• By -


My vote would be for The Saboteur. Running around occupied Paris was a delight as it felt massive and period-correct (both visually and in tone). The car-collecting was an addictive mini-game and pulling off missions to unlock epic perks a joy. Add in some tight plot beats and some crazy GTA vibes when you're discovered/chased (Zeppelins, FTW) and it was one of the best games of its time. It sucked up many hours of my life and I died a little inside when Pandemic shuttered its doors. Honorable Mention goes to Enslaved: Odyssey to the West. It was gorgeous on the PS3 and had a very intriguing story. Andy Serkis is simply excellent in everything he touches. Shame it died on the vine. Horizon Zero Dawn felt like a spiritual sequel, so we have that at least.


YES! The Saboteur had the gta vibe, with the feel of LA Noire


It also had an assassins creed vibe with the parkouring and assassinations and sabotaging


Oh my God I've been thinking about this game lately but couldn't remember the name of it and Google wasn't giving me any help! I was genuinely starting to think I had imagined it or dreamt it!


Fuck, that was an amazing game, truly!


Star Wars Battlefront 2. Once they removed all the random chance loot drops the game became incredible. You actually leveled up the heroes and you could level them up in Co-op against bots. Coop is one of the best features in that game. It is also really cool to jump between Separatists vs Republic and the First Order vs Resistance and then back to Imperial vs Rebels.


Loved playing as a yub nub and spamming the taunt button while kicking the shit out of the other team


They *removed* the loot boxes? Need to actually give it a look then


Yea. Like 2 months after release. They legitimately listened to fans. It was a phenomenal game. Still is, just not a lot of players.


The star fighter assault matches are wild in that game. I recognize multiple usernames in every single match I get into.


I liked them in the first game but they're pretty amazing in the second. Honestly one of the best parts. If I didn't suck I'd like them more lol. Glad there's still a player base, though. BF1 is the same, with a committed player base but not a ton of players. Its also really the only WWI game like that. I have a friend who plays it despite not loving FPS games because he likes the history. I was already into WWI history and may or may not occasionally play with the rifle I'm using in game on my lap, lol.


There’s actually a decent modding community too. You can add actual new units and heroes and with private servers (Kyber) you can use them online as well.


I think the most downvoted post in Reddit history is a post from the developers of swbf2 trying to justify the loot boxes lmao


“Sense of pride and accomplishment”


"Why do I need to spend 40 hours just to unlock Darth Vader?"


They also added Anakin, Obi-Wan, Dooku, Grievous, Droidekas, Clone Commandos, BX Commando Droids, ARC-Troopers, Republic tanks, supremacy and blowing up capital ships from the inside


And best of all, Co-Op Mode.


It’s always going on sale for like $5 too!


I still play co-op every Friday night with my friends. It's so fun.


Don't forget the EwokSurvival mode. Shit was intense and epic


Had so much fun with that game!!


Agree with this. It's one of the best Starwars games despite the controversy from hell surrounding it.  It's also unlike most online shooters regarding range. And going back to the OG battlefronts feel like a massive downgrade compared to it.


Driver San Francisco was DOA because of the legacy of the franchise (2 great games, one not very good game, and one mediocre game… doesn’t seem like enough to kill a franchise to me, but hey). Driver SF is just a fantastic video game. Deserved so much more.


Idk I think the teleporting conscious thing was a big turn off to a lot of people


It was, but anyone who played it for more than 5 minutes would’ve realized that Tanner was having a coma dream that was being influenced by the TV in his hospital room


Agreed. Driver 3 (or Driv3r if you’re an edgy moron) was competing with GTA and fell flat on its face. D: San Francisco was innovative, and gave a whole new identity to Driver. Understandably, this upset fans who like the more traditional driving game style and also the people who just wanted the competent GTA clone that Driver 3 was supposed to be. The thing that really appeals to me in D: San Francisco is the fact it knows what it is and leans into it hard. Without spoiling it, this creative freedom leads to a lot of memorable moments that actually made me enjoy the game a lot more than the iconic original. I guess that is my hot take: Driver: San Francisco is more fun than Driver. Is it a better game? Considering the historical context and impact of the original then probably not. But I know which one I’d rather play again.


