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Early game would either be untouched or sightly buffed, and late game would be sightly nerfed. I don't think it'll be too big of a difference. Worst case is that we just end up buying the highest lethality legendary item instead. It might even still be Prowlers since they're making it a legendary. Honestly the biggest thing I'm sad about is losing the lethality mythic movement speed.


Honestly, it's probably a buff. The amount of games where I don't even finish a mythic is pretty high. Since you're doing ER->Navori for mandatory core, you're then building LDR/MR or your mythic here, whether that's galeforce or prowlers. With the change from legendary to a mythic, I would expect a bigger stat bonus. But until we get full changes, that's about the best we can guess.


Did they show what is gonna change with prowlers other than the dash being gone? If that’s it, it’ll probably still be the go to pick for a lethality item. Or we might just swap to full crit.


Wow! This is gonna change the whole game, not only GP. Is it confirmed? For build i don't know cause I am a top Gp bruiser enjoyer, i would think Trinity+shojin and then 1/2 crit items if needed


Dont forget they are also adding statikk shivv back but i think different


What do these acronyms mean?


Tbh I'm glad we're not gonna be forced into prowlers. Sad part is that i can't go for commando plank anymore since nq is now mythic and duskblade is remaining as a mythic. Hopefully statikk will have good stats and synergy so we can slap it into our builds and have 100 crit


Will kraken give true damage to barrels?