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I want tactical shooter set in a mostly urban environement. Give me like a real city, up to scale. But there's factions in town, like the police, the army, the mob and all that working mostly indepedantly from each other. Your goal? to kill the corrupt leader of those factions and enact change by providing proof of their crimes ot the media to justify it after. Main key point? There's a limit number of enemies. Think watch dogs style of npc tracking, but there'sa limited total pool it can generate. There's what, like 10 000 cops in a city? you could, in theory just run around and go full on serial killer murdering them all. Or you could bribe them, or whatever. My idea is the game would run like a strategy game, where an AI is basicely playing a city builder, trying to manage and keep the city runnnig. You? you're the trouble. you're the unpredictable events. You are the agent of chaos. Your goal is simple, kill 5 man, specific man, and find evidence of their crimes. How you do it, is up to you. Sniper assassination from a rooftop? drive by? poison their food at a restaurant? bribe their bodyguard?. Think of it like an ultimate hitman sandbox game, with a day and night cycle and a living city. I doubt we'll get anything like it anytime soon, but in 15-20 years, i expect AI might get to the point where they can run a simulation like this in a game and basicely play hitman that way. THAT, or a modern take on hybrid heaven's combat.


You should take a look at Crackdown.


Theres not a limited number of enemy in that game, and it's definitly more of a casual shooter than an actual serious game.


Ah, my thought was about how the map clears itself out to reflect the bosses you take out. I felt it did a good job of creating a "winning the war" sort of feeling! Definitely more casual than serious though!


I did quite like crackdown, to be fair. but it just doesn't quite fit what i'm talking about\~


I want a city builder game that puts you in the shoes of Andrew Ryan as he oversees the planning and construction of Rapture.


Aquatico might be worth your time.


Careful your ideas don't get pilfered


I'm always worried about sharing out my ideas for media just for this alone.


That's what he's hoping would happen I imagine He's not a game developer, so he throws his dream game idea out there . Maybe someone makes it someday.


I had a similar idea as your 2nd one where 1 person plays as a poltergeist and can control items in a house, and other players are ghost investigation team that has to catch up you. Poltergeist player can set up jumpscares to spook people Other ideas I’ve had. A ww2 x hospital sim game where you play as a medic and have to do field dressing and other medical stuff. A game like GTA but it features magic instead. My thoughts are magic is like a drug, the more you do it the more it takes its toll on you. You’d start out in the anti magic task force but you’d eventually swap to the side of the magicians. What I really want to make is a 3D platformer game based on the comics Asterix & Obelix. Or a FPS game based on the Stargate franchise


Try Midnight Ghost Hunt.


Xcom like game based on Stargate would be so easy to visualize...


PlayStation All Stars in the style of Mortal Kombat


Mortal Kombat has a lot of untapped potential. Back on N64 they had that failed Subzero side scrolling platforming/fighting deal that could have been great if they had just like, made it have better controls and stuff. But something like that only more polished could be great. There was that top down Shaolin Monks one that was a pretty cool coop. They could do something like that again or do like a side scrolling beat em up, streets of rage style? Lots of coop potential. Keep the core fighting games going, obviously, but branch out and wrap some other genres up in the lore.


True. Maybe Rocksteady can take MK as their next IP and develop single player action adventure games starring one group of characters from MK’s 3-4 core groups: Jax/Johny/Sonya, Subzero/Scorpian/Noob, Liu/Lao/Raiden, Kenshi/?/?.


I second MK  in PS All stars format and beat em up format. I feel  like more handhelds should have the vita version of mk 9 and injustice (and UMVC3) ported to it, especially the switch because they are just too intense and amazing.       After playing as Kratos in MK 9 I wanted a MK9 but only playstation all stars characters style game very much especially with tag combat! I also want a solo-(optional) third person view local splitscreen co-op tower defense mortal kombat with tight controls and mechanics based on surviving waves of outworld soldiers in different locations with your 4 kombatant squads, environmental interactions, sub weapons, and special attack combos.


I'm a solo indie developer, therefore my game ideas are very humble lol.


