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Modern Angry birds games.


Good pick


Shiiiit, they're still around? Haven't placed them since 2015 or something.


They've made three films of them now. The last one literally came out days ago.


Theres a 3rd!?


There was a second?


When there is a cash cow you gotta milk it (from what I remember the first movie was well received)


Loved the first one (and mid 20s at the time), had no idea about the sequels but makes sense.


Depressingly true. Fall from grace harder then when and angry bird hits stone


VEGA Conflict and War Commander.




And dey say chivalry is dead


An dey say


An dey say


An dey say


An dey say


Wat say dey?


An dey say


An dey say


An den say


I'm dressed to kill




Congratulations 🎉🎉 you have started a overwatch inside joke meme in which only those who have played overwatch and experienced what you are referencing to will understand


Chivalry 2 is dope


chivarly 2 is alive and well one of my favorite games right now


i miss being off tank so much




What did they do to change that?


I love Genji, McCree and Rein so much; but I just can't stomach playing the game anymore. It's not even fun anymore to me, and I used to play the shit out of competitive. Maybe that's the problem


The game's just sad now. The tank role was the beating heart of what made that game unique and they gutted the role, made its most iconic heroes obsolete, and never went back on a single bad design choice. I suspect the brain trust that made the game good in the early days was gone long before OW2 was even a twinkle in a shareholder's eye. I dream of a high quality OW-like with updates of the quality that DOTA gets. Nowadays they come few and far between in DOTA, but they're good. I never bought the idea that OW needed more updates. It just needed better updates and fewer knee-jerk responses to otp complaints.


The slow updates killed it. Sure, it was fun for a while. New mechanics. Balance patches. Playing it daily and weekly was exhilarating. But if you took a month or two off? Forget it. Take some time to learn the new meta. It got to the point of where, it really just isn't the same game anymore. Couple this with one of the most toxic gaming communities I have *ever* seen, and yeah. 📉


People always said League is more toxic. But Overwatch is borderline next level.


True, but a lot of the negative decline was the inevitable result of designing the game to be played in a competitive way. That was baked into the game from the start. It was inevitable that people would develop the meta and that it would become more and more strict over time, and people would stop experimenting with new tactics. TF2 is a bot infested mess right now, but one of the things I liked about it was that the large team sizes would take a lot of pressure off of you as a teammate and give you the freedom to do stuff that isn't necessarily optimal.


Remember when tf2's item servers went down and instead of complaining everybody just pretended it was 2008 again?


I feel OW being competitive isn't the reason it's declining as all other major shooters are competitive. Also, there data that shows that average people only play a handful of characters. A lot of games isn't meta vs meta comps Also the meta is just people min/max-ing the game. It exists in all games that provide choice/options which impact performance


Didn’t have to scroll at all to find this lol


Was looking to see this. Overwatch & Rocket League, coincidentally those are me and my pal groups main games


Man, I absolutely loved Overwatch. I was practically obsessed with it in a way that wasn’t an addiction, just the pure love of a hobby. I wanted to get a proper 6 stack, and play against other 6 stacks with a proper tournament experience, even if it wasn’t even remotely close to pro. Hell there were many grassroot initiatives even 3-5 years into the game’s lifecycle to promote such an experience for even the most normal and casual players, it gave me so much hope for what it was going to evolve into. Then they removed the 2nd tank position, didn’t deliver on PVE, and removed the wonderful loot system for this insultingly predatory cash grab system while chanting “Overwatch 2” as the excuse. Honestly while the others were more devastating in principle and removed my trust for the development, removing the 2nd tank removed the stability and pacing that allowed for greater strategic expression in most environments as opposed to just ‘aim good’, and it just ruined my personal preferred playstyles so much. I just had to give up on it All-in-all, world shattered


You make a great game, everyone likes it, it does gang busters. You've got a winning formula with near endless opportunity for recurrent revenue. The game will age of course, and some players will drop off, but you've got a loyal fanbase that will continue to patronize this lovable IP for years to come. But you know what? **That's bullshit.** Throw that garbage right into the trash, because you can do better. The dipshits that made *that* game didn't even include battle passes. Fuck that noise, delete it and start over. You're a video game executive, don't let anybody tell you otherwise. It's time to stop fucking around, do a bump of coke off Bobby Kotick's dick, and give them a sequel. Not the one they *want*, but the one they *deserve.*


Hadn’t hit the high of MW2 until Overwatch came out out. Peak OW was so god damn fun.


