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It just can't be. Do you mean that all the hate from Reddit gamers towards the COD franchise is nothing more than a very loud minority? My life has been a lie...


Wait till the next AC drops and reddit tries convincing themselves that Ubisoft is about to go bankrupt.


People are already doing that with the upcoming Star Wars game from Ubisoft, lol. Have been since it got announced.


Don't forget Nintendo. People swear Nintendo is a niche company.


And that no one buys Pókemon games anymore.


I'm looking forward to seeing the new Fable succeed too The "Get woke go broke" crowd have been disproven time and time again, what's one more time?


The CoD Fandom makes up a significant portion of modern gamers even still. Black Ops will always be one of the highest selling games, regardless of how good the game actually is. The gamers in this meta are dedicated to it as a lifestyle, many of the ones I've met just find that form of gaming to be the best and typically don't play single player, story based games or much of anything else except for story games that are also shooting heavy like Doom. They've been doing it since they were sipping mountain dew code red having sniper battles with their buddies online when they were 14. They're not giving it up anytime soon


i don't think you know the meaning of "meta"


I think that’s pretty reductive and an over generalization. Plenty of people that love cod play everything from Dark Souls to Sonys newest story driven banger. I mean, with its market share it kind of has to. Cod is the most encompassing pvp game on the market right now, challenged maybe by Fortnite. The best spot to play with friends on your system of choice and can be picked up and played immediately. Nothing else compares, really.


I agree, I’m a very passive gamer recently. Kinda just try and enjoy games for games. Couldn’t get into MW3 all that much but I’m 100% gonna get bo6 especially since it’s on gamepass. It looks good and that zombies map looks like MOB from BO2 plus fat zombies. I’m also looking forward to the new elden ring DLC, Fable, Kingdom come deliverance 2 and a couple others but I agree with your stance


I haven't played CoD since Black Ops 2, I think. I may grab BO6 because sometimes I just want to play a few matches and then do something else. A buddy I work with also plays casually, so it would be cool to hang out online now and then. Other than that, I mostly play single player games that are heavily story-driven.


Mountain dew fueled sniper battles were peak gaming


There is a shocking amount of people who like but ps5s for just cod and FIFA they buy no other games. They simply don't care about anything else nor do they even know other games exist I mean maybe they play like fortnight or apex also but this is a truly shocking number. What's more is we will see if the game pass sub skyrockets.


Never forget the "Boycotted Modern Warden 2" Steam group


That screenshot never gets old


CoD is still stupidly popular. Whenever I used to talk games with my past coworkers nearly 90% of them played CoD or got a gaming console just for CoD. It's always a downer for me when I ask and the only game they play is CoD. I've never had interest and there's so many great games out there.


I play COD with my irl friends. But I also play other games, yet the other games I play nobody else I know plays them. It makes sense.


CoD is great when you just want to unwind and mindlessly shoot stuff after a long day. At least that's the main appeal for me lol.


every popular opinion reddit is a loud minority... seriously you can pick any opinion on any topic that reddit values and holds dear is something that the "normal" world thinks is stupid


I was told on this sub and r/games that no one would be buying COD anymore because it was on GamePass and that the sales would tank because of that.


Nearly anything this sub bitches about is basically guaranteed to at least be decent. 


*nearly anything reddit bitches about *


I keep telling people that Reddit and Discord are echo chambers by nature. Nobody ever believes it then are stunned by stuff like this.


I genuinely don’t know a single person who plays Call of Duty. Granted, I’m 34… but I am always surprised when this game shoots to the top despite its previous entries having horrible reviews.


The games are getting worse and you’re getting less value for more money. The fact that tons of people are buying them anyway doesn’t change that. In any case, the fact EU customers have to pay €80 instead of €70 is unacceptable and should be adjusted immediately.


You’d think going through the CoD subs, the game is an absolute mess, yet it keeps selling like crazy and retains a high and active userbase all year.