Spore was incomplete on release. I'm sure they planned to do more with the Grox, but just left it at their massive empire around the center of the galaxy. I want that game to be remastered and finished.


I think a big part of the problem was the divide inside the dev team, iirc I read years ago that the dev team were split down the middle between wanting it to be a serious science based simulation game or the cute and silly one we got. Had that divide not been there we might've gotten the best evolution sim ever


Maxis was never into being serious though. Maybe before they almost went bankrupt and got saved by EA.




EA: We are here to save you; please don’t resist


There's a lot more breathing room for creativity when you're less "realistic" and more fantasy/cartoony with the game. And that tends to breed more success when there's good dedication and passion. Example: Creative Assembly and their Total War games. Shogun? Decent, but of course limited to dynasty-era possibilities. Rome/Troy? Some more possibilities with including the gods like Zeus and Ares in it. Warhammer? THE BEST STRATEGY TRILOGY I'VE PLAYED IN A LOOOOONG TIME!


And got hate because of the copy protection thing.


This computer has a disk burner? No game for you!


People just got the wrong idea of what they expected it to be. They wanted Sim City in space. The game is a lot of fun if you have kids, we spent a good amount of time in the creature editor alone.


Heh. We spent more time in the creature editor as kids. *Now* I spend more time in the building and vehicle editors lol


The part I was most excited for was the underwater part, which they completely skipped. That was super sad to me.


Titanfall series was largely ignored until apex legends


Titanfall was done so dirty by EA with the BF release at the time, I’ll never get over it.


Except EA didn't choose that release timing, Respawn did...


I think you misread, because I don’t think Respawn has anything to do with the timing of Battlefield’s release. That game was supposed to come out far earlier than one week before Titanfall 2. They also couldn’t push their release date out because CoD IW was around the corner. Absolutely, Respawn decided on that season to release. But EA certainly wasn’t working with them in this case.


Titanfall 2 is so #FUCKING good bro ugh it sucks we’ll probs never see a third


Really? I remember it being all anybody was talking about when the first game came out. I didn't have the means to play it but it seemed like everyone else was.


Titanfall LITERALLY got a second chance it's called Titanfall TWO


Give me an Eternal Darkness 2. Game was amazing.


The insanity meter and the way the game broke the 4th wall. So good.


Never going to happen, for a number of reasons. First of all, the original development team of Silicon Knights was shut down for severe legal shenanigans. Second was the fact that Denis Dyack, the head of the studio, was an egotistical twat who kept burning bridges because he felt they were holding him back on making his perfect game of Too Human... and that was released and turned out to be a steaming pile of shit. And of the games that he made prior to this, Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain was taken from him in a legal dick-waving contest with the publisher and the games he made for Nintendo - Eternal Darkness and Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes - he needed constant supervision from the publisher, and Hideo Kojima on the latter, to stop him from fucking around. Now, that also doesn't take into account that he tried to make a spiritual successor for Eternal Darkness called Shadow Of The Ancients and tried to gather funds for the project on Kickstarter... right after the PS3 and 360 era where Silicon Knights not only made a series of glitch-riddled crap which destroyed whatever goodwill they had with players and publishers, but they were sued into oblivion for pirating the Unreal Engine and suing for being sold a defective product. So, it was still clearly in people's minds that they were clearly not the right people for the job. And they had to cancel and restart the campaign - the first one for $1.5 million CAD only gathered $300,000 more than halfway through when word got out that a major contributor to the project was arrested for child porn, and the second one slashed the requested end goal in half and still only made $300,000. And in case you're wandering why Nintendo doesn't just make the game themselves... The first Eternal Darkness only sold half a million copies, and there was a clause in Silicon Knights' contract that only they could make a sequel, which went in the shitter when Dyack fucked up and started badmouthing the GameCube.