4k+ hours into the game and I haven’t touched it in almost two years. Devastating tbh


The only winning move is not to play




Actually the season 9 balancing was nice. Except for Hanzo. Because fuck Hanzo.


Overwatch is the prime definition of this. Blizzard had a game that both the casuals and the competitive scene enjoyed. Then the buffs and nerfs started and people were like "Do you even play your game?" then tank queue became a shit show since they constantly powercrept dps because they couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. Then they moved to a 5v5 version of the game for the sole reason of long dps queues when anyone with any experience in class-based matchmaking would tell you will never go away, especially when you actively decentivise your players from choosing a tank or support role through buffs and nerfs that actively hurt those roles, even on paper. Couple that with an attitude that "we know better than our players", a desire to appeal to the lowest common denominator, entirely automated ban system that punishes players for using chat and voice functions more than it punishes actually toxic players and hackers, and a "live-model" that could best be described as dead-on-arrival, and you have a game that should now be hitting legendary status but instead is dying a premature death while Blizzard is pumping it full of steroids and saying "Look guys! We're supporting it!"


you don't play overwatch to have fun, you just accept a few hours of pain, that's it.




The death crash is inevitable tho


Life Game New Update: New Game+ feature added. Ohhh nooooo...


Reincarnation >cat DLC installing


achievement unlocked finished game on normal difficulty hard mode unlocked automatic hard difficulty set new game.




lol Warcraft 3, StarCraft, StarCraft 2
 Every balancing patch pissed someone off.


Let me go on a quick positive rant: First of all, I fucking hate CS, I play it twice a week. But by golly when they added not only team shaded utility, but also the reticle to help aim util when you hold it down. Chefs kiss. Really helped me out as a casual player. Valorant, fucking hate that game, play it a few times a month, has some of the coolest characters ever to enter the genre for character shooters. I will never get over the ridiculously flamboyant and cocky but also expressive voice lines of Phoenix. Destiny 2 on the otherhand, absolute void driven time sink of my nightmares, it’s the only game I’ve touched in the last two weeks, just released a banger Final Shape dlc. Probably the best time to come finish out the story of the game if you’ve played it off and on like I have


>time sync time sink?


Rainbow Six Siege


Everyone tells me I’m crazy but I miss the old days of r6 so much


2016 was really fun but ultimately plagued with game breaking issues. 2018 was another peak year I believe 2020 to be siege at its absolute peak year though. Has not reached its peak since, only been in a decline with some bump ups now and then.


Would agree. Played consistently around 2017/18-2021. The handful of times I’ve hopped back on since then the game has been ass. It feels slow slow, clunky, and unresponsive, everything is bright and anything fun is taken out for e-sports


I miss the old looks it looks like a kids cartoon now


Black ice was the peak update it was all downhill after that, it went from VAGUELY realistic tactical minded shooter to basically overwatch today


The old school slow tactical moves, scanning areas and having to actually fucking think was phenomenal. Now its a hardcore COD


It’s crazy how they can’t even revert back or do a classic mode. When they did their stupid OG playlist it still had current patch with release operators only and you could physically see the game was nowhere how it used to be. I miss when it meant something to not have Jager or no Bandit, oh grab castle maybe hoping attackers didn’t have sledge so had to choose nades or hard breach like players that started later I feel bad for, because OG siege actually was insanely innovative for the competitive shooter genre. It made you pick and choose the match plan before it even started. Now everyone can breach and have a gadget that can cancel out some ability. It’s so lame.


