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This is one of the matchups where trinity still works best imo, you really end up running laps around him and that extra damage from long fights goes a long way. If you are still struggling after that you can build LDR, and then navori.


Him and ornn I can't seem to figure it out I will see trinity and try ty


Try swifties for fighting sion, Ornn is a lost lane after 6 IMO unless you got ahead so just focus on farming and outscale, they work against Ornn too though as it makes his Q slow less effective. I don’t like swapping off a scaling build to fight a side lane champ that ints for plates and towers when we could just focus on pushing a wave and seeking out team fights.


I don't think you should be able to "beat" all matchups rn, but you can out scale a lot of them. Consider to play for farm and map presence(TP, Ult x Objectives) instead of kills in laning phase. I know it could sound common but it works for me. If there Is a matcup u struggle very hard with, try something new, farm is a good option.


Hmmmm nice advice But sometimes i can't have patience thats the problem


Make sure to take cutdown. Really helps when playing any take top side


I take cutdown but i dont see the difference How can u activate i may ask ? Just by aa ? Or u it can be activate with spells


I believe it amplifies ass damage to someone with more HP than you. More dmg based on how much more health they have compared to you. I take it into most champs that typically build a couple HP items.


Yes i know what it do My question is does it activate on aa alone or it can activate by spells too ? If u understands me


all damage on targets with more max HP than you is amplified. auto's, spells, items and other runes.


It activates for anyone with more than 150 HP than you. That’s when it is active. I do not have an answer on if it activates when using a physical dmg spell vs AP damage spell.


I do believe it's all damage


when i cant beat a tank ( i will test the player), otherwise i just farm the crap outta them (fs or grasp + cull) and let my ult adv work elsewhere, honestly. I usually play weakside and ask jg not to gank (but they can, if they see a window), since i can manage my wave pretty well to not get dove easily, if i do i usually take 1 or both along. For build, i still go full crit with the usually adjustments (early LDR/collector depending how i wanna play)


Some matchups are just farm matchups. You can hardly get lethal if the opponent doesnt troll. Morde is a prime example. Sion you can definetally kill if he missplays but he can still ult away if he finds himself in a sticky situation. Overall just poke him when you can, manage your barrels wisely, if he Es you immediately orange it(so he doesnt follow up with Q or ult). Play with your barrel and passive movement speed and as always, stand on a barrel and say:" i dare you to walk up" then punish him for farming


Ok thank u yes I played a lot of gp mid and now switched to top so i don't know a lot of matchups but i watched some solar and i see him sometimes dominate so i thought its winnable lane but after a lot people commenting i see now its farm lane


He dominates cause sion doesnt want to farm but isnists on a kill. Otherwise youll both have 9-10 cs per minute, farming waves and spamming 👍🏼 emoji after every wave you clear.