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I adore Borderlands 2 and it's my favorite of the series. Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragons Keep was such a fun addition to an already great game, and me being the DnD nerd I am, I appreciated the setting and story of the DLC all the more.


Yep. That DLC was so good, they made an entire stand alone game based on it. I still prefer the DLC tho.


Wonderlands does have the single funniest joke in the entire series. The nuke sequence had me and my friend gasping for air cause we were laughing so hard.


You'd probably love Tiny Tina's Wonderlands.


To add to this, people (rightfully) complained about the story of BL3, but the overall gameplay is definitely the best in the series, and the DLCs that they added which had their own stories were all fantastic. So basically all of the BL3 DLC would fall into this category as well, mainly due to the story of the base game being lackluster.


Every DLC in that game was great.


Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone, and Blood & Wine. Hearts of Stone had an amazing story. Like, I don't know. It is definitely up there as one of the best ones out there, period. And Blood & Wine? Jesus Christ. They could have packaged that as a separate game and called it anything else and it would have been a GOTY RPG in most years. So good. --- Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty The base game is pretty good now, but god damn if Phantom Liberty isn't just the peak of what the game has to offer.


Phantom liberty was fantastic. I don't play games all that often any more (life gets in the way) but the whole DLC had me hooked


The Blood and Wine DLC is better than a lot of standalone titles.


Yeah. Like I seriously think that if the Witcher franchise didn't exist, and Blood & Wine was released as a stand-alone RPG, it would win fucking awards.


I could not agree more regarding Blood and Wine


I want to play phantom liberty!!


Interesting, I never played the Witcher DLCs


Well, treat yourself when you find the time. I'm sure you can pick them up on a bargain price at some point. They truly are amazing. **Hearts of Stone** is a lot more condensed. It focuses on a few characters and locations, but goes really deep with everything. The characters are so good. In addition, if you've played the previous Witcher games, you might know that Geralt had another, somewhat less serious, love interest along with Triss and Yennefer. Shani. You get to meet her again, and have a small romance with her, which doesn't affect romances with Triss or Yen. So that's really nice. Here's the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQ2_2Rik3y4 But **Blood & Wine** is like a whole new game. Massive new area, with big Towns, and wilderness. Enemy fortresses. Everything super beautiful and colourful. You get to meet and be friends with a really cool character from the books. You get your own little house with land, where you can invite Ciri and whatever Love Interest you have. You even get to "retire" so to speak. Just chill in the countryside. It's great. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZP1W6D6aZA


I played them for the first time when I replayed Witcher 3 last year after the current gen update. The biggest complement (among many of them) is that both DLC's villains blow The Wild Hunt out of the water. The main villains are both absolutely terrifying antagonists in their own ways. Even certain side characters are equally as powerful and scary. When you occasionally see the r/askreddit or r/gaming thread that's titled "Who is the best villain in gaming?", you'll usually see one of two answers at the top of them: Handsome Jack from Borderlands, and one of the villains in the Witcher 3's DLC


I agree both vllians were simply amazing.


Seconded Phantom Liberty. The main game is bigger and benefits from a much larger map, but still. Cyberpunk in general has some top notch voicework and conversations, and the side quests lines are some of the better ones in gaming. But even then, you can tell the main missions in the Phantom Liberty DLC are even a step above that. Plus it's one of the absolute best emotional plotlines I've ever seen in a game. Everything is a shade of grey and there are no definitive correct answers. They pull that off better than almost any other game out there


Haven’t touched cyberpunk or DLC since release. Too bad I have a gaming PC now I would have loved to try it on there over my existing PS5. Just don’t feel like buying the game again.


They do go on pretty big sales regularly these days. I believe it's currently 50% off in the Epic Store.


This is a summary for what CDPR could do if their ambition didn't exceed their talent/deadlines.


Ran into the comments to say this.


Ballad of Gay Tony was much better than the base GTA IV


Ballad of Gay Tony and Chinatown were my favorite GTAs from that era.


Absolutely and that's without it adding mid mission checkpoints.


Absolutely 👍🏾


As good as Witcher 3 was, Blood and Wine was even better. So was Hearts of Stone for that matter.


Hearts of Stone is the best 10 or so straight hours of story content in the game. The entire story is really good with no real weak point.


100% agreed. Blood and Wine always pops into my head first though because it’s practically a full game in and of itself.


Yeah Blood and Wine is like 50 hours of content if you go for full completion, for a DLC that's crazy.


How about a dlc that is better than the game?


Blood and Wine is a dlc of Witcher 3.


The Witcher 3 isn't a very impressive game. The DLC for the game is so good it redeems the base game almost entirely.


Might be an unpopular opinion, but I agree completely.


