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I always think "when's the last time you bought a game you weren't sure if you would enjoy?" People love to complain about getting shovel-fed the same crap over and over, but they very rarely put their money where their mouth is.


Tbh Steam helps a lot with this. I like a lot of different genres, so it's not too often that I'll find something that I truly dislike, but their refund system for things that just do not pick me up at all helps with that barrier to entry. Most of the time it's when a game is oversold on the store page. There's also the case of picking up an indie game for three dollars, not really being into it after playing for 30 minutes or so, and going "are you really going to file a refund request for a three dollar game?"




Sounds like a skill issue, don't get your game recs off whatever is on the top of the front page


It's hard to browse the platform too though. Let's say I go into the tactics category on steam, it's not only tactics games. It's every strategy game the platform has. There is an established genre naming scheme for games and steam does not follow it at all. I would not be surprised if overwatch had the roguelite tag because every game on steam can have any category tag.


Just ignore them (Like the actual option to ignore them), there's not that many. I started aggressively ignoring titles and my front page has improved significantly. I started maybe two years ago and I have over 1000 titles ignored, I mostly get Indie to AA games recommended now, there just isn't enough AAAs to have a hard time ignoring them all.


Have you tried your discovery queue? Always Fenton’s of obscure stuff in there.


I would go even farther than this and say that there are currently *so many new games* coming out in the studio and indie spaces that there is undoubtedly the most niche game in the world that caters to your very specific tastes -- and you've never heard about it. During my time running GameStops in the 2010s, there was a general understanding that, for all intents and purposes, the vast majority of games worth talking about could be contained within the stock of my store. In fact, someone could give the the title of literally any video game and I could recount what it was about, how it played, and whether that person would enjoy it. It was manageable. Now, we are in such a boom of self-published independent titles that I could never even dream of keeping all the games out there in mind. I've largely fallen out of love with modern AAA games, and yet I am drowning in the riches of games that seem specifically made for me. Games like *Selaco*, *Hi-Fi Rush*, *Wanted: Dead*, *Bomb Rush Cyberfunk*, *Nightmare Kart*, *Why Am I Dead At Sea*, and more. If you feel like there's no games for you anymore, don't go perusing digital storefronts. Instead, find a reviewer or YouTuber that you really jive with and check out their recommendations. I would never have learned about so many of my favorite games without the assistance of someone digging through the endless heaps of new game releases.


>Now, we are in such a boom of self-published independent titles that I could never even dream of keeping all the games out there in mind. People who say gaming is dead just won't get out of their gacha / multiplayer shooter / terrible remake/ insert destiny clone rut. There's so much out there to enjoy but they won't get out of their own way


>People who say gaming is dead just won't get out of their gacha / multiplayer shooter / terrible remake/ insert destiny clone rut. As a counterpoint, they could also be extremely jaded. Perhaps they truly loved a popular AAA franchise, say Call of Duty or Assassins Creed. They loved the characters. Loved the stories. Loved the series. Now? All they get from these once loved franchises is garbage slop, if they even bother making a game at all (looking at you Rockstar. If I had a kid when GTA 5 was released, he'd be in middle school now) It's perfectly acceptable, and arguably even expected, that after companies take so many of the IP's that you loved and run them into the ground, over and over with your favorite IP's, eventually you just hit a breaking point and say "screw this! Everything sucks now because they've ruined it!" As someone who used to buy every Assassins creed on release, and deeply hate what they've done to the series post Rogue, I can relate to that intensely. I don't want some random indie title I've never heard of. I want some of the old series that I used to love back Not to mention there's a lot of genres that simply aren't catered to as much. Are you a fellow boomer shooter fan? You'll have tons of choice. Are you a 3D platformer fan, a-la Sly Cooper, Jak and Daxter, and Crash Bandicoot? Much less choice. Do you like point and click adventure games? Hope you know how DOSbox works. There's only so much indie can do. We lost a lot with the death of the AA game. Some things simply can't be done on an indie budget, and you know full well that the AAA industry will never make something like that again. It's perfectly reasonable for someone to become bitter and jaded after that treatment. I'm even seeing it in films as film companies try to drive their once loved and valuable IP's into the ground too. It isn't just a game thing. People are just sick of the horrible treatment of the franchises they once loved. I can't blame them. I'd be mad too if I was them


You do have a good point. And as someone who is a fan of 3D platformers as your example says I definitely feel your pain. I'm quite aware that charming Indies, as much as I do love them, simply don't have the budget to pull off an assassin's creed. The loss of these games to corporate schlock policies cannot be understated. The market is absolutely due for a hard reset at some point. I don't blame people for being jaded, I guess I just get sick of all the doom and gloom. >I don't want some random indie title I've never heard of. I want some of the old series that I used to love back I feel that too man I really do. But I just don't think it's happening. Like it almost feels like a great franchise die-off. It is absolutely painful. It IS reasonable to be pissed off about that. But I don't know I think we're seeing the beginnings of a AA type resurgence. Hades 2, while technically an indie game, has an insane amount of polish to it with a pretty substantial budget comparatively. HiFi Rush, despite Microsoft's immediate dissolvement of the studio, proved that there IS demand for that type of campy game. I think the market is starting to move on but the big guys just haven't realized it yet. I do think a lot of people have similarly painted themselves into a corner and gotten stuck in a past that isn't coming back. I'm not telling you what to enjoy or that you have to exclusively relegate yourself to indie games. But some people are so focused on their nostalgia of ruined franchises, They miss all the new titles rising from the ashes to take their place.


