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Crossout Crafting system where everything requires several wins of materials and items are made out of other items and you have time and slot gated crafting Like a common item would take you a couple wins to get But you use common items to craft uncommon then those for rare etc. So getting any of the cool items you see in trailers or promo youtuber videos could be mean weeks of playing the game just to have and if you want to keep a certain item that is made into one you do want you'll have to just craft more of em Or you pay money.


Which sucks because I freaking love the concept of crossout. 


God such a shame. Wargaming and gaijin have to be my least favorite studios. They make pretty solid games that fill niches no one else does, and then they stuff mtx into them and ruin it. Crossout especially is such a standout but it’s basically a mobile game which totally kills it.


Wargaming and Gaijin😅 they are there to make Electronic Arts sympathetic.


You can ignore it mostly in War Thunder and Enlisted. Crossout is just special for some reason.


There’s this part in the original FF7 where you have to push a button to make Cloud swing on a rope/vine thing. My friend spent HOURS trying to figure out what was wrong, couldn’t figure it out for a week, never played the game again. He was pushing the wrong button.


I mean, in his defense, the timing on that shit was frustrating as fuck. Even pressing the right button, I'd miss each jump about 10 times before I got it right.


Oh I was sitting right next to him, we were kids on a trip together and brought our PS. I had beaten that part before we left and couldn’t remember how, and we both sat their like fuckin boneheads together. I remember feeling awful because I was like, no man, this is like the raddest game. But between the 8 neurons between us we couldn’t figure it out for the life of us.


You gotta hit the button when you hear the "squeak" noise. Wish I'd known that when I was a kid, because that part nearly brought me to tears


This is revolutionary information


The fact that they replaced that jump onto the swinging beam, the hardest boss in the original game, with a filler section in the remake, is a travesty. Incidentally, that's the only section of the first remake game that I would properly count as filler.


I don't remember this part, but I do remember the dolphin scene where you had to time your button press just right being super annoying and taking forever. I played it again as an adult though and it only took me like 2 tries though, so maybe it was just me.


The funny thing is, if you don't move and push the square twice you immediately land on the platform.


I think they mean the part when you climb up to the Shinra building from Wall Market and have to insert batteries along the way. The dolphin part has a very simple cheese. Don't touch the d-pad. You'll be up in just a few tries if you just stay still.


When I was a little kid I got stuck on the screen just below the playground when you’re taking Aerith to Sector 6 for the first time, I couldn’t figure out how to get to the top of the screen because the beam you’re supposed to walk up on didn’t look like something you could walk on. I levelled up to like level 21 before I figured it out


I got stuck at the end of Shinra Tower (Disc 1), after you defeat Rufus you‘re supposed to press „Start“ to continue. I was playing on PC and the prompt wasn‘t adjusted to Keyboard control. I couldn‘t figure out what to do and assumed the game crashed. Unfortunately I had to return the game after the weekend and was pretty hooked at that point.


I remember we changed the keybinds in FF7 because they didn't make sense to how Western audiences play games. I had them set to X for action, triangle for cancel/run, circle for menu. This was fine for all parts until the digging bit when looking for the Lunar Harp. The button to climb the ladder in that section wasn't the same as it should have been and I didn't work it out for ages. Didn't know you could even climb that ladder so I was just locked out of the end of disc 1. Took days before I realised what was wrong.


Omfg, is this where the stupid push triangle to swing on the vines in Tarzan's jungle in kingdom hearts comes from?!?! Cause if so, I also hate this cloud mechanic lol (Never played ff7 all the way through).


I dropped Starfield after I did an outpost on a planet, jumped to an entire new system and did another outpost, only to find an exact copy paste of the last base I was in.


That's when I dropped it too. Except for me it was an abandoned space station. First one was cool. Finding a copy/paste of the same thing right afterwards was a shock.


I have my own shitty take on this. I kept pushing DESPITE the repetitive POI. Arrived in one of the further-out systems. Finally, walking, I see an icon never seen before just saying "DANGER". Walk to it, the closer i get the more the ground shakes, then some sort of HUGE earthquake happens, i'm like "holy shit finally something is happening? Am I supposed to expect a great worm or some shit?" Nah, it was just the usual "volcanic activity" bullshit POI i've already seen 50 times. But for some reason, it initially displayed an icon i've never witnessed before. I was fucking done after that and never launched the game again. Like ok, your shit is repetitive but some systems are still enjoyable. But playing with my expectations like that... ? Fuck you Bethesda. Wouldn't be surprised if it were cut content they replaced with a usual POI but didn't remove the specific icon.


It's so sad, really. At least in Mass Effect 1, when they did the open world exploration, you had the goofy Mako to make you laugh. The planets had some decent variety, and there's was an interesting lore to make it worth consuming. It feels like MS really needs to put their foot down and say that one CEO can't be expected to run a TV Show, Fallout and Elder Scrolls at the same time. They need some fresh blood, a new fucking engine and just a lot of RnD and workshopping to find the fun in their games. I don't need No Man's Sky Skyrim Edition. I want an incredible open galaxy to explore, cremated that give me a reason to care, choices that intrigue me. And no more cookie cutter crap of the same 10 planets presents with a scrambler on the spaw locations and colours/weather effects.