Yes please.


Sleeping dogs never got the sequel it deserved


And it never got the bug patch it deserved either. There is still an easy game breaking bug you can run into early on that stops you from progressing the rest of the game.  Sleeping dogs was way too cool for the company that owns it


I mean, sleeping dogs was the 3rd sequel already. But yeah, would've loved a second one.


Battleborn. I had so much fun in that game. Gearbox fucked themselves releasing it in the same window as Overwatch as well directly marketing it as a competitor to it.


Gearbox was being cocky about it too and running their mouth. So stupid to label it as a competitor when one is more of a MOBA and the other is a hero shooter similar to Team Fortress.  Shooting yourself in the foot is one thing. But they fired the entire magazine, reloaded, then emptied another mag into their other foot. 


If I had a penny for every cocky studio that tried taking on overwatch and failed, I'd have 2, which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice. Remember Lawbreakers?


So stupid too cause law breakers was nothing like OW cept the whole "hero" thingy. Gameplay was a whole different beast (better imo)




"From the addictors of Team Fortress 2 and Dota 2, coming to the online store that keeps draining your money" They'll also make Deadlock 2. I can only imagine the money!


I agree. Battleborn had a story mode that was pretty fun and a MOBA mode that was really fun. Complete fumble on their part.


Them bringing back Gigantic gives me hope.


Nowdays it has a little second chance : on pc you can play at least the pve in solo thank to a moder, who is still working on bringing other features as multi back \^\^ [https://youtu.be/xn\_QeSxRFl4?si=QNdKgIDoMkywzovu](https://youtu.be/xn_QeSxRFl4?si=QNdKgIDoMkywzovu) (the launcher has been upgraded since the video release)


titanfall 2 shit died without anyone noticing it even existed despite being the best fast paced shooter on the market on launch and to this day, 8 years later. its beating cod on its own terrain, every single cod game. but cod god marketing teams and ads titanfall got shit


I only discovered Titanfall 2 a few months back when I got it on steam for something like $3 and although the campaign was done in 4 hours I had an absolute blast. I don’t really enjoy online shooting games but I reckon I would have invested time into the online if it still had a good player count


The playercount is still respectable especially if you use Northstar for community servers


Yeah but my issue is that the only people that still play that game online probably have been for quite a while now. I’d most likely get my arse handed to me multiple times every 2 minutes


I only ever play the pve tower defense mode


Red dead online. They accidentally made the BEST horse game on the market, wildly popular STILL with people who like cowboys and horses and the relaxing vibe even though rockstar has abandoned it for the most part. By just adding some new content they could have a huge player base return but they just left the glitchy game for us to run around in and do the same missions 200 times


To be fair, they shot themselves in the foot there. I held on to RDO for a few months but gave up after realizing that the only thing that properly worked was the storefront for microtransactions. I powered through and had a blast for a while, but the lack of content and clear incentive to purchase gold bars turned me off. This in addition to there only being four missions to cycle through. Remember: one heist didn’t net you enough to buy a can of beans. A lot of content was hidden behind many canned beans’ worth of money, or gold bars which were a pain to get a hold of unless you shelled out money for them. I occasionally play GTAO and sure there are stupidly expensive vehicles and vehicles that overpower anyone who has them (looking at the Oppressor MK2), but the grind is bearable..especially since there are good ways of making the money you need.


Quantum Break


Hope is not lost as of yesterday


What do you mean?




I haven't completed AW2 yet, can you explain what this means? Is Sheriff Breaker the same person as Jack Joyce, like beyond both being played by Shawn Ashmore?


To this day I truly believe that most of the negative reception was due to its association with Microsoft, especially being so close to the Xbox One launch. Had it been a PlayStation exclusive, people would have loved it.


