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It’s 200mb per game, not 200mb total for your profile, for some games that might be a couple of thousands saves, for other games, a couple.


Yeah - I definitely need to go in and trim my saves for Pathfinder: Kingmaker.


Me and 11 playthroughs of Baldur's Gate 3 have a bit of a file size issue


Last year I noticed my skyrim save folder was around 20 GB, with the oldest saves from a 2014 playthrough. 😅


Thats how people become hoarders XD Go and clean em up


I once deleted over 100 gigs of Crusader Kings II saves. It adds up fast over 1200 hours.


Not really fast if it takes 1200 hours


I think Witcher 1 is a prime offender here


I remember that Far Cry 2 saved each quicksave as a new file. I ended my first playthrough with 40GB of quicksaves.


Baldur's Gate 3 on PS5 at some point told me to erase old files myself or new saves would replace the oldest ones. I'm not sure what triggered that, if it was the total size or just number of saves, but if that hadn't happened I imagine I'd be on that same boat long before the end of my first playthrough, lol


RIP X⁴ Foundations


My Dyson Sphere Program save on Steam is more than 3x that


yes, and i bet they will have a solution for those games that uses more than 200mb on a single save file


People playing Deus Ex and manually saving every time they are about to do something must be still sweating cold right now. T. Guy who ended up with 3gbs worth of different savefiles


And there's even a button to automatically remove oldest saves. Really not much of a problem


It sucks, but I can only imagine how much storage that eats on their cloud servers. I already have my game saves locally, so not a big deal to me, but I can understand if people miss this info and end up finding out later that their game saves are gone.


Can't we locally save file? If it isn't , fallout lodon is in danger.


You can save locally. This is just for cloud syncing.


Yeah you can still save locally, so not a big deal. I just hope everyone with a cloud save is aware of the upcoming change. But I imagine most people already have their games locally saves, so I doubt it'll be a big issue.


Prob not that much tbh


Can you cover the cost then?


Their direct competiton can wich is what matters


Days worth of video is being uploaded to YouTube every minute.


True, but YouTube is a lot bigger company than GOG. And it probably costs YouTube tons of money for having that amount of content on their platform.


How big are CyberPunk 2077 saves? I want to say the slightly less old Bethesda games (FO4, Skyrim) generate pretty big saves. But OTOH I’m guilty of making too many saves for those games and it wouldn’t hurt me if I lost old ones.


Skyrim's saves should be <20MB, Fallout 4 with mods (let's take a Storywealth collection) can reach over 70 MB. Cyberpunk 2077 saves after 50ish hours are \~5 MB


Haven’t check each file, but my report says I have over 600MB of CP2077 saves. That’s over ~450 hours and 5 characters. I don’t make *that* many manual saves either, maybe a handful for each character. It keeps *a ton* of quick and auto saves as well though. I feel like the limit is fine in general, but maybe it needs to be adjusted for games with such huge save files, especially when that game is made by essentially the same company setting the limit (same parent company).


Mine is 390MB; excluding manual saves, it is 183MB, just barely below the limit! So if you use GOG, no manual saves for you! (Thank God I use Steam.)


Well you can save locally. I think there is a level where you can say that it is okay that gog doesnt do a cloud storage for a big save file.


I had two years of Cyberpunk saves be 800mb lol


Sending my V back to the dark days of the data crash....


200MB for a game save is fucking huge and is well beyond the norm.


Heavily modded rimworld players sweating rn. Vanilla Baldurs gate 3 fans in the dirt by act 2.


Who’s playing Modded Rimworld on GOG and not through steam workshop?


Not me, but you’d be surprised how many people like GOG. I only own FTL through GoG personally.


There's a lot of GOG diehards, they wont buy certain games until they get the GOG release if they know it is coming, and others still just wont buy on Steam or elsewhere even if a GOG version is never coming. People like the comfort of games being DRM free.