Also I've found many of CODs biggest haters don't play the game. They just see memes and assume it's the Madden/FIFA of FPS games (same shovelware bullshit every year), but Call of Duty is pretty damn high quality as far as franchise records go. Yeah, they often become bloated messes after their first year and yeah, they have had the occasional miss, but most COD titles are pretty high quality and fun if you like arcade shooters. MW3 is really the only straight up "bad" COD that I can think of. Every other one of their misses has been just "meh" and usually was a result of them trying to experiment a little bit and it just not working out, not them just releasing a straight up shitty game like Battlefield 2047 or something.


I always thought CoDs biggest haters was its own players, I've seen some straight up deranged people about the CoD communities Probably because they learned all they know about emotional regulation growing up from CoD lobbies


COD **is** the Madden of FPS games...


And madden sucks ass so it’s a good comparison


MW3 is plenty of fun lol


Reddit is a tiny minority of gamers throwing fits about not preordering, the people preordering CoD know exactly what they’re getting and that’s exactly what they want


Redditors for some reason can't accept that not every game aims to compete for the GOTY award. I love to see those comments under new Assassin's Creed announcements: "rEmEmBeR bOyS, nO pRe-OrDeRiNg" And that Assassin's Creed eventually crushes expectations and sales records with slim-to-zero launch day issues lol. Sure those games are no artistic masterpieces, but the 30 y/o dude who just got home after working the whole day just wants some entertainment. The same reason why the Fast & Furious movies are still doing so well, they're entertainment.


Redditors boycotted Pokemon Scarlet and Violet so effectively that it became the fastest selling exclusive game ever.


The Hogwarts Legacy boycott also turned out great. That game became the best-selling-game of 2023 lol


>Redditors for some reason can't accept that not every game aims to compete for the GOTY award. Even worse, Redditors can't accept that saying "Redditors" doesn't mean anything. There isn't just one type of person on Reddit.


Of course, but there's no denying that people on Reddit often times have a very critical opinion that's echochambered around. - Ubisoft bad - EA bad - Rockstar used to be the goat, now they've fallen off - Indie games are the pillar of the gaming industry - Valve is the greatest gaming company ever - Mobile games suck - Never pre-order games, unless it's from a good studio (see Astro Bot) - Cloud gaming never had potential


These are just opinions that a lot of people share. Then you have the people who think they're clever for pointing out the Reddit "echochamber". It doesn't mean anything.


Then the same 2 or 3 comments wouldn't get upvoted in every single thread


These are all somewhat true, though. A lot of the popular mobile games do suck (though there are a fair amount of them that are either very high effort or are very interesting), Rockstar used to make and publish really interesting games all the time, now they just make GTA Online. Indie games are where designers are most free to experiment and play around with new game design ideas. And you shouldn't pre-order games unless you 100% trust that the output of the company developing the game will never fail to live up to your expectations.


Yeah, this is the right take. People like what they like. Redditors feel the need to piss all over them for it. Most people aren't overly tuned in to the gaming industry. It's something they do to unwind maybe a few times a week. They have fun and move on. They don't need it to be an ethereal experience they'll remember for the rest of their lives.


For every one person who complains about preordering and refuses to do so, there are 10 others who do preorder games.


It's a game that busy people can play. And the developers have made it so even if you only have enough time to play 2 or 3 matches, you might unlock something,level up and or tempt said busy person into buying something from the store.


Precisely, it makes no sense to tear down other gamers who want the latest CoD or FIFA or whatnot. It's all just an ego trip.


Oh come on. Its 70 bucks for a short story and the usual multiplayer. Buy it on sale, ok, but 70$ preorder??? Why? EDIT: 80 Euro in Europe, thats over 85US$


People who can afford whatever they want don't even engage in these conversations. They don't care.


people who play just cod and \[sports game\] every year (the majority of the players of those games) don't engage in these conversations.


i’m one of those people. i didn’t preorder but it’s very funny when people tell others how to spend their money. like brother I can afford it so leave me alone


I would do the same. If money wasn't an issue, I'd be buying every cod, battlepass, mtx the game has to offer.


People for whom money is not an issue do not (generally) have that mindset.


I can afford whatever I want. I won’t preorder games anymore. Especially not shit like CoD or FIFA that’s just the same garbage reskinned year after year. The only exception is the Horizon game series.