Also, the show advertised itself as having an included TV series... but you had to stream all the episodes, even if you owned the game on disc. I remember people complaining that they couldn't watch it due to having bad internet connections. If they make a PS5 or Xbox Series version, I hope that the game gets episodes included in the release and not part of a separate streaming service.


This isn't true, you can download the episodes.


**The order: 1886** it had a cool world and some pretty fun guns. The story ended on a pretty hard cliffhanger and it seemed like the story was gonna take on a really cool direction. This game will 100% never get a sequel because of a lot of different things. Sony owns the IP, the devs now exclusively work on VR games after being bought by who I believe was Oculus.


Sony needs to turn this IP into a TV series.


Wildstar. Absolutely loved the game but so many fans and the media took pleasure in watching them implode. If I won the lottery I'd buy the IP and work on re-releasing it.


I wish they would just release the game as a single player or maybe 4 player Co-Op experience (both ideally) the game was so much fun but towards even the end of the first couple of months finding a big enough consistent group to raid was frustratingly difficult. Pairing down the bosses and dungeons to suit a 4 player mode, with single player option maybe with bots, would still be a ton of fun.


Sleeping Dogs


Man who never eats pork bun is never a whole man


They had a chance, they pissed it away chasing development of a multiplayer service game that was rightfully canned.


That it just vanished into the ether is the True Crime on the Streets of Hong Kong.


Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura Interesting steampunk and magic Mashup, in a new MA world.


Arcanum was great. Shame they never got to finish Arcanum 2.


Arcanum was one of my favourite CRPGs, I bring it up as much as I can. I'd kill for it to get the BG3 treatment.


I love the world of Arcanum so much!


It was a masterpiece up until to the ending. I like the settings, the magic & technology clash and the writing very much. Chamber music as a bgm was a fantastic fit. But the big bad guy reveal and the fight was so rushed, it made replays impossible for me.


Star Wars: Republic Commando was basically Rainbow 6, and badass. Just got completely dropped.


Republic commando is tied for first with KOTOR for my favorite star wars game. They just released commandos for star wars legion (star wars tabletop war game) and theyre awesome. I'm having a lot of fun painting up 1 inch tall delta squad. The only downside is i had to kitbash them so there was at least 1 punchblade. I really hope we eventually get imperial commando.


I'm still waiting for Imperial Commando.


This is a top 5 for me in would love a remake or sequel.


I joined an online match alone and it felt like the Halo I wanted to play. That day I felt sad for what could have been. There will always be Battlefront II on the PS2 though.


Black and white Yes, there was sequels, but 3 was bad. Honestly, a remake of one with updated graphics, a few extra features... or VR, would be great.


There wasn't a 3. Just an expansion for 2. The concept was great, but the execution was very uneven and mostly bad. There were some cool ideas there though. I feel like this and Spore were two games where interesting sandbox concepts get derailed by poor execution of said concepts, and I'd love to see what a modern dev team could do with either IP.


The 2021 Guardians of the Galaxy game. It may have repetitive gameplay, but the story is good and the dialogue is actually funny at times. Unfortunately, both this and Midnight Suns got screwed over by Avengers. Badly.


Anthem. Solid combat and fun map exploration. Got permanently shut down after they showed us a lot of revised roadmap


The revised Roadmap was never approved. They took it to EA to get approved and EA decided against it and killed it off.


Came here looking for this and Andromeda, Bioware did basically the same thing with both: solid gameplay foundation with potential dropped too early by EA for the next new shiny.


I honestly think that if Andromeda was a separate game from Mass Effect, it wouldn't have been criticized so much. The game was really fun, great locations and the story was quite interesting too.


This is the one I was looking for. I had a blast with the gameplay but the game, unfortunately, was basically a a tech demo with no depth.


Prey really needed a sequel.


Which version?


Both of them, honestly.!


Mass Effect Andromeda. Not that it needed a second chance, mind you, but it deserved better than what Bioware did to it.


It needed 6 more months in development and the Quarian Ark DLC


Days Gone. Game was so damn good. The story wasn’t over when the credits rolled.