Detroit Become Human but have it made by someone who isn't David Cage so the games actually good


I thought it wasn’t that bad tbh. Could be better though, like you just said


Detroit Become Human except it's a detective game from start to finish instead of a poorly written civil rights movement story. The first mission and some of other Connor missions are great fun.


Wait what didn't you like about it? I thought it was a fun game


I'll give the credit to Hank and Connor, Since they ad-libbed a lot of thr work David Cages work wasn't involved with them, the main issue I have is that all of his series of games have this run of the only way we can invest in a character is they need to be ruined every 5 minutes and it just feels weird, the ending of the Nanny Droid which if you've finished it you'll know what the big thing is is completely against the entire story they'd set up the whole time. And the Marcus story feels vaguely offensive with making a real life topic (The BLM movement) the short of a clunky civil war era racism analogy. I think my main criticism is that David Cage games have such potential but he puts 0 effort into making them actually interesting


Thing is, the concept of robots/AI becoming self aware and rising up against their creator, one way or another, is nothing new and has been explored in various media long before D:BH.


And it was amazing in the movie I can't remember the title where the robot seduces the play tester 


That's completely fair. I actually did enjoy Kara's storyline, but I can see your issues with Markus'. I do think Hank and Connor's was the best


I love reading xianxia novels (Chinese high fantasy) Basically cultivation ranks to ascend immortally and I think this will make such a cool Open world game.


At least 3 W40k games: 1- First person "rogue-like" horror game where you play as a Tau human civilian trying to survive or escape the area they live in while their world gets invaded by almost every creepy faction in the setting. 2- City builder Tropico style game where you take the role of a governor controlling a world and trying to not die or getting deposed. 3-Team based mobalike third person shooter with building mechanics and classes about Imperial Fists and Iron Warriors. All the game will try to emulate a war of attrition and clever building fortifications.


Imagine a Mass Effect game where you are a member of an inquisitors retinue, and when the old master dies, you become the inquisitor. Gather allies and teammates from across the sector, fight against the enemies from within, without and beyond. Attend conclaves, choose your allies and enemies, depose planetary governors, choose how puritan or radical you are. Maybe you save some psyker from a black ship and take them to your retinue, maybe that criminal in a penal colony is an excellent sniper. A tech priest accused of heresy might be an excellent addition to the team, but that would certainly anger the Mechanicus.


Your first idea there, I had one similar.. It annoys me that open world levels, which artists spent so much time on only to just have a few key areas be used then thrown away. Theres so many places we miss when we just follow the story. So MY idea was that they reused the map from one of the Arkham games, but had you play as John Constantine (or some other ground-level, mortal and dark anti-hero, doesn't matter as long as theres a story and enemies and fun combat gameplay unique to this character to make it not just an arkham clone despite being in the same world.) so that the city could be seen more from street level and less from rooftops.


A game I wanted to make myself: Hotel Groundhog (a project name only). A full and realistic first person mystery taking place in a hotel simulated where every npc has a name, a story, and an hour long script and chain of interactions, that you can interrupt in various ways. Once that hour is up, the hotel blows up, and you wake up back in your room again. The goal is to break that loop so that you can finally check out. The idea was inspired by a murder mystery adventure game on a train that did some of the same but not as good as i imagined it could be.


I'd like to make a game that was in the style of doom but it switches around from a fps to a side scrolling beat em up to a top down twin stick shooter and back again. It's just my favorite types of games all mixed together lol


You ever play Beir Automata?


No, is it like that???


In certain parts. Mainly a semi-open world third person with top down shooter and side scroll parts. Neir Automata **


Oh man, this is my jam. I toy with a bunch of ideas but here's the craziest: one part Minecraft, one part No Man's Sky, one part Fortnite, one part Civilization, one part Prototype one part Zelda. Randomly generated open solar system. You play as basically a prehistoric character who was cursed to be immortal but told that you can gain power beyond your imagination. You start off on one of the planets where you can mine and forage for resources just like Minecraft but building mechanics are simple like Fortnite. Over time, you can build all kinds of things: tools, weapons, buildings, machines, and so on. You are also a part of a tribe who have their own system of governments and will also grow and advance like Civilization. The more you progress, the more you can teach your tribe and advance them. They might even come across other tribes and either fight with them or form alliances. Because your character is "immortal" you can watch the people/societies around you grow and innovate rapidly. Eventually, these societies will advance to space fairing societies and you can travel to other planets. On these planets, there are also "Temples" where you can go to fight monsters. Beating these monsters will grant you different powers like super strength, speed, flight, etc. to where you can basically become super human. It's almost the ultimate sandbox game.