I've preordered one game and that was ToTK. From the stories I've heard, you can only pre-order games nearly guaranteed to be good.


I've never understood the preorder thing. It's not like concerts where there's a limited number of seats. The number of games produced is essentially infinite, especially now that everything is moving to begin downloaded. I just don't get what the hurry is to get a game that's likely going to need a bunch of patches anyway. That's why I usually wait a year until everything gets fixed and there's a price drop.


It's the CoD cycle. Autumn bitch about how shit the game is. Winter say the game is getting better. Spring the game is shit again say the last year's game was better. Summer pre-order the next CoD game.


CoD players never learn, sad.


Good thing that CoD doesn't give them a free ticket into the army


I learned after Cold War lmao


A lot of people only play Call of Duty and no other games. Release day is an event and they don’t mind pre-ordering to get whatever minuscule perks come with it. Pre-ordering the game four months out is like buying a concert ticket for a show that’s four months out. The purchase gets them excited for release day, and solidifies plans on their calendar. That’s it. I don’t play COD or pre order games but that’s how I view my friends that are into it.


Yep, it's just like FIFA. It's the only game these players play, all their friends play it, and they play 100-500 hours a year. They preorder it because they know they're going to get their money's worth and all their friends are going to be on during release night. Meanwhile the "gaming" community is paying $100 each for Starfield and Diablo 4 to play them 3 days early, before the game reviews have even come out, and the cherry on top is they are getting a DLC or Battle Pass that hasn't even been made yet for a game they haven't even played.


It's insane how many people out there play yearly CoD and like a sports game. Like I'm not trynna gatekeep and divide gamers but I probably look at those people the same way hardcore sports fans look at me when I say I only really follow some combat sports, none of the usual team stuff with spheres.


Think of CoD as more of a pastime than a game. Think of it like golf. Then it makes much more sense.


And these guys probably only play COD whereas I play all sorts of different games so I wait and see what ones are actually worth buying the week they come out. If I only played Bethesda games I’d pre order those every year to most likely.


Because Call of Duty, that’s why.


Don’t forget, it’s also made by Treyarch who makes the Black Ops series and they haven’t released a BO game since 2021. There are people that only play the Treyarch COD games so I’m sure there’s lots of anticipation.


“Preorder skin and gun that will become obsolete within a week’s meta is shiny though!”


Try hard guy are salivating already


Hey man, you gotta do what you gotta do to get that k/d up to 0.85.


If they’d just fix all the hackers, not use cheap kill streaks perks, stop deprioritizing my internet connection and I stop getting terrible teammates, bro. I’d be top 10 globally on a bad day Edit: had to add “on a bad day”


It won't go on sale until the multiplayer is almost dead and a new game is on the horizon.


The anti preorder stuff you read on this site is such a minority in the grand scheme of things. Reddit is not the majority opinion on anything really. And the vast majority of gamers don’t bother reading this site at all, or ever. A large percentage of gamers will preorder their favorite franchise day 1 without even thinking. FIFA, Madden, 2K, CoD, Assassin’s Creed, you name it. They don’t care because they know what to expect and they aren’t terminally online on this site.


I get hundreds of hours out of them and I want to play on day one. I like cod and it’s probably one of the best returns I get entertainment-wise


It's also a great game to play with friends just to catch up every now and then as I know almost everyone will have it. It's a similar thing with FIFA.


Game pass to make sure it’s not shit then buy it. 


People buy things they like


So people can complain about it being a half finished mess, and then wonder why.


I’m still finding lobbies in black ops 3, plus zombies is actually good


Why do you care what people spend their money on? CoD minus the battle pass (which is optional) has a lot of content to offer. If people enjoy it, let them be.


i'l;l just play it on gamepass. i refuse to spend 70 bucks on it


Bold of you to think we will get a decent sale Any time soon


Because there’s a large community of players who only play cod. This is the game they play and they would be there day 1 for it. Just like the sports games.