Just the generic rainbow six series. Everything from Rainbow Six to Rogue Spear was gaming gold.


yeah. now theyre plugging monthly subscriptions for low quality skins, anti-cheat might as well not even be mentioned, the gameplay is buggy as hell, audio cues are broken, etc etc etc


Call of Duty. I don’t play it too often anymore, but I still occasionally get on. Seems like every update or season adds a new problem and it’s baffling.


CoD 2019 was so good at launch. But by the end you had guns that turned people into minecraft blocks. Weapons skins with anime bimbos on it. Complete 180 from the initial tone set at launch.


Yeah that’s one of my biggest issues with cod, they just completely ruined the theme with all of this random shit


Not just theme. They launch the game with half the features and game modes not working. Which makes sense for some games, but not when you break then release the exact same game every year.


If the earnable weapon blueprints are anything to go by the customization was actually really well done if they were all like that. The Desert Eagle's Royal Decree blueprint looks incredible, (It's a shame it's the rarest Deagle blueprint in the game,) and I'm willing to grind through the painful challenges required just to get the Dragunov's Plague Sore skin. We went from an elegant elephant gun-inspired skin with wooden engraving and gold enlaid scrollwork and a hard-edged modernized Dragunov with black polymer and molded grips to a gun made of flesh that shoots teeth alongside the likes of a CZ-9 Skorpion EVO with a built-in Arcade machine. I mean, some of the newer blueprints are cool in concept, it just feels like a dumping ground for dumb ideas now. A knock-off Fortnite, basically.


Sadly i get hyped easily so Black Ops 6 grabbed me again after not really caring about COD since MW 2019


War thunder




Haha this made me laugh


honestly surprised this comment isn't higher up


I hate that I know this and embrace it. It’s an abusive relationship.


Can you explain how it got worse, at least the last update or two?


This right here. I'm so glad I'm free from it currently. But I know it will drag me back in.


Every destiny 2 player


I been told the newest DLC is really good


Go check metacritic's top games of the year so far: TFS is tied for first.


They always say that. Than a month later they admit its shit once the cope ends


Lol I don't think anyone said that about Lightfall. But as someone who has dropped destiny multiple times, this new expansion is the best! Took them a while but they finally did good


Nah it’s actually amazing. Came back after 2+ years for it


I would agree with you, however Final Shape is actually fun. Bungie cooked and it’s delicious.


As much as I hate to admit it... Team Fortress 2.


Dude there hasn’t been a update in like 6 years 💀 Technically 1 due to last year


What about the seasonal cases and the occasional bug fixes? Major updates aren't the only updates that happen, you know.


I don't know many 20 year old games that still get major updates honestly. That's coming from an ex 6s comp player too.


mostly true but the 32+ player server update was the content update no one knew they wanted


Only issue I have with it is how laggy and unresponsive those servers became


Reminds me of my pal that’s playing MultiVersus.


New updates are backtracking on the shitty ones luckily.


Instead of new content, we get new crashes 😭


Holy shit the relaunch of MVS was so disappointing. I had so much time in the beta and couldn’t stomach full release for more than 3 hours


League of legends


I had to scroll waayy too far to find this


Okay I've never played this before what the fuck is it please explain like I'm 5 what's the premise of the game


There are 2 teams of 5 players. Each team has a base, on a map with 3 lanes. The objective of the game is to destroy the enemy base. The only way to damage the base is by destroying the defending turrets. There are 2 defending the nexus or fountain within the base (main objective) then there are 3 turrets in each lane. The lane turrets have to be destroyed in order. Outer, middle inner turret. But the lane doesn’t matter. If all turrets in one lane are destroyed you can destroy the 2 base turrets and take the base. Games are usually 30-50 minutes. You can win the lane against your opponent and still lose the game. You can have 4 good players and have one guy on your team be so bad it cost you the game. You can also be against a team that has one good or really ahead player, that destroys your whole team. Every couple of patches they rebalance champions and add new ones. Every season they rebalance items, runes and masteries. So basically even if you know your match ups if you don’t play the game religiously like it’s your job you fall behind on the best strategies. Not to mention some champions become obsolete if they do not have some evasive jump to get away from gap closing chasers/ assassin’s.


