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XCom 2. Beat it tons of times but if I don’t move fast to another play through the aliens will continue to make progress on the Avatar Project.


Oh crap I haven’t played it in like 4 years. You think they’re done yet?


Better haul your ass to the Blacksite


Have you played 'Phoenix Point' with 'The Terror From the Void' mod? I've been playing it tonight and with the mod it's now and incredible XCOM experience: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/839770/view/4176601697647254493?l=english


I have tried it but gave up. I definitely don’t think I will like it as much as XCom but I need to give it another go.


Really wanted to love Phoenix Point, but it's very underdeveloped compared to XCOM. Maybe that mod makes it playable, but I couldn't cringe my way past the second mission.


Factorio. 100% just means you're ready to ***start*** playing.


I have like 10 hours and haven't even finished the tutorial of the demo


And to think there are people who can launch a rocket in less than 8 hours.


It's not that hard after you've gone through a few times. Work up sub-factory designs for your major components in advance and don't do any unnecessary research. Also ~~turn off the biters and~~ turn up the density of the ore deposits. Edit: oops


I always play with biters nearly off. i have most of my blueprints finished, i just really like playing in railworld, which means my deposits outside if the start location are super far away


For the achievement, biters need to be on. I once hopped into a multiplayer server where they were trying to get this achievement. I was helping out building some of the oil processing stuff when I noticed that we hadn't been attacked by biters since I joined... I check the map and realise there are no biters. I informed the host that the achievement requires biters to be turned on. Host was silent for a minute (I assume verifying it themselves), then was like "well shit". It had been a couple hours at that point and they had to start over.


You can play with the biters "on," but they would essentially be off. You can turn their evolution down to nearly zero, pollution completely off, and then set their start distance to 200%. This means you probably won't be attacked until rockets launch, and even if you are, they will be super weak.


True for most achievements, but **There is no spoon** (launch a rocket under 8 hours), **Lazy bastard** (finish the game with less than 111 manual craft), and **Mass production 3** (produce 20M green circuits - it's not limited to a single save, but 20M is a LOT) require a lot of work. That's why only about 3-4% of the player base got them. Through at least Mass production 3 is going to be massively easier in the expansion. [The devs showed us some tasty compact green build outputing a lil' ~3800 green circuits per second.](https://cdn.factorio.com/assets/blog-sync/fff-417-endgame-circuit-production.png) It would do Mass prod 3 in about an hour and a half.


This 100%. Getting all the achievements is hard, but it really teaches you how to play the game at a much larger scale then the game requires.


Vampire survivors. That game is crack to me. Even when you’ve got and done everything it’s still so fun to bash out a quick run.


I was legitimately addicted to this game for like a couple of weeks, then suddenly I completely lost all interest once I couldn't get the goal of playing anymore, it was odd.


I was the exact same way. Played it non stop on mobile and steam deck for a few weeks and never had the motivation to go back.


Sounds like a hyperfixation to me! I do the same with fallout. Treat it like it’s a full time job one week then don’t play it for months


It’s been one of my favorites this year.




is it with or without mods? after 1000 hours personally i couldn’t start a new world without quitting the game within an hour. haven’t tried mods like ever, don’t know why


Mods are a complete game changer. I hit the same wall and just can’t get myself to go through the same bosses. Calamity gave me easily another 200+ hours to replay.


damn then i definitely must’ve been sleeping on mods then, gonna redownload terraria and try em out later today. thanks


re-logic has added so much content over the years you hardly need mods. Master Mode is a real challenge (and Legendary / special seeds are an extra layer of fun). but yeah, mods are fun too


I just really like the early game. When I first started playing Terraria my first hundred or so hours were before hard mode was even a thing. Molten armor was the endgame, and blade of grass was comically huge. I just really like that early to mid-game vanilla content, I guess.


Final Fantasy X


I could never get Waka's Ulta weapon. I'm so bad at that sport game. 😭 I've replayed that game 3 times now and every time I get stuck with his weapon.