Some of the recent content takedowns will be helping that crowd grow


I do try to buy GOG when possible, they also have the most generous refund policy in the industry.


Rimworld is DRM free if you buy it directly from Ludeon's website. You also get a Steamkey when you do it too


I found it kind of lame steam disabled compatibility with older versions of windows. To need at least Windows 10 to run Steam to play a game that only requires Windows 7 is bad drm.


For me it's just better regional pricing. GoG games are most often cheaper for me than their Steam equivalents.


Gog > steam. You can always download the mods somewhere else, just too bad many people have prejudice when you say that.


GOG's Fallout 3 and Doom 3 runs on my Windows 11 PC without needing any tweaks. Steam's version needs some .ini file tweaking to avoid crashes on a fresh install of FO3, and to be able to play Doom 3 on full screen. Plus, I don't need GOG Galaxy to install said games.


> Plus, I don't need GOG Galaxy to install said games. That is the best part lol


Good lord getting my fallout 3 install working from steam was a pain, took me over an hour of trying different suggestions.


I've recently played vanilla F3 without any tweaks for the the first time in my life after watching the tv show and did a 100% playthrough on Steam. Didn't have a single crash


Steam workshop is just way too convenient though, especially for a game like rimworld when you can be playing with 100s of mods at any time


With the vortex Nexus mod manager tool it's about as easy as steam now.  


> Steam workshop is just way too convenient though I don't disagree, but I still dislike steam a lot, that's why.


I highly dislike the Steamworkshop because if you unsubscribe from a mod, its files are still on your Drive.


Unless your offline or something is very wrong with your steam. It deletes the files on sync. I can basically count on one hand the number of times it hasnt removed the files and most of the time that gets fixed by just restarting steam.


I got curios about your claim and investigated a bit. It seems that it depends on the game. If the game is loading the mods from the workshop folder then yes, unsubscribing it will delete it. If the game is copying the files to another location (maybe a mods folder in the game folder) then the files will remain.(In the new location)


Heavily depends on the game, rimworld is pretty soild about it. But the absolute vast majority of games, no you really can't. The nexus tends to have a handful of mods here and there for some games. Or you can go to some random fourm to grab em, hell maybe a github. But really its only ever going to be a handful of very popular large mods that tend to do that. But 9 times out of 10, you just flat out cant get a lot of mods outside of the workshop.


You don't have to sacrifice steam workshop mods, (though most modders put it in multiple places). There are plenty of guides out there on how to download Steam mods manually. Steam workshop works exactly like any other mod site, the files are the same, the problem is that Steam Workshop doesn't natively allow you to manually download mods, it automatically uses its own mod manager (Steam, Steam itself is the mod manager)


I know, that is not the issue for me, it was for other people lmao I don't mind downloading from other places, especially for RimWorld.


You literally can't download the mods somewhere else, what are you talking about ?


Sure you can. There are other places that host Rimworld mods. Certain more adult mods are only available elsewhere because Steam has its limits for what it will allow.


You just don't sail in the right seas XD Well, for some mods/games. Most popular ones tend to get featured quite a bit around the interwebz, less popular ones... gotta pray and network woth fellow enjoyers XD


Like Sturm said, but the OFFICIAL forum of the game have a lot of the workshop mods AND more. I used it a lot before the game got workshop working.


Yeah it doesn't have all of them lol, I have to use a tool to get the mods I want from steam


RimPy? There's really no reason to miss out on a mod just because you don't subscribe on Steam.


You do realise a lot of people upload mods to third party sites to use with pirated/non steam copies right.


Issue is that it's a frequent thing that they don't. Other people often will, but then you have the problem of those mods not being updated regularly as the game is. So you might go weeks without being able to play with certain mods. For some games that's not a problem, say if it's a small UI/visual mod, but in other cases it's a gameplay mod or a fix. Not to mention that your save files might simply not work properly without the mod.


Me but I also local save, AMA.