War thunder


War thunder


Apex Legends


I played apex to death with my friends for over a year, like every day we would hop on and play it. Now the state of the game is just depressing


Me too, I played the fuck out of it during lockdown and it sucks how much it went downhill


As someone with over 8k hours


1000%, played it since launch up to like S13-14 and finally got tired of all the bullshit. I saw the writing on the wall for the future of the game with the iron crown event and the dev responses to that but held out hoping they'd actually keep the spirit of the game alive and not milk it for everything it's worth. They obv didn't do that and kept trucking along targeting whales. I doubt it's gotten better since.


Only players left are hyper-sweats, it just isn’t fun to be cannon fodder to masters and preds


Apex was fantastic for the first two seasons and slowly started getting worse and worse.


Rocket League


Community just couldn't cope with new maps đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


The EPIC takeover and F2P update really made the game a sweat fest and getting banned for an hour right off the bat for any casual match disconnections (intentional, accidental, players end, servers end, etc....) makes it really easy to just lose interest in playing a game with 5 minute matches.


i had to scroll far to find this. miss the days before epic. so pure.


Former avid RL player here. Quit pretty much altogether a couple years ago and I'm sad for the game. It hurts. I was also looking for this comment. I miss the old days of Neatmike and F2. Simpler times, man.




Nah, patches last couple of years have improved the game. Consensus is that it's in a good state and no one is dreading the next update. But go back far enough and opinions might change. It's been 20 years. There are the other versions of wow, the sod community has been alot less possitive on the last few patches, atleast on the classicwow subreddit.


According to people who play them modded, every Bethesda game


I've played every Bethesda game unmodded and modded, and I've never looked at their games this way. I must be special


Strangely I’ve never encountered a mod problem with the TES series, it’s always my own doing that breaks the game lol




Yes! But somehow I’ve been playing for over 5 years and still can’t quit lol




Minecraft was revolutionary. Then they literally became a game for kids, and i felt mentally disabled watching videos.


Minecraft was always a game for kids. It dropped in popularity one and was 'uncool' to play for kids. Apart from that, the majority of the playerbase were always kids. The youtube content has suffered from cringy clickbait, but the hermitcraft folks make good content, and others like Ph1lza and Technoblade are great to watch.


It was always a game for kids. Most of us played it as kids. I mean, you’re right, Minecraft isn’t revolutionary now, but nothing has stayed revolutionary for over a decade. You’re describing Minecraft gaming culture, not the game itself


Minecraft died once it was bought out by Microsoft


The game was always for kids, the only issue being the kids they seem to be targetting nowadays are toddlers. If you look at any of the recent presentations videos or updates, it looks like an episode of play school.


It was always a game for kids. I played pre release, and I'm SOOO STOKED that I can share it with my kid now. It's really cool for kids getting into computer science and engineering. Redstone engineering, server management, all that jazz.




Gawd damn Helldivers!! I feel like every update they screw us on something. I will, however, give to AH that they are trying to do better at balancing it and are definitely going in the right direction.


It's not a game. it's my life right now. :(


Ppl playing WoW


War Thunder




Fallout 3 was supposed to take place 50 years after the war


When was fallout 3 last updated?


Probably 50 years after the war.




Red Dead 2 hasn’t gotten an update in 4 years dude


Yeah I just meant finishing the campaign I was late to the party 😆 yktv...