There's enough guides online but the simplest way I found was to get Brother as early as possible and put him in the centre position. He gets a crazy high speed stat and can outrun most other players. Draw out all the opponents and fire a pass to Tidus who ideally you got Jecht shot for. Between that or sphere shot, the lack of defenders, and Tidus' high shot stat, it usually means you can just rack up the goals. The rest of the Aurochs are decent enough to keep in, but picking up a decent goalie definitely helps. Anyways, that's how I remember doing it without a guide. It wasn't very enjoyable though


The Aurochs goalie late game if you level him to max actually has the highest stats of any other goalie funny enough. Though the cheesiest way to beat Blitzball in any fashion is score one goal. After you score a goal just gain possession of the ball and take it directly on top of your goalie and the AI will swim in circles.


Such a good game. 🙏🏻


Binding of Isaac. Just a great game overall.


How long did that take? There's like 1000 achievements. I have like 280hrs and only 90 achievements so far. I'm not very good so...


590 hours here.


I saw some people who managed to get the 100% (for one file) in around 700-900 hours, but don't worry about your progress, i had 50 achievements for the first 100 or so hours.


Not sure of the exact number on Steam right now, but I’m upwards of 1000 hours played in total from my PS4 and when I restarted in the switch to PC.


This guy likes playing as crying children and so do I


Barbie Horse Adventure


My daughter got 100% in some magical unicorn princess horse game on PS4. I honestly don’t see how she did it because the controls were atrocious and the game was buggy as shit.. and she couldn’t read at the time so just had to figure stuff out by playing. But I’ll be damned if she didn’t get every trophy.


a princess finds a way


That's a story for around the campfire and 🍻


Elden Ring


same ;-; almost 1600 hours now, is there a Souls Anonymous I can attend?


Jesus dude that many hours on the base game must make the new DLC feel like Christmas for you lmao


So very much lmao, it’s like I’m learning the game all over again. I spent almost 20-30 hours so far just exploring, the rest of the time I spent fighting primarily Rellana (and other bosses too, but they weren’t as bad for my build). And then because I’m an ALT-aholic I decided to make a brand new character for a semi-challenge run for myself that encouraged me to help others out in MP.


Jesus Christ… the game only came out two years ago, so that’s nearly 20 hours per week for 2 years…


That sounds surprisingly accurate. I bought the game close to release, had a hard time getting into it because I found it too hard so I put it down, came back to it later after learning a bit about the game’s mechanics and got hyperfocused in it. Obsessed about the lore, obsessed about learning the combat, explored literally everything I could get my hands onto. And still somehow managed to finish my Associates Degree and continue work on my Bachelors. How? I have honestly no idea. edit: I’m sure a little bit of that time was spent idle, but I’d say at least 90-95% of the time was spent active.


Im never going to stop play Elden


I’m really enjoying the DLC except for that fucking wizard in the woods Jarl


Agreed. Just so many different ways to approach the game with different builds and different paths to take, and even though I dread some of the areas when I think about them once I'm there it's like "let's go!" (except for Lake of Rot which can always eat ass).


Bloodborne. I got my first platinum ever in my first run and finished it several times since. Still regularly have the urge to start a new one. 


Bloodborne is just so unique even in the From Software catalogue. Elden ring is the best game, bloodborne for when I want the vibe and a couple quick playthroughs and I switch it up with Sekiro sometimes


The atmosphere and design is unmatched. 


Slay the spire


100% how lol


I am good at maths and strategy


Any tips? I snagged it off game pass and have trouble getting to the Act 3 boss with anyone but the 3rd (blue) character.


Skip cards when your deck is done, unless you're trying to build for a specific fight


Honestly, seek out some streamers/youtubers. It's a very collaborative community and most people are happy to help. Baalorlord and Xecnar are 2 that I would recommend.


The trick is knowing when to take a card, sometimes just to get by for the next few rooms, versus when not take cards to keep your deck trim. I’m on ascension level 15 with the Silent and I have certain cards I always take and a couple I’ll accept if my card options have been junk. Get a sense of the best build for each character (e.g. my favorite for the Silent is shivs) and restrain your deck as close to synergistic cards as possible.