A well-realized open world will get most people to forgive terrible combat, an extremely predictable story, tons of glorified fetch quests, and more Ubisoft than Ubisoft can usually muster. But the DLC is truly good. The only complaint I have about it is that the overall improvements they add to the base gameplay can't be accessed until you get to them.


Monster Hunter World: Iceborne


This pretty much applies to every single Monster Hunter expansion.


The game just feels incomplete without G-Rank.


That's every monster hunter.


Yeah. MH has the formula. Base game… end game. It’s so addicting. I hope Pokémon swaps to this. It should be Pokémon Scarlet and then later Violet as a DLC. Iceborn is epic. A gold standard of MH games


It's funny how iceborne got shat on during release with the introduction of tenderizing, and now it's still getting mixed reviews


Fallout 4: Far Harbour


Its practically a whole game on its own, branching storylines, tons of locations, one of the funnest side quests in any game with the robo brain murder mystery (where you can romance a robot)


Bonus points if you bring Nick with you. To not bring Nick on the Far Harbor quest line is to not experience it fully.


Right?! It adds more depth to the quest and stakes on which side you pick or how you resolve the questlines on the island. Theres alot of criticisms about bethesda games but every now and then they give us absolutely diamond companions like Nick.


Not only that, but there’s an insane amount of context and dialogue that it provides via Nick and fuck I forget the android leader’s name. Nima? Something like that. Edit: It’s DiMA


Nick's context adds so much to Dima's reasoning that it can totally effect how you make decisions. Realizing why Dima is so focused on saving and protecting synths because of his experiences with Nick and having Nick's input gives such important context to what you discover during the main quest. God, I have to go start a new fallout 4 game now.


I just beat it and am having trouble imagine not having nick there with me. He's very important to the plot line I never used followers on skyrim, but in fo4 they have so much unique situational dialogue it makes it a lot of fun.




Yeah, if i can say anything bad its that the areas (especially the settlements) are lacking. I think I only bothered to build up the lumbermill.


It’s based off of a NV mod called autumn leaves, which was also pretty good but a bit drawn out and boring.


Came here to say this


I remember doing Insitute playthrough the first time and at the end just wondering “can I do this”, and yeah. I totally could tell the Institute where the Synths were and then go retrieve them. And even was able to confirm that the girl wasn’t a synth by just asking for the records to be checked. And it honestly made me mad that something that basic actually surprised me by being in the game. Fortunately Nuka World returned expectations to base levels.


Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer DLC.


Definitely. Though I'd say that NWN: Hordes of the Underdark was like 10x the improvement over NWN's base campaign and first expansion. NWN2 base campaign was pretty good. MotB was insanely good, but I think it's not AS big of a jump as with NWN.


HotU was amazing. First CRPG that truly enthralled me.


NWN campaign was so bad that their weird module (DLC lite) Kingmaker pack was still vastly better.


MotB was good, but I still prefer the base game.


To the point where people regularly suggested skipping the main game outright even though it continues off it.


Indeed. Though you can argue that connection to the main game was pretty flimsy. You leave behind all companions, and the storyline is all new location with new characters, so it is very much like its own game.


The old hunters from Bloodborne. It had far and away the best bosses in the game and added so many unique weapons.


The DLC is pretty compact compared to the main world but it’s 100% quality.


The Shivering Isles DLC for Oblivion.


Shivering Isles felt so much like Morrowind. The weird mysterious quirky world the Oblivion base game lacked.


Shivering Isles was so fucking good. Oblivion was the first game I ever got 100% achievements for, and that expansion just made me fall in love with the whole game all over again. Pretty much every time I've replayed Oblivion was for the sole purpose of running through SI again.


I remember being appalled at the price ($25 I think). But I had sunk so many hours into Oblivion I didn't mind the risk. So worth it. Think it added another 50+ hours to the game for me (I explore everything so I usually spend 2x or 3x more time finishing stories than average).


Looks like that’s what they were going for for the starfield expansion.


Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty




It doesn’t tell us anything about the main campaign


Battlefield Vietnam the bc2 dlc


Love it


Fallout New Vegas, particularly Old World Blues is my favourite!


I cant decide if i prefer Old World Blues or The Divide. Old World Blues is one giant love letter to old sci fi film references. I also love Divide because it feels like such a grand finale to the Courier's story and adds to the legend.


I do love how intense The Lonesome Road is but the humour of OWB gets me every time!


Totally agree. FNV is already a funny game, but OWB leans all the way in and it's incredible.