Tell that to modern AAA devs. FF7 Remake and FF15 saves were like 1GB+ Why optimize when you can just assume everyone's got tons of space?


That's psychotic. Character state information can't possibly be that big. Are they storing more than just text? Shouldn't need to... it's not like FF has an art mode or something. You should just need all your stats, position, abilities, choices, items, complete quests and quest status, friends etc... a couple megabytes at most. It must be using some bloated out of the box system that includes way more files than it needs to.


Yeah, it definitely had me do a double take when I was cleaning up my PS5 storage and saw how much space those games were using. And I had like... three saves at most. The only thing I can think of is that it's pre-allocating *all* of the possible space that you could potentially use to save if you were maxing out the save slots instead of allocating as you actually save like every sane developer does. Lazy programming so they don't have to worry about error handling if there's not enough space down the line. Otherwise yeah, what the hell is it recording in there?


I’m assuming for FF15 it has something to do with all the photos you can technically save when you camp. Still ridiculous though.


They often store videos (iirc, Outlast 2 did this), screenshots (FFXV does this, pretty sure), and preallocate space often for every possible save slot. There's also it being a reasonable trade off: 500 MB for a completely uncompressed save might have a legitimate performance gain over a 50 MB compressed save.


With GZIP (and other compression formats) files can be lightly compressed, so your storage's transfer speed may very well end up being the bottleneck.


Dunno about this one but you can trim FF13 from 60 GB to 30GB simply by deleting duplicate videos in the game directory...




Are they just like serializing and storing the state of the entire game world or something? Like save states on emulators.


I think that's likely


FF15 saves can reach 2+GB on long playthroughs because for some reason square enix decided to keep every automatic photo prompto takes during your game inside the save file at full resolution


> modern AAA devs Hell I have *minecraft* singleplayer worlds going into the multiple GB of size. I ran a server for my friends with a 200gb map and 64gb ram. Edge-case I know but having a flat limit per game seems wrong.


I feel like MC is an edge case all on its own , the game world is gigantic and the mire you explore the more data it saves , even just doing nothing but exploration will bloat a save


Any game that involves procedural generation and building will easily surpass 200mb. I don't see why we should discriminate against these games. These save files still load in seconds with the right hardware. We have fast storage that counts in Terrabytes. We stream 4K videos. Online save sync is legit useful for backup and playing on multiple devices. Just put an account-wide limit of like 20GB. If all I do is play something like Factorio Space Exploration, it would still work for me. Or just rename it to COG (Casual Old Games).


Yep, this is the correct approach. Also users can start paying for the additional storage or just have the rest of the saves in the local-only mode. Otherwise it removes the agency from a user, while still promising some pretty unsustainable stuff.


Why would Minecraft of all things end up with a big save file, even if you explore a ton of the map? The game is basically just a grid of blocks that already have XYZ coordinates, feels like all a save file it would need would just be a (long) text document of grid coordinates and what the block is Edit: I did not realize a map can be 60x60 million blocks (x320 height) and even if you explore a million square blocks that’s 320 trillion blocks. Then 5x that for the XYZ coordinates and two characters for a block type, so you’d need 1.6 quintillion characters which I guess is 160 gigs if it’s stored as basic text (probably did some math wrong). I know that’s probably not exactly how worlds are saved, but at least now I understand how it can be so big!


Theres quite a bit of data that gets writen down and not in a plaintext doc. 95% of the save size is all the chunk data that gets written in .mca files by region. FYI, 1 chunk = 16x16x384 or 98k blocks, 1 region = 1024 chunks, mind you the game can save regions partially if you havent explored all the chunks yet. One of my saves rn is 205MB just for the 40 region files i got and ik most arent fully explored regions.


I think it's reasonable for them to say "Store your own 200GB game save".


Minecraft worlds are sort of a cross between save file and game files though, the actual player data is tiny which you'd consider analogous to the save.


