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Basically as expected, then. Reverting the E cooldown nerf to make up for the Navori changes. It's nice, and I'm glad, but also I wouldn't mind getting a little P movement speed back.


Lmao we just slowly asking for buffs to be able to build trinity again


Rn tf is so overturned that I found success with bruiser build over classic crit one (unless matchup is too free and I can get away with going full damage aka no blue kayn/rengar/kha in enemy team).


As nice as that'd be, Trinity GP was super OP. He was a burst, mage, duelist, with true damage who can splitpush faster than 95% of champions, with a global ult and a cleanse. GP is easier to balance around crit because he can be burst down if focused.


The times GP was OP was His release, Klepto, when he had the 20% Crit modifier and when Navori was released before he got nerfed. Nothing with Trinity, he's always built that item. And GP was NEVER a fast turret taker even with Trinity force. Building essence gives more damage and trinity a bit more survivability nothing too crazy, that's called build variety.


doesn't take turrets too fast, still fast tho. add in the good waveclear


GP 100-0 turrets in seconds mid-late game if unchecked, well time Sheens and passive resets. Only a handful of solo champs beat him (Fiora, Trundle, Yorcik, Rengar, etc.)


rengar, and he gets countered by tabis + bplating and flash, plus not being near many bushes really strong splitpushing on him, agreed


[Alas poor yorick..](https://youtube.com/watch?v=MLVRwNdcDtA&feature=share9)




I feel like he kinda wrecks turrets with passive and sheen tho


The whole LoL reddit will be shitting on us anyway XDD


So it goes lol. Some people can barely last-hit minions, of course they'll get mad when they fail to defuse the barrels 🤣


Everyone complains about the barrels though they are one of the few oneshot mechanics that offer outplay if your positioning is good.


Hmm perhaps I shouldn't walk extremely close to this convenient bit of fog of war


People already talking about how these are "giga" GP buffs even though it's just reverting a nerf.


doesn't matter, if riot knows what it's about, that's all that matters.


Same boat here!


Omfg yes, this actually opens up our build paths so much that I can’t emphasise it enough.






Now we can build more items that are better on gp and not having 2 barrels per minute or smth finally




Wow actually.


Honestly I would have prefered a Better slow on kegs and ms buff


Lets fucking gooooo


It’s a good buff but it feels so terrible after he got his items nerfed, then his kit, then items got reworked and nerfed again. And this is how they *compensate* Always baffles me how quick riot is to nerf gp when he’s anywhere near relevant for less than a full patch.


cause the salties of the player base doesnt know how it feels to wait 'forever' on missing a 'destructible' barrel and only focus on the fact they failed to shut gp down and now his barrel one shots them. incompetence at its finest, lol.




IE gang rise ?




In my opinion IE + shojin IS A LOT better than navori because you gain FULL effect of shojin (you are melee for this item) so you have like 9 seconds on barrels lategame + YOU HAVE 300 HP with 15% ms at 33% hp that can help you sometimes Gangplank can\`t use navori % cd reduction at full potential (like lucian and xayah do) so this is kinda useless passive


Shojin no crit tho. But maybe good as a 5th item, not sure it’s best in slot.


Navori + axiom has no crit but people build that ER > IE > Shojin > Collector > LDR/MR, that\`s it


There is No way shojin third is good especially if you build IE. Axiom is built when you have 80% crit. Not to mention that collector/ldr are just better items than those situational


Explain to me why it's bad to build shojin third?


Because you absolutely need to crit to do relevant damage. Even more when building IE where a lot of the gold value of the item lies in the critical strike. That’s why GP is one of the few crit chance that would value more a crit cloak over à Caufield.


You can buy crit cloak and start building shojin while having 55% crit chance But i prefer to play with 40% crit and have no problems with that Before you will have 80% crit chance - it\`s almost always 50/50 crit or not


I don’t think it’s the most optimal build but if that works for you why not !


IE is dogshit for GP


Navori is dogshit for GP


this is why solar perma lock the item and is the best gp out there thx for you high IQ, plus navo trans and cdr base stats is always good and barrels scales better with navo than IE, keep playing IE alone lol


I don\`t care about your solarbacca and what he builds If you want to build META shit and listen to EVERYTHING that solarbacca says like a blind sheep - go on, but don\`t say ANYTHING to people that have brain and trying other items and builds that can be EVEN BETTER than meta builds Solarbacca said that navori is better than IE - and all people without a second thought started building ONLY navori just because solarbacca said that If he will say that echoes of helia is best item for gp - you all will build that because you have 0 braincells and you don't have your own opinion


Where is my % ms buff??? That looks like not buff at all, they only revert dumb nerf for noobs but doesn\`t give anything useful for gp This buff for casuals that can\`t use their barrels properly and just brainlessly spam barrels for no reason so they are happy about this buff I don\`t like it at all, ALL i want is my 30% ms buff lvl 1 Gangplank NEEDS movespeed because he lost trinity force, zeal items and now he lost ms boost on passive but you all enjoy this dogshit "buff"? Gp shouldn\`t spam barrels late because this is gamechanging ability.... And he has 5 barrels! I understand that people will complain about this nerf if gangplank had only 3 barrels but come on! Downvote me as much you want, i know that i\`m right


You serious, the barrel recharge nerf has been harsh on most GP players, this revert remedies the changes to navori, this is sufficient enough.


