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Death Stranding, Brothers, The Last of Us, Yakuza Like a Dragon


Gaiden and Infinite Wealth had me crying like crazy nonstop.


LAD punched me in my tearbox at the end. Is infinite wealth going to take me to another level?


Brothers 🥲


How Yakuza LAD and not Gaiden? I personally didn't really care about LAD's plot, but Gaiden's is incredible. I held tears back during the ending


The end of LAD. No spoilers. just that whole thing. A lot of that story was so sad and it hit me so so hard, it's my favorite story in video games. i was crying the whole time. I didn't play gaiden, not really interested in those




Been meaning to replay this since its had a bunch of updates since tbh


That one was damn hard. Beautiful game!


Hell. Yes. So many, many, many times.


Only game that made me cry. And I cried for almost every single spirit


Omori. Not for the faint of heart, but the world and characters it introduces to you feel so vivid.


This wrecked me in more ways than simply "crying because sad moment"


Agreed here! I couldn't stop thinking about the game for like a week after beating it. It's happy, sad, disturbing all in one.


Ugly crying with this one. I still get goosebumps from hearing the last few songs in the ost


I didn't get upset at all...until you get to the part where you wake up in the other world and everyone is gone and you play on the playground by yourself while Spaces In-between plays. I legit had to pause the game and cry because it apparently hit some sore spots I wasn't even aware of.


To the Moon + sequels Telltale's the Walking Dead Ori and the Blind Forest + will of the Wisps That Dragon Cancer games by Josef Fares (brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, A Way Out, It Takes Two)


Ori had me crying literally in the first 5 minutes. It didn't help that I played it only a month after my parents died, but damn I didn't expect to bond to unvoiced animated fantasy animals so quickly and heavily.


I’m sorry for your loss man


>To the Moon + sequels 100%! Also, the final song of To the Moon. It's exceptional.


Songs and mood are way better than the gameplay. But I must agree, they are very sad indeed


To the moon destroyed me, what a masterpiece.


I played Telltale's TWD S1 when I was in high school. I sobbed when I finished it. Like, full-blown from-the-gut *sobbing* all through the final scenes and into the credits. I've played a lot of games since then (well over 10 years later), many of them very emotional. I have *never* cried like that because of any piece of media again.


If you haven't, play the other seasons as well. The first one made me cry, the ending of the final season had me ugly crying for far longer than I'd care to admit.


Lol I just posted this. No shame. I'm a grown ass adult former United States Marine and I balled my eyes out in the shower to that ending.


Came here to say To the Moon


I refuse to play That Dragon Cancer until I'm more emotionally stable. I read the true events the game is based on and cried when I found out the child didn't survive. If just reading a Wikipedia article had me crying then I'm not sure I can handle the game itself. Haha.


That's completely fair. It had me bawling as a 16 year old, I shudder at the thought of how I would manage now. Especially after watching "if anything happens, I love you" Which is another thing i would not watch if you're not Emotionally stable right now


I was more annoyed than anything at the story Ori and the Blind Forest even though the story started out strong >!Like.. that fucking tree just kills all the baby owls and then the momma owl seeks revenge because thats what everyone would want to do when their children are killed. For some reason the owl is the bad gal and she even SACRIFICE HERSELF FOR US???? WHAT THE FUCK??!<


A Plague Tale, play both of them


This. Especially the sequel! Also, TLOU, both.


Dude, I needed a hug after the first one. Haven’t dared play the second yet.


I know what you mean. That first game hit hard. I can't say the second will let you off any easier, but it really is great when you feel up for it.


Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice


Everyone is going to have slightly different reactions to this game, I didn't cry myself, but it certainly caused me to reflect on things I've dealt with in the past with my family which was pretty depressing.


Vnv Nation’s song Gratitude helped me through a ton of rough patches. Illusion was the start of that.


The last of us


Both parts made me sob at the end, istg, NaughtyDog knows how to tug HARD on the heartstrings.


1st one had me blubbing in the first 10 minutes.