Why? So the game is already purchased for them. That’s it. There really isn’t a reason


Because if you don't start immediately, you will not be able decimate all the noobs that buy it on sale in a year. It's why I don't really bother with mp shooters anymore. I'm too old and don't have the time or patience to git gud.




Redditors finding out that their gaming opinions really don't matter


ppl take gaming way too seriously in general, average people don't care if the COD game isn't some amazing game as long as it's a good time and they get plenty of gameplay out of it. It really is never that serious yet people act like it is


It is that serious to those whose whole life and identity is gaming.


I liked what I saw from the direct. Cool maps and small fine-tuned mechanics. Theater mode back too. Haven’t bothered with the series since MW 2019 and I have bitched about every release after that just like yall in the comments, but I’ll be keeping an eye on this.


I agree, I think Treyarch is good at pushing/trying new mechanics in the series (BLOPS 3 being a big example) and from what I saw it honestly looks more promising than the other COD titles recently. Mentioning how they want to keep it more aesthetically loyal to the era it’s sent in, trying more dynamic movements that feel fun and adding realistic hitboxes sounds like it could be a interesting addition to the series. This is coming from someone who is very bored of the game in general so I’m definitely interested in how this one will turn out.


It’s because COD fans have been waiting 5 years for a Treyarch title. Fuck Infiniti Ward




The thing about COD is you always know what you're in for. There aren't any surprises in terms of gameplay or quality, they are all so similar.


Idk I’d say they went backwards in gameplay and quality the last 2-3 years. MW3 was a recent attempt at walking back the terrible changes, but it’s still a mess.


I’m with you on the recent quality, but many are hoping that 6 reverses that trend entirely. It’s the longest development cycle for a cod ever. it’s made by treyarch, who with the exception of Cold War pretty much always makes a quality cod. And they’ve said they’re bringing back old zombies. I have multiple friends who haven’t bought the last couple or have skipped every other, and they’re all buying it no matter what at this point. And while I haven’t bought or played cod in years either, I’m also probably getting it based on what we know


I honesty really liked what I saw in the presentation. I havented played cod since like 2018. What they showed reminds me a lot like black ops 1 and 2. So I'm in! 16 new maps, 2 zombie maps, war zone, campaign. Isn't this what people have been asking for in COD?


To be fair, Treyarch seems to have cooked with this one and the campaign looks like a AAA blockbuster mission impossible movie. The new omni-movement looks really cool and actually original to the FPS genre. Can’t wait to try it out in zombies And COD Black OPS 6 has been in development much longer than usual.


I'll always love Treyarch when it comes to CoD.


Tf is omni movement


It’s the ability sprint and dive in any direction, giving players 360 degrees of maximum control. It’s nothing crazy or innovative (you could sprint in any direction in 1993 Doom) but it’s new to CoD and will definitely distinguish it from the rest of the series in terms of on-the-ground movement.


you can sprint, dive, and slide in any direction. looks dope imo


This is why the human race will never reach the stars


Nonsense! A shitload of people also pre-ordered Starfield.


1000 planets and not a single thing to do


There are things to do, just so few are unique 


try having fun.


God forbid people buy games they enjoy.


Redditors hate it when others use their own money however they please.


The same people that say "let people have fun playing the games they want" will turn around and complain when 75% of gamers just play COD / FIFA each year and love it


The true is, that a lot (A LOT) of people like the game and don't care to spend 70usd once a year to play it forever. I don't like it, I never bought any of them, but the game works for a lot, they have fun with it and, if they play it A LOT 70usd a year is not much. Same with FIFA games. Is like pay a monthly fee (but in this case year fee).


I'm not sure about everyone else, but Black Ops is the only COD I play. WAW, 1, 2, and CW had great campaigns, but Zombies is basically the main draw of those games for me.


I really don't care, it's not my money, but theirs. Same thing with like with fifa or f1.


There was a Black Ops 4 and 5?!


There was bo4 and bo cold war which apparently is bo5 now


We are never gonna get rid of call of duty bros.


Damn them for enjoying something that I don't!