That's a straight up lie. I just checked my ff7 remake save. 200 mb.


>200MB for a game save is fucking huge and is well beyond the norm. Just a few games i know which can EASILY break 200mb with just a few saves. Total war games ( usually a few turns ) Rimworld specially modded. The witcher 3 FF games can go up to 1gb. Many if not all Bethesda games. and i guess cyberpunk also easily could reach 200mb. ​ theres likely way more.


Late game modded Hoi 4 saves get fairly large, can't find where the saves are at for either Cities Skylines or Cities Skylines 2 (yes it still has issues)


funny some games you mention. like witcher3 and cyberpunk~~t~~. two games made by the people of gog. two games that are on my >200mb list. two games I did not even finish yet, and did not collect saves for 4 playthroughs and have brothers/sisters also playing on the pc and also collecting saves. no, just me, not even finished yet... edit: typo


> cyberpunkt #.


cyberpunk'd ^((on release))


I just checked my GOG save games and The Witcher 3 ones can grow 3MB max. I guess you can reach 200MB if you spam the save button, but still, you should be able to keep 50+ save games.


My Crusader Kings 2 (Game of Thrones mod) saves would get to almost a gb PER SAVE FILE super quickly. Shit just exponentially grows


I was going wondering this. So Red engine mod update for Witcher 3, next week: "wooaah, woah, what' you doing there bud, that won't fit -*reduces capacity*-.


I've been playing Farthest Frontier, a city-building game. One save file for a map is like 150MB, hits 200 when you're on a bigger population.


Except the only game anywhere close to being above 200MB for me is… Cyberpunk 2077. Their own game. And all I’ve done is play the game about 5 times. I have a handful of manual saves for each character, the rest are just auto saves and quick saves. Is that really “fucking huge and well beyond the norm”? Is it my fault their save files are so big and they can’t store them? I bought the game on GoG to support them, but I always use Steam otherwise. Makes me think I should have bought it there as well.


It's 200 MB for *online* save files. It means for some games we'll have to resort to external save file managers / do the file management manually.


But... how many saves do you need to store online. I guess maybe up to ten for crucial moments? It's more than enough still, you just gotta delete the autosaves that aren't particularly useful after you've made a new one anyway


I don’t really get to choose. Everything saved locally gets synced to the cloud.


my friend paradox 4x games like stellaris can easily reach 500MB or more PER SAVE unmodded so yeah...


I had 20gb in football manager saves


I've had individual Crusader Kings 2 saves pass 200mb, and my current modded Factorio save is over 150mb, even after trimming unused surfaces. 200mb doesn't go as far as it used to.


They mean 200MB total. Most big games have save folders larger than that. My Skyrim save folder is several GBs.


Cyberpunk only with autosaves and some quicksaves are more than 200mb.


200MB is less than 20% of a football manager save, which defaults to 3 rolling autosaves, so you have over 4GB per save. Any Paradox game will also quickly have over 200MB per save if they go long enough.


Have you played baldurs gate? I think even starfield saves can get pretty big


my ck3 save folder was like 5gb before i discovered it


I don't know if all 2K games have huge game saves but I had an NBA 2K15 save that was around 2GB.


I believe that it's in total, so all your saves for the given game. Some games easily reach that in only a few saves. Understandable move on their part however. EDIT - Why in the unholy fuck are you downvoting me for stating the truth? It is PER GAME. Learn to read.


Just going by my Switch cause too lazy to go to PC. But my Switch Skyrim saves are 128MB, Animal Crossing is 222MB, Valkyria Chronicles 4 is 112MB.  Those some of the bigger ones.  Then some of the smaller ones are like Shin Megami Tensei 5 at 10MB, Diablo 2 with all my solo characters is 5MB, Bayonetta 3 is 6MB. It's really random which games have big saves and which ones don't.