It's the same thing with music. You can find tons of stuff for every niche micro genre nowadays, but people complain there's no good music 'cause they bother to look outside of stuff played on the radio


I still play games on my NES, SNES, N64, GAMECUBE, PS2, 360 etc. The gamecube is probably my favorite console ever and i will never get tired of playing games on it.


I really regret not keeping my old consoles but at the same time there's emulation on PC but it's still not the same nostalgic wise.


My dude, you need to understand that, a large, hell, a larger than thought, gaming audience wont touch a game if no one is streaming it + no YouTuber is reviewing and playing it, that is, if it isn't popular. I.e. If a Vtuber streams an old game that was on the YouTube circuit of playing, then more people will play it (Papers please, for example). This goes beyond if the game is old/different/good/bad. >Find a genre you wanna play and find a game worth playing instead The crowd you are *not* addressing does not game because the games are fun. They game because the game is popular/"social"(parasocial, more likely). The crowd *you are* addressing is the one being displaced as target audience by the "social" crowd, therefore the whole "oh woe the industry is dying". The industry isnt dying, is just that we are no longer the target audience. We used to game because we liked gaming, and there we constructed social relationships. The new crowd does it backwards: they play whatever their social and parasocial relationship tell them to game.


I hear you and agree with you. Unfortunately a lot of people don’t see it this way. To give an kind of extreme example, I have a friend who despises and refuses to play any game that doesn’t have modern state-of-the-art graphics. He loved breath of the wild back when it released. And I told him, “dude you HAVE to play ocarina of time!” He tried it for 10 minutes and said “I can’t get over the fact that I’m playing an old game that doesn’t look good by todays standards.” He immediately put it down. He said the same thing with halo 3, and immediately went back to playing destiny 2. This is a guy who loves music from the 70s and 60s too. It frustrates me to no end. I’m like “dude, this mindset of yours is preventing you from experiencing so many bangers.” It’s like only eating burgers and fried chicken. You’re missing so many other great tasting albeit different foods.


Hmmmm I wonder if it depends on what games played growing up. Like for me it's PS1 with spyro, crash, metal gear. But even then, I didn't really have a love for like snea/nes or pixel art till like 2010. Hmmm. I mean, like the other person said, let him play what he wants. Nothing wrong (subjectively) with wanting the best graphics. Like as long as he doesn't say games are bad because of the graphics, I don't see a problem. But I also feel you. I mean OoT can be pretty dated in terms of graphics especially for someone that wants something modern. Could introduce him to like Skyward Sword Remaster instead


Sure, he can play whatever he wants to play. I don’t berate him or anything. He’s a relatively new gamer they only played a couple games growing up. He didn’t really get into gaming until the release of the first Destiny game back in I think 2013 or 2014. But from the outside looking in, it’s inconceivable to me having that kind of mindset with how many older games I love. I couldn’t imagine limiting my options to only like 5% of the games out there at any one time any more than I could imagine limiting my music, movie, or tv show consumption to ones that have only come out in the last five years or so.


Let him play what he wants to play


Nah, I actually put a knife to his throat and said “you WILL enjoy these old games, or ur gettin’ shanked, bro!” (Kidding) Of course he can play what he wants to play. He can have his opinion. And I can have mine too.


Games have come a LONG way over the past 30 years. Music has been around for millenia; gaming not so. Its constantly evolving and older games can feel weird, slow, and/or clunky when compared to newer games that have improved on the mistakes of the past. And on top of that, games are always building on the foundation of what came before them - there was a time when games like Halo and Half-Life were extremely impressive for allowing you to shoot other people/aliens/whatever in a 3d environment, with physics systems and all. In a modern game, those are baseline features. I couldn't get into those games because they felt extremely generic, having played games that have done that and so much more. But I can appreciate that at the time they would have been more revolutionary. Not saying older games can't be good. I've never played Ocarina of Time, but I imagine that to be more of an exception than a rule.


I don't get the modern idea that old games are bad. Growing up in the late 90s and early 2000s, there was nothing more exciting than going to someone's house and finding some random old console you never heard of before. I vividly remember being like 4 years old and having a "play date" with my friend from Kindergarten, and he had an Atari Jaguar with this Mario Kart clone we played the crap out of. My friends also loved coming to my house because I still had a hand me down NES and Sega Genesis in 1999.


Cosign this. Make old new again. Scratch the itch! And worry less about the optics.