>I want an incredible open galaxy to explore The problem is scale, and asking for a galaxy is asking for mile wide inch deep which is what Starfield delivered. Something like No Mans Sky is only just recently delivering on their initial concept, and that's taken years and years after initially failing to deliver. Until procedural generative content matches the engagement of handcrafted experiences, there is a hard limit on what a team of people can create


I had never played No Man's Sky before because of all the things they failed to deliver on Saw it was on sale or something last week and picked it up. Super amazed by how much stuff there is to do in this game. Approaching 30 hours and only just discovered you can become an Overseer and manage a planetary settlement.


I played it for free on launch day on game pass and after like five hours all I could think was “man, thank god I didn’t directly spend any actual money on this”


I’ve said since the very first day I played Starfield - they should have kept it entirely in our solar system, and had 8 (9, with Pluto) entirely visually/aesthetically/thematically unique main locations. Mercury could be like a fire world, Venus has the toxic air, Neptune is full of water, etc. Pluto could be full of secessionists that want to withdraw Pluto’s status from the Galactic government as a planet, or whatever. Peppered in with a few moon bases, asteroids, floating spacecraft, space stations, etc.


Honestly, Starfield baffles me somewhat. Yeah, the story is low-tier fanfic quality, and sure the characters are cheep quest dispensers and cardboard cutouts besides but the exploration and visual storytelling has always been where Bethedsa shines. It's a big reason why Skyrim is such a beloved title. Yet in Starfield for whatever reason, they seemed to focus on the narrative while simultaneously not doing anything to make the narrative fun or interesting. It's the same drivel only now they've dropped or cut out all the things in the game people actually like. Can you imagine if Skyrim was presented like this? It would've faded in a year, tops.


Starfield's failure is throwing out the "large world with thousands of secrets to find inside" in favor of "8 million rooms separated by load screens". I know that functionally, that is all Skyrim is, too - but Skyrim felt like a world I was exploring. I walk a trail from Whiterun to Windhelm and it takes me several hours because I keep saying "ooh, what's that?" and getting lost. Starfield, there's nothing.


You simply cannot expect procedural generation to carry your game when they were also trying to have consistent fidelity in line with a Bethesda game. Minecraft’s worlds can go on for ever and you won’t get bored because the voxel nature means on the 1000th hour, you could still see a formation you’ve never seen before. But with Starfield, they had to rely on templates and plotted landmarks with incredibly basic geography. On a small scale, you might be able to get away with it, but once you base *your entire games exploration and loot loop* around it, eventually the variety will run out. There’s only so many outposts they could have made, only so many rock faces they accounted for. The technology and time required to make a convincing space exploration game like this is way more than is compatible with a Bethesda RPG. You really have to triple down on one or the other, and instead they split themselves between the two so both experiences are mediocre. For what it’s worth, I’m glad they tried though. They could have just stuck to swapping between Elder Scrolls and Fallout every release. But they wanted to make something new, and I’m happy for that. Only thing is they were far too ambitious and it’ll mostly go down as a failed experiment


Same. I actually really dig the "NASApunk" aesthetic. Just a shame the game sucked


The problem I had with calling it NASApunk, is that punk isn't just an aesthetic choice. It's also a theme that comments on social issues pretty obviously as well. But StarField completely avoided really doing that at every opportunity.


Yup, instant fast travel between identical places with nothing interesting to do between them. I wanted space Skyrim and got fast travel simulator.


I have a friend who thinks Starfield is the best game ever. I asked him about the same points of interest on different planets. He CLAIMS he has never encountered any duplicate POIs. I simply think my friend doesn't play a lot of games so he is easily impressed lol. EDIT - He is older in his early 60s and has played games for awhile but I think he is just out of touch with how archaic Starfield is.




Weirdly enough, I've developed significant memory issues recently and have also been having the urge to re-visit Starfield... coincidence?


Phantasmagoria 2. I got stuck on the first CD for months in a place where Curtis (your character) have to type a fucking password to access his computer at work. I finally gave up and only years later got the game again and solved that cursed part. Yeah, I'm this old (actually even a bit more).


What was the password in the English version? I remember it didn't even make sense in German, had to look it up. I can't imagine playing these games without Internet back then.


It was “Ratboy”! Bob has changed your password because he’s a dick, and that’s the nickname he uses for Curtis.


Damn, I think it was "Ratten" in German which didn't make sense since it's the plural of Ratte. They probably need to find something with 6 letters. The equivalent to ratboy would've been "Rattenjunge" which is too long and "Ratte" too short.


There's a game grumps series with the guy who played Curtis as a guest, it's really funny & interesting.


The actor also has a YT channel called Conversations with Curtis that has some interesting content like interviews with people who worked on Phantasmagoria 1 and 2, including Roberta Williams. He also does Let's Plays with the actress from the first game. It's pretty cool.


Thank you for unlocking that core memory for me. I got lucky because my mother wrote the solution for the computer down in the manual. But the swinging blade over the bed broke me the first time round. Went back to play other things for a couple of months before trying again.