Animal Crossing save being big makes sense, because your whole island is stored due to the random generation nature of the islands. Even back on the GameCube, Animal Crossing required nearly the entirely of a standard memory card.


That always was odd to me since if they seeded the general geometry of the map the wouldn't need to store all those tiles.


It's per game.


Please do try to read what I just said again. "IN TOTAL... FOR THE GIVEN GAME." You'll realise that you just said the same I did.


They made the cloud out to be this great, seamless thing and now they are nickel and diming you on everything. Google and Microsoft won't shut up about how little space I have left or they'll stop letting me use email. Xbox is deleting uploaded screenshots and videos. I think we'll see more platforms start to impose limits or just delete your shit.


Self host. Self host. Self host.


Big bummer, but I'm glad they are at least giving time to be able to save them locally before they delete it. They could have just flipped the switch and then announced that they deleted all the stuff. Still seems bogus tho


Is the default to save locally or on the cloud? I have never really thought about it before


Both. That way if you play on a different device, you keep your saves.


I had a game where the cloud save overwrote my local save and wiped about 40 hours offline gameplay. That was probably 15 years ago in a game not designed for cloud saves (steams fault), but I have disabled cloud saves in every game since.


GoG (and Steam) will both ask you if there is any difference between local and cloud saves, which one you want to keep. You really should just turn it back on, those kinds of things generally don’t happen anymore. I have cloud saves enabled for every single game and platform that supports it, and I’ve never once lost a save.


I have it disabled on every platform, and never lost a save either. I just don't need the service.


You don't need it until you do. Data loss usually isn't something you can solve retroactively.


The way saving works is that it saves to a file on the device, and then a cloud service syncs that file to the cloud. So you effectively cannot stop the games from saving locally first


what type of question is that? isn't the default to save on both?


That is what I was asking, if that's the case though thanks for providing the info


This kind of sucks I’m at 450mb for Cyberpunk, having extra manual saves helps for the different endings and the bugs still in the game.


Best you can do in this case is make your own backups, USB, SD card, external hdd, NAS, or raid 5+ drives. I had to do it for my ~2GB of starfield saves, and ~3GB of Baldurs gate 3 saves.


This is not a big deal. I just checked my Steam cloud saves (https://store.steampowered.com/account/remotestorage) and I have cloud saves across 215 games, totaling 1.6 GB and only two of those games fall over the threshold: Baldur's Gate 3 at 430 MB and Witcher 3 Wild Hunt at 360 MB. Meaning 99.1% of my games would be untouched by this. *Holy, I just realized how excessive BG3 save size is compared to everything else, at 13 MB per save slot it's by far the most gigantic space consumer per save*


Good to hear but damn that also sucks


I wish steam would delete some cloud saves. The amount of effort needed to delete some of them is insane, especially for games that don’t allow you to delete save data in game like Metal Gear Solid 2.


Couldn't they trim down and leave just the last 10 saves or something.


If you login there's a button to do that. It trims down saves till you're under the limit.




The oldest saves will be deleted until you’re under the 200MB limit.


Oh..that make so much sense. A non issue then. Thx


My dumbass brained reading : GOD will delete cloud...


Just a reminder about data, one copy might as well be none


The only saves that cause issue for me are witcher. Kinda funny. ;) I hope they release instructions on how to do a local nas/cloud backup.


There are plenty of instructions online for setting up a script to sync a file to your NAS


Funny, considering CDProjekt's games are the biggest offenders of this. "Nah guys let's just have every auto and quicksave create a new save file and never overwrite anything ever" - some Polish dude, circa 2007, colourized


If a save file for your game is more than 5MB, you need to seriously reconsider what you're actually writing to that file. Absolutely ridiculous that some game saves are larger in size than entire flippin' games. No reason for that whatsoever.


This does not affect local saves in any way, so it will only affect those that want to auto back up their save files.