I did it with the defect aswell. He was my first. Definitely prioritise blocking and make sure to cycle through to your better cards. If you count it will be easy to know when the best ones are around. Also prioritise purchasing relocation in stores


I envy people who can find unending enjoyment in something that never changes. I've never 100% a game and not been completely over it and potentially irrationally angry.


I feel you. Once I've seen everything a game has to offer, it's on to the next one in the backlog.


I feel like having a huge backlog really hurts my enjoyment in gaming. I just usually can't wait for a game to be over and I'm really apathetic towards games now.


Fallout: New Vegas! I've got all the achievements, every ending, etc, and I still replay it fairly often just to re-experience it or try a slightly different build.


Same for fallout 3 for me :D. It is my most played game, at around 6k hours now. Unmodded)


How do you play without crashing?


Fiddle with ini files. Just chage so that it runs on 2-3 cores only. Also, change the main INI file, despite people telling not to touch it. run in widows XP compatibility. I hat in total less than 10 crashes


Red Dead Redemption 2. 3 100% runs done and I still manage to run into new stuff.




Why is this not higher?! Good on you for being the rightest in this list.


I think the idea of actually 100%ing Skyrim is just beyond most of us. Sure, I’ll boot it up every couple of years and lose weeks of my life to it, but complete it? Impossible.


Cyberpunk 2077, but admittedly my hours aren’t as high as other games I played as a young adult. I’m only ~800hours.


Are you just playing it multiple times ?


Yeh I don’t like binge like I did when I first played, but a couple different playthroughs, you can do certain “gigs” (missions) different ways. Couple hours a week lately.


There it is. I've been playing since launch and have 4000+ hours in. For such a dystopian setting it's very cathartic.


That’s so true. sometimes when I’m on a work call that I probably didn’t need to attend, I’ll just drive in the background… I like the vertical differences of the city, the sounds, the soundtracks, etc. (all without the story and gameplay - which of course is insanely good too)


800 hours is unfathomable. I'm only 70 hours in, over the course of 1 year.


Same here. I can’t play many single player games much longer than that.


Yeh it just play after work and stuff and it ends up at 800 somehow 🥲


FTL, and its huge mod friend Multiverse!


Amazing game but that's wild. Some of those achievements are so difficult. Props


Most of the ratchet and clank series


Never played them growing up. Just played through a rift apart and immediately wanted to play through again. It’s the perfect game to shut off your brain and have some mindless fun


Hey look, plumbers crack. What did you say?! I said hey look, the plumber's back.


Baldur’s Gate 3 I finally found a game to answer this question. I usually 100% base achievements/trophies and move on. BG3 is the first game in the achievement/trophy era I still play after 100%.


I like roaming around Night City in Cyberpunk now and again just for atmosphere, I can replay Rayman 1 to death, and any time spent in GTA San Andreas is good time.


Half Life Black Mesa. Just love it. Although I got a VR headset this week so now I’m playing Half Life: Alyx for the first time


Alyx got a lot of praise but deserves more than it got if you ask me.


Even after this long VR is still somewhat niche. Especially PCVR. Really is a shame bc alyx is absolutely amazing, one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had


Hades. Love the characters so much and just can’t leave them behind


100% on Hades is something I never attempted. The ranks look like they would take a loooong time.




For Honor I’m not even good at it anymore compared to way back when it came out, but I just love it’s visual design, it’s a unique fighting game and I’ve sunk thousands of hours into it I do find myself being left by the wayside with how good people are now but I still enjoy it


I haven’t played since it dropped, is there stuff to do besides getting my ass kicked in 1v1?


It's actually impressive how muck work they put into it post release. Not the biggest playerbase by far but man they were so dedicated to that game. Constant new heros, new maps, and I personally loved the seige game mode they introduced. I also fell off after a while, but I had some of the most fun with that game during the centurion release lmao just drop kicking and punching entire teams off cliffs


Risk of rain 2


Assassins Creed Black Flag....I 100% the campaign including the DLC as the black guy. did not do online...didnt really like that. Everyone know and then i hop back on to replay


Jedi Survivor


RE2/3 remake Short and sweet, the pathways of each live rent free in my head 😅


Geometry Wars.