Part 2


After playing part 1


Nobody has thrown What Remains of Edith Finch out there yet? Easily the most moving - and in the subsequent years since playing, haunting - game I've ever played.


I fucking broke down playing Lewis's story Ive done my share of working on the line, i know exactly how he feels, as do so many around the world. The invisible death, silently suffering in the background of the world.... To have a game express that sorrow and make it public, the devs have my gratitude


Lewis and Gregory both broke me. For Gregory, not just the fact he was so young but the contrast between the cheerful music and bright visuals with the knowledge of what’s actually happening… I had to take a time out after that one.


Lewis’ story is haunting and all too familiar if you have a boring menial job irl. I put the controller down during the tub scene. I didn’t expect that. Hated it. I related too well to it.


What Remains of Edith Finch is the game I always recommend, and in this case is the correct game if you want to cry


The ending was a gut punch. I don't think I will ever replay this game. Not because it was too heavy, but because it still feels like I only played it yesterday.


Was going to mention this one. Nostalgia and memories always get me and this game was filled with it.


Nier Automata and Signalis


Nier was the first time I teared up because of the *credits*


Beat me to this comment


Replicant made me hurt inside with “Beepy”. So many sad moments in Replicant. :c


To The Moon and its sequels


outer wilds. especially the soundtrack


You'll probably only really get those feelings once you beat the game, but I totally agree. There's an area or two that you discover that can invoke some hard feels as well. But I always stand by that no other game has come close to sticking with me emotionally like Outer Wilds has. It won't land for everybody, but when it hits, it hits.


Yep. It’s the only game that’s ever made me cry when I finished it. I still get all teary-eyed when I hear those loud, punctuating notes from the game’s theme in “Let There Be Light”.


Before Your Eyes - every time you blink, time passes. $10 and about 2 hours long


Really hard to not blink while crying 😭


This thread feels like a lot of spoilers.


The Drakengard series including the NieR side games


Final Fantasy X


Silent Hill 2. The ending.


I mean... Yea, but it's also a terrifying, kinda horrific and grotesque game. It's a game where sometimes the atmosphere and the music feel like the game is cursed and you shouldn't even be playing it. I don't think it's for just anyone looking for an emotional game. You gotta come for the psychological horror, and stay for the emotional ending. (or I'm just a wuss coz the otherworld and it's music scared the shit out of me and makes me feel a bit sick sometimes)


I love that description of the game’s atmosphere.


Thanks. It's why I hold Silent Hill 1 2 and 3 as the absolute best in horror. Because I struggle so hard to play them. They creep inside my skin and I find it genuinely hard to continue.. Ive never had that with an action-focused horror game. ..oh And I thought layers of fear was a fucking stupid carnival ride of cheesy, predicable jumpscares. But maybe that's just me.


Mary’s letter makes me bawl every time


13 Sentinels Chrono Ark To note, Yoko Taro liked Detroit Become Human, and also liked 13 Sentinels and told people to buy it to support Vanillaware. I just finished it today, myself. Amazing experience with some insane moments during combat sections.




i played this for the first time a couple weeks ago and it made me ugly cry


Especially if you know what the lyrics mean


She was lovin', touchin', squeezin' ... another?


[One of my fav translation videos](https://youtu.be/m1Eevyqh3Vk?si=NABS9uYr7-3dNQ_-) >!It's a series of famous epitaths I suppose. Aeneid, Illiad, one of Basho's haiku's, Beowulf, and Joan of Arc's famous words before being executed give the song it's name: I was born for this.!<


Inlove Journey but how is it making people cry? It barely has characters or story, kinda abstract game


SPOILERS Really? After you "die"? And after you realise you anonymously went through a gorgeous experience with someone else? And the last, blissful, experience - flying up and onwards? Weird question, dude/dudette...


you get it. that's the exact moment that made me cry


deep rock galactic , those little rock and stone lovers always make me emotional


Rock and stone brother... You'll never be alone =')


Lmao Deep Rock players are all so single-minded. Rock and Stone, Brothers!


Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons and Spiritfarer


To the moon. Cried for like 6 hours straight.


Gris is a beautiful, 4-hour experience I'll never forget


NieR Replicant and Automata


This, man I have NEVER cried for a game. But p*****’s village… easily the most tragic thing I ever experienced in a game.


I’m shocked no one has said the Yakuza series. Every game had at least one “bawl your eyes out” moment for me.


Going in the main thing I knew was the Nugget scene, so now that I'm playing 0 I have to say: wasn't expecting all this emotion.


Yeah I started playing it because when 0 released everyone praised the variety minigames. Now I’m 9 games in and completely emotionally invested in all the characters.


I came here for funny chicken, I did not sign on for this but lord I am here for it


Journey, Rime, Stray


Days gone


Undertale, Shadow of the Colossus, Bioshock Infinite


Undertale is absolutely not the kind of game I'm usually into. But it was S tier for sure. Clever writing, great music, genuinely funny and it had some surprisingly heartfelt moments


>Shadow of the Colossus Since this got mentioned, The Last Guardian is also heartbreaking


Undertale made me who I am today, it taught me how to forgive and love again, even through the pain. The game really is that good. *Despite everything, it's still you.*


Shadow of the Colossus, the last guardian.




If you don't cry at the end of Final Fantasy 15 you have no soul. That shit is absolutely heartbreaking and beautiful.


Stand by me...


FF15 lost me about 2/3rds of the way in. It felt like they started trying to pluck my heartstrings without first setting up why I should care. >!Like the part when Lunafreya dies for instance. I get why Noctis would find that troubling, but for me the player, they hadn't spent any time developing her character at that point so I didn't feel anything. Why should I care?!<


It's really about the bros. She definitely didn't get as much growth time as she deserved so I can see how you'd feel that way about her. But if you travel around with the boys and see everything they go through to make it to the end, it's something powerful.


Yeah, the boys are amazing. I should really pick that one back up. I loved how unabashedly all about the boys this game is. You don't see that as much anymore. When I was a kid you'd get those kind of stories all the time. Things like Stand by Me (the movie). I miss them.


This War Of Mine + all DLC. Just try not to delete the game after 1 story like me.


I am really surprised to have to scroll so long to find this. And then it's the only comment that mentions it.


Same here. The first two days may get you thinking "wow, this is gonna be cool but a bit rough"... >!...and you're going to end up devastated.


I was looking for this comment. It took a bit, but here we are. I really appreciated the input of those who have actually survived post-war fallouts it was a harsh unforgiving reality. Sickness, harsh environments, starvation, other hostile survivors, finding entertainment, and to top it all off, there are children you have to look after in the DLCs. All the more to make this not a game, but a simulation of how far you will fall to survive for the basic needs. Breaking into peoples homes to find supplies. Possibly ending another survivors life to save your own. Mental breakdowns, psyche adjustments after dealing with a death(s).. it's a severely depressing game. And it tolls on you as a person to make those hard decisions. Do you k*ll to feed those you love? Or try and scavenge enough so you don't have to lose your virtue through it all. Time will tell how desperate you will become to make a life changing decision. It messed me up first play through, it wasn't the graphics, but the lore behind the normal characters you play. You give them the personalities. They're all you, every stage of it. And yeah, I fell pretty far to survive, and it showed me how desperate I can get when you have mouths to feed. Especially children.


Without a doubt The Last of Us, the plot and characters are as emotionally gripping as a movie. Beautiful story, try not to spoil the story for yourself if you want the true experience


I cried at the good ending of Metro Exodus.