Another aspect of the game that I thought was underrated was the upgrade progression. Made what would be a mundane task feel impactful. Had so much fun upgrading the bike throughout the game


Same. I started the game with the intention of upgrading everything else first but I fell in love with my bike.


And earning reputation with different camps to gain access to better weapons and also affected small parts of the world building.


Seen this a few times. Whats the case for it?


The zombie hordes in this game are absolutely in the top 10 of fun things to kill in video game history.


It had a slow start. But I was interested enough in the game to stick with it. It got insanely good. Some of the best zombie combat I’ve ever seen. Loved everything about the game. Extremely well written. The characters have stuck with me for years. The writer for the game is kind of an ass hole. He blamed reviewers for not playing the game long enough and then blamed players. He doesn’t work for the studio anymore though. Would still love to see a sequel.


Idk, I really enjoyed the game for the gameplay, but I cannot agree that the writing was good. I found it very cringy throughout.


Maybe the head dev shouldn’t go on a rant blaming the “wokes” for the game failing to get enough attention?


Yeah, that wasn’t a good a look. But it’s possible to separate the art from the artist. Otherwise everyone would hate Disney.


Phantom Dust. A XBox (original) bargain-bin title at $20 on release, back in the days when games all cost $50 and indie games on consoles was unheard of. Despite overwhelmingly great critical reviews, less than 60k copies were ever sold worldwide. It re-released for free on XBOne and Windows back in 2017, apparently even had a decent player count when that happened, but it just didn't manage to maintain momentum. Shoutout to Little King's Story too: an unparalleled 10/10 Wii title (imo) whose port to Steam was an absolute disaster. I still played it on Steam because of how much I loved it the first time, but apparently a lot of the engine's logic was reliant on how Wii hardware worked, so a good port would have to be developed nearly from the ground up.


>Phantom Dust It's very unique too. It's a deck building 3rd person fighting game if I recall correctly.




Literally hooked up my ps3 to replay alpha protocol a couple weeks ago. No regrets.


BG&E is great man. Still get the propaganda song stuck in my head sometimes.


It's sad that a sequel was planned for Alpha Protocol too. In the planned sequel the main antagonist was supposed to be Senator Patrick Darcy, I believe now President, out for revenge on Mike Thorton for the death of his son Sean Darcy in the first game. The second game would've given the character Sis a bigger role too.


Jet Set Radio Future. Obviously people love it today, but at launch it didn't sell a ton of copies. 80k in the US and 28k in Japan. I personally would *love* a JSRF remaster. On the upside though, for those who may not know, we are apparently getting a Jet Set Radio reboot in 2026.


Advent rising from the original Xbox, could have been a great series


Advent rising was one of my favorites for a long time. I never mention this game in posts like this because I doubt anyone has heard of it. I love the telekinetic gameplay and power upgrades and the simple but enjoyable story. They were able to put so much in that game. I always hoped for the sequel.


Outriders. Fantastic game, really fun with a friend, just had a bunch of quirks with the story and bosses. Could've been an incredible game if they actually made the sequel and didn't scrap the whole thing.


F.E.A.R. After the third game bombed due to the new developers and writers not playing the first 2 and the disaster of the online shooter (that the devs also never played the original) it’s no surprise there’s been no new games. Which is a damn shame because the concept of a special forces team dedicated to combatting the paranormal has *so* many applications. I keep holding my breath for a reboot or remake but my hope has dwindled.


F.E.A.R. was such an incredible game. They did an incredible job of making you not feel underpowered, but also still terrified. It really is a shame what they did with the third game. Come to think of it, it actually reminded me a lot of what EA did with Dead Space 3. You had an incredible first two games with a lot of potential on the third game just to drop the ball and kill the franchise.


Mass Effect: Andromeda, they improved a lot of things but everyone remembers the problems it had when it first came out


I might die on this hill alone, but in my opinion Dawn of War III (yes. The forbidden one) wasn’t that bad and could have been made into a fun game - however the backlash was quite tangible and Relic pulled the plug without ever trying to fix it.