I always get jealous when I hear about parents playing these games back then. I guess I’m thankful my mom played freecell or even got our packard in the first place lol


Paper Mario and the Origami King. Just before I got to the third boss I realized I hate the battle system far more than I like the story.


Same thing happened to me! I always wanted to go back to it because I was really liking the story and it looks so good visually but that battle system is something else.


Yep, hated the combat in that game. Not sure I even made it as far as you.


Same here! I thought I was just being difficult, but the battle system was just super boring and frustrating. It was weird how the battle systems for each boss were different to those used for normal enemies, so no matter how well you nailed down the timing and execution of the standard battles, you'd be rubbish against the bosses. I do mean to go back and finish the game at some point though...


It’s so vindicating to see all of these replies. There’s a reason us die hard Paper Mario fans were so frustrated by the changes in recent games. Combat probably being the biggest. We went from some of the most fun and interesting turn based mechanics ever to completely unrelated ring puzzles… thank god they remade TTYD, it’s promising to think they may be going back on track. But yeah, the story and level design have been great in the recent games, it’s just so bogged down by the combat and other creative limitations.


Nintendo has released a TTYD remake and announced a new Mario and Luigi game in the span of like a month which are both things that people weren’t sure were ever going to happen.


I really like the battle system. Just not, you know, as a battle system. Make that a pure puzzle game and it'd be great. It just really, really sucks as a combat encounter.


It always seemed like you would either solve the puzzle perfectly and not take any damage, or make a mistake or two and just die. It didn't feel like combat. It felt like a walking simulator that was frequently interrupted by a completely different and repetitive puzzle game where the end result either has no effect or sends you all the way back to town. I ended up trying to avoid enemies like the plague because the puzzle became boring, drawn out, and completely took me out of the game. I shouldn't have to run away from goombas so that I can play my Mario game.


Batman Begins, I was so excited to play it as a kid, massive Batman fan. Tutorial goes pretty smoothly but then I get to this ladder and the game asks for a button that scared and confused me “L3”… Me and my Dad probably spent an hour going over the controllers and manuals for my ps2 and the game and we just couldn’t find L3, L1 and L2 are printed right on their buttons. We should have taken the black circle around the L3 text as hint but I only learned it was just referring to the left stick like a decade later when my friend asked me to hit the R3 button and melee in Borderlands 2 🤦‍♂️.


I didn't realize initially that those were buttons. I thought the clicking of the joysticks was me partially breaking them every time I pushed them in.


I used to fiddle with them because you could always pull them up a little and then they’d click back down when you used them




I still have a core memory of my brother showing me where that button was on PS2 when I was 9.


I remember playing play station at a friend’s house and how he loved that I couldn’t understand where R3 was.


>learned it was just referring to the left stick like a decade later you're not alone 🙃


I wouldn’t even say a couple of hours but Wolfenstein Youngblood. I just wanted to play a fps not make yet another account for something I will never use.


I did that with a need for speed game. Dropped it before I even played because it asked me to make an account.


i HATE that. If you ask me on my CONSOLE to type in my email i will delete your game ASAP


Same! Heard good things about the new Prince of Persia game so I downloaded the demo. Wanted me to set up a Ubisoft acct to play the demo on my PS5. A fucking demo! I'll never know if that game's any good.


Ubisoft has the most obnoxious launcher and account management, too.


I hate to say it but the movement in Witcher 3 had me kinda sick. Which bummed me out because I really wanted to be part of that initial fandom.


If you want to give it another go, there's a setting that fixes the movement so that it controls more traditionally. You just have to set it to "alternate" mode. There are actually quite a few options that make life way easier if you're willing to mess with them.


Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. this was one of my first games of that type, having played only on a 486 or pentium 1 till then. I was pretty far into the game when i reached a circular room where every entrance would take you back to the one you came in through, except one. i tried to run up the walls, i tried (in my teen mind) everything, and concluded that the game must be bugged (i had no internet at home back then so i couldnt check) and gave up with a lot of sadness. i kept thinking about it for months, and in one of these moments i figured it out: there was a sequence to enter through the doors. i booted the game with a lot of hope, and lo and behold, that was it. this was several months later. i was so happy, i finished the rest of the game in one sitting, and cried my eyes out at the end.


I think that room had an audible clue, a very slight breath of wind as you passed an opening. Incredibly difficult to miss if you play in a noisy household


I think it was actually the sound of running water. And it was also basically at the end of the game.


ARK i just never did figure it out, I’m just to slow to get I guess.


I cant blame you. It seems to be one of those games thats also a job lol.


On an official server it most definitely is, having to log on to maintain your base, gather supplies, feed your tames, and while some animals would take maybe an hour to tame while you kept them asleep and guarded, others could take multiple hours especially if you didn’t invest into the kibble system, which is a whole other job on top to produce just that. Private servers though with boosted taming, xp gains, material harvesting turned up, and tamed hunger turned off is really fun, plus you don’t have to deal with sweaty alpha tribe douchebags that’ll try and fuck you over even on a PvE server.


Some of the tames were in excess of 10 hours iirc we stunned a re and then just quit when we saw the tame bar lmao.