Lonesome Road was such a letdown after they spent the main game and 3 other DLCs building it up lol The peak "tell don't show" droning exposition dump while going down a linear corridor is not how you write an interesting story, that is leading to an uninspired skill-check boss fight and a shoehorned nuclear set piece. Other DLCs had cool shit going for them - Honest Hearts was pretty and had Graham (despite being a short series of glorified fetch quests), Dead Money had a tremendous setting and atmosphere, despite the Fallouy engine being absolutely dogshit for a survival-horror game, and OWB was just fantastic all around. Best thing about Lonesome Road was the outfit you got in the end


Lonesome Road was kind of the opposite of Dead Money to me. Dead Money had a great story with memorable characters but absolutely terrible gameplay; Lonesome Road was full of wonderful locales and combat set pieces, but had the most pretentious edgelord storyline I've ever seen. When I finally met Ulysses in person I was half expecting him to tip his fedora at me.


I enjoyed Bioshock 2, but the Minerva’s Den DLC was much better in my opinion.


Loved Bioshock 2, got so much underserved agit




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Far Cry Blood Dragon


Great game. Arguably not an expansion though, since you don't need the base FC3 to play it. More of a spinoff. The Blood Dragon Netflix series is great too.


I didn't know there was a Netflix series. I'm very intrigued 


Either Netflix or Amazon, I'm suddenly second-guessing myself a bit. Either way, it is pretty good. Has some decently chuckle-worthy moments, good action, and an interesting plot. It isn't brilliant, but it's still worth a binge if you're looking for something new to kill a weekend with. It is very meta, too. It's got the Blood Dragon namesake and features a lot of themes from the game, but it's set in the total Ubisoft universe. There's some interesting characters that pop up. E: it's called Captain Laserhawk and it is indeed Netflix.


The Knife of Dunwall and The Brigmore Witches - both DLC for Dishonored.


Played both of them, knife of dunwall def better than the main game, not sure about brigmore witches


I kind of regard both those DLCs as a single thing tbh - since they’re essentially part 1 and part 2 of a single story.


Taking it old-school, WC3 Frozen Throne was almost a full game on top of WC3. The story was amazing and there are so many iconic characters.


The good old days. It's so weird to even reminisce about Warcraft without being tempted to add "world" in front of the word every time. WoW really just took that universe and ran away with it. I was never an MMO guy myself, so when it comes to Warcraft, WC2-3 was my childhood.


Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine


Diablo 2 Lords of Destruction pushed that game to another level.


One time I did try to play D2 without the LoD expansion. Holy fuck that was a shift. LoD is how you expand the game, back when they were expansions because they added to the game.


Outlast: Whistleblower


Undead Nightmare. I love me some cowboys. I love me some zombies. Rockstar said fuck it why not both. Yes please


The horses were dope too


If we're including expansions, then I'd put StarCraft: Brood War and WoW: The Burning Crusade. I personally very much prefer the fully-DLC'd Civ VI to the vanilla game.


My favorite expansion was Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal


Fallout 3 was great but the DLC was on another level


Gonna agree, except for Operation Anchorage. I had to pay for it, and what a waste of time and money. Just my opinion.


Hmm yea I honestly forgot about Anchorage. Very unmemorable. Especially compared to the others.


Basically just a weapon package


The Old Hunters


Bloodborne: The Old Hunters From’s DLCs are usually one of the better parts of their respective game, but The Old Hunters is the only one that *really* elevates the entire game by itself, imo. Base game is great, DLC is the best thing From has made.


Horizon: forbidden west burning shores, enjoyed it much more than the base game, much tighter experience and story than the main game and it is beautiful. As others have said Cyberpunk: phantom liberty, again a much tighter experience in story and a much more alive and denser area it's set in. Xenoblade 3: future perfect, you have to have played all the xenoblade games to really appreciate it but it is really good. It seems each of these had a much smaller game area and focus with its own smaller but well written story which made for a much better experience. I guess what the developers learned from the main game helped a lot when creating them.


Burning Shores was amazing. Also one of the first romances that didn’t feel super railroaded.


Yeah it didn't feel pushed, I didn't really see it coming to start with but then by the end I wanted it to happen.


Yeah, I expected them to make it happen but I was expecting it to feel really forced and campy. But they wrote it really well and it felt natural. Like you, I wanted it to happen by the end.


Frozen Wilds was also incredible.


Dark Souls 2


Oh for suuuuuuuuuuuuure


The Witcher 3 - “Yes”


StarCraft Broodwar. 


All 4 story DLC for borderlands 3 are objectively better than the base game from a storytelling perspective. Edit: I know that’s it’s not exactly a story driven game but the booster course pass for mario kart 8 deluxe really brought some fresh air into the game.


Prey. Didn't like the game much but loved Mooncrash.


It was really cool to see Mooncrash get prototyped into Deathloop, which was also a fun time!


Everything for Borderlands 3


Don’t starve reign of giants


Like every Fromsoftware game


Mechwarrior 5’s expansions made the game so much better


Dragon's Dogma - Dark Arisen. Changed the entire game nearly, and the story was leagues better than the main one.