This is crazy considering game pass exists


And haters said sales would tank lol


It’s like people like owning the games they want to play or something, lol. I have Game Pass, but I’ve still bought physical and digital copies of games available on it because some of them get cycled out, sometimes I decide to stop paying for awhile, etc. and I don’t like losing access to the games I’ve been enjoying playing.


I just want a cod waw remaster please


I remember someone saying that it’ll be day 1 gamepass


Thats one way to crash the servers.


But... Call of Duty on Game Pass was going to kill sales? /s


The title says something completely different to the post? Are both true, or is OP just clickbaiting? The title: COD is the most preordered game on steam. The post: COD pre-order is the best selling game on steam *right now*. The 2nd one is no surprise. They literally just did a huge marketing push like 2 hours ago. If the first is also true, that makes me lose faith in humanity, but I don't think it is.


It actually looks like a cod game with competent developers, with new ideas. I haven't bought a cod since Mw2 (2019), and Blops2 before that. I am excited for this game and will play day 1... (not pre ordering though). I just hope to cod they optimized it. Enough shaders and the game shouldn't be 200gb.


I play it because my friends play it and we have fun, it has many flaws but we enjoy it and it’s the only important criteria   We play many other games too but let’s be honest here, some people hating here are just bandwagoning and will purchase it


People have money. The game is still fun for a lot of people.


But I was told by lots of people on this sub that nobody plays CoD…


Not a fan of the COD series but the ones I have played were really fun. I watched the trailer and the direct today. I will def be playing because I have gamepass!


I have to take a break from cod, it's been fun gents


You will be back.


Watch the direct. I haven't played a cod game since Modern Warfare 2019 and this is bringing me back. Might genuinely be one of the best cods of all time.


Honestly, I expected this. It looks like a clear improvement on anything they’ve put out in the last 5-6 years. Still COD tho. Still gonna be somewhat mediocre, but for what these COD fans have come to expect… this is a massive improvement.


Oh no Gamepass is killing COD. lol


I was really impressed by what they showed. Haven't felt a leap like this since MW2019. Thank God the normal prestige system is back and the campaign looks really cool, too


Say what you will about preorders but I’m coping space marine 2 hard


It should be a solid purchase but I'm still not preordering in case there's any major launch issues like optimization, servers or anything


I haven't really ever been a fan of cod. More of a battlefield guy, until the thing... Anyhow since it'll be on game pass I'll give it a go.


Lol, preordering a digital game


itt kids pat themselves on the back celebrating the bestest game ever (this year's edition) getting even more expensive, because it's so good it deserves it unlike meanies on reddit say. You are delusional.


COD is one of those series where people preordering doesn't really matter as they'll play the game no matter what, same with the sports games. I hate preorders but if you're going to play a game basically no matter the state it launches it, it doesn't really matter when you give the company your money


Didn't they forget cod bo6 is on gamepass?


If they are planning on playing the game until the next Cod comes out and don't really care about any other games then what's the point of paying for gamepass? A lot of people don't really play a lot of games, they just have 3-5 games that they cycle through.


Its even more depressing when you consider it'll be out on Game Pass... You can save your $70 :/


Game pass is more money if you're gonna play the game longer than 5 or 6 months


In console if you play online you still have to pay for ps plus or game pass core


Cod is always the best-selling game of the year except when Rockstar comes out with something


Surprised this is so contentious here, haha. Cod's just a staple of life at this point - may not be the best every year, but it's the ONLY game that me and all my friends buy together. I'd imagine there are a lot of people like that. Already got my preorder.


I’ll check it out on Gamepass for free. And not waste money on a 4 hour campaign.


I dont understand the cod obsession. They have became bland, soulless games over the years, yet people gobble it up. Note, I have not touched a cod game since the original MW3


Not that I'm particularly disagreeing with you, but how can you claim the games are bland and soulless, if you haven't played one since 2011? Personally I absolutely adored the 2019 Modern Warfare. Fantastic campaign and multiplayer. Havent played any since though.


Still one of the best games with guns. Shoot feedback, sounds and graphics, nowhere else you'll find something remotely similar. And, most important: Call of duty is fun. You can dislike the game as strong as you want, it doesn't change the fact. And somehow reddit forgets every time - reddit is a minority. Their opinion is not the majority of players. Explained simple.