Back in og ark days before they boosted the rates, it was far worse. I remember taming a 120 quetzal with raw meat taking nearly a full day and hundreds of narcotics. It was a 3 person job.


I literally took two days off from work the first time I started playing. Was an awful experience that felt like I was in an abusive relationship but I didn’t want to stop. Tried a few years later, similar experience; husband has now banned me from playing Ark ever again. 🫠 But it’s for the better.


With default settings it is an abusive game (endless time sink) You have to turn multipliers way up for it to be compatible with a sane existence.


Yep. First day (a couple hours)… This is pretty cool. Second day… oh. Everything is destroyed and I’m dead. I’ll guess I’ll rebuild. Third day… oh. It happened again. Close game.


I will never understand the "fun" in games that continue on and fuck you up while you're not playing.


Well in this case it's because OP was playing online, if you play in a single player or private server you can shut the game down whenever you want. 


Sure. But I don't understand why people would choose to play a game online that plays that way. How is that fun? How is spending hours to build something only to have someone come and destroy it for funsies anything but infuriating? I get wanting to play games with other people, I don't understand putting yourself out there inviting others to kick over your sandcastle.


I don't like them much either but people like the idea of persistent worlds, and if they play in a big enough group it's doable. I understand the appeal there. It really is like "another world" when it is always going and changing. That said it can still be too much so many of these persistent world games have built in schedules for when raiding and such is allowed. For me it always felt like too much of a job, and you kinda got to be a "monogamous" gamer or have massive amounts of free time to really contribute much to your team.


Stopped playing cause of the constant poop sound


Starfield. Paradise planet mission, followed by the worst ingame nightclub I've ever seen haha


I spend hours on that stupid base building mechanic trying to build a network of ressource gatherers and fabricators. I found a system with almost every ressource, so the plan was to mine them locally and fly them to a different planet for manufacturing anything I wanted. Turns out the game has a hard limit on transport ships and landing platforms you can make. You literally can't get every resource in one base. I was literally shouting at the game wtf the point of this all was. Do they honestly expect you to manually ship your resources from A to B with their stupidly low inventory limit?! I quit the game there.


Omg I suppressed that memory. Holy damn was base building so bad! I spent so many hours redoing flight paths because they just stopped working, super unintuitive. Thanks for unlocking those nightmares again haha


The way the game handles ressources, stocking them and moving them around is just horrendous, honestly. They went the worst way possible about it. Couldn't have given the players a central computer to access everything even IN THE CURRENT BASE YOU ARE PHYSICALLY IN? Fucking hell even Fallout 4 handled it better. Nope I have to check every single stock for the thing I want, because who doesn't love inventory work ? There are so many skills related to base building and exploration, but ultimately they're nothing but a waste of points. And the gameplay loop with the Unity simply makes base building a waste of time. This game is just game-systems tacked on each other without proper thinking how they work and interact together.


The oblivion style dialogue system with the heads talking AT you, plus the lame“world reveal” moment Bethesda loves to have as a staple felt so shoe-horned in I wondered if I missed what I was supposed to be marveling at due to the music cue. It was soooo lame


Oh yeah the dialogue was bad.. I guess playing it after BG3 ruined it even more but I literally felt like I went back 10-15 years in gaming tech playing it.


After playing and loving BG3... your right Starfield just feels old. Like a game made a long ass time ago. There are tons of games that do a lot of what Starfield does much much better.


I stopped playing after seeing that nightclub. Hell I really couldn’t get into after the first “temple”… T.H really fooled me. Im still very disappointed, just goes to show that if a game is pushed back several times, it’s not really good to begin with.


I hated the UI/UX, I found myself constantly mixing up the UI elements... I didn't make it very far before I uninstalled.


Star Wars: Squadrons There was just far too much padding. First you have to just sit there and basically do nothing as each of the characters banter at the start of each mission. Would be fine if this were just part of a cut scene, but they aren't. Finally noped out during a Y-Wing mission. You have to bomb parts of a space station, but you don't have enough bombs to destroy every point of interest. You just have to wait for a supply ship to resupply your bombs, and you have to do this three or four times. I uninstalled the game after that.


With you one that. I have days in xwing alliance. I quit squadrons on the intercept proton torps mission. Just a lot of bullshit that seems like it's a giant tutorial.


I love flight sims & Star Wars, so was really excited to get my hands on this one. The reviews were bad & it hit PS+ for free only a couple months after release, so glad I didn't pay for it. The flight controls were so goddamn awful. I tried to remap them to make sense & still couldn't make anything feel fluent or responsive. Didn't even finish the tutorial. -10/10


Paper Mario Sticker Star. I got decent way in with *something* bugging me the whole way. I was able to rationalize a lot of the issues away with it being a mobile game. Then I accidentally realized the optimal way to play was to avoid and flee from all combat so I shut it off and never touched it again.


I tried that game twice, first time I got stuck in the place with the Boos. Then a while later I couldn’t progress because I didn’t have the stickers to defeat a boss and didn’t know where to get more.


World of tanks. Combination of horrible gameplay and toxic players. Played one match, my default tank was 1/4 the speed of everyone else so I basically played tank driving simulator for a few minutes only to be teamkilled on a capture point 1 second before the match ended. Never touched it again.