Awesome game


Resident evil 4, every device/console I buy RE4 if available on the platform I will buy and replay. Its the game every couple of years I will replay and still absolutely love it. Devices I've owned RE4 on - ps2, ipod, xbox 360, ps4, ps5 plus the remake


Helldivers 2


Super Mario RPG The SNES have'nt bored me even knowing that Game from inside out, and the remake isnt any different, my favorite Game of all time


It's funny to consider how many SNES games I'd still enjoy playing if I still had my old console and library. Emulators aren't quite the same (and my laptop's busted, LOL).


Played on the snes a lot back in my day but never heard about this game. What is so special about it? Maybe I'll give it a go :)


Batman: Arkham City. I remember that I finally collected the last Charade trophy and thinking "Wow, it ended. I wanted more".


best game i ever played


I was really surprised at how much I loved this game. I didn’t expect to.


Kingdom Come Deliverance. This game is like a virtual Vacation


Arkham Knight


Into the breach.


Dead cells


Far cry 5


Awesome answer. Very replayable or even just go reset those bases.


The borderlands games. All but the tales ones really


Last of Us both I and II. Peak gaming that I keep going back to time and time again. Playing on grounded is an amazing experience.


Those games definitely engage my ADHD brain. Not many games can get me really immersed quite like those games can


I tried Last of Us 1 on grounded an and it started off an incredible experience but by the mid game it became very clear I’m not a good enough gamer to handle this.  I love both games but gave up grounded after I had to look up how to cheese it grounded three levels in a row.


Stealth is a must on grounded difficulty. I tried a guns blazing play style and it doesn't work.


super mario odyssey!!


Both Subnautica games and Fallout New Vegas.


Titan fall 2 for sure, it was my one of my first story games and still one of my favourites.


Yet to find such a game :(


Sleeping Dogs


Elden Ring. Got the platinum a long time ago. I have like 700 hours in the game and beaten it about a dozen times.


Metroid Dread


Is it cheating if I say Civilization VI? It's infinitely replayable.


Something being infinitely replayable doesn’t mean it’s worth *playing it infinitely*. But Civ fits the bill in my book.


I 100%’d cyberpunk and the dlc after years of waiting for it to be good, took about 250 hours, and I was still wishing there was more to do even though I was a little bit sick of it


Right now, HITMAN: WOA and God of War (2018) and Ragnarok Valhalla. Roguelites have a nice mental grip over me at the moment


Returnal, the torment has become "a moment of respite"


Total War! Every new campaign is a different experience




Dayz. The people there give you infinite replayability and food.


Ghost of Tsushima, there is a surprising amount of things not covered by the Platinum trophy. Especially Legends


Insomniac Spider-Man, all of them, I can swing and kick criminals asses all day.


Enter the Gungeon. I consider myself a... Good player, if I am allowed to brag a bit. I've beat the game on my second run (to be honest, I was extremely lucky, but still). I got 100% on... Around 40-50 hours? But i still summed a nice 400 hours in the game


Diablo 2. Now D2R. I have a ludicrous number of hours on this game over the years. Still playing new ladders pretty regularly.


Enter the Gungeon - I love the variety in every run, from weapons and items to characters. Elden Ring - So much content between builds, areas, enemies, etc. Bloodborne - My favorite of the Soulsborne games. Once again, build variety and the aesthetic always keeps me coming back. Spider-Man, Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Spider-Man 2 - I love the swinging in these games. The combat is also very fun.


Stardew Valley


No Man's Sky Diablo 4 All the GTAs Brotato/Vampire Survivors/etc Forza Horizon 4 & 5


House of the Dying Sun. The best space combat game imo, needs more content though.


Skyrim. Getting the platinum was a pain in the ass. Mostly earning everything from the thieves guild. The biggest challenge is restarting and then trying to create a non stealth archer sniper.




Desperados 3 and Shadow Tactics. I wish mimimi just did like other studios and kept pumping a new DLC for them every year rather than doing Shadow Gambit.


Final Fantasy VII Remake


FF7 Remake + Rebirth. Love that world and the characters


Monster Hunter.  Don't need explanation. Those who knows, knows. 