It's an interesting idea but too convoluted and a coding nightmare. There's a reason you don't see games that integrate too many mechanics, if you do that you end up confusing the player and to progress the player would either advance each individual part too fast or it becomes this overwhelming grind that puts off most of the playerbase. If it's a mix of 6 games in one then, it's 5 games too many.


“The King Under the Mountain” PVP isometric rogue-like loot-driven dungeon crawl The player can select from a variety of classes with a variety of abilities: wizard, fighter, rogue, ranger, druid, etc. Then the player spawns outside the entrance to a massive dungeon, 10 levels deep, each level extending infinitely. The dungeon is populated with all manner of monsters and loot and traps in the vein of Nethack or Torchlight or the like, but the exit to the dungeon level only spawns when the player slays the most deadly monster on the level: another player. To make that happen, the procedural generation engine will occasionally spawn a door that leads into another player’s instance of the same dungeon level. The players that now share that instance may encounter/fight each other, or one of them may die before encountering the other, or both players may transition into other dungeon instances before ever finding each other. If they do find/fight each other, the player that loses that fight drops their loot and returns to the top, but keeps their gold; they can then use that gold to purchase a variety of upgrades or advantages for their next run (including loot, experience, shortcuts to deeper levels, etc.); the deeper they’ve gone and the longer they’ve survived, the more gold they’re likely to have when they die. The player that wins that battle gets some of the defeated player’s loot, and a special door spawns, descending to the next level. Once the player reaches the bottom of the dungeon, they must defeat the King Under the Mountain, the player who is the current reigning champion. If they do so, the current champion has his name and reign duration recorded in the Hall of Records, then he returns to the top of the dungeon with his gold, same as any other adventurer.


I recently started playing mobile games on bs and would love to have more games similar to Nexus: Nebula Echoes.


I’ve got lots of ideas for games. A city builder and creature game much like Black & White with new army mechanics etc would be interesting as one idea.


I lowkey like the GTA one ngl.


No idea (I’m trying to get comment karma)


ES6, in the style of Skyrim


Nice try, EA


Simultaneous movement combat/stealth game. Somewhere in the vein of Shadowrun, Invisible Inc, and Into the Breach. Grid based, but looser targeting than standard grid tactics games. Both teams set up their moves at the same time without knowledge of what the other is doing. Moves resolve differently based on positioning and actions of both teams. Single player or coop campaign and both symmetrical and asymmetrical multiplayer battles.


A first person open world RPG set in the wild west, but you're not an outlaw, a sheriff. You need to be on your toes to keep various gangs in check, play them against each other, wipe some out, harass their source of income. All in a dynamic world, where you have to worry about your town, your family, your own health, your own horse, random events etc. If you do a good job the town rewards you, but they may also depose you.


Zelda spin off, the game woul set in a dark fantasy horror world, no violence but there will be a great horror atmosphere where there will be a stalker enemy who chase you


The second idea sounds like it could work for a Beetlejuice game. I mean, we can't really do worse than LJN, right?


Warhammer 40K game in the style of Detroit become human story driven, where you play as the Emperor throughout the years leading up to the unification wars. Every mission would jump a few thousand years and you’d get to see how he influenced society from the shadows.


It's like that new popular game, but a little different 


Super Smash Bros but with Blizzard characters, like HOTS but a diff genre. ARPG Warcraft game. Soulslike Diablo game


2 has been done at least twice, with Haunting Starring Polterguy and Haunt the House.


A game set in a post-apocalypse where you play as an animal on a dangerous overland migration.


A major open world like Witcher 3, or GTA, but where every NPC has a GPT like AI personality that can randomly generate entire quests.


For idea 2, try Midnight Ghost Hunt.


