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Personally, I'm not the best GP player and play with grasp mostly Solar picks it sometimes when facing tops that can stop him from proc first strike or in tough matchups Efficient usage of first strike provides you with earlier powerspikes, you can get your items few minutes earlier than with grasp which can be crucial for high level of play, help snowballing etc, because GP isn't "late game monster", more like he achieves lategame earlier than most other champions in the game and first strike helps him be ahead Grasp makes Laning phase harder to lose and more forgiving on all stages of the game take it all with a pinch of salt because this is the first season I decided to try ranked somewhat hard, despite having almost 600k mastery


> Grasp makes Laning phase harder to lose and more forgiving on all stages of the game yep exactly this


This is why I play grasp garen or grasp malphite or grasp Mundo when I get auto filled top. Its just easier to use.


it's really good into matchups where you get to auto the farm to charge the Grasp proc


I feel way more consistant and efficient with Grasp. If i have a farming lane i go on First Strike.


The added constant dmg, sustain and defensiv from grasp and the resolve tree are great. And considering it gives you hp and allowes you to take risks or fights you otherwise couldnt its also more uptime in lane with more cs. Both have their pros, but grasp hardly has any cons. If you play gp perfekt First strike is better in some scenarios, but If you are only good grasp is superior


There are absolutely cons > missing gold for power spikes both through First Strike and futures market. You’re basically trading dmg stats for hp/tank stats


You are right, what i meant was: you have to wager if its fine getting extra gold from runes and maybe loosing gold from minions cauee you get bullied. Its a fine line and only experience and practise helps. Grasp is the better option If you cant play optimal


Grasp was the “go-to” on GP for a long time. I believe it stopped getting picked because they changed the proc on gps q from a melee proc to a ranger one, which is a pretty big nerf


When did this happen




Mana nerfs effected grasp because you cant procc it as much as you want to. Also many players start longsword refillable to achieve powerspike earier. Also first strike gives you faster spikes and much more dmg late game, cause grasp late game is almost obsolete compated to first strike(which can give you +800 dmg combo if you land it on multiple ppl) You take grasp into poke matchups, and matchups where youre forced to go tank like trynd and jayce


Every time i take grasp i getting hardly punished for poke with q by some riven or irelia or other shit in toplane... And getting camped just for picking grasp


Useful advice keep it up


your average GP player is actually just a GP abuser that grabs the runes from opgg, instead of being an actual GP player that knows when to take Grasp and when to take FS


Graspplank is the ol reliable