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Married father of a toddler here. I get about an hour a day during the time my wife puts the daughter to bed (daughter has some separation anxiety so wife sits with her until asleep). Unless I have a day off of work (rare) and I get a few daytime hours to myself. Heads up to those of you who don’t have children yet: they are wonderful, and fill your life with a joy you can’t predict or imagine until they’re in your life. But they will consume all of the “free” time you think you have.


My son is now 21 we are both gamers which is awesome


I’m actually looking forward to her wanting to play games with me. She already likes the Incredibles and Star Wars Lego Xbox games and loves adventure stories (dragons unicorns etc). The challenge right now is there are not good age appropriate fantasy/adventure games for a 5yr old girl.




Have you considered playing Minecraft? My son is now 6 and we have both been playing Minecraft together for about a year now. We also enjoy playing Minecraft dungeons.


I look at Minecraft with a bit of side eye. I *personally* hate the blocky graphics, there’s something about the aesthetics that agitates me. And although I’m sure it’s possible to play it “just the two of us,” I’m not ready yet to introduce her to games that have MMO communities associated with them. Someone really should create a “RPG for Toddlers.” Little quests like “the fairy queen needs you to locate all ten of the purple snozberry flowers in the forest” or whatever. Colors and puzzles and no violence. Kids like my daughter would love that.


Up to a certain age that is.... then your an embarrassment hehe.


Same situation here but long work days so don't normally get time during the week, but then me and the wife swap days on the weekend so I normally get a good few hours on a sat or Sunday.


I work a weekend shift so I'm cheating.




So did I.


Yo. Why did you downvote him?


5-6 hours a night, most of the day in weekends.


2-3 hours on work nights. 4-10 hours on weekend days depending what my gf has planned for us.


Depends on the day / week / month. I went like six weeks unable to play anything and then managed to play through FF7 Remake in about two weeks after my shifts.


3-4 on weekdays but im single and have no children


Weekdays, 1-2 hrs each day Weekends, 10+ hours I avg around 20+ hours a week


All the time I don't have kids for a reason




Maybe only 2 hrs a day max but I did go about 6 months without playing one time because I was focused on health related reasons and because it got boring and I wasn't having fun anymore but after I took a break it was fun again.


1h-2h of free time, but i dont feel like playing games anymore... i hate this. I play 2h on weekend. Games are not fun anymore :(


The days I cook, around 2-3 hours, when my gf cooks 4-5. But we don't have children. I guess that would be a big factor otherwise.


Couple of hours each night, most weekends




6hours a day. I could play more but I love 8 hours sleep


I'm 43, married, three kids (two teenagers and an 8 year old), with a full time job. I usually get maybe ten hours on the weekend to play. Sometimes more, depending on work schedules; I get a little more if my wife is at work, and a little more if I'm at work (the part of my job I can do on the weekend allows a fair bit of free time). Weeknights are pretty busy with kiddie activities; between that, dinner, and basic household stuff, I don't often get to play during the work week.


Not enough


3-4 hours per day. More at the weekend.


Married with no kids. Me and my wife work together 6-2:30. After we get home she takes a nap for hours which i spend playing games.


Not enough. Once in a while I'll put in an hour or two during the week after work. Usually get 2-3 hours sat and sun morning. Will get the occasional all day marathon with the gf if we have nothing else going on. Edit- 34M local trucker, no kids.


Married, 1 toddler. A few hours a night. Sometimes I'll play a bit in the morning between daycare and work.


I work full time but decided when I was a teen taking care of infant brothers and sisters that I never wanted kids of my own. So me and my GF are dinks ( double income no kids ) I play as much as I want.


Every day


I usually only get Friday nights, and the occasional Monday morning.


Tbh i have much more time i had in school.


It varies. Sometimes I go whole weeks without touching a controller. Other weeks I find myself playing a couple hours each night. Something else to factor in is that I have a wife and two children.


Couple hours after work, as much as I feel like on weekends. No kids or anything, but I put aside time for other hobbies too.


It depends, I have to split my weekday evenings after my 9-5 job into either playing video games, dnd or gym (if doing one I can’t do the others the same day). If I’m having my video game night I usually play 4/5 hrs until I’m off to bed. I guess on an average I’m more likely to play maybe 7 hrs across the weekdays/8 across the weekend?


Maybe 30 minutes to a hour during hitch but on my off days a good 7 or 8 hours a day. No I don’t have a life outside of work


Not enough..


2 hours total a week


Usually play Like 1.5-3 hours


Man I sacrifice sleep when I’m home to get my hours in


During the week is as much time as I can after work which is usally 4-6 hours or until I'm tired. Weekends I can game until my eyes bleed in between simple chores. No kids and dual income is amazing!


Not enough, man!! 😩


20+ hours a week when not doing any obligations or working. I work overnights so gaming on handheld is possible there aswell.


Couple hours in the evening I try to. But have a 1 year old that isn't the earliest of sleepers.


As a working father, most nights I wait until my wife and kids go to bed and I play for a few hours late at night. On off days I can get an hour or two during nap time as well


Usually 4-5 hours max a week if that.


Working full time +. I played so much Battlefield One in 2018 for it to count as a part-time job. Lol. Now? An hour or two a night. I also quit smoking reefer so zoning out for hours upon hours is substantially less common lately.


A couple hours a night after work. Though I spend more time just scrolling the dashboard only to just turn it off, than I do actually playing games.




I do shifts.. so i manage to play at least 1 hour on work days, and a bit more when i'm home alone with the wife working, no kids.. so more money and more time.


I work from home and spend a few hours after work usually. It’s just me and my girlfriend, she reads, I game. But that wasn’t an option until I was working 8:30-5:30 weekdays. When I worked retail it wasn’t an option so I guess just schedule consistency


Just Friday and Saturday nights


Honestly I work 5 days a week and have 2 days off. The days off aren’t usually spent on just gaming. After spending time with my wife and family I don’t have a whole bunch of time to play games unfortunately. Since I don’t have much time these days, I’ve developed a bad habit of playing games halfway through and jumping to the next game. I think the last game I completed was Skyward Sword HD