2D Spaceship side scrolling platform game. Some times the player encounters a wall of seemingly impenetrable obstacles....like just a mountain side maybe. Now the player can hold down a button and the game turns first person and 3D. Now he/she can navigate the spaceship through holes in said mountain side. The player only has x amount of seconds in this 3D view, after which it returns to 2D. The player earns 3D time points over time or when shooting bad guys. Besides the 3D aspects it should have other features like leveling up of spaceship...new crazy weapons etc


A late 90s arcade fighting game in 4:3 ratio and everything, made in the Clayfighter style but it’s all MLB mascots. **Plus** Gritty from the NHL’s Philadelphia Flyers, and the Grimace. 🍔🍟


Hard to choose just one. A superhero game in the style of city of heroes. A choose your team adventure like marvel ultimate alliance/X-Men legends. Preferably with either a real roster like marvel ultimate alliance or make it fantasy based with unlocked characters like BG3. A (modded) Minecraft meets stardew valley, meets factorio combo. I want the mine system, build anywhere do anything mechanics of Minecraft. I want the community building and interaction of stardew. But I want automation and enhancement of modded Minecraft which would look a lot like factorio.I want to build the world, but I want people to live in it too. 1v1 turn based fueling game based on spellcasters. The elements would be a complex rock


Stealth horror game where you have to identify and kill doppelgangers before they eat you/too many innocent people, but you also have to hide the bodies so you don't get arrested. Asymmetric multiplayer VR game where one team is a couple humans and the other team is a bunch of borrowers who have a task list kinda like untitled goose game, and the humans want to trap the borrowers in jars. Social deduction game where most characters are robots who use GPT for dialogue at an "all robots dinner party" and the humans have to fail the Turing test while outing each other to be the last one standing. Tower defense automation game where you have to set up fast food production inside of a kitchen then use that to arm turrets that shoot food at hungry zombies to repel them. Some zombies are vegan and others want a full course meal so you have to have a well rounded menu.


Moreso a "Why the hell was this never done?!" setting: Lightsaber/Force centric game during the New Sith Wars.


Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, but from Zelda's perspective. Zelda was a bad ass magical ninja who was secretly the lost princess as an adult. THE STORY IS ALL THERE. As a kid she could be trying to mimic Impa and sneak around the castle as the tutorial/first act, then fast forward to training to be one of the sheikah, then you could play out the game as getting to the temples before Link to obtain the songs to pass along to him. You could rework Ganons castle as the last level to have her use her abilities to have escaped/distract Ganondorf for Link to make it to the top of the castle and then rework the final fight to have Link and Zelda fight together. I took a headcannon that Zelda was a super bad ass in OoT and refuse to believe she just sat there during the Ganon fight and watched Link do everything. Either she helped fight Ganon or she was fighting off hordes of monsters from interfering. Please Nintendo, it would be amazing.


A open world zombies map where u progress start with a revolver and 1 shot u raid pillage and fight intrrdimensional zombies for the fate of reality


An extraction shooter taking place in the bottom level of the city planet Coruscant in Star Wars, where you unearth ancient artifacts and fight against others, like crime syndicates, that are trying to do the same


I think some kind of open world RPG set in like 10,000 BC would be sick. The player starts as a caveman with a family/tribe or something. Advancements in tools or hunting/agriculture. You can choose to set up a home village or be nomadic and explore a vast expanse of mountains, valleys, prairies, water sources, ect... Pretty much just a game about the advancement of man. Would be pretty interesting to see some AAA money/effort put into something like that.


This is why we leave gamedev to the professionals lol


GTA city where an infiltrator Terminator pursues you. It can look like anyone (as mentioned in the first film) and its look changes each time you boot up the game. It hunts you . You have to gather the parts to make a time machine from plans sent back to you. You can make friends with certain NPCs but be careful how much you tell them. The friendlier you ate with them the better items and info. However, they can contact you by phone. The Terminator can kill them and imitate their voices. You can do fact checking (a la Wolfie) to find out if they can be trusted. The Terminator can lead you into traps or track your location. You have minimal weapons but can lay traos to delay it. Once you build the time machine you can go back and hunt the Terminator. The hunter becomes the hunted. So the first half of the game is stealth and run (Alien Isolation) but the second half is the opposite. You send back the time machine plans to yourself at the end.