How many games even reach saves that high these days? I’m sure games like fallout and all could but besides that what else?


anything that has a procedurally generated open world may have it (eg. minecraft saves can easily get huge)


Oh shoot that makes sense actually! I never thought of that, especially if you can build(like you said MC) I’ve been so into my old story driven games, games like that have slipped my mind ahah


also anything where you track the placement of hundreds, or thousands of objects.


Bauldur’s gate 3 as well.


I just got back into my Witcher 3 run and kept getting notifications about the 200MB limit. It first said I had 750MB of saves and now I have like 900MB lol. Seems like every checkpoint and auto save is there, also a lot of my quick saves/manual saves and what not.


File compression in the past was a big thing when you needed to juggle with game discs. I know technology advances, but I don't mind if the topic comes back again.




Probably saving cloud storage space. Disk space is not free.


Good thing I have all my games on steam where it’s free. 200 mb though?




Why not offer the saves for a fee or something? Seems unfair to just scrap it


Just copy them locally to another directory.


Imagine if you could actually manage your cloud saves. I had to turn them off because I couldn't delete them and cyberpunk was full.


I can't see why they don't charge a small subscription for cloud saves. I don't use them and likely never will, so I wouldn't miss them.


You won’t miss them until your drive breaks and lose all your save data.


This made me realize how much space my Witcher 3 saves from 2017 take. Also Divinity Original Sin 2.


Per game. Honestly fair enough imo


New challange idea: see how close you can to reaching that limit in each game in as few save slots as possible


The only game I exceeded the limit was The Witcher 3. That game decided that it need all it's automatic saves saved on cloud and it never delete one so from 2 playthrough I had 1Gb of save files. After I deleted the automatic ones I had like 40Mb of save.


I am starting to get A LOT of notices when Cyberpunk syncs, and is funny because I don't even have manual saves, only the normal quicksaves (limited) and autosaves... so, is not even enough for their own autosave's games.


While it would be pretty bad PR, I wouldn't mind a small subscription for these "larger" save stores. Or at least, have the option.


Glad the minecraft world is not saved there


Aw man


I had almost 1,5GB of Witcher 3 saves


An individual save is not that big though so it doesn't matter.


Steam wins again


And here I am.... seeing my single Factorio SE save at over 200MB. BTW, I don't know if GOG has cloud saves for factorio, but I just thought it was amusing while it's likely a small percentage, there are legit games which may actually be affected.


Wow, that’s surprising! At least steam has good cloud storage still


Has anybody seen the size of some save files in modern games? Some games one save files like 300 MB alone.


Let's be real nobody uses gog


Ironic, in my case worst and only offender is Witcher 3, with about 500M (and 8 pages) of auto- and checkpoint saves.


Am I wrong in thinking that this shouldn't be a problem for most people? I don't have a single save (or multiple, even) across any game I play that's anywhere close to 200MB.


Yes. I’ve just been playing CP2077 normally, although a lot, and my cloud saves are over 600MB. I haven’t been saving more than I would in any other game, and now I’m being punished for the game’s save files being so large. What’s worse, CDPR and GoG are both owned by the same company.


Ah. Guess I'm just not playing the right games for this to affect me. My condolences to those affected by this.


Hilariously one of the games that this will most effect is The Witcher with its huge save file size.


I am sorry, but guys, dont defend this shit. the only reason for this is penny pinching. on the great scheme of things, this isnt evil, but its not good either. and checking into my files, its "funny" how its mostly, almost elusively their own games going beyond 200


Suds um kg dhandhsjss My bridge constructor saves!!!!


200mb is fine for most of the games i guess !


Maybe I'm tripping but I feel like at least 95% of people do not need cloud saves anyway




This reads like a bot


It is a bot.




Well, you can always delete some old save files. GOG wouldn’t be the first one to do such a thing


You can save them locally.


How can I get my games off of this shit platform?


Just go their website and download the install file


umm.. download? cuz no drm


What? Do you not even know what the entire point of GoG is?