. Play it and have fun, just don't buy anything. Yeah they gotta fix some shit, but it's the most fun online 2v2 platform fighter out and the net code is great. The daily missions take probably 15 min or less a day and give you quite a bit of currency. In a week I had enough to buy 3 characters


It seems like developers are just pushing any type of monetization to see what people will put up with before they try putting ads in aaa games if people buy this nonsense expect to see more…


The sad thing is I’d spend anywhere from $30 - $60 on it if it was good. Free to play kills games, I can’t believe we have to beg to just buy games at this point, but I’m here begging to just pay for not shit versions of games.


Everyone should really take a good look at how these game companies are targeting human weakness. Personally, I tapped out on modern gaming back in 2001. I wish you all luck but if you support this shit, you deserve the damage it does to you.


I didn't tap out on games as early as you I just started avoiding f2p games and most online multi-player games in general. There's been plenty of single player games released that require no transactions aside from the initial buying price. I haven't spent any extra funds on a game in close to 10 years now because I don't care about cosmetics and thankfully most single player games don't require extra spending unless it's a substantial DLC.


That's cool. I'm an arcade rat so that is what I'm use to for games. When I came to PC. MP games came with level editors and the ability to self host. Once those were going away, I saw no point in buying or playing new stuff because they were giving us less and asking us to spend more (and give more control over) I would love to play some of the new stuff...locally offline with my ppl but until then I will just keep playing what I got and the freeware stuff like Mugen and mods for the stuff I already own.


Too many negatives not enough positives a damn shame. All this time working on it for nothing


> The lives require premium currency to restore. https://youtu.be/ZR6-u8OIJTE?si=4SjCbwxAWDu2NpFi


If there was an anime skin on this game I bet people wouldn't care


The store can also show you the same exact bundle multiple times but with different prices. Like sell something 5% off, but then the same bundle is also in another part of the shop for 10% off instead My store has this one bundle for Garnet sold for 5% off as the first bundle in one of the rows, then midway down the SAME ROW its the same bundle again but now its 10% off so its even cheaper. I was almost thinking of buying it because it also unlocks Garnet as a playable character, not all skin bundles do that, but when i saw the 5% and 10% i decided fuck that. It shouldnt be able to have 2 different prices for the same items in the same shop, only one discount should be available at a time for each bundle. If i had the premium currency at the time i would have insta-bought the more expensive one because it was the first one i saw.


These are all issues Gundam Evolution had as well. It is remarkable how so many games can look at similar games that came before them and are just "no, we'll actually succeed because we're making a better game"


So this is Star Wars Battlefront 2(2017): Smash Bros Edition. Maybe there could be a redemption arc but I don't really care enough.


Cheers for the heads up, definitely one to avoid.


that single player that plays like candy crash is crazy this game was promising 💀


Wait, Warner did something anti consumer shitty? Well, guess there's a first for everything


The reality is that you should avoid anything that is free to play; these publishers aren’t saints, and often times neither are the devs, they aren’t giving you something for free. But these games, despite being free, print money (funny how that works). So people will keep making them.  This is unfortunately future of the AAA industry, get ready or get out. It’s almost poetic, we are going back to the arcade era where the objective is to squeeze as much money out of every player as possible but now it’s, somehow, even more insidious.


It's not even fun. Mb I haven't figured out this genre but it got old on the first day


As a huge fan of smash bros who felt kinda burnt out after years and years, I tried this game out during its first go around. And it's honestly baffling hearing whet you're saying about the things they changed. You used to be able to play around in training or local play with ANY character wether or not they were unlocked for online play. That was great for parties or 1v1s in person. Pure greed man it sucks. The combat actually feels nice.


Well someone needs to set an example


Hard pass.  I hope the decision makers get explosive diarrhea on a long haul flight.  I hope the coders that implemented this bullshit have their favorite songs bought and added to all the beer and car commercials.  


Yeah I’ve been playing it and having a bit of fun but all the locked progress, not having the required characters, new characters cost twice as much and the currency is already extremely hard to get and more and more things just made me stop. They even gave me the first battlepass for free because I was in the beta and all that did was make me feel like they locked me into a grind I wasn’t prepared for. It wouldn’t have been so bad if the way to progress the pass was lenient, but all progress is locked behind dailies and weeklies. So even with a free battlepass to complete, I just can’t keep playing this game when there are other games that value my time more.


Brawlhalla awaits, boys


I supported the beta last year when these bad practices had not yet been incorporated. WB proceeded to take the game offline completely for months and finally relaunched a new game different than the one I initially bought.  I recognize they can do this -- it was labeled as a beta after all -- but I won't be spending any more money on this game.


"... it's a Smash Bros" Say no more. I stand with you in solidarity to not get this.


It's a game for children. Of course I'll avoid that game.


But you play Lego games






Ah, the infamous Multiversus, the game that makes you question your life choices. It's like a cautionary tale for gamers everywhere.


Also bot


The fuck is going on in this thread lol