Now this is quite the brave take. I tried to give it a shot not so long ago in the campaign and really struggled to try to force myself to like it. Gave up at the halfway point I think. The skirmish mode wasn't actually too bad, though, so long as you aren't expecting the same gameplay of the prior games.


The original guild wars. Guild Wars 2 isn't guild wars.


Nothing has ever captured the feeling of the original guild wars for me not its sequel, or any other MMO that has been produced since.


Oh guild wars...I played the fuck out of that. I can't remember anymore, was it drox runs? To get to that late game area


Time Splitters


Used to absolutely love multiplayer on this


My friends and I played this so much. Time Splitters Future Perfect was awesome.


Global Agenda? Games like this, that are not even mentioned here most likely. There are others I will not bring to avoid the pain and memories.


Anthem never got a real first chance let alone a second, it could have been an incredible game.


EverQuest 2 never truly recovered from its Rocky launch.


Gun! Had a blast playing that when it came out


Days gone was originally Playstation exclusive and fell under the radar. Pc release gave it some life but I still feel it's super under appreciated.


Brink It never got a glow up sadly, but it really had so much potential behind it, and they still could have capitalized on the feedback if they either stuck with it, or made a sequel to it. But they never did. Dirty Bomb went close but it was a f2p hero shooter in the end


I’m still disappointed that Anthem cancelled their “next” update that promised to overhaul the game. The gameplay was fun af


The Callisto Protocol. It's a pretty solid game now, but it was an awful experience for many users upon release.


I think the issue is it eventually becomes far more action oriented than horror, on top of having very dodgy combat in both melee and ranged aspects. The story was also, something. It wasn’t bad but like, it wasn’t anything all that interesting either? The DLC was pretty cool albeit short, but damn the game could’ve been so much better


If they had made the melee combat secondary and focused more on ranged combat or could've been so much better. It gets tedious doing the same *dodge, swing, dodge* over and over again


I agree that the combat can get repetitive, but I think there's creativity in the encounters, too. You could be overwhelmed, but if you grab these guys, toss these guys, use these environmental hazards, and work in combos, it can be more enjoyable. I appreciated that standing back and shooting wasn't the best option, and running away wasn't reliable (especially when they chase you down).


Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage for N64 had a bunch of really big ideas, with it's fluid levelling mechanics, turn-based/character movement combat system, creepy atmoshpere, and confusing maps as a gameplay element. The design of the Mirari and some of the monsters was great, too. N64 was just a terrible console for RPGs, and there were just too many experiments without a thorough enough explanation. Arcanum is ripe for a sequel, now that CRPGs are having a comeback. And even though it got a sequel, it was in the same generation, so I'll say Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance. There's a sweet spot inbetween brain-dead musou games and isometric looters, and this is the only property I know of that tried to hit it.


Sleeping Dogs deserves a sequel


Jade Empire!


Carmageddon: Max Damage. People wrote it off due to the graphics, and the fact that there's little handholding. A patch was ment to release too that fixed some bugs, but it only exists in a beta branch on the PC version. No regrets buying it twice, though.


Days Gone. Not really a glow up but fixed it's issues just everyone got that first impression and never tried it again.


Dead Rising as a franchise deserves a second chance after DR4 sucking so bad, but Capcom seems rather happy letting it rot away and chances are we'll not even see something happen to the IP in 2026 for its' 20th anniversary either.


I did my part with the Capcom survey on franchise interest. Hopefully you did too.


I participated in that too but I have my reservations on whether or not it's going to have an impact on their decision to make another one.


deserved is very subjective so for me, till i see a sequel for them, they didn't get a 2nd chance just quickly on top of my head right now... * midnight suns * fenyx * code vein * gotham knights (altho what i want next is a teen titans in the same style) *


I’m 100% behind you on fenyx. It was a very enjoyable game you could play for 20 mins or 4 hours.