I agree, I played world of warships for several months before trying WOT but just couldn't get into it. I then tried out War Thunder and enjoyed the realistic battles much more than the arcade WOT games. Got decently far allong the US techtree before I just didn't have the time to waste money on premium account time to keep going. I was good enough with premium bonus to generally make a decent profit but free to play was just way to grindy for me to enjoy and I had much better things to spend money on at that point.


I played WOT for 10 years. I even played team rankeds. It´s a really difficult game to get into if you didn´t started back in the day. The grind is terrible and understanding how to properly play it takes some time. That´s why most people playing it are "veterans" on the game. The game was really fun until 2020, then it started to get too pay to win and became boring. I ended up quitting the game at 2022. Edit: Checked the years, I remember that I got the "10 years of service" badge.


Fable. But I am the one who is dumb. I think I died on a boss so I went back to an earlier area and spent a couple hours grinding only to discover the bosses level up with you. I was trying to play it the same way I played Pokemon. edit: It has been brought to my attention that Fable does not work like this and I was just a goose. edit edit: Fable Anniversary is currently -70% off so I can correct my transgression :).


Not trying to be a dick chief but I've been a massive fable player since day one and I can honestly say none of the enemies/fights scale lol, you can absolutely grind to make fights trivial...


I've played through fable at least 100 times and I can't say I've never noticed the enemies scaling at all. The only scaling enemies are the ones in the zones from area to area and those generally scale with story triggers rather than any sort of levelling. Bosses always have the same hp regardless of your level. The only thing I can think of is if you were fighting twinblade but didn't hit his weak point so did less damage even after you levelled. He has 3000 hp and only takes any real damage to the back after his ground slam. In fable 2 maybe they do? I'm pretty sure that's not the case though and in 3 you can't really power level so they definitely don't


Sekiro. I don't have the mental bandwidth to memorize the boss animations.


Couldn’t get past lady butterfly and gave it up for like 4 years 🤣


I feel you, man. I remember my friend and I were both stuck on her. Eventually we took to hanging out together and taking turns as it was just too disheartening to do sitting all alone.


If it's any consolation, despite being able to get to her pretty early, you can come back later. She's not really 'intended' to be beaten early.


As far as Soulslikes go, Sekiro is one of the easier ones to sight read because it doesn't really do attack delays. If the boss is winding up for an attack (e.g. raising the weapon up, or drew it back, or jump attacking or winding up for a sweep), the attack almost always comes out immediately after the windup finishes. So you can dodge purely based off the animation without needing to memorise arbitrary attack delays. There's exceptions of course, but way less than something like Elden Ring.


Sekiro is about blocking, not dodging, and as a souls vet, it is by far the hardest out of all of them imo.


Indeed. Once I accepted I needed to be in the bosses face amd parry everything, and treat it as a rhythm game almost, things clicked pretty well :p


Hesitation is Defeat.


Elden Ring.  I played until I got to Leyndell outskirts and couldn't get past the Draconic Tree Sentinel.  At that point I reflected on my experience with the game and realized I didn't really enjoy it, so I put it down. 


Same here. I'm at an age now where I would rather enjoy the game instead of having to play something like that. And I think that's the best approach to take, I mean it's like anything, you would rather do what you enjoy. Most of the games I play now are either on story mode or the first one up from that.


Same. My favorite games now are narrative driven. There’s a lot competing for my limited time.


I put some hours into this game and didn't love the ridiculous boss battles, but the part that made me set it down was the lack of a mission journal. 40 hours in and I had no idea wtf I was doing or why and it just killed the engagement. I could set a game like skyrim down for a week then come back and pick up with the story because I knew what my missions were. If I came back to ER even after a day or two I was completely lost. It was also frustrating that the fandom was committed to this "youre not a real gamer" if you don't like every aspect of the game when it came out so voicing any frustration was shot down. I think it's been a bit more open to criticism since when they saw the precipitous drop off in play for some of the above reasons.


Some tomb raider game. First you're forced to sneak around a couple of soldiers because they are far too dangerous to attack directly. Next you're forced to fight a bear head on, because apparently that is not as dangerous.


Between men and bears, Lara chose the bear 🐻🐻


When Cyberpunk 2077 first came out, I couldn't pass the VR tutorial because the final boss glitched out of the stage, preventing me from shooting him down and getting stuck there. I was so angry about it that I immediately requested a refund. Now, four years later, I bought it again, and it's the most beautiful game I've ever played in the modern era.


Assassins creed Valhalla. Love the idea of a viking saga but that game is too fucking massive to where its overwhelming. Quit it twice combined under an hour. I like open world games but fucking hell i work too lol. If I committed to that game id be playing it for months. Im good man. Short to medium size games all day.


I really liked Origins and didn’t think I would, skipped Odyssey, and when I eventually tried Valhalla it was so goddamn boring I couldn’t believe it. It’s Vikings sacking medieval towns in old England how the fuck do you make that boring?


