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Well navori still reduces CD on autos, but we'll see. It is possible we can go IE, it will be a more viable option now for sure. But let's let the patch at least deploy on live servers.


Basically does the cd on auto(1-2 autos per barrel) out weigh the flat cdr from shojin ie with the barrel buffs


Navoris will always be better. It amps your passive and ult damage too. People seem to forget that.


Waiting for a lad to do the maths but I don’t really see how IE couldn’t be better than navori. I feel like the cd on auto is extremely underwhelming on gp, only the 20% extra dmg is good but surely IE provide more dmg ?


IE increases the crit dmg multiplier by 20% (1.75 -> 2.1), which just applies to the AA/Q dmg; Navori increases the entire ability's damage by 4-20%, which includes the E bonus damage to champs, the spellblade proc, etc. However, in exchange, IE works even when you don't use abilities. I just re-tested, here's a little table of which does more damage in different scenarios: ||*ER/?*|*ER/?/Collector/LDR/SR*| |:-|:-|:-| |*AA enemy directly*|IE|IE| |*Q enemy directly*|IE on crit, Navori on non-crit|IE| |*hit enemy with E*|IE on crit, Navori on non-crit|Navori| So basically, go IE if you think you can get lucky with mid-game crits or if you don't think you'll be able to barrel well, go Navori if you want more consistency even when not critting or if you know you can land the barrels.


>IE crit dmg multiplier just applies to the AA/Q dmg Doesn't apply on E?


E will extend the increased crit damage from the incoming AA/Q, but the bonus damage (to champs) from E itself is unaffected by IE.


Thanks lad. Isn’t the crit dmg multiplier by 35% ? I guess we’ll need to do some testing on live but I’ve a feeling navori might be a 3rd or 4th item now. Collector second feels really good then maybe you need LDR and navori as an end game bonus. Pretty sure collector spike better on 2 than navori


IE adds 35% crit damage, but most champions crit for 175% damage by default. 175% -> 210% is a 20% overall increase.


thanks bossman. Considering dmg amp cap for navori is also 20% at 100% crit chance but it works on every interactions as you explained, i know understand why navori is just overall better than IE for normal gp gameplay.


No problem! I do think IE isn't bad, but I personally am definitely a Navori enjoyer.


Was pretty sure barrels were always stronger once u hit a certain threshold with crit now with the mythic passives and more ad on ie ig it probably beats navori now


I think Infinity is ok but Navori should work Better on barrels. Sad moment: I Remember when we could build Trinity Essense Reaver Infinity. Or when we could build Navori and Infinity togheter. Or when barrels actually slowed. Or when Q was not ranged.