Yeah man - there's a TON of great older games out there that will provide hours of entertainment for a fraction of the new game price. It's never ceased to amaze me how gamers will blaze through brand new games, games that took years to develop, only to bitch about wanting more games.....all the while ignoring all the kick ass games from years ago.


And not even like old retro games. (I guess depends on how old retro is now) But idk, like Rayman Legends is probably one of the best platformers I've ever played and that's.... Oh god that's a decade old now?! Okay I won't call it retro but still holds up


A decade ago was just 2014....goddamn....time is flying


Some old games are way better than old ones. Most of new games trying to sell you graphics and visual effects. Old games respected us as players and prioritized gameplay first. Some stylish ones even managed to age great.


And then there's games like Bubsy 3D and Donkey Kong 64 with a billion collectibles that thought we were going to sell our souls to unlock everything xD


I'll rather have collectibles than micro transactions lol.


Most Modern Games Dotting their Open World Map with Shit: So, what you're *saying* is that you want both??? #And there's a good chance you might be uninformed enough to *pay for them all*???


Replayed the Remaster of the 2002 remake of Resident Evil. The perfect remake, the quintessential survival horror experience. Decades of video game history to pick from.


Same here, the game has held up surprisingly well. I imagine the fixed camera and pre-rendered backgrounds are doing a lot of heavy lifting in that department.


Well you see.. Some of us have been gaming for 40 years, and have already played all the oldies five times til Wednesday.


I grew up with ps2/gamecube, now I just have tons of PS1/PS2 games (will eventually get into gamecube again & possibly N64). Those eras of gaming are timeless. That’s when gaming was absolutely amazing. Not downplaying all other systems and even earlier eras of gaming but that is what I have personal experience w/ now. Me, personally, though I have to have physical hardware and games. Emulation doesn't do it for me. So I only dislike how expensive Older games can get… I deal with it though and I’ve boughten many many expensive titles for the PS2/PS1 and I do actually say some are worth it. But you’re probably better off just emulating some of your favourite games instead of what I do. 


I always try to complain in short areas, I don’t mind seeing a lot of something, but what I want is the stuff I see very little of. Specifically I want to see more in depth social manipulation vampire rpgs.


Some people enjoy complaining about games more than playing them. Gaming has never been better. Just don't play games you don't like (that includes simply having non gaming mechanics you don't like)


Honestly people who grown up in the modern era will never enjoy the classics because people will always complain about the difficulty, the camera and the overall gameplay that doesn’t feel as smooth as you would get in modern gaming today. And those who don’t like indie games feel that those are the type of games that cheaply made. It’s sad that this era of gaming not many people wan’t to try tames outside of AAA


Go play pyschonauts, it's usually cheap and still one of the best games.


Aaaaaaa I love Psychonauts definitely one my top favorite games


My last 150ish hours of gameplay have been on two games, one from 2006 and one from 2008. I got both of them and all their DLC for under $20 and I'm having a good old time.


2006 Oblivion 2008 GTA IV. That's 200+ hours easily


For me it's been Heroes of Might and Magic 5 and King's Bounty: The Legend.


I always rant to my friends about how people will buy games because they are popular and complain about the fundamental aspect of the game and say it’s bad. You don’t em have to play every popular game. You aren’t going to enjoy all of them. Stop thinking you have to.


Why do **you** care about what some asshole xat out on Xitter ?


How were the loading times for Pillars Of Eternity. I bought the 2nd one Deadfire psychical copy from Amazon for like 10$. I liked the way it plays but the loading screens seemed to take forever. I put it down and have been playing Dragon Age origins instead, since I've only beaten it once before and wanted to try out a new intro.


That's a good question. I play it off my PC through gamepass and have my games installed to an SSD, so my load times seemed average (dependig on how fast average is?) like a couple second? at most 15? How long were the load times for you?


Seemed like 30 seconds or more for me. I thought having the disk would help and free up storage for other games. Now I know 30sec or more is not a whole lot of time but I was trying to explore a cave and that's when I noticed it and couldn't stop thinking it's kinda long. Entered exited to see and yeah it was noticable. Left to a new town and it didn't get better. Maybe it's just me.


Playing it on Xbox one


Yup. And old games are cheaper too! I've no time to be keeping up with the latest and greatest. My next game will probably be Last Of Us part 2 - and that's a pretty new one for me.


I gotta tell ya I've been on a big side scroller kick lately and am LOVING Katana ZERO and Dead Cells.


There are a ton of fun indie games out, like abiotic factor, it is a survival game basically set in black mess from half-life and you have to build your base in the office, aska is a great Viking colony sim. So many more to choose from AAA has been lackluster for awhile now but these have held my interest.


I often find myself going back to games I have beaten and thoroughly enjoyed. The classics and oldies will always be more fulfilling than some of these new titles that have been spit out by companies just to “make something”. It grows tiresome as an avid gamer, I’d rather have less games be released, and those that are be high quality with compelling story and or gameplay. It’s all about the cash grab now.