Bit of a strange observation if you didn't play BO2 which is highly regarded as one of the top 3-4 COD games.


Cold War was kind of a good return to form after the jet pack age, I think it’s pretty good. That being said, I say it’s good like the new Crunchwrap supreme from Taco Bell is good. It’s not an amazing authentic Mexican experience, but it does hit that spot.


So how do you know they've become bland and soulless if you haven't played them? wtf is this comment even lol




If BO6 came out and it was great, I'd love that. After MW3(2) though, I can't believe are jumping on this so quickly. I know the CoD community tends to have pretty short memories, but come on.


So why should Activision change anything if it works that simple for them?


The tweet says that the BLOPS6 preorder is currently the best selling item on Steam, not that BLOPS6 is Steam's most preordered item. Bad title.


Understandable... You can sprint backwards now.


They'll learn, but not today. It's a slow process.


There has already been 5 lol?


Like a moth to a flame every single year.


you have got to be kidding


Hey man. I got gamepass, aint no need to buy it


I miss when it was brawl between Battlefield and CoD. The hype behind MW3 vs BF3 was wild. And damn did BF3 not disappoint. Then to have them IMPROVE on BF3 with BF4 was insane. We’ll never see anything like that again. The market is too saturated.


I know a person who openly hates this game and spend 20h a week logged in. They locked in on self hating gamers


I sometimes wonder if the ranking is dollar based and not a count of purchase. What would stop a mass purchase of 70$ from going to the top?


People aren't buying COD because they enjoy the game. They buy it cause it's all they know, and it's their only safe space since the Xbox 360.


Damn they’re at 6 already, I really gotta get my life together jeez


You know how it goes with fools and their money


Gaming has gotten to big to where no matter what the big names (like cod) put out they will always make hella money. So what I did was just accept cod is never going back to 2008-2015 days and sure I still buy the game cause I still enjoy the core of just hopping in and shooting some people to kill time but I will never spend extra money on the game on micro transactions like I did back in the day aka the DLC packs


Not really hyped for this game at all but I guess this is how CoD was the best selling game of the year almost every single year for what, over a decade up until last year?


This is why big companies keep fucking us, and fuck us harder and harder.. we keep buying their shit for more and more, for less and less


lol $70 base


Yea there a lot who enjoy COD games Obviously spending time here you won’t see that cause Redditors are Redditors


I hope me being wrongfully banned on MW3 doesn’t affect me in Black ops 6


This is why the AAA companies will never imrpove. There's enough idiots out there who instantly preorder anything they announce without a second thought.


WHY do people prepurchase a digital game. It's not like they're going to run out of copies by launch.


Last black ops fucking slapped


Don't they want the early demo release, and will then cancel the purchase of the full game?


I think the Redditors throwing a hissy fit about Call of Duty every year is a lot more annoying than the fact people preorder the game.


Am I crazy or did they skip Blops 5?


And so the cycle begins anew.


Gosh thats frustrating i haven’t purchased a cod since BO4 and i wish more people would do the same so activison would make some meaningful changes and make cod a good game franchise again


I really don't get pre-ordering it but reddit hates on CoD too much. I don't think any other shooter even comes close to just being a fun arcadey experience. The others are all too sweaty


Nothing will change…


Lol, I'll just pay for a month of game pass and check it out.


Everyone running to be first in line on release day to say how horrible the game is and how cod days are numbered. I don't mind the game to be honest, but man I hate people who make a living playing the game.


Call of Duty is the McDonalds of Gaming.


Fellas, I'm gonna buy it, Here's why. I'm bored, I miss black ops zombies, and I loved cold war zombies. And I got a bit of cash on me. I know what to expect, 2 hour campaign, and $20 bundles. This is COD now, and until their sales go down when GTA VI comes out, it's gonna stay that way.


Is there a reason to pick steam over xbox? Isnt gamepass getting it day 1?


Yes it is Pc gamers are loyal to steam


This is why AAA game's standards are so low. These people will buy anything.