Dark Arisen for Dragon’s Dogma, added complexity to the game that the base game was lacking, better bosses and more interesting loot mechanic. 


The Division survival dlc


Shivering Isles




Blood and Wine. Witcher 3 was mediocre at best but that dlc makes up for it.


Half life opposing force, don’t get me wrong, Half life was epic, but I’d not seen that sort of story telling before; playing across the same events but as Shepard was a lot of fun.


Ohhhh So old but loved it


The demo for Opposing Force was my first experience with Half Life. I didn't even know that it wasn't the original. Played the hell out of it when I was probably way too young to be playing it. 


I didn’t hate the main campaign in Gears 5 but Hivebusters was better (and had way better looking levels). I much prefer more linear classic levels though.


In Tanta we trust 


I wouldn’t say “better,” but God of War: Ragnarok Valhalla was a genre swap DLC that I’d have bought as a separate game. Right now I’d rank it as the second best Roguelite on console (behind Hades).


Mooncrash for Prey 2017


Infamous First Light. Main character, story and glowing powers were crazy good.


Outlast whistleblower


Lord's of shadow 2 dlc was better than the base game. And idk if it counts but I thought blood dragon was better than fc3.


Watch dogs legion: legion bloodline.


Does Star Craft: Brood War count?


Just about every monster hunter g rank expansion


Can't believe no one said this yet but.. Bloodborne is an amazing game, but From really took it to the next level with the Olhe Hunters DLC


Recently played the dlc for Bioshock 2 and was surprised by how good it was.


Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Not that the base game wasn’t good, gods no, far from it. I dare say that it’s one of the best games of all time. But holy shit, Phantom Liberty is just on a whole different level.


Plane crash with the title card had me legit go ... Oh fuck. Lol.


I’ll give it a shot then. Felt like the base game was a 7.5/10 for me all said and done. Still had a game ruining sound bug for 10 hours of my play through a couple months ago. Like cmon man haha. But in the end I enjoyed it more than I did upon release


Maid of sker challenge maps are infinitely better than the base game. And they directly lead to the Sker Ritual game that was recently released.


I feel this is pretty normal. Probably because the devs don't need to worry about getting the fundamentals for the game down, there is less expectation for volume of content and less risk to investors if they experiment a bit more. Pretty much every Bethesda RPG. Shout out to Far Harbour in particular and while it wasn't really my thing Nuka-World was specifically geared towards people who want to play a raider which is more niche but that's ok for a DLC so they don't have to go for mass appeal. All of Fromsoft games, and they make the main bosses a bit harder in them aswell. I know lots of people hated but I actually liked frigid outskirts (but think they really needed a bonfire before the boss because repeating it isn't fun). W3, ME2/3, Dishonored, MH:W, a lot of the DLC for AAA games is where you get condensed action and experimenting.


Dead rising 4 frank rising


All the dark souls 2 dlc. Has all the best fights in the gsme.


Far Cry Blood Dragon


MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries I sometimes forget the base game exists because of how much better this version is


Most monster hunter expansions really finish the game


Pretty much every Civ game the DLC really refines the gameplay and fixes the parts that are unsatisfying or don't work. I guess it's not that the DLC is better by itself, but the game with DLC is at its core superior to the base game instead of just more content


Xcom wrath of the righteous. Cranked the main game to 11. New special soldiers. New special boss enemies. A fresh world map meta. It enhanced xcom 2 in every sense.


Mass Effect 3's combined suite of DLC was some of the best content in the whole series.


Battlefield 2 Vietnam dlc may not have been better than the original game content wise but it sure as hell was a fun dlc!


Gonna go with the horse armor from oblivion here. Yeah the game was great and all, but that horse armor? *chef's kiss*


Cyberpunk: Phantom Liberty


sort of niche but bitterblack isle for dragons dogma! totally changed the whole game for me


Surprisingly horse armor. Probably the best dlc of all time. 


Duke Nukem Forever DLC


Far cry 6


CoD Zombies, I think introduced in World at War. That ended up being its own thing for the longest time. Just Cause 3: the Jetpack DLC. Of the 3 DLCs it was the best, and it came out first. I really don’t know why they thought after that I’d want a hovercraft or a mech but there we were. It broke the game in the best way possible. Now the wingsuit had a purpose, and missles, and a machine gun. Oh, and thrusters. It was beautiful. It got nerfed in 4 so badly.


Most Destiny DLCs. But I'd specifically call out Destiny: The Taken King Destiny 2: Forsaken As these were the ones that redefined the crappy vanilla releases for the better.


Mass Effect 2 Lair of the Shadow Broker and Watch Dogs Legion Bloodlines




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