Odyssey is like a thousand times better than Valhalla for me


it is by a lot yes. I replayed the ancient trilogy (Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla) fairly recently and i had so much more fun going through Origins and Odyssey. The issue with Valhalla was also, that each of the regions had their own closed off story except for a few that were part of the overall storyline. You constantly met new people and after everything was said and done you would have no idea who these people were when they got mentioned again in a letter or something.


Each region took longer than you wanted, and each treasure chest was behind some locked door puzzle that became extremely annoying to figure out after you had been playing the game for some time.


before it was patched out, you could cheese the locked door puzzles actually, lol. There was an ability you could use that smashes on the ground and it would destroy the lock on the inside of the house through the wall. But yeah it was almost always the same shit: Find the right window and shoot an arrow into the lock. so unnecessary and then the chest in the house would just be something you didn't even need..


Yep, I really wanted to enjoy Valhalla, but I just couldn't. Loved Odyssey, including DLCs.


I dropped Valhalla after a few hours. It was so mind-numbingly boring. Odyssey otoh is one of my favorite games of all time. If you like Origins, Odyssey improves upon basically everything. I also liked Origins but I loved Odyssey. Strongly recommend to try it out. Don't let Valhalla sour you. Yeah, Valhalla kind of sucks.


There's a video on YouTube from Luke Stephens where he compares Odyssey and Valhalla, which really helped convince me to redownload and try it again. I'm terrible at explaining things well, but if you look the video up he might be able to convince you to try it out. It really puts into perspective how lazy Valhalla is compared to Odyssey. Edit: [Here's the link](https://youtu.be/kGJ8vjs5PtA)


Without watching it (I will later), the most egregious example of this is the cult members. In Odyssey, each one was had something unique about them, like being under guard in town, or being at the top of a fortress, or at sea surrounded by pirates, or having to come out in battle against a specific nation  Valhalla? "He's at this house, in a village." Many of them were able to be taken out by literally just climbing directly into their first story bedroom at night, killing them in their sleep, and jumping out again.


I actually finished the whole storyline for Valhalla as I got very into it. But as an adult with a job and a regular life to get in the way of things, yeah it did literally take me months to do. I considered getting the DLCs but just couldn't commit to even more months of it


Dangerous Driving. A racing game meant to be a spiritual successor to the Burnout games, plays like Burnout 3. The problem is, after wreck other racers during a race, their wrecks do not despawn, therefore staying on the track. I can't tell you how many times I had crashed into them. I gave up playing it and was very disappointed


Funnily enough, that’s the thing I loved about WreckFest. It made 23 person races a lot more tricky and so much more fun. Like, I’d set it to the max amount of laps and see who could be the last one standing.


I remember playing old Nascar and motorcycle racing games on the pc and one of the more amusing things to do was wait for the race to get started then turn around and go backwards to cause the biggest wreck possible. The races were recorded from a bunch of angles you could rewatch them from.


I did that so much lol!


For me the biggest disappointment was the tracks. None of them felt cohesive and, I don’t know how to describe it, but they weren’t Arcady enough for an arcade racing game. I wanted the feel of going 200mph while burning nos and smashing up cars, not have to think about how I’m taking my turns etc.


I honestly can’t remember what it was that specifically made me realize but I played started WoW in like 2014 and played with my sister for maybe a whole year before I realized I actually did not enjoy it. There were things I did like about it, art style, the scale of the world, some of the classes, mounts. I had to admit I don’t like MMOs. Combat was just finding a sequence of skills that worked and cycling through them over and over while making sure you’re not standing in an AOE and that’s it. The whole grinding thing does nothing for me either (and that goes for any game) so when you grind grind grind for a new gear piece that’s really just a higher number on your character sheet it’s like what the fuck am I even doing? I think a lot of MMO is cool on paper but it doesn’t jive with me in reality. I’ve only ever really liked one MMO and that’s because I ignored all the MMO shit and basically played it by myself and had a blast.


Elden Ring. I was halfway through (maybe?) and I think I was doing one of the optional bosses, Astal. But I had a vacation planned, so I took a break. When I came back, I died to him 100 times and just gave up, lol.


Far Cry 5. The respawn system completely broke the game for me. Later I learned about the forced kidnapping... Dodged a bullet there.


Flying around minding your own business and exploring..... oops you've been kidnapped.


How the fuck is a hunter with a bow and arrow gonna hit me in a plane flying over the forest and put me to sleep? Better question is how are they gonna get me out of a flying plane where the pilot is asleep? By all accounts I should be dead, not in a cutscene.


This is the first game I ever played all the way through so I kind of love it 🥲 but these comments make some good points. I think I just love that easy mode is actually quite easy and as a novice I like the random shit




Ugh as an adult, I only campaign games on easy. If I have time to play a game, it is to unwind and I basically want to be participating a bit in an interactive story. I am not at all interested in dying and repeating anything more than once if even once. There’s just no point to me. Even games where I’d like to be competent at multiplayer like Halo or COD, the campaign doesn’t really prepare you for that no matter what difficulty setting.


Breath of the wild. Weapons breaking is not interesting. It is just annoying.