I got too attached to the characters in Assassins Creed IV Black Flag, so naturally when that one scene comes up I feel like shit after cause the whole scene was just perfect


Cyberpunk 2077 it a touching story about if you only have a few weeks left in life do you fight to stay alive or to go peacefully


Crisis Core. My roomie watched me.play it, and they played the og years ago. We both cried at the end. Like fucking babies. Journey can do this for me, especially after I look.up the translation of the ending song


Final fantasy 7


Not the remake, or the rebirth. The OG FF7. Worth playing to say you were apart of the crying. Amen brother :)


Def play Rebirth though. OG fans will prob cry more, but story is so emotional even new fans will cry at some parts


Lost odyssey. Those memory stories are faucet handles.


true story, first time I cried in front of my girlfriend (now wife) was when I played To the Moon. She was watching TV, I was playing it on my laptop on the sofa next to her, and she heard me sniffle and say "oh... so THAT's why he wanted to go to the moon" in tears. ​ ​ So... you know... that game might work. ​ Also I haven't played That Dragon Cancer because just thinking about it makes me tear up. It's a game I followed eagerly on social media for a while, it was supposed to be the journey of a family with a kid in chemotherapy, a way for the dad to cope, and tell the story. But the kid sadly passed during development, so it became about mourning and living with that loss... I still remember when they announced this and... well, I'm tearing up again damnit.


This war of mine that game wrecked me


* Life is strange * Telltale The walking dead series (avoid season 3) * Telltale game of thrones (better than the show) * The amazing adventures of captain spirit * Under the waves * Soma * Limbo * A plague tale innocence * Valiant hearts * Kentucky route zero * Dreamfall trilogy (adventure games, you can avoid the 1st one if it feels dated) * Dear esther * Gone home


Dear Esther felt like magic. I thought I was bored while playing. But as I reached the end I was crying. And it was a cathartic cry. It's crazy they did that with just narration, landscape, sound design, and the experience of walking. Just be careful not to get spoiled before playing


Soma gave me an existential tummy ache


Seconding Dear Esther. That one had a couple of really poignant standout moments. It was more an artistic experience than a game.


Life is Strange


It’s a bit avante for what you’re asking for, but Shadow of the Colossus. It’s not the dialogue of the story, but the journey and subtle plot that meld to be cerebral and engaging.


spiritfarer, child of light, nier automata, tales of berseria, haven, atelier lydie&suelle, crystar, utawarerumono trilogy, transistor, and dragon star varnir (go figure ch/if managing that) all managed for me


I had a couple of little cries in Mass Effect 3...not the ending of course.


Cyberpunk 2077 (certain endings) and Disco Elysium


What in RDR2 made you cry?


The "I'm scared" scene at the train station made a lot of people cry.


Nier automata


Cyberpunk 2077


Cyberpunk is up there Don't remember where exactly but I definitely got hella emotional during something


Outside of what everybody recommended, there was also one other game that made me cry like waterfall. Multiple times. The game is called Genshin Impact. You can play it 100% solo, and you wont see other players if you dont want to. The reason why it made me cry is because they have stories that are relatable at many levels. And with cast of characters as huge as Genshin has, i can guarantee that you'll find some that will make you cry too. That being said the game is not all sad and gloom, there is also plenty of good, funny moments. And thats probably why the bad moments hurts so much :P. Without spoiling anything of importance, you can check "Lantern Rite 2024 Genshin Impact". Its a time-limited event that happened during our (real life) Lunar New Year. I think its a good way to see if you're gonna like the game (story-wise), because this event was centered around new character at that time, so even old players didnt knew anything about him. Yet many did cried doing this event quest. And like i mentioned - it was time limited, so if you do decide to play the game later, you wont spoil yourself anything.


Brothers got me pretty good, sure the controls take a little bit to adjust to but the story got me pretty good.


Firewatch - The start and the overall theme and vibe of the game.


Pretty much all the Yakuza games. Genuinely almost all of them are fantastic, engaging, and wonderful with some added chaos and rather insane hijinks going on, and it's all VERY well written. If you have game-pass, most of them are available on it. That's at least 5-8 games, each of which are roughly 25-40 hours long. I cannot recommend them enough.


To the Moon. I have cried during plenty of games but not like that.


Doki Doki Literature Club. The trigger warnings are there for a reason, play at your own risk


To the moon


To the Moon. It's like a 4 hour experience but I ugly cried at the end.