Elden Ring. I have the platinum already but I LOVE creating new characters. It’s like playing a whole new game with each new build


Dark souls 1


I especially love the first hour or two into a new game. Something about going into Undeadburg for the first few times feels like home.


Elden ring


Dark souls. I just start a new character and use a different build


The forest


Hades. I don't even generally like the genre, but that is def my fav game of the last 5 years or so


Slay the spire


Witcher 3 going through new game plus right now on switch and will probably replay again after that to make some different choices in the story.


Elden Ring. Took about 200 hours to 100% it, and yet I’m now sitting at close to 500 hours across 7 playthroughs and now the DLC will probably suck another 200-300 hours from me.




Nioh. I got somewhat bored playing the main game, finished it, and decided to keep the DLC for later. Returned to it in four years, and had more fun than expected. Playing the roguelite Abyss, and started replaying the main game on a higher difficulty to unlock more levels of the Abyss. I'm still enjoying it - but there are so many games I haven't played that I decided to switch to new games for now.


Nioh 2 Combat are way too satisfying has a lot of potential and way to combo them , end game content (underworld and underworld depths) are actually replayable bunch of time , you also have bunch of different way to build your character and playstyle


I always go back to playing Baten Kaitos, Legend of Dragoon, Onimusha 1/2/3, Lost Kingdoms 1&2 and Xenosaga 1/2/3 even though I've beaten them more times than I can count. I guess I have a soft spot for unique battle systems.


Lately... I'd say Lunacid, Cyberpunk, and my guilty pleasure is Skyrim (despite how much I am not a fan of modern Bethesda).


Surprisingly, my gf and I constantly go back to Overcooked despite 100% it long ago


Any of the 3 recent spider-man games for me, swinging around never gets old


Lost Planet 2. I play my favorite level from that game every few months just because I enjoy it so much.


Terraria, but mostly tmod.


Monster Hunter by far


Crash Bandicoot 1-4




inFamous Festival of Blood


Human Fall Flat. I can play that game for hours while I just listen to music or a podcast. I like finding new ways to beat every level.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Call of Pripyat, Witcher 3


**Castlevania: Aria of sorrow**. Iv replayed this game so many damn times since its release way back on the GBA. It just never gets old.


Powerwash Simulator


Not really 100% but all the Yakuza/like a dragon games I played literally every games in the series Yakuza 0 to 8, ishin, judgment, almost 100% many of them.... And I never get bored of it ! I actually want more ! Bring me back kamurocho !!


Despite how simple it is, Roblox is the GOAT


Armored Core VI. I've played through the entire thing, gotten all endings and yet I still go back to play a mission or two every day.


San Andreas


Metal Gear Solid 5.


Sleeping Dogs. I love to drive around and exploring the city. It sounds peaceful but beautiful.


Enter the Gungeon


Ghost of Tsushima. 500 hours in an long since platinum but still playing.


Death Stranding. I don't really care about achievements.


Bloodborne and Armored Core 6. I keep going into ng+ and + and + and...


DRG. Rock and stone.


MGSV, persona4 too


Bloodstained, FF7 Rebirth, Monster Hunter World (fuck me those gold crowns were the death of me) and SMTV/Vengeance. I could play through those games multiple times a year and still wouldn't get bored.




Kingdom hearts 2, I still go back and do gummi ship missions or data battles, or even start another playthrough every now and then.


Assassins Creed Odyssey. I can always have fun going back and replaying it and exploring the world. Cyberpunk 2077 is also one of those games. I just started playing Diablo 4 recently but I can see Diablo 4 becoming another one of those games I stick with and enjoy going back to and replaying new and old saves


OG Spyro Trilogy and AC Black Flag


Persona 5


Ratchet and Clank. Over the years every game has great replayability.


Super Paper Mario


Kingdom Hearts


Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix and Crash Bandicoot 2. It’s a normal play through for me to get 100% each time I play but I never get enough of em


The Mass Effect trilogy, beat all of the games countless times over the years on 360 and now PC but I still go back for a nostalgia playthrough every year or so