Everything, at this point, life and every game, still worth caring about


War robots




According to the subreddit. Helldivers


Games basically in the same state it was at launch (once they fixed the servers) in terms of bugs, but you have more content, worse pc performance, better enemy spawns, and way way more guns and strategems are runnable. Yes the game is still buggy, yes some outlier weapons got nerfed, yes it runs like poo ass on pc now (really sad I run it half the frames at half the settings now compared to launch), but overall it’s the same quality game, but with more (and better) stuff for you to shoot, shoot at, and shoot for. People really managed to get nostalgia goggles for something three months ago looool


The latest minecraft update on xbox made it literally impossible to play because the game won't recognize button presses on my controllers anymore, specifically the triggers.


crossout lets add this competitive game mode, in a game not made for competition where your enemies just pull out their wallet.




Sea of thieves. It keeps adding more stuff to encourage pvp and I just want to sail with my buddies in peace


This may be a super hot take: but minecraft


The United States Economy




War robots, but thankfully I quit


I played that game to death at launch. I quit a month after the Spectre or whatever it was dropped. I checked back in, the game is now pay to play. Before it took skill and tactics, now you pay a few hundred to a few thousand usd to not get wiped. So disappointed in them.


Man I used to play the shit out of that game in 2017...still can't believe what they did to the game TwT


Dying light 2 :(


Counter strike 2




F1 Games (All)


overwatch 2


Gta Online


I actively antagonize modders at this point




This would have been either Civilization (going waaaaaay back to Civ 1) or Age of Empires for me. Edit: I misunderstood what the question was. I thought this was asking what game you played till the wee hours of the morning. I didn't read the thing at the bottom. My bad.




Destiny 2 or any new COD game


Helldivers 2 has a solid track record of breaking shit every time the devs touch the game, but it's too early for me to throw in the towel. I loved Helldivers 1 and I'm hoping one day the sequel will get its shit fully together and recapture the magic of 1. Only time will tell.


Ever since the PlayStation thing, matchmaking has been awful. Either everyone wants to shoot everyone or no one knows wtf is going on...I gave up and left the game. It was truly very fun, just hate that my progress hinges on co-op and they're duds 9/10 times.


Helldivers 2


but its getting better?


Foxhole. Game was better before facilities. Simpler times, simpler game, less alt shenanigans...




Minecraft. Simple is better


Minecraft after 2015


Minecraft, I still play on 1.8.9 to cope


Marvel Future Fight and Brawlhalla


Rec room: find out yourself I'm not wasting 10 minutes explaining myself




minecraft after legacy console was removed


Hate to say it... Helldivers 2


Ark Survival Evolved


Helldivers 2, which isn't that bad, but I stand by the fact that the core game has degraded with each update. Sure there's been good things done with some updates (most recently the current patch), but there is always something that they seem to fuck up (spawn rates, crashing while using a specific gun, etc) or change for the worse (though seems like they've stopped this finally).


Rainbow 6


R6 siege. Dude, y'all fucked so many characters that were perfectly balanced.


Modern Warfare 3,holy shit guys they listened to 10 year olds


Not guilty gear, that game just keeps on getting better Unlike fortnight, it really needs to stop getting game changing updates every month




Helldivers 2 [PC] Every single major update breaks the game for the majority of PC users. The Devs won't respond to any support tickets and the Steam support board currently has 12K+ requests for help. The HD2 community (probably mostly console) sing the Devs praises and they go on about how wholesome the community is. Sadly every time there are any PC issues the community loses its wholesomeness and becomes toxic. If the Devs spent less time on Discord and more time actually helping the PC community, then it would be a 10/10 game. The Devs get 0/10 since a month or so after release.


I totally don't see what you are talking about. Me and my whole bubble are PC Users and we don't see or have any Problems.




Ark or destiny 2






For a while, this was Helldivers 2. Every new patch seemed like it nerfed more and more weapons and one of them made enemy spawns while playing solo the same as spawns when playing with a full squad.


Helldivers 2


“say the line bart!” \*sigh\* “league of legends” \*class erupts in joy\*


Ark survival.




Helldivers, overwatch


Helldiver's 2


FFXIV, but for expansions.