It\`s MAYBE good buff FOR YOU but i don\`t see problem with haste when building IE + Shojin instead of navori BUT! PLAYING WITH 15% MS AGAINST SOME SHIT LIKE GWEN OR DARIUS IN LANE IS FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE so i don\`t see here buff at all For casuals - this was buff, but not for me I prefer to have 30% ms in lane FOR SURVIVING lane against some shit like darius or gwen or camille and other shit with dashes/ranged cc/pulls/slows and get my lategame




my man really said this buff is for noobs while asking something to compensate for his skill issue .


Playing against champion with dash = skill issue.......?


you not being able to deal with them without 30% MS boost is.


If you don\`t know (maybe it will be surprise for you) but gp is kite champion that needs 30% ms for kiting bruisers because if they pull him (sometimes that happen with bugged double range darius E or sett that Q run to you E stun + pull) and you need to run away, but when you hit your passive to run away from them (that\`s why he has his ms boost on passive) they just hit you with autoattacks while you run with your 15% ms boost, that\`s ok? That\`s good when your ms boost is useless? You think that this is skill issue? Or you blow up barrel when enemy walks to you and then you trying to escape, they cc you and chase you till death Or some irelia dashes on minions and then dash to you, blow up barrel, trying to escape with 15% - she AA you till death I don\`t know.... Maybe show you video for example or what? Because i think that you will still don\`t understand my train of thought


no good gp has a problem with any of this champions dude, you don't know how to position yourself thats it.


I will look at you when you will play against the same Darius who plays aggressively without stopping and does not let you get out from under the tower, if you take one wrong step to the side, he will pull you and kill you


right, make sure to learn wave management and positioning until then. also, sorry if i sounded a bit rude, english isn't my first language so it's kinda hard to tell. what i was trying to say is that you don't need that much movespeed to play these matchups, you can just bait darius E and zone everyone else with your barrels. darius is only a problem before you get Essence Reaver, so just bait his E and poke him down. don't push the wave either, try to freeze it near your tower so it's harder for him to farm.


I have to agree that all the matchups where you win Ez, like Darius Jax Renekton, were better for us when we had more ms and more slow on barrels. In fact when I had 3 instead of 5 I was playing better overall!!! and if I lost a team fight cause i didn't hit a barrel It was my bad... Now I have 5 barrels and at the end of the fight i can use 7... I preferred to be less impactful on my disgrace and if Im bad but more imoactful if I deserve It(if I played well i mean).


100% agreed You sound like a REAL gp main Maybe riot should give barrels 25% crit damage buff while leave these 18 seconds of cd on the barrels


Idk what you are smoking but GP doesn’t need anymore than this, otherwise casuals could abuse him again. This buff is fantastic, opens up his build paths and compensates for the ability haste loss.


Its quite the opposite... If he would gain ms from passive and less barrels, he would in fact be better for mains and harder for casuals.


>Its quite the opposite... If he would gain ms from passive and less barrels, he would in fact be better for mains and harder for casuals. You right! If he has low cd on barrels with navori he can actually brainlessly spam barrels and have infinite number of attempts so people again will start abusing him and saying that he is overpowered I like to trade this 18-14 cd on barrels for % ms buff for lane because i can\`t kite this disgusting tanks, bruisers and duelants in lane so one mistake and you are dead and even orange will not help you to run away from darius with ghost without 30% ms on barrels


I actually think it should scale up to 50% in late so the 345 base ms can be compensated with a higher combat ms. I want the stormrazor /stormraiders surge playstyle back.


Yeah, gangplank will kite with barrels in teamfight with that really well But i think that they should do 30% BASE ms on passive up to 50% based from your crit (instead of 0-200 damage from crit chance on passive) it will be 4% ms for every 20% crit (46% ms at 80% crit chance is huge tho) Remove 0-200 bonus damage on passive from crit and add 4-20% bonus MS from crit plus give him 30% ms on passive lvl 1 If not - bruiser gp will be broken as fuck if it will be 50% base ms


It's like you read my mind! I have a little LoL wishlist I maintain, and this is the GP section: https://i.imgur.com/RN0R2Wy.png


The thing is... With the removal from prowlers claw I dont even think the passive nerf is necessary anymore... He deals way less dmg at a certain point and so question is if the 20% ms on passive with 100% crit would do that much... Cutting around 300passive dmg, (dont forget navori amplifier) might be to hard then.


This "buff" is fantastic FOR CASUALS that can\`t use barrels properly But not for good gp mains that will like 30% ms buff We needed more that 30% ms at lvl 1 to have opportunity for playing gp against melee champions in toplane and kite them You like to play with 15% ms in lane? If you do - i don\`t know what is your problem then I prefer to exchange cd on barrels for 30% ms on lane Gp is kite champ but now with 15% ms he is unplayable against aggressive players


You’re calling people casuals when ur P4 49% wr in Russia server 💀