I did the same thing, then I watched my son play it. He always just used whatever was his most powerful weapon at any given time. It was never a problem. The game fuckin *drowns* you in weapons. As a lifelong RPG player, it was hard to completely change the way I thought about weapons, but I gave it another try and played the way he did and it was actually really fun. And I realized an actual upside to it. The thing is, the bad guys always drop the tier of weapon you need to keep combat challenging. And if you don't care about your weapons,you don't mind chucking them at enemies when the situation calls for it. Anyway, thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


I loved BotW and did literally everything you can in the game. I still HATED that mechanic to the bitter end. When I realized that even the MASTER SWORD and HYLIAN SHIELD break just made me want to yeet my switch out a window


To be fair the master sword doesn't break in the same way as other things. You have to wait 10 minutes to use it again.


Which is even worse, lore wise.


But still: We get it, Nintendo. You have a variety of weapons and you want us to try them all.


Why not just do what they've always done where certain weapons are more or less effective against particular enemies? That feels like it would completely achieve what they wanted without the mechanic so many people hate


It just becomes extremely tedious and obnoxious to manage after like 4-6 hours. Weapons as rewards were meaningless, it was a huge detraction from the game.


I don't think it was too bad for reasons the other guy mentioned, but I do agree the quest reward ones were done badly. They should all be like the master sword, or just let the quest ones be permanent rewards.


Same with TOTK for me. Although I don’t blame the game for it, I just don’t feel entertained by games that give you all the building blocks and then drop you in a sandbox to make the fun yourself. Same reason I much prefer the earlier gen Zelda games that led you through a narrative.


Sekiro. I just probably suck at it but it just gets really frustrating for me.


It's funny mate, there are hidden purple samurai dudes in a bunch of areas that are basically little challenges. I cheesed eeeevery single one, jokes on me when they became regular common enemies and I hadn't learned their patterns at all!


Ghosts of Tsushima is a great alternative if you haven't played it. It's pretty good and light on difficulty. I went to the end game DLC area early on on whatever difficulty was normal (if it even has difficulties) and had no real trouble. It was cool too coz once I came back from the DLC area to the main game, I was super over leveled and got to power fantasy a samurai for the rest of the playthrough. Solid recommend. Best assassin's Creed I've played.


I know I'm late to the party here but: Hogwarts Legacy. Nothing in particular even happened it just became...boring and grindy? They went wayyy overboard with the collectibles. And the story was interesting at first, but in the middle of it somewhere they lost me at some point because it just dragged on and seemed to lead nowhere.


"Control" - loved just about everything about it but at one point ran in a circle for 2 hours and just deleted it.


Yeah. I liked Control a lot but the map system really sucked.


Agreed, but the map isn't necessary once you start paying attention to the directions on the walls. I think I noticed that, I never used the map the rest of the game. It's also more organic and you feel like you're actually memorizing it


I know exactly what point you're at and I get it, because I did the same. There's also a lot of running back through the same places and killing the same group of guys *again*. That said, that "lost" kind of thing doesn't really happen again for the rest of the game after that point, and I am glad I stuck with it and felt it was worth playing through. Just my two cents if you decide to pick it up again.


The first generations of Resident Evil. I just couldn't get into the controls (where instead going to cardinal directions you have to rotate the character prior to moving). I remember playing Dino Crysis, got hit by a raptor. The character fell down, slowly getting up, slowly rotating, got beaten down again, slowly getting up & rotating again...


Death Stranding because in the first 2 hours there was more cutscene than gameplay.


Kojima werent kidding when he said he wanted to make movie.


Stranded Deep I really liked the idea on paper, but fuck me that game was boring. Everything felt like a chore and the controls suck ass.




Oh Dying Light, I am scared of playing any horror games and I tell you, I was scared playing that game and even though I kept going. That first night spiked my adrenaline. The bridge mission to steal light bulbs, damn. I finished the game and I enjoyed it, now I kinda want to play it again. Something must be wrong with me. I was looking for DL2 and apparently they made nights darker, but tbh lack of guns kept me away from the game, also too much mobility with all the flying. DL1 felt realistic and that sound of screaming when you shoot a gun, that something that sticks with you.


Starfield. Got way too repetitive and boring.


I got to NG+2 and was like... did they really do nothing with this? A couple of funny dialogue choices that don't really do anything? This is it? Never touched the game again, although I fucking loved it the first few hours. Was such a disappointment how much they dropped the ball on it.


I enjoyed Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, but stopped playing as soon as the army management strategy thing was introduced.


I installed toybox to cheat at this and bam. everything is great.


Witcher 3, can see why people rate it but I just could never get into it after three attempts


Spent 14 hours trying to make it click and it never did. Got to a point where I was questioned about my choice in the previous games but I never played them. Combat was janky and so was riding the horse.


I have refunded multiple games after realizing they have a crafting system


I know! I know! Instead of scattering a handful of health packs, molotovs, and smoke bombs around the map, we'll scatter 10 times as many oily rags, bottles of rubbing alcohol, small piles of screws and nails, tin cans, glass bottles, batteries, and rolls of tape all over the place! Then, the player can pause the game for 5 minutes while they awkwardly navigate a bunch of menus to ***make*** a health pack, molotov, or smoke bomb!!


The idea is great but it's just busywork to get stuff that adds little value to how you're progressing through the game. Crafting only works in survival games.