Code Vein was really cool, but I think it’s a pretty great standalone title that doesn’t need a sequel. Rather, given it’s a part of the God Eater universe, God Eater deserved so much better. 3 was great fun but they just let it die as soon as it released pretty much


Midnight Suns is fantastic. Gotham Knights was a little too repetitive at times but I do think with a little more tweaking and like mission maps it could have been great.


Days gone...... It was fucked up on release eventho the story is great compared to the shit we have nowadays, and they could've made a great sequel in Days Gone 2, and improving on the foundation they already made but Sony decided to give them the middle finger


It came too late in the ‘everything has zombies’ period. If it had been in development a couple of years earlier I think it would’ve been a big hit. It also doesn’t help that the big innovation it does can’t properly be engaged with till later in the game (the hordes. You require good gear to tackle them, especially on a first time through).


Resident Evil Outbreak because of the stupid ass ps2 not having a built in Ethernet port


Midnight Suns. Niche answer probably but that game had so much potential.


Days Gone.


Metal Arms: Glitch in the System on PS2, Xbox and GameCube. Such a good solid, inventive and fun shooter at the time. It had some modest success, and a sequel was in the works, then Activision acquired Swingin' Ape Studios and shut them down immediately and shelved the IP. *le sigh*


I loved hyperscape and season 3 was awesome but it was already 5 and 9/10ths feet in the ground


Days gone


I’ll say it til the very end. Skies of Arcadia: Legends


I miss Battleborn, it’s a shame what Randy pitchford and gearbox did when it released. But at least valve is doing something almost exactly like it, deadlock looks promising


Days gone


The Dead Space remake What was the point EA? They cancelled the whole trilogy before it even released. They hyped it up so much and now Motive is a Battlefield support studio


Ghost recon breakpoint


Evolve, it was given a second chance technically but they changed so much about the game when they did it that it waa no longer the same game and felt more like a grindfest/need certain skills moreso the skillbased/communication based.




Medal of Honor


The original OSS spy version or the more CoD like later ones?


#BOTH   I want the more cod ones in WWII.


Gigantic Wait hold up


Final Fantasy XV. I wanted them to finish that game so badly. Instead, they gave us the true ending in a book. I really wanted that material inside the game. It would’ve felt so complete.


Pretty much every dreamcast game.


Days gone, a sequel would've sent it above and beyond






Half Life really needs a third chance.


Halo infinite


Probably the most disappointing game this generation. They abandoned everything that made Halo 5 new and fresh (new weapons, new play modes that could have been awesome with a 2.0 investment like Warzone). Abandoned everything from past games that made it beloved (classic weapons, classic playlists). Introduced new ideas that ultimately were left half baked (campaign dlc where??????, no ability to explore other biomes or regions of the ring, free to play with zero content to grind and practically nothing to be excited about with battle passes), and all the frustrating sins of the past repeated (not enough content day 1, no custom games browser, no split screen, delayed launch of forge, no firefight) 343 is an absolute shit stain of a developer.


The gunplay is genuinely good, but the surrounding, “all of it” is still pretty shit. And the campaign was ass.


I'm of a similar mindset. They've improved the game. But they have absolutely not fixed why it's bad.


It was a nice coat of polish but its still a turd.


If you’d have asked me a while ago I’d have probably said Destiny 2. But it’s just lost its way IMHO, which is gutting tbh.


Too Human Dark Spore That W40k MMO


My friends and I played the crap out of Too Human. It sucks we'll never see a remake or a sequel.




I agree, I bought it when it started getting some traction back (a few years after release) and I found it to be pretty boring with almost no point to anything. Okay, you can build stuff, so what?


Earth Defense Force


Titanfall 2




Psychonauts 2 was released in 2021. Did you not hear about it?


Are you saying this like “there was never a Last Airbender movie” because you didn’t like the game or did you actually not know they released a sequel?