Outer Wilds.


Death Stranding


Final Fantasy 7:Crisis Core


Super Mario Galaxy


The house of Fata Morgana


Hollow Knight (ending 1&2) got me crying when I thought too much about it OneShot ending made me cry too Life is Strange 1 ending (you probably know the one) made me depressed for several days


NieR Automata and Replicant


To the Moon


Tales of Symphonia


Halo Reach


Dear Esther


RDR2. Not the whole game. But you will definitely be in your feels in the final chapters. Not many games build a world and characters as well as that game did.


Valiant hearts.








Before Your Eyes.


Mario galaxy


Episode 3 broke me


Persona 3 (Reload). Many, many games have made me cry, but Persona 3’s ending had me BAWLING. It’s an amazing game.


Last of us


Infamous: second son, a way out


The only game that has ever made.me.cry is Final Fantasy 9


If you like quirky earthbound inspired rpgs, Omori absolutely ANNIHILATED me. Had me sobbing by the end.




Ngl I was close to crying on the cod advanced warfare campaign




Detroit: Become Human


Red Dead Redemption 2!


Gears of war 3, Doms death


Ninja gaiden


Library of Ruina


Xenoblade Chronicles 3


That game made me ugly, ugly cry. I think I was in danger of ruining my switch controller with all the tears and snot!


Nier replicant and automata are devastating


Valiant Hearts: The Great War


Dark souls (only read the title)


What Remains Of Edith Finch made me cry like a baby at two different parts, and that’s very rare for me. It’s a stunning game and you can beat it in less than 4 hours, I highly recommend


Cyberpunk 2077 fits the bill pretty well here.


Call of duty: advanced warfare, yes really. Best campaign out of all of the CODs. If you like an fps with solid acting, this is for you. I can't believe I cried to a cod game lol. Also a plus if you like space stuff, I nerded out so hard just looking at things.


telltale the walking dead


A Rose in the Twilight.


Life is strange 1 and right after the prequel "Before the storm". Mostly the bonus of Before the storm will kill you. To the moon and if you like the style, do the sequels too; finding paradise and impostor factory. Before your eyes - amazing concept, needs a webcam to fully enjoy it. Everytime you blink IRL, the game moves forward. There are times you just don't want to blink and try as hard as possible to keep the eyes open. It's a short and amazing game. Spiritfarer, if you don't dislike grinding, the story is absolutely beautiful. Last day of june - really simple gameplay beautiful story. Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna) - Beautiful story and interesting. There are videos in a documentary form that you unlock while playing, that tell about an Eskimo tribe.


Road 96 has some emotional moments


>A single player game with a world and characters that are easy to get immersed in. Final Fantasy XIV. Yes, it's an MMO, *but* it very easily checks all of these boxes. It is very much a single player game for most of your playtime, and the story is infamous for making you cry. Highly recommend.


Before Your Eyes


The Walking Dead.


Detroit become human. There's an ending that my wife got that totally broke her, she was just wandering around the house sobbing randomly for a few days.


The last of us part 1/2


Final Fantasy 7 the original.. have not got to 'the sad part' in Rebirth yet but very emotional so far. Just the music gets to me let alone anything else.


Red Dead Redemption 2


I would say Outer Wilds but there aren’t a lot of characters. It’s more about learning what happened in the past. Probably the last of us.


I Was a Teenage Exocolonist. Great coming of age game and deserves more publicity


Red dead redemption 2


Valiant Hearts. Just emotionally impactful across the entire board. The ending left me in a depression for a week. All from a 2D puzzle-platformer designed to teach kids about WW1.


Telltales the walking dead season 1.


The last of us


death stranding.


Persona 3, The walking dead telltale series, red dead redemption 2, omori and that dragon cancer. That dragon cancer imo was the saddest video game I have ever played.


Not a computer game, no story or plot and not much in the way of emotional content, but playing [pinfinger](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knife_game) makes me cry every time.