It's just grinding *grinding*, to me.


God this would be a long list but I'll choose ONE. SONIC '06 Beat shadows story, mostly through with Silvers. But sonic has a part where you must fight silver literally the game is just kinda broken at this bit. I didn't quit and eventually got it but down the line I got to a very hard timed mission, failing it sent me 3 loading screens backwards and with each loading screen taking about 2-5 minutes to load I just put the controller down and never picked it back up. It was just too much for a kid with very limited play time per day.




> kinda broken at this bit. LOL it's sonic 06, its a lot more than "kinda" broken for the whole game 🤣


I stopped playing Starfield after they introduced the multiverse I got really invested in the story and really gave a shit when a certain character died Then they turned up in literally the next quest and introduced themselves as being from another universe and I just thought "Oh cool so nothing I do matters" and just totally disconnected from the game and stopped playing shortly after


Witcher 3. Was so ready to dive in and see what all the fuss was about, but couldn’t get past Geralt feeling so light and floaty when controlling him. How characters control is just make or break for me


You can turn this off in the settings. This was my main gripe years ago and I also stopped playing for a couple years I think until I found out about the movement setting. Completely fixed the game for me and it went on to be one of my favorite games.


What setting??


Settings > Gameplay > Movement Response, has two options: "Standard" is the normal floaty feeling mode, "alternative" is more responsive.


I bought the re-released shadow of colossus, and I had the same thing happen. The controls were awful. Played 10 mins and never touched it again. Oddly enough, though, I adore the witcher. Played well over 200 hours on it.


I give up on most of the Souls games because I'm really not into memorization type gameplay that really punishes you for going blind into something. I was somewhat enjoying Elden Ring until I explored "too far" and got one shot by something I couldn't even see coming. I get the appeal, but it's not my cup of tea. I've given up playing things that are overly stressful.


I think I left Elden Ring at some double gargoyle megaboss that just completely rocked me even though I'm pretty high level, and I just didn't feel like putting my time into learning their patterns. I thought about just getting some cheese build from a guide or something just to get to play the DLC, because I absolutely adore exploring the world, but eh... I just don't seem to get the same satisfaction other people get from defeating difficult bosses. I just feel relieved it's over.


Try the Star Wars: Jedi games (Fallen Order and Survivor). They have fun and responsive souls-gameplay without the punishment. You can adjust the difficulty and make yourself basically invincible too.


Hitman Absolution. 60% because of the plot was going nowhere when 47 arrived at Hope. But 40% because they turned the game into a force stealth session without killing target. I bought Hitman, I wanted to kill targets. I didn't want to play a spy action conspiracy game.


I stopped playing due to how linear it was, 80% of the gameplay was walking trough a corridor. Even when you do get to move around and have some agency, the objective is just out in the open and you can just pop em and hide. The worst part was reaching the hospital and thinking "oh great, this is a big place to explore" and realizing that nope, all doors are locked, you can only go trough the corridor.


I did eventually come back round to this, but it was the first KOTOR Bought this game expecting it to be a somewhat fast pace third person action RPG. I remember the first combat sequence on the ship and couldn't believe it was turn based combat! I remember not touching the game for about two weeks until I finally decided to give it another shot and accepting the turn based combat. After that, i was hooked and to this day thank myself for giving it another shot because of that epic ending.


Any game that doesn't let me freely rebind keys.


FFX-2 was just ridiculous. I was expecting a continuation of the much more serious FFX and it was very much not. Played for maybe ten minutes


I thought it was a great, campy game in a world I'd grown to love. It was also the first FF game in a while to bring back the Jobs system--and with top notch outfits too.


Doom 3. One of the first games I ever played as a kid (thanks dad) and to this day I haven’t gotten past the second level.


Same, but different reasons. It just never felt like a Doom game. It's more a horror/survival shooter than what the games before were. You never feel like a bad-ass demon-killing machine in Doom 3.


Oh man I love the Deus Ex games, so sad you were unable to continue it For me it was Hellblade, puzzles were super annoying and I just lost my patience after walking around for an hour


Elite Dangerous. I installed it but would get an account error before I could get the damn game to load.


Planet Coaster. Fantastic game and I spent quite a few hours on it, but what annoyed me to no end was the loading and unloading for guests on the rides and rollercoasters. The game basically would end its ride cycle, then all guests would get out of their seats and walk out of the station or ride. Only once the very last guest had left the ride's station and the gates closed behind them would new riders be allowed to board. Even if the unloading occured on the other side of the platform. This meant it took forever until the ride started again or a new train would be dispatched. This probably sounds autistic, but I like to optimize for throughput and I love to see my park active, with multiple carts moving on a roller coaster, but this mechanism hampered this. I still enjoyed playing, but there was always that annoyance at the back of my head and I think that was a big part of why I gave up on it eventually.


For me the game was ruined because for all the creativity it allows it doesn't have basic options like a local coordinate system when placing props. You just have to eyeball **everything** and if you mess up on a large build everything will be out of alignment.


Elden Ring, despite the reviews. I don’t have the skill to make that game anything other than a frustrating exercise in futility, and I don’t have the time or desire to git gud.


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